 * All content copyright Terracotta, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package org.terracotta.statistics.derived.latency;

import org.terracotta.statistics.Time;
import org.terracotta.statistics.derived.histogram.BarSplittingBiasedHistogram;
import org.terracotta.statistics.derived.histogram.Histogram;
import org.terracotta.statistics.observer.ChainedEventObserver;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;

import static java.lang.Math.nextDown;

Author:Mathieu Carbou
/** * @author Mathieu Carbou */
public class DefaultLatencyHistogramStatistic implements LatencyHistogramStatistic, ChainedEventObserver { private final BarSplittingBiasedHistogram histogram; private final LongSupplier timeSupplier; private final long pruningDelay; // histogram querying without any expire call private final LatencyHistogramQuery query = new LatencyHistogramQuery() { @Override public Long minimum() { return nullOrVal(histogram.getMinimum()); } @Override public Long maximum() { return nullOrVal(histogram.getMaximum()); } @Override public long count() { return histogram.size(); } @Override public Long percentile(double percent) { return nullOrVal(percent == 0.0 ? histogram.getMinimum() : nextDown(histogram.getQuantileBounds(percent)[1])); } @Override public long[] percentileBounds(double percent) { if (percent == 0.0) { double v = histogram.getMinimum(); return Double.isNaN(v) ? null : new long[]{(long) v, (long) v}; } double[] bounds = histogram.getQuantileBounds(percent); if (Double.isNaN(bounds[0]) || Double.isNaN(bounds[1])) { return null; } return new long[]{(long) bounds[0], (long) nextDown(bounds[1])}; } @Override public List<Histogram.Bucket> buckets() { return histogram.getBuckets(); } }; private long nextPruning;
Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window.

The constructed histogram is:

  • maintained over window sliding window
  • consists of bucketCount buckets
  • where b1.size() ~= b0.size * phi
If "phi" is high, the quantile bounds will be more precise for lower percentiles such as minimum. If "phi" is low, the quantile bounds will be more precise for higher percentiles such as 99%-ile, maximum.
  • phi – histogram bucket bias factor
  • bucketCount – number of buckets
  • window – sliding window size, in ns
  • timeSupplier – the supplier of time, which must be in the same unit as the time passed to the {event(long, long)} method.
/** * Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window. * <p> * The constructed histogram is: * </p> * <ul> * <li>maintained over {@code window} sliding window</li> * <li>consists of {@code bucketCount} buckets</li> * <li>where {@code b1.size() ~= b0.size * phi}</li> * </ul> * If "phi" is high, the quantile bounds will be more precise for lower percentiles such as minimum. * If "phi" is low, the quantile bounds will be more precise for higher percentiles such as 99%-ile, maximum. * * @param phi histogram bucket bias factor * @param bucketCount number of buckets * @param window sliding window size, in ns * @param timeSupplier the supplier of time, which must be in the same unit as the time passed to the {{@link #event(long, long)}} method. */
public DefaultLatencyHistogramStatistic( double phi, int bucketCount, Duration window, LongSupplier timeSupplier) { this.timeSupplier = timeSupplier; this.histogram = new BarSplittingBiasedHistogram(phi, bucketCount, window.toNanos()); this.pruningDelay = window.toNanos() / 2; } public DefaultLatencyHistogramStatistic(double phi, int bucketCount, Duration window) { this(phi, bucketCount, window, Time::time); } @Override public List<org.terracotta.statistics.derived.histogram.Histogram.Bucket> buckets() { return query(LatencyHistogramQuery::buckets); } @Override public long count() { return query(LatencyHistogramQuery::count); } @Override public Long minimum() { return query(LatencyHistogramQuery::minimum); } @Override public Long maximum() { return query(LatencyHistogramQuery::maximum); } @Override public Long percentile(double percent) { return query(h -> h.percentile(percent)); } @Override public long[] percentileBounds(double percent) { return query(h -> h.percentileBounds(percent)); } @Override public synchronized void event(long time, long latency) { histogram.event(latency, time); tryExpire(false, () -> time); } @Override public synchronized <T> T query(Function<LatencyHistogramQuery, T> fn) { tryExpire(true, timeSupplier); return fn.apply(query); } @Override public String toString() { return query(query -> "{" + "count=" + query.count() + ", minimum=" + query.minimum() + ", maximum=" + query.maximum() + ", median=" + query.median() + '}'); } // Expire the histogram if it is time to expire it, or if force is true AND it is dirty private void tryExpire(boolean force, LongSupplier time) { long now = time.getAsLong(); if (force || now >= nextPruning) { nextPruning = now + pruningDelay; histogram.expire(now); } } private static Long nullOrVal(double val) { return Double.isNaN(val) ? null : (long) val; } }