package org.jsoup.nodes;

import org.jsoup.SerializationException;
import org.jsoup.internal.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import org.jsoup.parser.CharacterReader;
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser;

import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;

import static org.jsoup.nodes.Entities.EscapeMode.base;
import static org.jsoup.nodes.Entities.EscapeMode.extended;

HTML entities, and escape routines. Source: W3C HTML named character references.
/** * HTML entities, and escape routines. Source: <a href="">W3C * HTML named character references</a>. */
public class Entities { private static final int empty = -1; private static final String emptyName = ""; static final int codepointRadix = 36; private static final char[] codeDelims = {',', ';'}; private static final HashMap<String, String> multipoints = new HashMap<>(); // name -> multiple character references private static final Document.OutputSettings DefaultOutput = new Document.OutputSettings(); public enum EscapeMode {
Restricted entities suitable for XHTML output: lt, gt, amp, and quot only.
/** * Restricted entities suitable for XHTML output: lt, gt, amp, and quot only. */
xhtml(EntitiesData.xmlPoints, 4),
Default HTML output entities.
/** * Default HTML output entities. */
base(EntitiesData.basePoints, 106),
Complete HTML entities.
/** * Complete HTML entities. */
extended(EntitiesData.fullPoints, 2125); // table of named references to their codepoints. sorted so we can binary search. built by BuildEntities. private String[] nameKeys; private int[] codeVals; // limitation is the few references with multiple characters; those go into multipoints. // table of codepoints to named entities. private int[] codeKeys; // we don' support multicodepoints to single named value currently private String[] nameVals; EscapeMode(String file, int size) { load(this, file, size); } int codepointForName(final String name) { int index = Arrays.binarySearch(nameKeys, name); return index >= 0 ? codeVals[index] : empty; } String nameForCodepoint(final int codepoint) { final int index = Arrays.binarySearch(codeKeys, codepoint); if (index >= 0) { // the results are ordered so lower case versions of same codepoint come after uppercase, and we prefer to emit lower // (and binary search for same item with multi results is undefined return (index < nameVals.length - 1 && codeKeys[index + 1] == codepoint) ? nameVals[index + 1] : nameVals[index]; } return emptyName; } private int size() { return nameKeys.length; } } private Entities() { }
Check if the input is a known named entity
  • name – the possible entity name (e.g. "lt" or "amp")
Returns:true if a known named entity
/** * Check if the input is a known named entity * * @param name the possible entity name (e.g. "lt" or "amp") * @return true if a known named entity */
public static boolean isNamedEntity(final String name) { return extended.codepointForName(name) != empty; }
Check if the input is a known named entity in the base entity set.
  • name – the possible entity name (e.g. "lt" or "amp")
See Also:
Returns:true if a known named entity in the base set
/** * Check if the input is a known named entity in the base entity set. * * @param name the possible entity name (e.g. "lt" or "amp") * @return true if a known named entity in the base set * @see #isNamedEntity(String) */
public static boolean isBaseNamedEntity(final String name) { return base.codepointForName(name) != empty; }
Get the Character value of the named entity
  • name – named entity (e.g. "lt" or "amp")
Returns:the Character value of the named entity (e.g. '<' or '&')
Deprecated:does not support characters outside the BMP or multiple character names
/** * Get the Character value of the named entity * * @param name named entity (e.g. "lt" or "amp") * @return the Character value of the named entity (e.g. '{@literal <}' or '{@literal &}') * @deprecated does not support characters outside the BMP or multiple character names */
public static Character getCharacterByName(String name) { return (char) extended.codepointForName(name); }
Get the character(s) represented by the named entity
  • name – entity (e.g. "lt" or "amp")
Returns:the string value of the character(s) represented by this entity, or "" if not defined
/** * Get the character(s) represented by the named entity * * @param name entity (e.g. "lt" or "amp") * @return the string value of the character(s) represented by this entity, or "" if not defined */
public static String getByName(String name) { String val = multipoints.get(name); if (val != null) return val; int codepoint = extended.codepointForName(name); if (codepoint != empty) return new String(new int[]{codepoint}, 0, 1); return emptyName; } public static int codepointsForName(final String name, final int[] codepoints) { String val = multipoints.get(name); if (val != null) { codepoints[0] = val.codePointAt(0); codepoints[1] = val.codePointAt(1); return 2; } int codepoint = extended.codepointForName(name); if (codepoint != empty) { codepoints[0] = codepoint; return 1; } return 0; }
HTML escape an input string. That is, < is returned as &lt;
  • string – the un-escaped string to escape
  • out – the output settings to use
Returns:the escaped string
/** * HTML escape an input string. That is, {@code <} is returned as {@code &lt;} * * @param string the un-escaped string to escape * @param out the output settings to use * @return the escaped string */
public static String escape(String string, Document.OutputSettings out) { if (string == null) return ""; StringBuilder accum = StringUtil.borrowBuilder(); try { escape(accum, string, out, false, false, false); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SerializationException(e); // doesn't happen } return StringUtil.releaseBuilder(accum); }
HTML escape an input string, using the default settings (UTF-8, base entities). That is, < is returned as &lt;
  • string – the un-escaped string to escape
Returns:the escaped string
/** * HTML escape an input string, using the default settings (UTF-8, base entities). That is, {@code <} is returned as * {@code &lt;} * * @param string the un-escaped string to escape * @return the escaped string */
public static String escape(String string) { return escape(string, DefaultOutput); } // this method is ugly, and does a lot. but other breakups cause rescanning and stringbuilder generations static void escape(Appendable accum, String string, Document.OutputSettings out, boolean inAttribute, boolean normaliseWhite, boolean stripLeadingWhite) throws IOException { boolean lastWasWhite = false; boolean reachedNonWhite = false; final EscapeMode escapeMode = out.escapeMode(); final CharsetEncoder encoder = out.encoder(); final CoreCharset coreCharset = out.coreCharset; // init in out.prepareEncoder() final int length = string.length(); int codePoint; for (int offset = 0; offset < length; offset += Character.charCount(codePoint)) { codePoint = string.codePointAt(offset); if (normaliseWhite) { if (StringUtil.isWhitespace(codePoint)) { if ((stripLeadingWhite && !reachedNonWhite) || lastWasWhite) continue; accum.append(' '); lastWasWhite = true; continue; } else { lastWasWhite = false; reachedNonWhite = true; } } // surrogate pairs, split implementation for efficiency on single char common case (saves creating strings, char[]): if (codePoint < Character.MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT) { final char c = (char) codePoint; // html specific and required escapes: switch (c) { case '&': accum.append("&amp;"); break; case 0xA0: if (escapeMode != EscapeMode.xhtml) accum.append("&nbsp;"); else accum.append("&#xa0;"); break; case '<': // escape when in character data or when in a xml attribue val; not needed in html attr val if (!inAttribute || escapeMode == EscapeMode.xhtml) accum.append("&lt;"); else accum.append(c); break; case '>': if (!inAttribute) accum.append("&gt;"); else accum.append(c); break; case '"': if (inAttribute) accum.append("&quot;"); else accum.append(c); break; default: if (canEncode(coreCharset, c, encoder)) accum.append(c); else appendEncoded(accum, escapeMode, codePoint); } } else { final String c = new String(Character.toChars(codePoint)); if (encoder.canEncode(c)) // uses fallback encoder for simplicity accum.append(c); else appendEncoded(accum, escapeMode, codePoint); } } } private static void appendEncoded(Appendable accum, EscapeMode escapeMode, int codePoint) throws IOException { final String name = escapeMode.nameForCodepoint(codePoint); if (name != emptyName) // ok for identity check accum.append('&').append(name).append(';'); else accum.append("&#x").append(Integer.toHexString(codePoint)).append(';'); }
Un-escape an HTML escaped string. That is, &lt; is returned as <.
  • string – the HTML string to un-escape
Returns:the unescaped string
/** * Un-escape an HTML escaped string. That is, {@code &lt;} is returned as {@code <}. * * @param string the HTML string to un-escape * @return the unescaped string */
public static String unescape(String string) { return unescape(string, false); }
Unescape the input string.
  • string – to un-HTML-escape
  • strict – if "strict" (that is, requires trailing ';' char, otherwise that's optional)
Returns:unescaped string
/** * Unescape the input string. * * @param string to un-HTML-escape * @param strict if "strict" (that is, requires trailing ';' char, otherwise that's optional) * @return unescaped string */
static String unescape(String string, boolean strict) { return Parser.unescapeEntities(string, strict); } /* * Provides a fast-path for Encoder.canEncode, which drastically improves performance on Android post JellyBean. * After KitKat, the implementation of canEncode degrades to the point of being useless. For non ASCII or UTF, * performance may be bad. We can add more encoders for common character sets that are impacted by performance * issues on Android if required. * * Benchmarks: * * OLD toHtml() impl v New (fastpath) in millis * Wiki: 1895, 16 * CNN: 6378, 55 * Alterslash: 3013, 28 * Jsoup: 167, 2 */ private static boolean canEncode(final CoreCharset charset, final char c, final CharsetEncoder fallback) { // todo add more charset tests if impacted by Android's bad perf in canEncode switch (charset) { case ascii: return c < 0x80; case utf: return true; // real is:!(Character.isLowSurrogate(c) || Character.isHighSurrogate(c)); - but already check above default: return fallback.canEncode(c); } } enum CoreCharset { ascii, utf, fallback; static CoreCharset byName(final String name) { if (name.equals("US-ASCII")) return ascii; if (name.startsWith("UTF-")) // covers UTF-8, UTF-16, et al return utf; return fallback; } } private static void load(EscapeMode e, String pointsData, int size) { e.nameKeys = new String[size]; e.codeVals = new int[size]; e.codeKeys = new int[size]; e.nameVals = new String[size]; int i = 0; CharacterReader reader = new CharacterReader(pointsData); while (!reader.isEmpty()) { // NotNestedLessLess=10913,824;1887& final String name = reader.consumeTo('='); reader.advance(); final int cp1 = Integer.parseInt(reader.consumeToAny(codeDelims), codepointRadix); final char codeDelim = reader.current(); reader.advance(); final int cp2; if (codeDelim == ',') { cp2 = Integer.parseInt(reader.consumeTo(';'), codepointRadix); reader.advance(); } else { cp2 = empty; } final String indexS = reader.consumeTo('&'); final int index = Integer.parseInt(indexS, codepointRadix); reader.advance(); e.nameKeys[i] = name; e.codeVals[i] = cp1; e.codeKeys[index] = cp1; e.nameVals[index] = name; if (cp2 != empty) { multipoints.put(name, new String(new int[]{cp1, cp2}, 0, 2)); } i++; } Validate.isTrue(i == size, "Unexpected count of entities loaded"); } }