package org.reflections;

import org.reflections.adapters.MetadataAdapter;
import org.reflections.scanners.Scanner;
import org.reflections.serializers.Serializer;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

Configuration is used to create a configured instance of Reflections

it is preferred to use ConfigurationBuilder

/** * Configuration is used to create a configured instance of {@link Reflections} * <p>it is preferred to use {@link org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder} */
public interface Configuration {
the scanner instances used for scanning different metadata
/** the scanner instances used for scanning different metadata */
Set<Scanner> getScanners();
the urls to be scanned
/** the urls to be scanned */
Set<URL> getUrls();
the metadata adapter used to fetch metadata from classes
/** the metadata adapter used to fetch metadata from classes */
@SuppressWarnings({"RawUseOfParameterizedType"}) MetadataAdapter getMetadataAdapter();
get the fully qualified name filter used to filter types to be scanned
/** get the fully qualified name filter used to filter types to be scanned */
Predicate<String> getInputsFilter();
executor service used to scan files. if null, scanning is done in a simple for loop
/** executor service used to scan files. if null, scanning is done in a simple for loop */
ExecutorService getExecutorService();
the default serializer to use when saving Reflection
/** the default serializer to use when saving Reflection */
Serializer getSerializer();
get class loaders, might be used for resolving methods/fields
/** get class loaders, might be used for resolving methods/fields */
ClassLoader[] getClassLoaders();
if true (default), expand super types after scanning, for super types that were not scanned.

see Reflections.expandSuperTypes()

/** if true (default), expand super types after scanning, for super types that were not scanned. * <p>see {@link org.reflections.Reflections#expandSuperTypes()}*/
boolean shouldExpandSuperTypes(); }