package org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.cache;

This class stores various statistics on an EntityCache
/** * This class stores various statistics on an EntityCache */
public class EntityCacheStatistics { private int entities; private int hits; private int misses;
Copies the statistics
Returns:the copy
/** * Copies the statistics * * @return the copy */
public EntityCacheStatistics copy() { final EntityCacheStatistics copy = new EntityCacheStatistics(); copy.entities = entities; copy.hits = hits; copy.misses = misses; return copy; }
Increments the entity count
/** * Increments the entity count */
public void incEntities() { entities++; }
Increments the hit count
/** * Increments the hit count */
public void incHits() { hits++; }
Increments the miss count
/** * Increments the miss count */
public void incMisses() { misses++; }
Clears the statistics
/** * Clears the statistics */
public void reset() { entities = 0; hits = 0; misses = 0; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + entities + " entities, " + hits + " hits, " + misses + " misses."; } }