/* Jackson JSON-processor.
 * Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi

package com.fasterxml.jackson.core;

Object that encapsulates versioning information of a component. Version information includes not just version number but also optionally group and artifact ids of the component being versioned.

Note that optional group and artifact id properties are new with Jackson 2.0: if provided, they should align with Maven artifact information.

/** * Object that encapsulates versioning information of a component. * Version information includes not just version number but also * optionally group and artifact ids of the component being versioned. *<p> * Note that optional group and artifact id properties are new with Jackson 2.0: * if provided, they should align with Maven artifact information. */
public class Version implements Comparable<Version>, java.io.Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final static Version UNKNOWN_VERSION = new Version(0, 0, 0, null, null, null); protected final int _majorVersion; protected final int _minorVersion; protected final int _patchLevel; protected final String _groupId; protected final String _artifactId;
Additional information for snapshot versions; null for non-snapshot (release) versions.
/** * Additional information for snapshot versions; null for non-snapshot * (release) versions. */
protected final String _snapshotInfo;
Deprecated:Use variant that takes group and artifact ids
/** * @deprecated Use variant that takes group and artifact ids * * @since 2.1 */
@Deprecated public Version(int major, int minor, int patchLevel, String snapshotInfo) { this(major, minor, patchLevel, snapshotInfo, null, null); } public Version(int major, int minor, int patchLevel, String snapshotInfo, String groupId, String artifactId) { _majorVersion = major; _minorVersion = minor; _patchLevel = patchLevel; _snapshotInfo = snapshotInfo; _groupId = (groupId == null) ? "" : groupId; _artifactId = (artifactId == null) ? "" : artifactId; }
Method returns canonical "not known" version, which is used as version in cases where actual version information is not known (instead of null).
/** * Method returns canonical "not known" version, which is used as version * in cases where actual version information is not known (instead of null). */
public static Version unknownVersion() { return UNKNOWN_VERSION; }
Since:2.7 to replace misspelled isUknownVersion()
/** * @since 2.7 to replace misspelled {@link #isUknownVersion()} */
public boolean isUnknownVersion() { return (this == UNKNOWN_VERSION); } public boolean isSnapshot() { return (_snapshotInfo != null && _snapshotInfo.length() > 0); }
Deprecated:Since 2.7 use correctly spelled method isUnknownVersion()
/** * @deprecated Since 2.7 use correctly spelled method {@link #isUnknownVersion()} */
@Deprecated public boolean isUknownVersion() { return isUnknownVersion(); } public int getMajorVersion() { return _majorVersion; } public int getMinorVersion() { return _minorVersion; } public int getPatchLevel() { return _patchLevel; } public String getGroupId() { return _groupId; } public String getArtifactId() { return _artifactId; } public String toFullString() { return _groupId + '/' + _artifactId + '/' + toString(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(_majorVersion).append('.'); sb.append(_minorVersion).append('.'); sb.append(_patchLevel); if (isSnapshot()) { sb.append('-').append(_snapshotInfo); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _artifactId.hashCode() ^ _groupId.hashCode() + _majorVersion - _minorVersion + _patchLevel; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (o.getClass() != getClass()) return false; Version other = (Version) o; return (other._majorVersion == _majorVersion) && (other._minorVersion == _minorVersion) && (other._patchLevel == _patchLevel) && other._artifactId.equals(_artifactId) && other._groupId.equals(_groupId) ; } @Override public int compareTo(Version other) { if (other == this) return 0; int diff = _groupId.compareTo(other._groupId); if (diff == 0) { diff = _artifactId.compareTo(other._artifactId); if (diff == 0) { diff = _majorVersion - other._majorVersion; if (diff == 0) { diff = _minorVersion - other._minorVersion; if (diff == 0) { diff = _patchLevel - other._patchLevel; } } } } return diff; } }