package org.mongodb.morphia.mapping;

import org.mongodb.morphia.ObjectFactory;
import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Reference;
import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.Logger;
import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.MorphiaLoggerFactory;
import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.cache.DefaultEntityCacheFactory;
import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.cache.EntityCacheFactory;

Options to control mapping behavior.
Author:Scott Hernandez
/** * Options to control mapping behavior. * * @author Scott Hernandez */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MapperOptions { private static final Logger LOG = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(MapperOptions.class);
Deprecated:this is actually the default and proper behavior. this setting is redundant
/** * @deprecated this is actually the default and proper behavior. this setting is redundant */
@Deprecated private boolean actLikeSerializer; private boolean ignoreFinals; //ignore final fields. private boolean storeNulls; private boolean storeEmpties; private boolean useLowerCaseCollectionNames; private boolean cacheClassLookups = false; private boolean mapSubPackages = false; private ObjectFactory objectFactory = new DefaultCreator(this); private EntityCacheFactory cacheFactory = new DefaultEntityCacheFactory(); private CustomMapper embeddedMapper = new EmbeddedMapper(); private CustomMapper defaultMapper = embeddedMapper; private CustomMapper referenceMapper = new ReferenceMapper(); private CustomMapper valueMapper = new ValueMapper(); private org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.DatastoreProvider datastoreProvider = null;
Creates a default options instance.
/** * Creates a default options instance. */
public MapperOptions() { }
Copy Constructor
  • options – the MapperOptions to copy
/** * Copy Constructor * * @param options the MapperOptions to copy */
public MapperOptions(final MapperOptions options) { setActLikeSerializer(options.isActLikeSerializer()); setIgnoreFinals(options.isIgnoreFinals()); setStoreNulls(options.isStoreNulls()); setStoreEmpties(options.isStoreEmpties()); setUseLowerCaseCollectionNames(options.isUseLowerCaseCollectionNames()); setCacheClassLookups(options.isCacheClassLookups()); setObjectFactory(options.getObjectFactory()); setCacheFactory(options.getCacheFactory()); setEmbeddedMapper(options.getEmbeddedMapper()); setDefaultMapper(options.getDefaultMapper()); setReferenceMapper(options.getReferenceMapper()); setValueMapper(options.getValueMapper()); }
Returns:the factory to create an EntityCache
/** * @return the factory to create an EntityCache */
public EntityCacheFactory getCacheFactory() { return cacheFactory; }
Sets the factory to create an EntityCache
  • cacheFactory – the factory
/** * Sets the factory to create an EntityCache * * @param cacheFactory the factory */
public void setCacheFactory(final EntityCacheFactory cacheFactory) { this.cacheFactory = cacheFactory; }
Returns:the DatastoreProvider Morphia should use
/** * @return the DatastoreProvider Morphia should use * @deprecated unused */
@Deprecated public org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.DatastoreProvider getDatastoreProvider() { return datastoreProvider; }
Sets the DatastoreProvider Morphia should use
  • datastoreProvider – the DatastoreProvider to use
/** * Sets the DatastoreProvider Morphia should use * * @param datastoreProvider the DatastoreProvider to use * @deprecated unused */
@Deprecated public void setDatastoreProvider(final org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.DatastoreProvider datastoreProvider) { LOG.warning("DatastoreProviders are no longer needed or used."); this.datastoreProvider = datastoreProvider; }
Returns:the mapper to use for top level entities
/** * @return the mapper to use for top level entities */
public CustomMapper getDefaultMapper() { return defaultMapper; }
Sets the mapper to use for top level entities
  • pDefaultMapper – the mapper to use
/** * Sets the mapper to use for top level entities * * @param pDefaultMapper the mapper to use */
public void setDefaultMapper(final CustomMapper pDefaultMapper) { defaultMapper = pDefaultMapper; }
Returns:the mapper to use for embedded entities
/** * @return the mapper to use for embedded entities */
public CustomMapper getEmbeddedMapper() { return embeddedMapper; }
Sets the mapper to use for embedded entities
  • pEmbeddedMapper – the mapper to use
/** * Sets the mapper to use for embedded entities * * @param pEmbeddedMapper the mapper to use */
public void setEmbeddedMapper(final CustomMapper pEmbeddedMapper) { embeddedMapper = pEmbeddedMapper; }
Returns:the factory to use when creating new instances
/** * @return the factory to use when creating new instances */
public ObjectFactory getObjectFactory() { return objectFactory; }
Sets the ObjectFactory to use when instantiating entity classes. The default factory is a simple reflection based factory but this could be used, e.g., to provide a Guice-based factory such as what morphia-guice provides.
  • objectFactory – the factory to use
/** * Sets the ObjectFactory to use when instantiating entity classes. The default factory is a simple reflection based factory but this * could be used, e.g., to provide a Guice-based factory such as what morphia-guice provides. * * @param objectFactory the factory to use */
public void setObjectFactory(final ObjectFactory objectFactory) { this.objectFactory = objectFactory; }
See Also:
Returns:the mapper to use for references
/** * @return the mapper to use for references * @see Reference */
public CustomMapper getReferenceMapper() { return referenceMapper; }
Sets the mapper to use for references
  • pReferenceMapper – the mapper to use
See Also:
/** * Sets the mapper to use for references * * @param pReferenceMapper the mapper to use * @see Reference */
public void setReferenceMapper(final CustomMapper pReferenceMapper) { referenceMapper = pReferenceMapper; }
Returns:the mapper to use when processing values
/** * @return the mapper to use when processing values */
public CustomMapper getValueMapper() { return valueMapper; }
Sets the mapper to use when processing values
  • pValueMapper – the mapper to use
/** * Sets the mapper to use when processing values * * @param pValueMapper the mapper to use */
public void setValueMapper(final CustomMapper pValueMapper) { valueMapper = pValueMapper; }
Returns:true if Morphia should ignore transient fields
Deprecated:this is actually the default and proper behavior. this setting is redundant
/** * @return true if Morphia should ignore transient fields * @deprecated this is actually the default and proper behavior. this setting is redundant */
@Deprecated public boolean isActLikeSerializer() { return actLikeSerializer; }
Instructs Morphia to follow JDK serialization semantics and ignore values marked up with the transient keyword
  • actLikeSerializer – true if Morphia should ignore transient fields
Deprecated:this is actually the default and proper behavior. this setting is redundant
/** * Instructs Morphia to follow JDK serialization semantics and ignore values marked up with the transient keyword * * @param actLikeSerializer true if Morphia should ignore transient fields * @deprecated this is actually the default and proper behavior. this setting is redundant */
@Deprecated public void setActLikeSerializer(final boolean actLikeSerializer) { this.actLikeSerializer = actLikeSerializer; }
Returns:true if Morphia should cache name -> Class lookups
/** * @return true if Morphia should cache name -> Class lookups */
public boolean isCacheClassLookups() { return cacheClassLookups; }
Sets whether Morphia should cache name -> Class lookups
  • cacheClassLookups – true if the lookup results should be cached
/** * Sets whether Morphia should cache name -> Class lookups * * @param cacheClassLookups true if the lookup results should be cached */
public void setCacheClassLookups(final boolean cacheClassLookups) { this.cacheClassLookups = cacheClassLookups; }
Returns:true if Morphia should ignore final fields
/** * @return true if Morphia should ignore final fields */
public boolean isIgnoreFinals() { return ignoreFinals; }
Controls if final fields are stored.
  • ignoreFinals – true if Morphia should ignore final fields
/** * Controls if final fields are stored. * * @param ignoreFinals true if Morphia should ignore final fields */
public void setIgnoreFinals(final boolean ignoreFinals) { this.ignoreFinals = ignoreFinals; }
Returns:true if Morphia should store empty values for lists/maps/sets/arrays
/** * @return true if Morphia should store empty values for lists/maps/sets/arrays */
public boolean isStoreEmpties() { return storeEmpties; }
Controls if Morphia should store empty values for lists/maps/sets/arrays
  • storeEmpties – true if Morphia should store empty values for lists/maps/sets/arrays
/** * Controls if Morphia should store empty values for lists/maps/sets/arrays * * @param storeEmpties true if Morphia should store empty values for lists/maps/sets/arrays */
public void setStoreEmpties(final boolean storeEmpties) { this.storeEmpties = storeEmpties; }
Returns:true if Morphia should store null values
/** * @return true if Morphia should store null values */
public boolean isStoreNulls() { return storeNulls; }
Controls if null are stored.
  • storeNulls – true if Morphia should store null values
/** * Controls if null are stored. * * @param storeNulls true if Morphia should store null values */
public void setStoreNulls(final boolean storeNulls) { this.storeNulls = storeNulls; }
Returns:true if Morphia should use lower case values when calculating collection names
/** * @return true if Morphia should use lower case values when calculating collection names */
public boolean isUseLowerCaseCollectionNames() { return useLowerCaseCollectionNames; }
Controls if default entity collection name should be lowercase.
  • useLowerCaseCollectionNames – true if Morphia should use lower case values when calculating collection names
/** * Controls if default entity collection name should be lowercase. * * @param useLowerCaseCollectionNames true if Morphia should use lower case values when calculating collection names */
public void setUseLowerCaseCollectionNames(final boolean useLowerCaseCollectionNames) { this.useLowerCaseCollectionNames = useLowerCaseCollectionNames; }
Returns:true if Morphia should map classes from the sub-packages as well
/** * @return true if Morphia should map classes from the sub-packages as well */
public boolean isMapSubPackages() { return mapSubPackages; }
Controls if classes from sub-packages should be mapped.
  • mapSubPackages – true if Morphia should map classes from the sub-packages as well
/** * Controls if classes from sub-packages should be mapped. * @param mapSubPackages true if Morphia should map classes from the sub-packages as well */
public void setMapSubPackages(final boolean mapSubPackages) { this.mapSubPackages = mapSubPackages; } }