 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpCodecFilter.ContentParsingState;

Fixed length transfer encoding implementation.
Author:Alexey Stashok
See Also:
  • TransferEncoding
/** * Fixed length transfer encoding implementation. * * @see TransferEncoding * * @author Alexey Stashok */
public final class FixedLengthTransferEncoding implements TransferEncoding { public FixedLengthTransferEncoding() { }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean wantDecode(HttpHeader httpPacket) { final long contentLength = httpPacket.getContentLength(); return (contentLength != -1); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean wantEncode(HttpHeader httpPacket) { final long contentLength = httpPacket.getContentLength(); return (contentLength != -1); } @Override public void prepareSerialize(FilterChainContext ctx, HttpHeader httpHeader, HttpContent httpContent) { final int defaultContentLength = httpContent != null ? httpContent.getContent().remaining() : -1; httpHeader.makeContentLengthHeader(defaultContentLength); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) public ParsingResult parsePacket(FilterChainContext ctx, HttpHeader httpPacket, Buffer input) { final HttpPacketParsing httpPacketParsing = (HttpPacketParsing) httpPacket; // Get HTTP content parsing state final ContentParsingState contentParsingState = httpPacketParsing.getContentParsingState(); if (contentParsingState.chunkRemainder == -1) { // if we have just parsed a HTTP message header // assign chunkRemainder to the HTTP message content length contentParsingState.chunkRemainder = httpPacket.getContentLength(); } Buffer remainder = null; final long thisPacketRemaining = contentParsingState.chunkRemainder; final int available = input.remaining(); if (available > thisPacketRemaining) { // if input Buffer has part of the next HTTP message - slice it remainder = input.slice( (int) (input.position() + thisPacketRemaining), input.limit()); input.limit((int) (input.position() + thisPacketRemaining)); } // recalc. the HTTP message remaining bytes contentParsingState.chunkRemainder -= input.remaining(); final boolean isLast = (contentParsingState.chunkRemainder == 0); return ParsingResult.create(httpPacket.httpContentBuilder().content(input) .last(isLast).build(), remainder); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Buffer serializePacket(FilterChainContext ctx, HttpContent httpContent) { return httpContent.getContent(); } }