 * All content copyright Terracotta, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.terracotta.statistics.derived.histogram;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

import static java.lang.Math.nextDown;
import static java.lang.Math.nextUp;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparingDouble;
import static java.util.stream.Stream.of;

An implementation of the histogram algorithm described in: 'Fast Computation of Approximate Biased Histograms on Sliding Windows over Data Streams' [H. Mousavi & C. Zaniolo]

This class is *not thread-safe*, safe consumption in a multi-threaded environment will require some form of external locking.

See Also:
/** * An implementation of the histogram algorithm described in: * 'Fast Computation of Approximate Biased Histograms on Sliding Windows over Data Streams' [H. Mousavi &amp; C. Zaniolo] * <p> * This class is *not thread-safe*, safe consumption in a multi-threaded environment will require some form of * external locking. * </p> * * @see <a href="http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi="> * Fast Computation of Approximate Biased Histograms on Sliding Windows over Data Streams</a> */
public class BarSplittingBiasedHistogram implements Histogram { private static final double DEFAULT_MAX_COEFFICIENT = 1.7; private static final double DEFAULT_PHI = 0.7; private static final int DEFAULT_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 7; private static final double DEFAULT_EXP_HISTOGRAM_EPSILON = 0.01; private final int barCount; private final int bucketCount; private final double barEpsilon; private final long window; private final double phi; private final double alphaPhi; private final double ratio; private final List<Bar> bars; private final double[] maxSizeTable; private long size;
Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window.

The constructed histogram is:

  • maintained over window sliding window
  • consists of bucketCount buckets
  • where b1.size() ~= b0.size * phi
  • with each bucket internally composed of expansionFactor bars
  • with each bar maintaining a count accurate with a fractional error of barEpsilon
  • where bars are split when there size exceeds maxCoefficient of their target size
  • maxCoefficient – relative split threshold
  • phi – histogram bucket bias factor
  • expansionFactor – number of bars per bucket
  • bucketCount – number of buckets
  • barEpsilon – bar count relative error
  • window – sliding window size
/** * Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window. * <p> * The constructed histogram is: * </p> * <ul> * <li>maintained over {@code window} sliding window</li> * <li>consists of {@code bucketCount} buckets</li> * <li>where {@code b1.size() ~= b0.size * phi}</li> * <li>with each bucket internally composed of {@code expansionFactor} bars</li> * <li>with each bar maintaining a count accurate with a fractional error of {@code barEpsilon}</li> * <li>where bars are split when there size exceeds {@code maxCoefficient} of their target size</li> * </ul> * * @param maxCoefficient relative split threshold * @param phi histogram bucket bias factor * @param expansionFactor number of bars per bucket * @param bucketCount number of buckets * @param barEpsilon bar count relative error * @param window sliding window size */
public BarSplittingBiasedHistogram(double maxCoefficient, double phi, int expansionFactor, int bucketCount, double barEpsilon, long window) { this.bucketCount = bucketCount; this.barEpsilon = barEpsilon; this.window = window; this.barCount = bucketCount * expansionFactor; this.bars = new ArrayList<>(barCount); this.bars.add(new Bar(barEpsilon, window)); this.phi = phi; /* * Using L'Hôpital: lim_(x->1) f(x)/g(x) = lim_(x->1)(f'(x))/(g'(x)) * So: lim_(phi->1) (1-phi)/(1-phi^n) = lim_(phi->1) 1/n */ this.alphaPhi = (phi == 1.0) ? 1.0 / bucketCount : (1 - phi) / (1 - Math.pow(phi, bucketCount)); double rho = Math.pow(phi, 1.0 / expansionFactor); double alphaRho = (rho == 1.0) ? 1.0 / barCount : (1 - rho) / (1 - Math.pow(rho, barCount)); this.ratio = (rho / (1.0 + rho)); this.maxSizeTable = new double[barCount]; for (int i = 0; i < barCount; i++) { this.maxSizeTable[i] = maxCoefficient * alphaRho * Math.pow(rho, i); } }
Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window.

The constructed histogram is:

  • maintained over window sliding window
  • consists of bucketCount buckets
  • where b1.size() ~= b0.size * 0.7
  • bucketCount – number of buckets
  • window – sliding window size
/** * Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window. * <p> * The constructed histogram is: * </p> * <ul> * <li>maintained over {@code window} sliding window</li> * <li>consists of {@code bucketCount} buckets</li> * <li>where {@code b1.size() ~= b0.size * 0.7}</li> * </ul> * * @param bucketCount number of buckets * @param window sliding window size */
public BarSplittingBiasedHistogram(int bucketCount, long window) { this(DEFAULT_MAX_COEFFICIENT, DEFAULT_PHI, DEFAULT_EXPANSION_FACTOR, bucketCount, DEFAULT_EXP_HISTOGRAM_EPSILON, window); }
Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window.

The constructed histogram is:

  • maintained over window sliding window
  • consists of bucketCount buckets
  • where b1.size() ~= b0.size * phi
  • phi – histogram bucket bias factor
  • bucketCount – number of buckets
  • window – sliding window size
/** * Create a histogram maintained over a sliding time window. * <p> * The constructed histogram is: * </p> * <ul> * <li>maintained over {@code window} sliding window</li> * <li>consists of {@code bucketCount} buckets</li> * <li>where {@code b1.size() ~= b0.size * phi}</li> * </ul> * * @param phi histogram bucket bias factor * @param bucketCount number of buckets * @param window sliding window size */
public BarSplittingBiasedHistogram(double phi, int bucketCount, long window) { this(DEFAULT_MAX_COEFFICIENT, phi, DEFAULT_EXPANSION_FACTOR, bucketCount, DEFAULT_EXP_HISTOGRAM_EPSILON, window); }
Record an event of the given value occuring at he given time
  • value – event value
  • time – event time
/** * Record an event of the given {@code value} occuring at he given {@code time} * * @param value event value * @param time event time */
public void event(double value, long time) { int barIndex = getBarIndex(value); Bar bar = bars.get(barIndex); long before = bar.count(); bar.insert(value, time); long after = bar.count(); size += (after - before); if (after > maxBarSize(barIndex)) { split(bar, barIndex); } }
Expire old events from all buckets.
  • time – current timestamp
/** * Expire old events from all buckets. * * @param time current timestamp */
public void expire(long time) { long calculatedSize = 0; Iterator<Bar> it = bars.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { long barSize = it.next().expire(time); if (barSize == 0) { it.remove(); } calculatedSize += barSize; } this.size = calculatedSize; if (bars.isEmpty()) { bars.add(new Bar(barEpsilon, window)); } } @Override public String toString() { return bars.toString(); } @Override public List<Histogram.Bucket> getBuckets() { List<Histogram.Bucket> buckets = new ArrayList<>(bucketCount); double targetSize = size() * alphaPhi; // * phi^0 Iterator<Bar> it = bars.iterator(); Bar b = it.next(); double minimum = b.minimum(); double count = b.count(); for (int i = 0; i < bucketCount - 1 && it.hasNext(); i++) { while (count < targetSize && it.hasNext()) { count += (b = it.next()).count(); } double surplus = count - targetSize; double maximum = nextUpIfEqual(minimum, b.maximum() - ((b.maximum() - b.minimum()) * surplus / b.count())); buckets.add(new ImmutableBucket(minimum, maximum, targetSize)); minimum = maximum; count = surplus; targetSize *= phi; } while (it.hasNext()) { count += (b = it.next()).count(); } buckets.add(new ImmutableBucket(minimum, nextUpIfEqual(minimum, b.maximum()), count)); return buckets; } protected static double nextUpIfEqual(double test, double value) { return value == test ? nextUp(value) : value; } @Override public double getMinimum() { return bars.get(0).minimum(); } @Override public double getMaximum() { return nextDown(bars.get(bars.size() - 1).maximum()); } @Override public double[] getQuantileBounds(double quantile) { if (quantile > 1.0 || quantile < 0.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid quantile requested: " + quantile); } else { return of(evaluateQuantileFromMin(quantile), evaluateQuantileFromMax(quantile)) .min(comparingDouble(bounds -> bounds[1] - bounds[0])).get(); } } private double[] evaluateQuantileFromMax(double quantile) { double threshold = (1.0 - quantile) * size(); double lowCount = 0; double highCount = 0; for (ListIterator<Bar> it = bars.listIterator(bars.size()); it.hasPrevious(); ) { Bar b = it.previous(); lowCount += b.count() * (1.0 - b.epsilon()); highCount += b.count() * (1.0 + b.epsilon()); if (highCount >= threshold) { double upperBound = b.maximum(); while (lowCount < threshold && it.hasPrevious()) { b = it.previous(); lowCount += b.count() * (1.0 - b.epsilon()); } return new double[] {b.minimum(), upperBound}; } } throw new AssertionError(); } private double[] evaluateQuantileFromMin(double quantile) { double threshold = quantile * size(); double lowCount = 0; double highCount = 0; for (ListIterator<Bar> it = bars.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Bar b = it.next(); lowCount += b.count() * (1.0 - b.epsilon()); highCount += b.count() * (1.0 + b.epsilon()); if (highCount >= threshold) { double lowerBound = b.minimum(); while (lowCount < threshold && it.hasNext()) { b = it.next(); lowCount += b.count() * (1.0 - b.epsilon()); } return new double[] {lowerBound, b.maximum()}; } } throw new AssertionError(); } private double maxBarSize(int barIndex) { return size() * maxSizeTable[barIndex]; } private void split(Bar x, int xIndex) { int mergePoint = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (bars.size() < barCount || (mergePoint = mergeBars()) >= 0) { long before = x.count(); Bar split = x.split(ratio); size += (x.count() + split.count()) - before; if (xIndex < mergePoint) { bars.add(xIndex + 1, split); } else if (xIndex > mergePoint) { bars.add(xIndex, split); } else { throw new AssertionError("split at merge point!"); } } } private int mergeBars() { int lowestAggregateIndex = -1; double lowestAggregate = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int index = 0; index < bars.size() - 1; index++) { Bar current = bars.get(index); Bar next = bars.get(index + 1); double aggregate = (((double) current.count()) / maxSizeTable[index]) + (((double) next.count()) / maxSizeTable[index + 1]); if (aggregate < lowestAggregate) { lowestAggregate = aggregate; lowestAggregateIndex = index; } } if (bars.get(lowestAggregateIndex).count() + bars.get(lowestAggregateIndex + 1).count() < maxBarSize(lowestAggregateIndex)) { Bar upper = bars.remove(lowestAggregateIndex + 1); Bar lower = bars.get(lowestAggregateIndex); long before = lower.count() + upper.count(); lower.merge(upper); size += lower.count() - before; return lowestAggregateIndex + 1; } else { return -1; } } private int getBarIndex(double value) { int low = 0; int high = bars.size() - 1; int mid; do { mid = (high + low) >>> 1; Bar bar = bars.get(mid); if (value >= bar.maximum()) { low = mid + 1; } else if (value < bar.minimum()) { high = mid - 1; } else { return mid; } } while (low <= high); return mid; } @Override public long size() { return size; } List<Bar> bars() { return bars; } double alphaPhi() { return alphaPhi; } double phi() { return phi; } int bucketCount() { return bucketCount; } static final class Bar { private final ExponentialHistogram eh; private double minimum = Double.NaN; private double maximum = Double.NaN; Bar(double epsilon, long window) { this.eh = new ExponentialHistogram(epsilon, window); } private Bar(ExponentialHistogram eh, double minimum, double maximum) { this.eh = eh; this.minimum = minimum; this.maximum = maximum; } void insert(double value, long time) { if (!(value >= minimum)) { minimum = value; } if (!(value < maximum)) { maximum = nextUp(value); } eh.insert(time); } long expire(long time) { return eh.expire(time); } long count() { return eh.count(); } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + minimum + " --" + count() + "-> " + maximum + "]"; } /* * This method is problematic. What it's doing is attempting to split this bar in to two pieces, such that their * counts are in the ratio ρ (the bar adjusted φ). * ______ * | | * | | * | | * | | ______ ______ * | | | | | | * | this | => | s1 | + | s2 | * |______| |______| |______| * * So: * s2.count() = s1.count() * ρ * s1.count() + s2.count() = this.count() * * s2.count() = (ρ / (1 + ρ)) * this.count() * * Define: * θ = 1 - (ρ / (1 + ρ)) * * So we split off (1 - θ) of the total count to form s2. We then have to decide the bounds for s1 and s2... * this is where things go wrong. * * _______________ * | | | * | | __| * | ____ | / | * | / \_|_/ | * | / | | * |/ θ-qtle | * |_________|_____| * min split max * * The 'correct' place to split the bar is at the θ-quantile of the distribution within the bar. We don't know this * however. In fact we know nothing (Jon Snow) - instead we approximate the distribution as flat within the bar, * so: * __________ __________ * | | | * | s1 | s2 | * |__________|__________| * min min+θ*(max-min) max * * This inaccurate splitting corrupts our quantile measurements. What follows is a pseudo-mathematical justification * for why this is okay. * * We define three regions of interest: * * θ-qtle = min + θ*(max-min); perfect split, uninteresting. * * θ-qtle > min + θ*(max-min); in this region: * * any quantile determined to fall within the bounds of s1 has it's upper boundary under-estimated. A major issue, * since this makes the upper bound look lower (read better) for a latency measure, while lying to our user. * * any quantile determined to fall within the bounds of s2 has it's lower boundary under-estimated. A non-issue, * this increases our uncertainty, but correctness is maintained. * * θ-qtle < min + θ*(max-min); in this region: * * any quantile determined to fall within the bounds of s1 has it's upper boundary over-estimated. A non-issue, * this increases our uncertainty, but correctness is maintained. * * any quantile determined to fall within the bounds of s2 has it's lower boundary over-estimated. A minor issue, * since for our purposes an excessive latency measure is to our detriment, but not that of our users. * * Finally, here comes the wooo... in the tail (where the high-percentiles exist) regions where * θ-qtle > min + θ*(max-min) are rare since these are associated with regions of net +ve slope, and yet tails must * have net -ve slope. * * I therefore declare everything safe, and sweep all this nonsense under the rug. */ Bar split(double targetRatio) { ExponentialHistogram split = eh.split(targetRatio); double ratio = ((double) split.count()) / (eh.count() + split.count()); double upperMinimum = maximum - ((maximum - minimum) * ratio); double upperMaximum = maximum; this.maximum = upperMinimum; return new Bar(split, upperMinimum, upperMaximum); } void merge(Bar higher) { eh.merge(higher.eh); maximum = higher.maximum; } double minimum() { return minimum; } double maximum() { return maximum; } double epsilon() { return eh.epsilon(); } } }