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package org.glassfish.gmbal.impl;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.Description;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.IncludeSubclass;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.InheritedAttribute;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedAttribute;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedData;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedObject;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedObjectManager;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedOperation;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.NameValue;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.impl.TimerFactoryImpl;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.Controllable;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.LogEventHandler;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.Named;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.Statistics;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.StatsEventHandler;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.Timer;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerEventController;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerEventControllerBase;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerEventHandler;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerFactory;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerGroup;

This class provides nested classes that carry the needed Gmbal annotations for the various Timer classes and interface, and a method for registering all of these annotations in gmbal.
/** This class provides nested classes that carry the needed Gmbal annotations * for the various Timer classes and interface, and a method for registering all * of these annotations in gmbal. * * @author ken_admin */
public class TimerAnnotationHelper { public interface ManagedNamed extends Named { @ManagedAttribute @Description( "TimerFactory that created this Timer or TimerGroup" ) @Override TimerFactory factory() ; @ManagedAttribute @NameValue @Description( "Name of this Timer or TimerGroup" ) @Override String name() ; } @ManagedObject @IncludeSubclass( { Timer.class, TimerGroup.class, TimerFactory.class } ) public interface ManagedControllable extends Controllable, ManagedNamed { @ManagedAttribute @Description( "The purpose of the Timer or TimerGroup" ) @Override String description() ; @ManagedAttribute @Description( "An internal identifier for the Timer or TimerGroup" ) @Override int id() ; @ManagedAttribute @Description( "Set of Timers or TimerGroups contained in a TimerGroup" ) @Override Set<? extends Controllable> contents() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Enable this Timer, or all Timers and TimerGroups " + "contained in this TimerGroup" ) @Override void enable() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Disable this Timer, or all Timers and TimerGroups " + "contained in this TimerGroup" ) @Override void disable() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "True if this Timer or TimerGroup is enabled" ) @Override boolean isEnabled() ; } @ManagedData @Description( "Statistics recorded for a series of time intervals" ) public class ManagedStatistics extends Statistics { public ManagedStatistics( long count, double min, double max, double average, double standardDeviation ) { super( count, min, max, average, standardDeviation ) ; } @ManagedAttribute @Description( "Total number of intervals recorded" ) @Override public long count() { return super.count() ; } @ManagedAttribute @Description( "Minimum interval duration recorded" ) @Override public double min() { return super.min() ; } @ManagedAttribute @Description( "Maximum interval duration recorded" ) @Override public double max() { return super.max() ; } @ManagedAttribute @Description( "Average interval duration recorded" ) @Override public double average() { return super.average() ; } @ManagedAttribute @Description( "Standard deviation of all durations recorded" ) @Override public double standardDeviation() { return super.standardDeviation() ; } } public interface ManagedTimerEventHandler extends TimerEventHandler, ManagedNamed { } @ManagedObject @Description( "TimerEventHandler that records all TimerEvents in a log" ) @InheritedAttribute( methodName="iterator", description="TimerEvents contained in this log in order of occurrence" ) public interface ManagedLogEventHandler extends LogEventHandler, ManagedTimerEventHandler { @ManagedOperation @Description( "Discard all recorded timer events" ) @Override void clear() ; } @ManagedObject @Description( "TimerEventHandler that accumulates statistics on events" ) public interface ManagedStatsEventHandler extends StatsEventHandler, ManagedTimerEventHandler { @ManagedAttribute @Description( "A table giving statistics for each activated Timer " + "that had at least one TimerEvent" ) @Override Map<Timer,Statistics> stats() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Discard all statistics on all Timers" ) @Override void clear() ; } @ManagedObject @Description( "A simple TimerEventHandler that just displays TimerEvents " + "as they occur" ) public class TracingEventHandler extends TimerFactoryImpl.TracingEventHandler implements ManagedTimerEventHandler { public TracingEventHandler( TimerFactory factory, String name ) { super( factory, name ) ; } } @ManagedObject @Description( "A timer represents a particular action that has a " + "duration from ENTER to EXIT" ) public interface ManagedTimer extends Timer, ManagedControllable { @ManagedAttribute @Description( "True if this Timer is enabled, and can generate " + "TimerEvents" ) @Override boolean isActivated() ; } @ManagedObject @Description( "Controls entering and exiting Timers" ) public class ManagedTimerEventController extends TimerEventController implements ManagedNamed { public ManagedTimerEventController( TimerFactory factory, String name ) { super( factory, name ) ; } @ManagedOperation @Description( "Enter a particular Timer" ) @Override public void enter( Timer timer ) { super.enter( timer ) ; } @ManagedOperation @Description( "Exit a particular Timer" ) @Override public void exit( Timer timer ) { super.exit( timer ) ; } } @ManagedObject @Description( "A group of Timers or other TimerGroups, " + "which may be enabled or disabled together" ) public interface ManagedTimerGroup extends TimerGroup, ManagedControllable { @ManagedOperation @Description( "Add a new Timer or TimerGroup to this TimerGroup" ) @Override boolean add( Controllable con ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Remove a new Timer or TimerGroup from this TimerGroup" ) @Override boolean remove( Controllable con ) ; } @ManagedObject @Description( "The Factory used to create and managed all objects " + "in the Timer framework" ) public interface ManagedTimerFactory extends TimerFactory, ManagedTimerGroup { @ManagedAttribute @Description( "The total number of Controllabled IDs in use" ) @Override int numberOfIds() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Look up a Timer or TimerGroup by its ID" ) @Override Controllable getControllable( int id ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new LogEventHandler" ) @Override LogEventHandler makeLogEventHandler( String name ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new TracingEventHandler" ) @Override TimerEventHandler makeTracingEventHandler( String name ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new StatsEventHandler" ) @Override StatsEventHandler makeStatsEventHandler( String name ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new Multi-Threaded StatsEventHandler" ) @Override StatsEventHandler makeMultiThreadedStatsEventHandler( String name ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Remove the TimerEventHandler from this factory" ) @Override void removeTimerEventHandler( TimerEventHandler handler ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new Timer" ) @Override Timer makeTimer( String name, String description ) ; @ManagedAttribute @Description( "All timers contained in this factory" ) @Override Map<String,? extends Timer> timers() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new TimerGroup" ) @Override TimerGroup makeTimerGroup( String name, String description ) ; @ManagedAttribute @Description( "All timers contained in this factory" ) @Override Map<String,? extends TimerGroup> timerGroups() ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Create a new TimerEventController" ) @Override TimerEventController makeController( String name ) ; @ManagedOperation @Description( "Remote the TimerEventController from this factory" ) @Override void removeController( TimerEventControllerBase controller ) ; @ManagedAttribute @Description( "All explicitly enabled Timers and TimerGroups" ) @Override Set<? extends Controllable> enabledSet() ; @ManagedAttribute @Description( "All activated Timers" ) @Override Set<Timer> activeSet() ; } public static void registerTimerClasses( ManagedObjectManager mom ) { for (Class<?> cls : TimerAnnotationHelper.class.getDeclaredClasses()) { mom.addInheritedAnnotations(cls); } } }