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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2005 David Corbin <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.util.Arrays; import com.headius.backport9.stack.StackWalker; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException; import org.jruby.javasupport.Java; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.RubyStackTraceElement; import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.TraceType; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; @Deprecated @JRubyClass(name = "NativeException", parent = "RuntimeError") public class NativeException extends RubyException { private final Throwable cause; private final String messageAsJavaString; public static final String CLASS_NAME = "NativeException"; public NativeException(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, Throwable cause) { this(runtime, rubyClass, cause, buildMessage(cause)); } private NativeException(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, Throwable cause, String message) { super(runtime, rubyClass, message); this.cause = cause; String s = buildMessage(cause); this.messageAsJavaString = message; } private static String buildMessage(Throwable cause) { return cause.getClass().getName() + ": " + searchStackMessage(cause); } private NativeException(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass) { super(runtime, rubyClass, null); this.cause = new Throwable(); this.messageAsJavaString = null; } private static ObjectAllocator NATIVE_EXCEPTION_ALLOCATOR = (runtime, klazz) -> new NativeException(runtime, klazz); public static RubyClass createClass(Ruby runtime, RubyClass baseClass) { RubyClass exceptionClass = runtime.defineClass(CLASS_NAME, baseClass, NATIVE_EXCEPTION_ALLOCATOR); runtime.getObject().deprecateConstant(runtime, CLASS_NAME); exceptionClass.defineAnnotatedMethods(NativeException.class); return exceptionClass; } @JRubyMethod public final IRubyObject cause() { return Java.getInstance(getRuntime(), getCause()); } @Deprecated public final IRubyObject cause(Block unusedBlock) { return cause(); } @Override public final IRubyObject backtrace() { IRubyObject rubyTrace = super.backtrace(); if ( rubyTrace.isNil() ) return rubyTrace; final Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); final RubyArray rTrace = (RubyArray) rubyTrace; StackTraceElement[] jTrace = cause.getStackTrace(); // NOTE: with the new filtering ruby trace will already include the source (Java) part if ( rTrace.size() > 0 && jTrace.length > 0 ) { final String r0 = rTrace.eltInternal(0).toString(); // final StackTraceElement j0 = jTrace[0]; final String method = jTrace[0].getMethodName(); final String file = jTrace[0].getFileName(); if ( method != null && file != null && r0.indexOf(method) != -1 && r0.indexOf(file) != -1 ) { return rTrace; // as is } } // so join-ing is mostly unnecessary, but just in case (due compatibility) make sure : return joinedBacktrace(runtime, rTrace, jTrace); } private static RubyArray joinedBacktrace(final Ruby runtime, final RubyArray rTrace, final StackTraceElement[] jTrace) { final IRubyObject[] trace = new IRubyObject[jTrace.length + rTrace.size()]; final StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(32); for ( int i = 0; i < jTrace.length; i++ ) { StackTraceElement element = jTrace[i]; final String className = element.getClassName(); line.setLength(0); if (element.getFileName() == null) { line.append(className).append(':').append(element.getLineNumber()).append(":in `").append(element.getMethodName()).append('\''); } else { final int index = className.lastIndexOf('.'); if ( index > - 1 ) { line.append(className.substring(0, index).replace('.', '/')); line.append('/'); } line.append(element.getFileName()).append(':').append(element.getLineNumber()).append(":in `").append(element.getMethodName()).append('\''); } trace[i] = RubyString.newString(runtime, line.toString()); } System.arraycopy(rTrace.toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe(), 0, trace, jTrace.length, rTrace.size()); return RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, trace); } @Deprecated // not used public void trimStackTrace(Member target) { Throwable t = new Throwable(); StackTraceElement[] origStackTrace = cause.getStackTrace(); StackTraceElement[] currentStackTrace = t.getStackTrace(); int skip = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= origStackTrace.length && i <= currentStackTrace.length; ++i) { StackTraceElement a = origStackTrace[origStackTrace.length - i]; StackTraceElement b = currentStackTrace[currentStackTrace.length - i]; if (a.equals(b)) { skip += 1; } else { break; } } // If we know what method was being called, strip everything // before the call. This hides the JRuby and reflection internals. if (target != null) { String className = target.getDeclaringClass().getName(); String methodName = target.getName(); for (int i = origStackTrace.length - skip - 1; i >= 0; --i) { StackTraceElement frame = origStackTrace[i]; if (frame.getClassName().equals(className) && frame.getMethodName().equals(methodName)) { skip = origStackTrace.length - i - 1; break; } } } if (skip > 0) { final int len = origStackTrace.length - skip; StackTraceElement[] newStackTrace = new StackTraceElement[len]; System.arraycopy(origStackTrace, 0, newStackTrace, 0, len); cause.setStackTrace(newStackTrace); } } @Override public final IRubyObject getMessage() { if (message == null) { if (messageAsJavaString == null) { return message = getRuntime().getNil(); } return message = getRuntime().newString(messageAsJavaString); } return message; } @Override public final String getMessageAsJavaString() { return messageAsJavaString; } public final Throwable getCause() { return cause; } private static String searchStackMessage(Throwable cause) { String message; do { message = cause.getMessage(); if ( message != null ) return message; cause = cause.getCause(); } while ( cause != null ); return null; } }