 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb;

import com.mongodb.annotations.Immutable;
import com.mongodb.connection.ClusterDescription;
import com.mongodb.connection.ClusterType;
import com.mongodb.connection.ServerDescription;
import com.mongodb.lang.Nullable;
import org.bson.BsonArray;
import org.bson.BsonDocument;
import org.bson.BsonInt64;
import org.bson.BsonString;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions.isTrueArgument;
import static com.mongodb.assertions.Assertions.notNull;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;

Abstract class for all preference which can be combined with tags
/** * Abstract class for all preference which can be combined with tags */
@Immutable public abstract class TaggableReadPreference extends ReadPreference { private static final int SMALLEST_MAX_STALENESS_MS = 90000; private static final int IDLE_WRITE_PERIOD_MS = 10000; private final List<TagSet> tagSetList = new ArrayList<TagSet>(); private final Long maxStalenessMS; TaggableReadPreference() { this.maxStalenessMS = null; } TaggableReadPreference(final List<TagSet> tagSetList, @Nullable final Long maxStaleness, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { notNull("tagSetList", tagSetList); isTrueArgument("maxStaleness is null or >= 0", maxStaleness == null || maxStaleness >= 0); this.maxStalenessMS = maxStaleness == null ? null : MILLISECONDS.convert(maxStaleness, timeUnit); this.tagSetList.addAll(tagSetList); } @Override public boolean isSlaveOk() { return true; } @Override public BsonDocument toDocument() { BsonDocument readPrefObject = new BsonDocument("mode", new BsonString(getName())); if (!tagSetList.isEmpty()) { readPrefObject.put("tags", tagsListToBsonArray()); } if (maxStalenessMS != null) { readPrefObject.put("maxStalenessSeconds", new BsonInt64(MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(maxStalenessMS))); } return readPrefObject; }
Gets the list of tag sets as a list of TagSet instances.
Returns:the list of tag sets
/** * Gets the list of tag sets as a list of {@code TagSet} instances. * * @return the list of tag sets * @since 2.13 */
public List<TagSet> getTagSetList() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(tagSetList); }
Gets the maximum acceptable staleness of a secondary in order to be considered for read operations.

The maximum staleness feature is designed to prevent badly-lagging servers from being selected. The staleness estimate is imprecise and shouldn't be used to try to select "up-to-date" secondaries.

The driver estimates the staleness of each secondary, based on lastWriteDate values provided in server isMaster responses, and selects only those secondaries whose staleness is less than or equal to maxStaleness.

  • timeUnit – the time unit in which to return the value
Returns:the maximum acceptable staleness in the given time unit, or null if the value is not set
/** * Gets the maximum acceptable staleness of a secondary in order to be considered for read operations. * <p> * The maximum staleness feature is designed to prevent badly-lagging servers from being selected. The staleness estimate is imprecise * and shouldn't be used to try to select "up-to-date" secondaries. * </p> * <p> * The driver estimates the staleness of each secondary, based on lastWriteDate values provided in server isMaster responses, * and selects only those secondaries whose staleness is less than or equal to maxStaleness. * </p> * @param timeUnit the time unit in which to return the value * @return the maximum acceptable staleness in the given time unit, or null if the value is not set * @mongodb.server.release 3.4 * @since 3.4 */
@Nullable public Long getMaxStaleness(final TimeUnit timeUnit) { notNull("timeUnit", timeUnit); if (maxStalenessMS == null) { return null; } return timeUnit.convert(maxStalenessMS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } @Override public String toString() { return "ReadPreference{" + "name=" + getName() + (tagSetList.isEmpty() ? "" : ", tagSetList=" + tagSetList) + (maxStalenessMS == null ? "" : ", maxStalenessMS=" + maxStalenessMS) + '}'; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } TaggableReadPreference that = (TaggableReadPreference) o; if (maxStalenessMS != null ? !maxStalenessMS.equals(that.maxStalenessMS) : that.maxStalenessMS != null) { return false; } if (!tagSetList.equals(that.tagSetList)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = tagSetList.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + getName().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (maxStalenessMS != null ? maxStalenessMS.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected List<ServerDescription> chooseForNonReplicaSet(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { return selectFreshServers(clusterDescription, clusterDescription.getAny()); } protected static ClusterDescription copyClusterDescription(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription, final List<ServerDescription> selectedServers) { return new ClusterDescription(clusterDescription.getConnectionMode(), clusterDescription.getType(), selectedServers, clusterDescription.getClusterSettings(), clusterDescription.getServerSettings()); } protected List<ServerDescription> selectFreshServers(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription, final List<ServerDescription> servers) { Long maxStaleness = getMaxStaleness(MILLISECONDS); if (maxStaleness == null) { return servers; } if (clusterDescription.getServerSettings() == null) { throw new MongoConfigurationException("heartbeat frequency must be provided in cluster description"); } if (!serversAreAllThreeDotFour(clusterDescription)) { throw new MongoConfigurationException("Servers must all be at least version 3.4 when max staleness is configured"); } if (clusterDescription.getType() != ClusterType.REPLICA_SET) { return servers; } long heartbeatFrequencyMS = clusterDescription.getServerSettings().getHeartbeatFrequency(MILLISECONDS); if (maxStaleness < Math.max(SMALLEST_MAX_STALENESS_MS, heartbeatFrequencyMS + IDLE_WRITE_PERIOD_MS)) { if (SMALLEST_MAX_STALENESS_MS > heartbeatFrequencyMS + IDLE_WRITE_PERIOD_MS){ throw new MongoConfigurationException(format("Max staleness (%d sec) must be at least 90 seconds", getMaxStaleness(SECONDS))); } else { throw new MongoConfigurationException(format("Max staleness (%d ms) must be at least the heartbeat period (%d ms) " + "plus the idle write period (%d ms)", maxStaleness, heartbeatFrequencyMS, IDLE_WRITE_PERIOD_MS)); } } List<ServerDescription> freshServers = new ArrayList<ServerDescription>(servers.size()); ServerDescription primary = findPrimary(clusterDescription); if (primary != null) { for (ServerDescription cur : servers) { if (cur.isPrimary()) { freshServers.add(cur); } else { if (getStalenessOfSecondaryRelativeToPrimary(primary, cur, heartbeatFrequencyMS) <= maxStaleness) { freshServers.add(cur); } } } } else { ServerDescription mostUpToDateSecondary = findMostUpToDateSecondary(clusterDescription); for (ServerDescription cur : servers) { if (getLastWriteDateNonNull(mostUpToDateSecondary).getTime() - getLastWriteDateNonNull(cur).getTime() + heartbeatFrequencyMS <= maxStaleness) { freshServers.add(cur); } } } return freshServers; } private long getStalenessOfSecondaryRelativeToPrimary(final ServerDescription primary, final ServerDescription serverDescription, final long heartbeatFrequencyMS) { return getLastWriteDateNonNull(primary).getTime() + (serverDescription.getLastUpdateTime(MILLISECONDS) - primary.getLastUpdateTime(MILLISECONDS)) - getLastWriteDateNonNull(serverDescription).getTime() + heartbeatFrequencyMS; } @Nullable private ServerDescription findPrimary(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { for (ServerDescription cur : clusterDescription.getServerDescriptions()) { if (cur.isPrimary()) { return cur; } } return null; } private ServerDescription findMostUpToDateSecondary(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { ServerDescription mostUpdateToDateSecondary = null; for (ServerDescription cur : clusterDescription.getServerDescriptions()) { if (cur.isSecondary()) { if (mostUpdateToDateSecondary == null || getLastWriteDateNonNull(cur).getTime() > getLastWriteDateNonNull(mostUpdateToDateSecondary).getTime()) { mostUpdateToDateSecondary = cur; } } } if (mostUpdateToDateSecondary == null) { throw new MongoInternalException("Expected at least one secondary in cluster description: " + clusterDescription); } return mostUpdateToDateSecondary; } private Date getLastWriteDateNonNull(final ServerDescription serverDescription) { Date lastWriteDate = serverDescription.getLastWriteDate(); if (lastWriteDate == null) { throw new MongoClientException("lastWriteDate should not be null in " + serverDescription); } return lastWriteDate; } private boolean serversAreAllThreeDotFour(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { for (ServerDescription cur : clusterDescription.getServerDescriptions()) { if (cur.isOk() && cur.getMaxWireVersion() < 5) { return false; } } return true; }
Read from secondary
/** * Read from secondary */
static class SecondaryReadPreference extends TaggableReadPreference { SecondaryReadPreference() { } SecondaryReadPreference(final List<TagSet> tagSetList, @Nullable final Long maxStaleness, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { super(tagSetList, maxStaleness, timeUnit); } @Override public String getName() { return "secondary"; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected List<ServerDescription> chooseForReplicaSet(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { List<ServerDescription> selectedServers = selectFreshServers(clusterDescription, clusterDescription.getSecondaries()); if (!getTagSetList().isEmpty()) { ClusterDescription nonStaleClusterDescription = copyClusterDescription(clusterDescription, selectedServers); selectedServers = Collections.emptyList(); for (final TagSet tagSet : getTagSetList()) { List<ServerDescription> servers = nonStaleClusterDescription.getSecondaries(tagSet); if (!servers.isEmpty()) { selectedServers = servers; break; } } } return selectedServers; } }
Read from secondary if available, otherwise from primary, irrespective of tags.
/** * Read from secondary if available, otherwise from primary, irrespective of tags. */
static class SecondaryPreferredReadPreference extends SecondaryReadPreference { SecondaryPreferredReadPreference() { } SecondaryPreferredReadPreference(final List<TagSet> tagSetList, @Nullable final Long maxStaleness, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { super(tagSetList, maxStaleness, timeUnit); } @Override public String getName() { return "secondaryPreferred"; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected List<ServerDescription> chooseForReplicaSet(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { List<ServerDescription> selectedServers = super.chooseForReplicaSet(clusterDescription); if (selectedServers.isEmpty()) { selectedServers = clusterDescription.getPrimaries(); } return selectedServers; } }
Read from nearest node respective of tags.
/** * Read from nearest node respective of tags. */
static class NearestReadPreference extends TaggableReadPreference { NearestReadPreference() { } NearestReadPreference(final List<TagSet> tagSetList, @Nullable final Long maxStaleness, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { super(tagSetList, maxStaleness, timeUnit); } @Override public String getName() { return "nearest"; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public List<ServerDescription> chooseForReplicaSet(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { List<ServerDescription> selectedServers = selectFreshServers(clusterDescription, clusterDescription.getAnyPrimaryOrSecondary()); if (!getTagSetList().isEmpty()) { ClusterDescription nonStaleClusterDescription = copyClusterDescription(clusterDescription, selectedServers); selectedServers = Collections.emptyList(); for (final TagSet tagSet : getTagSetList()) { List<ServerDescription> servers = nonStaleClusterDescription.getAnyPrimaryOrSecondary(tagSet); if (!servers.isEmpty()) { selectedServers = servers; break; } } } return selectedServers; } }
Read from primary if available, otherwise a secondary.
/** * Read from primary if available, otherwise a secondary. */
static class PrimaryPreferredReadPreference extends SecondaryReadPreference { PrimaryPreferredReadPreference() { } PrimaryPreferredReadPreference(final List<TagSet> tagSetList, @Nullable final Long maxStaleness, final TimeUnit timeUnit) { super(tagSetList, maxStaleness, timeUnit); } @Override public String getName() { return "primaryPreferred"; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected List<ServerDescription> chooseForReplicaSet(final ClusterDescription clusterDescription) { List<ServerDescription> selectedServers = selectFreshServers(clusterDescription, clusterDescription.getPrimaries()); if (selectedServers.isEmpty()) { selectedServers = super.chooseForReplicaSet(clusterDescription); } return selectedServers; } } private BsonArray tagsListToBsonArray() { BsonArray bsonArray = new BsonArray(); for (TagSet tagSet : tagSetList) { bsonArray.add(toDocument(tagSet)); } return bsonArray; } private BsonDocument toDocument(final TagSet tagSet) { BsonDocument document = new BsonDocument(); for (Tag tag : tagSet) { document.put(tag.getName(), new BsonString(tag.getValue())); } return document; } }