package org.reflections.scanners;

import javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.LocalVariableAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo;
import org.reflections.Store;
import org.reflections.adapters.MetadataAdapter;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static org.reflections.util.Utils.join;

scans methods/constructors and indexes parameter names
/** scans methods/constructors and indexes parameter names */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class MethodParameterNamesScanner extends AbstractScanner { @Override public void scan(Object cls, Store store) { final MetadataAdapter md = getMetadataAdapter(); for (Object method : md.getMethods(cls)) { String key = md.getMethodFullKey(cls, method); if (acceptResult(key)) { CodeAttribute codeAttribute = ((MethodInfo) method).getCodeAttribute(); LocalVariableAttribute table = codeAttribute != null ? (LocalVariableAttribute) codeAttribute.getAttribute(LocalVariableAttribute.tag) : null; int length = table != null ? table.tableLength() : 0; int i = Modifier.isStatic(((MethodInfo) method).getAccessFlags()) ? 0 : 1; //skip this if (i < length) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(length - i); while (i < length) names.add(((MethodInfo) method).getConstPool().getUtf8Info(table.nameIndex(i++))); put(store, key, join(names, ", ")); } } } } }