/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
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package org.hsqldb;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.RangeGroup.RangeGroupSimple;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.LongDeque;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.map.ValuePool;
import org.hsqldb.types.TimestampData;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;

Parser for DML statements
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Parser for DML statements * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.9.0 */
public class ParserDML extends ParserDQL { ParserDML(Session session, Scanner scanner) { super(session, scanner, null); }
Retrieves an INSERT Statement from this parse context.
/** * Retrieves an INSERT Statement from this parse context. */
StatementDMQL compileInsertStatement(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups) { boolean[] insertColumnCheckList; boolean[] updateColumnCheckList = null; int[] insertColumnMap; int[] updateColumnMap = ValuePool.emptyIntArray; int colCount; Table table; RangeVariable range; boolean overridingUser = false; boolean overridingSystem = false; boolean assignsToIdentityOrGenerated = false; Token tableToken; boolean hasColumnList = false; int isSpecial = StatementInsert.isNone; Expression insertExpressions; Expression[] updateExpressions = Expression.emptyArray; Expression[] targets = null; if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { if (readIfThis(Tokens.REPLACE)) { isSpecial = StatementInsert.isReplace; } if (isSpecial == StatementInsert.isNone) { readThis(Tokens.INSERT); if (readIfThis(Tokens.IGNORE)) { isSpecial = StatementInsert.isIgnore; } } readIfThis(Tokens.INTO); } else { readThis(Tokens.INSERT); readThis(Tokens.INTO); } tableToken = getRecordedToken(); range = readRangeVariableForDataChange(StatementTypes.INSERT); range.resolveRangeTableTypes(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray); table = range.getTable(); insertColumnCheckList = null; insertColumnMap = table.getColumnMap(); colCount = table.getColumnCount(); int position = getPosition(); Table baseTable = table.isTriggerInsertable() ? table : table.getBaseTable(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.DEFAULT : { read(); readThis(Tokens.VALUES); insertExpressions = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW, new Expression[]{}); insertExpressions = new Expression(OpTypes.VALUELIST, new Expression[]{ insertExpressions }); insertColumnCheckList = table.getNewColumnCheckList(); StatementDMQL cs = new StatementInsert(session, table, insertColumnMap, insertExpressions, insertColumnCheckList, updateExpressions, updateColumnCheckList, updateColumnMap, null, isSpecial, compileContext); return cs; } case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : { int brackets = readOpenBrackets(); if (brackets == 1) { boolean isQuery = false; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.WITH : case Tokens.SELECT : case Tokens.TABLE : { rewind(position); isQuery = true; break; } default : } if (isQuery) { break; } OrderedHashSet columnNames = new OrderedHashSet(); boolean withPrefix = database.sqlSyntaxOra; readSimpleColumnNames(columnNames, range, withPrefix); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); colCount = columnNames.size(); insertColumnMap = table.getColumnIndexes(columnNames); hasColumnList = true; } else { rewind(position); } break; } default : } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OVERRIDING) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.USER) { read(); overridingUser = true; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SYSTEM) { read(); overridingSystem = true; } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } readThis(Tokens.VALUE); } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.VALUE : { if (!database.sqlSyntaxMys) { throw unexpectedToken(); } } // fall through case Tokens.VALUES : { read(); insertColumnCheckList = table.getColumnCheckList(insertColumnMap); insertExpressions = XreadContextuallyTypedTable(colCount); HsqlList unresolved = insertExpressions.resolveColumnReferences(session, RangeGroup.emptyGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); insertExpressions.resolveTypes(session, null); setParameterTypes(insertExpressions, table, insertColumnMap); if (table != baseTable) { int[] baseColumnMap = table.getBaseTableColumnMap(); int[] newColumnMap = new int[insertColumnMap.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(baseColumnMap, insertColumnMap, newColumnMap); insertColumnMap = newColumnMap; } Expression[] rowList = insertExpressions.nodes; for (int j = 0; j < rowList.length; j++) { Expression[] rowArgs = rowList[j].nodes; for (int i = 0; i < rowArgs.length; i++) { Expression e = rowArgs[i]; ColumnSchema column = baseTable.getColumn(insertColumnMap[i]); if (column.isIdentity()) { assignsToIdentityOrGenerated = true; if (e.getType() != OpTypes.DEFAULT) { if (baseTable.identitySequence.isAlways()) { if (overridingUser) { rowArgs[i] = new ExpressionColumn( OpTypes.DEFAULT); } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42543); } } } } else if (column.hasDefault()) { // } else if (column.isGenerated() || column.isSystemPeriod()) { assignsToIdentityOrGenerated = true; if (e.getType() != OpTypes.DEFAULT) { if (overridingUser) { rowArgs[i] = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.DEFAULT); } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42541); } } } else { // no explicit default } if (e.isUnresolvedParam()) { e.setAttributesAsColumn(column, true); } } } if (!assignsToIdentityOrGenerated && overridingUser) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_OVERRIDING); } if (!hasColumnList) { tableToken.setWithColumnList(); } if (database.sqlSyntaxMys && isSpecial == StatementInsert.isNone && readIfThis(Tokens.ON)) { readThis(Tokens.DUPLICATE); readThis(Tokens.KEY); readThis(Tokens.UPDATE); OrderedHashSet targetSet = new OrderedHashSet(); LongDeque colIndexList = new LongDeque(); HsqlArrayList exprList = new HsqlArrayList(); RangeVariable[] rangeVariables; RangeGroup rangeGroup; rangeVariables = new RangeVariable[]{ range }; rangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(rangeVariables, false); isSpecial = StatementInsert.isUpdate; readSetClauseList(rangeVariables, targetSet, colIndexList, exprList); updateColumnMap = new int[colIndexList.size()]; colIndexList.toArray(updateColumnMap); targets = new Expression[targetSet.size()]; targetSet.toArray(targets); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { resolveReferencesAndTypes(rangeGroup, rangeGroups, targets[i]); } updateColumnCheckList = table.getColumnCheckList(updateColumnMap); updateExpressions = new Expression[exprList.size()]; exprList.toArray(updateExpressions); resolveUpdateExpressions(table, rangeGroup, updateColumnMap, updateExpressions, rangeGroups); } StatementDMQL cs = new StatementInsert(session, table, insertColumnMap, insertExpressions, insertColumnCheckList, updateExpressions, updateColumnCheckList, updateColumnMap, targets, isSpecial, compileContext); return cs; } case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : case Tokens.WITH : case Tokens.SELECT : case Tokens.TABLE : { break; } default : { throw unexpectedToken(); } } insertColumnCheckList = table.getColumnCheckList(insertColumnMap); if (table != baseTable) { int[] baseColumnMap = table.getBaseTableColumnMap(); int[] newColumnMap = new int[insertColumnMap.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(baseColumnMap, insertColumnMap, newColumnMap); insertColumnMap = newColumnMap; } int enforcedDefaultIndex = baseTable.getIdentityColumnIndex(); int overrideIndex = -1; if (enforcedDefaultIndex != -1 && ArrayUtil.find(insertColumnMap, enforcedDefaultIndex) > -1) { if (baseTable.identitySequence.isAlways()) { if (!overridingUser && !overridingSystem) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42543); } } if (overridingUser) { overrideIndex = enforcedDefaultIndex; } } else if (overridingUser || overridingSystem) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_OVERRIDING); } Type[] types = new Type[insertColumnMap.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(baseTable.getColumnTypes(), insertColumnMap, types); compileContext.setOuterRanges(rangeGroups); QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryExpression(); queryExpression.setReturningResult(); queryExpression.resolve(session, rangeGroups, types); if (colCount != queryExpression.getColumnCount()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42546); } if (!hasColumnList) { tableToken.setWithColumnList(); } if (database.sqlSyntaxMys && isSpecial == StatementInsert.isNone && readIfThis(Tokens.ON)) { readThis(Tokens.DUPLICATE); readThis(Tokens.KEY); readThis(Tokens.UPDATE); OrderedHashSet targetSet = new OrderedHashSet(); LongDeque colIndexList = new LongDeque(); HsqlArrayList exprList = new HsqlArrayList(); RangeVariable[] rangeVariables; RangeGroup rangeGroup; rangeVariables = new RangeVariable[]{ range }; rangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(rangeVariables, false); isSpecial = StatementInsert.isUpdate; readSetClauseList(rangeVariables, targetSet, colIndexList, exprList); updateColumnMap = new int[colIndexList.size()]; colIndexList.toArray(updateColumnMap); targets = new Expression[targetSet.size()]; targetSet.toArray(targets); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { resolveReferencesAndTypes(rangeGroup, rangeGroups, targets[i]); } updateColumnCheckList = table.getColumnCheckList(updateColumnMap); updateExpressions = new Expression[exprList.size()]; exprList.toArray(updateExpressions); resolveUpdateExpressions(table, rangeGroup, updateColumnMap, updateExpressions, rangeGroups); } StatementDMQL cs = new StatementInsert(session, table, insertColumnMap, insertColumnCheckList, queryExpression, updateExpressions, updateColumnCheckList, updateColumnMap, targets, isSpecial, overrideIndex, compileContext); return cs; } private static void setParameterTypes(Expression tableExpression, Table table, int[] columnMap) { for (int i = 0; i < tableExpression.nodes.length; i++) { Expression[] list = tableExpression.nodes[i].nodes; for (int j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { if (list[j].isUnresolvedParam()) { list[j].setAttributesAsColumn( table.getColumn(columnMap[j]), true); } } } } Statement compileTruncateStatement() { boolean isTable = false; boolean withCommit = false; boolean noCheck = false; boolean restartIdentity = false; HsqlName objectName = null; RangeVariable[] rangeVariables = null; Table table = null; HsqlName[] writeTableNames = null; RangeVariable targetRange = null; TimestampData timestamp = null; readThis(Tokens.TRUNCATE); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.TABLE) { readThis(Tokens.TABLE); targetRange = readRangeVariableForDataChange(StatementTypes.TRUNCATE); rangeVariables = new RangeVariable[]{ targetRange }; table = rangeVariables[0].getTable(); objectName = table.getName(); isTable = true; } else { readThis(Tokens.SCHEMA); objectName = readSchemaName(); } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.CONTINUE : { read(); readThis(Tokens.IDENTITY); break; } case Tokens.RESTART : { read(); readThis(Tokens.IDENTITY); restartIdentity = true; break; } case Tokens.VERSIONING : { if (!isTable) { throw unexpectedToken(); } if (!table.isSystemVersioned()) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); readThis(Tokens.TO); if (readIfThis(Tokens.TIMESTAMP)) { String s = readQuotedString(); timestamp = (TimestampData) Type.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE .convertToType(session, s, Type.SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT); } else { readThis(Tokens.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); timestamp = session.getTransactionSystemTimestamp(); } break; } default : } if (!isTable) { checkIsThis(Tokens.AND); } if (readIfThis(Tokens.AND)) { readThis(Tokens.COMMIT); withCommit = true; if (readIfThis(Tokens.NO)) { readThis(Tokens.CHECK); noCheck = true; } } if (isTable) { writeTableNames = new HsqlName[]{ table.getName() }; } else { writeTableNames = session.database.schemaManager.getCatalogAndBaseTableNames(); } if (withCommit || timestamp != null) { Object[] args = new Object[] { objectName, Boolean.valueOf(restartIdentity), Boolean.valueOf(noCheck), timestamp }; return new StatementCommand(StatementTypes.TRUNCATE, args, null, writeTableNames); } Statement cs = new StatementDML(session, table, targetRange, rangeVariables, compileContext, restartIdentity, StatementTypes.TRUNCATE, null); return cs; }
Creates a DELETE-type Statement from this parse context.
/** * Creates a DELETE-type Statement from this parse context. */
Statement compileDeleteStatement(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups) { Expression condition = null; boolean restartIdentity = false; RangeVariable targetRange; RangeVariable[] rangeVariables; RangeGroup rangeGroup; Table table; readThis(Tokens.DELETE); if (database.sqlSyntaxOra) { readIfThis(Tokens.FROM); } else { readThis(Tokens.FROM); } targetRange = readRangeVariableForDataChange(StatementTypes.DELETE_WHERE); rangeVariables = new RangeVariable[]{ targetRange }; rangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(rangeVariables, false); table = rangeVariables[0].getTable(); compileContext.setOuterRanges(rangeGroups); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WHERE) { read(); condition = XreadAndResolveBooleanValueExpression(rangeGroups, rangeGroup); } SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT) { sortAndSlice = XreadOrderByExpression(); } Table baseTable = table.isTriggerDeletable() ? table : table.getBaseTable(); if (table != baseTable) { QuerySpecification baseSelect = table.getQueryExpression().getMainSelect(); if (condition != null) { condition = condition.replaceColumnReferences(session, rangeVariables[0], baseSelect.exprColumns); } condition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(baseSelect.queryCondition, condition); rangeVariables = baseSelect.rangeVariables; ArrayUtil.fillArray(rangeVariables[0].usedColumns, true); } if (condition != null) { rangeVariables[0].addJoinCondition(condition); RangeVariableResolver resolver = new RangeVariableResolver(session, rangeVariables, null, compileContext, false); resolver.processConditions(); rangeVariables = resolver.rangeVariables; } for (int i = 0; i < rangeVariables.length; i++) { rangeVariables[i].resolveRangeTableTypes(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray); } Statement cs = new StatementDML(session, table, targetRange, rangeVariables, compileContext, restartIdentity, StatementTypes.DELETE_WHERE, sortAndSlice); return cs; }
Creates an UPDATE-type Statement from this parse context.
/** * Creates an UPDATE-type Statement from this parse context. */
StatementDMQL compileUpdateStatement(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups) { read(); Expression[] updateExpressions; int[] columnMap; boolean[] columnCheckList; OrderedHashSet targetSet = new OrderedHashSet(); LongDeque colIndexList = new LongDeque(); HsqlArrayList exprList = new HsqlArrayList(); RangeVariable targetRange; RangeVariable[] rangeVariables; RangeGroup rangeGroup; Table table; Table baseTable; targetRange = readRangeVariableForDataChange(StatementTypes.UPDATE_WHERE); rangeVariables = new RangeVariable[]{ targetRange }; rangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(rangeVariables, false); table = rangeVariables[0].rangeTable; baseTable = table.isTriggerUpdatable() ? table : table.getBaseTable(); readThis(Tokens.SET); readSetClauseList(rangeVariables, targetSet, colIndexList, exprList); columnMap = new int[colIndexList.size()]; colIndexList.toArray(columnMap); Expression[] targets = new Expression[targetSet.size()]; targetSet.toArray(targets); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { resolveReferencesAndTypes(rangeGroup, rangeGroups, targets[i]); } columnCheckList = table.getColumnCheckList(columnMap); updateExpressions = new Expression[exprList.size()]; exprList.toArray(updateExpressions); Expression condition = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WHERE) { read(); condition = XreadAndResolveBooleanValueExpression(rangeGroups, rangeGroup); } SortAndSlice sortAndSlice = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.LIMIT) { sortAndSlice = XreadOrderByExpression(); } resolveUpdateExpressions(table, rangeGroup, columnMap, updateExpressions, rangeGroups); if (table != baseTable) { QuerySpecification baseSelect = table.getQueryExpression().getMainSelect(); if (condition != null) { condition = condition.replaceColumnReferences(session, rangeVariables[0], baseSelect.exprColumns); } for (int i = 0; i < updateExpressions.length; i++) { updateExpressions[i] = updateExpressions[i].replaceColumnReferences(session, rangeVariables[0], baseSelect.exprColumns); } condition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(baseSelect.queryCondition, condition); rangeVariables = baseSelect.rangeVariables; ArrayUtil.fillArray(rangeVariables[0].usedColumns, true); } if (condition != null) { rangeVariables[0].addJoinCondition(condition); RangeVariableResolver resolver = new RangeVariableResolver(session, rangeVariables, null, compileContext, false); resolver.processConditions(); rangeVariables = resolver.rangeVariables; } for (int i = 0; i < rangeVariables.length; i++) { rangeVariables[i].resolveRangeTableTypes(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray); } if (table != baseTable) { int[] baseColumnMap = table.getBaseTableColumnMap(); int[] newColumnMap = new int[columnMap.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(baseColumnMap, columnMap, newColumnMap); columnMap = newColumnMap; for (int i = 0; i < columnMap.length; i++) { if (baseTable.colGenerated[columnMap[i]]) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42513); } } } StatementDMQL cs = new StatementDML(session, targets, table, targetRange, rangeVariables, columnMap, updateExpressions, columnCheckList, compileContext, sortAndSlice); return cs; } Expression XreadAndResolveBooleanValueExpression(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups, RangeGroup rangeGroup) { Expression condition = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); HsqlList unresolved = condition.resolveColumnReferences(session, rangeGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); condition.resolveTypes(session, null); if (condition.isUnresolvedParam()) { condition.dataType = Type.SQL_BOOLEAN; } if (condition.getDataType() != Type.SQL_BOOLEAN) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42568); } return condition; } void resolveUpdateExpressions(Table targetTable, RangeGroup rangeGroup, int[] columnMap, Expression[] colExpressions, RangeGroup[] rangeGroups) { HsqlList unresolved = null; int enforcedDefaultIndex = -1; if (targetTable.hasIdentityColumn() && targetTable.identitySequence.isAlways()) { enforcedDefaultIndex = targetTable.getIdentityColumnIndex(); } for (int i = 0, ix = 0; i < columnMap.length; ix++) { Expression expr = colExpressions[ix]; Expression e; // no generated column can be updated if (targetTable.colGenerated[columnMap[i]]) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42513); } if (expr.getType() == OpTypes.ROW) { Expression[] elements = expr.nodes; for (int j = 0; j < elements.length; j++, i++) { e = elements[j]; if (enforcedDefaultIndex == columnMap[i]) { if (e.getType() != OpTypes.DEFAULT) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42541); } } if (e.isUnresolvedParam()) { e.setAttributesAsColumn( targetTable.getColumn(columnMap[i]), true); } else if (e.getType() == OpTypes.DEFAULT) { // } else { unresolved = expr.resolveColumnReferences(session, rangeGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); unresolved = null; e.resolveTypes(session, null); } } } else if (expr.getType() == OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY) { unresolved = expr.resolveColumnReferences(session, rangeGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); expr.resolveTypes(session, null); int count = expr.table.queryExpression.getColumnCount(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++, i++) { if (enforcedDefaultIndex == columnMap[i]) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42541); } } } else { e = expr; if (enforcedDefaultIndex == columnMap[i]) { if (e.getType() != OpTypes.DEFAULT) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42541); } } if (e.isUnresolvedParam()) { e.setAttributesAsColumn( targetTable.getColumn(columnMap[i]), true); } else if (e.getType() == OpTypes.DEFAULT) { // } else { unresolved = expr.resolveColumnReferences(session, rangeGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); e.resolveTypes(session, null); } i++; } } } void readSetClauseList(RangeVariable[] rangeVars, OrderedHashSet targets, LongDeque colIndexList, HsqlArrayList expressions) { while (true) { int degree; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); int oldCount = targets.size(); readTargetSpecificationList(targets, rangeVars, colIndexList); degree = targets.size() - oldCount; readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } else { Expression target = XreadTargetSpecification(rangeVars, colIndexList); if (!targets.add(target)) { ColumnSchema col = target.getColumn(); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42579, col.getName().name); } degree = 1; } readThis(Tokens.EQUALS_OP); int position = getPosition(); int brackets = readOpenBrackets(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SELECT) { rewind(position); TableDerived td = XreadSubqueryTableBody(OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY); QueryExpression qe = td.getQueryExpression(); qe.setReturningResult(); if (degree != qe.getColumnCount()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42546); } Expression e = new Expression(OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY, td); expressions.add(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } break; } if (brackets > 0) { rewind(position); } boolean values = false; if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { values = readIfThis(Tokens.VALUES); } if (degree > 1 || values) { readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); Expression e = readRow(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); int rowDegree = e.getType() == OpTypes.ROW ? e.nodes.length : 1; if (degree != rowDegree) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42546); } expressions.add(e); } else { Expression e = XreadValueExpressionWithContext(); expressions.add(e); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } break; } } void readGetClauseList(RangeVariable[] rangeVars, OrderedHashSet targets, LongDeque colIndexList, HsqlArrayList expressions) { while (true) { Expression target = XreadTargetSpecification(rangeVars, colIndexList); if (!targets.add(target)) { ColumnSchema col = target.getColumn(); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42579, col.getName().name); } readThis(Tokens.EQUALS_OP); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.ROW_COUNT : case Tokens.MORE : int columnIndex = ExpressionColumn.diagnosticsList.getIndex( token.tokenString); Expression e = new ExpressionColumn(OpTypes.DIAGNOSTICS_VARIABLE, columnIndex); expressions.add(e); read(); break; default : } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); continue; } break; } }
Retrieves a MERGE Statement from this parse context.
/** * Retrieves a MERGE Statement from this parse context. */
StatementDMQL compileMergeStatement(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups) { boolean[] insertColumnCheckList; int[] insertColumnMap = null; int[] updateColumnMap = null; int[] baseUpdateColumnMap; Table table; RangeVariable targetRange; RangeVariable sourceRange; Expression mergeCondition; Expression[] targets = null; HsqlArrayList updateList = new HsqlArrayList(); Expression[] updateExpressions = Expression.emptyArray; HsqlArrayList insertList = new HsqlArrayList(); Expression insertExpression = null; read(); readThis(Tokens.INTO); targetRange = readRangeVariableForDataChange(StatementTypes.MERGE); table = targetRange.rangeTable; readThis(Tokens.USING); compileContext.setOuterRanges(rangeGroups); sourceRange = readTableOrSubquery(); RangeVariable[] targetRanges = new RangeVariable[]{ targetRange }; RangeGroup rangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(targetRanges, false); sourceRange.resolveRangeTable(session, rangeGroup, rangeGroups); sourceRange.resolveRangeTableTypes(session, targetRanges); compileContext.setOuterRanges(RangeGroup.emptyArray); RangeVariable[] fullRangeVars = new RangeVariable[] { sourceRange, targetRange }; RangeVariable[] sourceRangeVars = new RangeVariable[]{ sourceRange }; RangeVariable[] targetRangeVars = new RangeVariable[]{ targetRange }; RangeGroup fullRangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(fullRangeVars, false); RangeGroup sourceRangeGroup = new RangeGroupSimple(sourceRangeVars, false); // parse ON search conditions readThis(Tokens.ON); mergeCondition = XreadAndResolveBooleanValueExpression(rangeGroups, fullRangeGroup); // parse WHEN clause(s) and convert lists to arrays insertColumnMap = table.getColumnMap(); insertColumnCheckList = table.getNewColumnCheckList(); OrderedHashSet updateTargetSet = new OrderedHashSet(); OrderedHashSet insertColNames = new OrderedHashSet(); LongDeque updateColIndexList = new LongDeque(); Expression[] conditions = new Expression[3]; boolean deleteFirst = false; readMergeWhen(rangeGroups, fullRangeGroup, updateColIndexList, insertColNames, updateTargetSet, insertList, updateList, targetRangeVars, sourceRange, conditions); // conditions[0], [1] and [2] are null (no action) or TRUE if there is no merge condition for the action if (conditions[2] != null) { deleteFirst = true; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WHEN) { readMergeWhen(rangeGroups, fullRangeGroup, updateColIndexList, insertColNames, updateTargetSet, insertList, updateList, targetRangeVars, sourceRange, conditions); } if (conditions[1] == null && conditions[2] != null) { deleteFirst = true; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.WHEN) { readMergeWhen(rangeGroups, fullRangeGroup, updateColIndexList, insertColNames, updateTargetSet, insertList, updateList, targetRangeVars, sourceRange, conditions); } if (conditions[1] == null && conditions[2] != null) { deleteFirst = true; } if (insertList.size() > 0) { int colCount = insertColNames.size(); if (colCount != 0) { insertColumnMap = table.getColumnIndexes(insertColNames); insertColumnCheckList = table.getColumnCheckList(insertColumnMap); } insertExpression = (Expression) insertList.get(0); setParameterTypes(insertExpression, table, insertColumnMap); if (conditions[0] == null) { conditions[0] = Expression.EXPR_TRUE; } } if (updateList.size() > 0) { targets = new Expression[updateTargetSet.size()]; updateTargetSet.toArray(targets); for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { resolveReferencesAndTypes(rangeGroup, rangeGroups, targets[i]); } updateExpressions = new Expression[updateList.size()]; updateList.toArray(updateExpressions); updateColumnMap = new int[updateColIndexList.size()]; updateColIndexList.toArray(updateColumnMap); if (conditions[1] == null) { conditions[1] = Expression.EXPR_TRUE; } } if (updateExpressions.length != 0) { Table baseTable = table.isTriggerUpdatable() ? table : table.getBaseTable(); baseUpdateColumnMap = updateColumnMap; if (table != baseTable) { baseUpdateColumnMap = new int[updateColumnMap.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(table.getBaseTableColumnMap(), updateColumnMap, baseUpdateColumnMap); } resolveUpdateExpressions(table, fullRangeGroup, updateColumnMap, updateExpressions, rangeGroups); } HsqlList unresolved = null; unresolved = mergeCondition.resolveColumnReferences(session, fullRangeGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); mergeCondition.resolveTypes(session, null); if (mergeCondition.isUnresolvedParam()) { mergeCondition.dataType = Type.SQL_BOOLEAN; } if (mergeCondition.getDataType() != Type.SQL_BOOLEAN) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42568); } fullRangeVars[1].addJoinCondition(mergeCondition); RangeVariableResolver resolver = new RangeVariableResolver(session, fullRangeVars, null, compileContext, false); resolver.processConditions(); fullRangeVars = resolver.rangeVariables; for (int i = 0; i < fullRangeVars.length; i++) { fullRangeVars[i].resolveRangeTableTypes(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray); } if (insertExpression != null) { unresolved = insertExpression.resolveColumnReferences(session, sourceRangeGroup, RangeGroup.emptyArray, null); unresolved = Expression.resolveColumnSet(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray, rangeGroups, unresolved); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); insertExpression.resolveTypes(session, null); } StatementDMQL cs = new StatementDML(session, targets, sourceRange, targetRange, fullRangeVars, insertColumnMap, updateColumnMap, insertColumnCheckList, mergeCondition, insertExpression, updateExpressions, deleteFirst, conditions[0], conditions[1], conditions[2], compileContext); return cs; }
Parses a WHEN clause from a MERGE statement. This can be either a WHEN MATCHED or WHEN NOT MATCHED clause, or both, and the appropriate values will be updated. If the var that is to hold the data is not null, then we already encountered this type of clause, which is only allowed once, and at least one is required.
/** * Parses a WHEN clause from a MERGE statement. This can be either a * WHEN MATCHED or WHEN NOT MATCHED clause, or both, and the appropriate * values will be updated. * * If the var that is to hold the data is not null, then we already * encountered this type of clause, which is only allowed once, and at least * one is required. */
private void readMergeWhen(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups, RangeGroup rangeGroup, LongDeque updateColIndexList, OrderedHashSet insertColumnNames, OrderedHashSet updateTargetSet, HsqlArrayList insertExpressions, HsqlArrayList updateExpressions, RangeVariable[] targetRangeVars, RangeVariable sourceRangeVar, Expression[] conditions) { Table table = targetRangeVars[0].rangeTable; int columnCount = table.getColumnCount(); Expression condition = null; readThis(Tokens.WHEN); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MATCHED) { read(); if (readIfThis(Tokens.AND)) { condition = XreadAndResolveBooleanValueExpression(rangeGroups, rangeGroup); } readThis(Tokens.THEN); if (readIfThis(Tokens.UPDATE)) { if (updateExpressions.size() != 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42547); } conditions[1] = condition; readThis(Tokens.SET); readSetClauseList(targetRangeVars, updateTargetSet, updateColIndexList, updateExpressions); } else { if (conditions[2] != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42547); } if (condition == null) { condition = Expression.EXPR_TRUE; } conditions[2] = condition; readThis(Tokens.DELETE); } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { if (insertExpressions.size() != 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42548); } read(); readThis(Tokens.MATCHED); if (readIfThis(Tokens.AND)) { condition = XreadAndResolveBooleanValueExpression(rangeGroups, rangeGroup); } conditions[0] = condition; readThis(Tokens.THEN); readThis(Tokens.INSERT); // parse INSERT statement // optional column list int brackets = readOpenBrackets(); if (brackets == 1) { boolean withPrefix = database.sqlSyntaxOra; readSimpleColumnNames(insertColumnNames, targetRangeVars[0], withPrefix); columnCount = insertColumnNames.size(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); brackets = 0; } readThis(Tokens.VALUES); Expression e = XreadContextuallyTypedTable(columnCount); if (e.nodes.length != 1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_21000); } insertExpressions.add(e); } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } }
Retrieves a CALL Statement from this parse context.
/** * Retrieves a CALL Statement from this parse context. */
// to do call argument name and type resolution StatementDMQL compileCallStatement(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups, boolean isStrictlyProcedure) { read(); if (isIdentifier()) { RoutineSchema routineSchema = (RoutineSchema) database.schemaManager.findSchemaObject( session, token.tokenString, token.namePrefix, token.namePrePrefix, SchemaObject.PROCEDURE); if (routineSchema == null && token.namePrefix == null) { String schema = session.getSchemaName(null); ReferenceObject synonym = database.schemaManager.findSynonym(token.tokenString, schema, SchemaObject.ROUTINE); if (synonym != null) { HsqlName name = synonym.getTarget(); routineSchema = (RoutineSchema) database.schemaManager .findSchemaObject(name.name, name.schema.name, name.type); } } if (routineSchema != null) { read(); return compileProcedureCall(rangeGroups, routineSchema); } } if (isStrictlyProcedure) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, token.tokenString); } Expression expression = XreadValueExpression(); HsqlList unresolved = expression.resolveColumnReferences(session, RangeGroup.emptyGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); expression.resolveTypes(session, null); StatementDMQL cs = new StatementProcedure(session, expression, compileContext); return cs; } StatementDMQL compileProcedureCall(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups, RoutineSchema routineSchema) { HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); boolean bracket = true; if (database.sqlSyntaxOra) { bracket = readIfThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); } else { readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); } if (bracket) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { read(); } else { while (true) { Expression e = XreadValueExpression(); list.add(e); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { read(); } else { readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; } } } } Expression[] arguments = new Expression[list.size()]; list.toArray(arguments); Routine routine = routineSchema.getSpecificRoutine(arguments.length); compileContext.addProcedureCall(routine); HsqlList unresolved = null; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { Expression e = arguments[i]; if (e.isUnresolvedParam()) { e.setAttributesAsColumn(routine.getParameter(i), routine.getParameter(i).isWriteable()); } else { int paramMode = routine.getParameter(i).getParameterMode(); unresolved = arguments[i].resolveColumnReferences(session, RangeGroup.emptyGroup, rangeGroups, unresolved); if (paramMode != SchemaObject.ParameterModes.PARAM_IN) { if (e.getType() != OpTypes.VARIABLE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42603); } } } } ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { arguments[i].resolveTypes(session, null); if (!routine.getParameter(i).getDataType().canBeAssignedFrom( arguments[i].getDataType())) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } } StatementDMQL cs = new StatementProcedure(session, routine, arguments, compileContext); return cs; } void resolveReferencesAndTypes(RangeGroup rangeGroup, RangeGroup[] rangeGroups, Expression e) { HsqlList unresolved = e.resolveColumnReferences(session, rangeGroup, rangeGroup.getRangeVariables().length, rangeGroups, null, false); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); e.resolveTypes(session, null); }
Used in ROUTINE statements. Accepts NEXT VALUE FOR SEQUENCE as source
/** * Used in ROUTINE statements. Accepts NEXT VALUE FOR SEQUENCE as source */
void resolveOuterReferencesAndTypes(RangeGroup[] rangeGroups, Expression e) { HsqlList unresolved = e.resolveColumnReferences(session, RangeGroup.emptyGroup, rangeGroups, null); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); e.resolveTypes(session, null); } }