package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym;

import java.util.Arrays;

Generic implementation of PName used for "long" names, where long means that its byte (UTF-8) representation is 13 bytes or more.
/** * Generic implementation of PName used for "long" names, where long * means that its byte (UTF-8) representation is 13 bytes or more. */
public final class NameN extends Name { private final int q1, q2, q3, q4; // first four quads private final int qlen; // total number of quads (4 + q.length) private final int[] q; NameN(String name, int hash, int q1, int q2, int q3, int q4, int[] quads, int quadLen) { super(name, hash); this.q1 = q1; this.q2 = q2; this.q3 = q3; this.q4 = q4; q = quads; qlen = quadLen; } public static NameN construct(String name, int hash, int[] q, int qlen) { /* We have specialized implementations for shorter * names, so let's not allow runt instances here */ if (qlen < 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } int q1 = q[0]; int q2 = q[1]; int q3 = q[2]; int q4 = q[3]; int rem = qlen - 4; int[] buf; if (rem > 0) { buf = Arrays.copyOfRange(q, 4, qlen); } else { buf = null; } return new NameN(name, hash, q1, q2, q3, q4, buf, qlen); } // Implies quad length == 1, never matches @Override public boolean equals(int quad) { return false; } // Implies quad length == 2, never matches @Override public boolean equals(int quad1, int quad2) { return false; } // Implies quad length == 3, never matches @Override public boolean equals(int quad1, int quad2, int quad3) { return false; } @Override public boolean equals(int[] quads, int len) { if (len != qlen) { return false; } // Will always have >= 4 quads, can unroll if (quads[0] != q1) return false; if (quads[1] != q2) return false; if (quads[2] != q3) return false; if (quads[3] != q4) return false; switch (len) { default: return _equals2(quads); case 8: if (quads[7] != q[3]) return false; case 7: if (quads[6] != q[2]) return false; case 6: if (quads[5] != q[1]) return false; case 5: if (quads[4] != q[0]) return false; case 4: } return true; } private final boolean _equals2(int[] quads) { final int end = qlen-4; for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { if (quads[i+4] != q[i]) { return false; } } return true; } }