package org.jruby.dirgra;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class DirectedGraph<T extends ExplicitVertexID> {
    private static int INITIAL_SIZE = 4;

    private Map<T, Vertex<T>> vertices = new HashMap<T, Vertex<T>>();
    private Edge<T>[] edges = new Edge[INITIAL_SIZE];
    private int edgeLength = 0;
    private ArrayList inOrderVerticeData = new ArrayList();
    int vertexIDCounter = 0;

    protected Edge<T>[] growEdges(Edge<T>[] array, int realLength) {
        int newLength = array.length == 0 ? 2 : array.length * 2;
        Edge<T>[] newEdges = new Edge[newLength];

        System.arraycopy(array, 0, newEdges, 0, realLength);
        return newEdges;

    protected Edge<T>[] getEdges() {
        return edges;

    protected Edge<T> addEdge(Edge<T> newEdge) {
        for (int i = 0; i < edgeLength; i++) {
            // Edge already added.  No repeated edge support.
            if (edges[i].equals(newEdge)) return newEdge;

        if (edgeLength >= edges.length) edges = growEdges(edges, edgeLength);

        edges[edgeLength++] = newEdge;
        return newEdge;

    public void removeEdge(Edge<T> edge) {
        int splitPoint = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < edgeLength; i++) {
            if (edges[i].equals(edge)) {
                splitPoint = i;

        if (splitPoint != -1) {
            Edge<T> edgeToRemove = edges[splitPoint];
            if (splitPoint < edgeLength - 1) { // somewhere between index 0 and edgeLength-2
                System.arraycopy(edges, splitPoint + 1, edges, splitPoint, edgeLength - 1 - splitPoint);
            edges[edgeLength - 1] = null;         // do not pin left over edge after shifting

            // Remove knowledge of edge from each vertex

    public Collection<Vertex<T>> vertices() {
        return vertices.values();

    public Collection<Edge<T>> edges() {
        return Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(edges, edgeLength));

    public Iterable<Edge<T>> edgesOfType(Object type) {
        return new EdgeTypeIterable<T>(edges, edgeLength, type);

    public Collection<T> allData() {
        return vertices.keySet();

Returns:data in the order it was added to this graph.
/** * @return data in the order it was added to this graph. */
public Collection<T> getInorderData() { return inOrderVerticeData; } public void addEdge(T source, T destination, Object type) { findOrCreateVertexFor(source).addEdgeTo(destination, type); } public void removeEdge(T source, T destination) { if (findVertexFor(source) != null) { for (Edge edge: findOrCreateVertexFor(source).getOutgoingEdges()) { if (edge.getDestination().getData() == destination) { findOrCreateVertexFor(source).removeEdgeTo(edge.getDestination()); return; } } } } public Vertex<T> findVertexFor(T data) { return vertices.get(data); }
Returns:vertex for given data. If vertex is not present it creates vertex and returns it.
/** * @return vertex for given data. If vertex is not present it creates vertex and returns it. */
public Vertex<T> findOrCreateVertexFor(T data) { Vertex vertex = vertices.get(data); if (vertex != null) return vertex; vertex = new Vertex(this, data, vertexIDCounter++); inOrderVerticeData.add(data); vertices.put(data, vertex); return vertex; } public void removeVertexFor(T data) { if (findVertexFor(data) != null) { Vertex vertex = findOrCreateVertexFor(data); vertices.remove(data); inOrderVerticeData.remove(data); vertex.removeAllEdges(); } }
Returns:the number of vertices in the graph.
/** * @return the number of vertices in the graph. */
public int size() { return allData().size(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<Vertex<T>> verts = new ArrayList<Vertex<T>>(vertices.values()); Collections.sort(verts); for (Vertex<T> vertex: verts) { buf.append(vertex); } return buf.toString(); } }