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package org.glassfish.gmbal.impl;

import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.MBeanRegistrationException;
import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import org.glassfish.external.amx.MBeanListener;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.GmbalException;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.func.UnaryVoidFunction;

A simple class that implements deferred registration. When registration is suspended, mbean registrations are queued until registration is resumed, at which time the registration are processed in order.
/** A simple class that implements deferred registration. * When registration is suspended, mbean registrations are * queued until registration is resumed, at which time the * registration are processed in order. * * @author ken */
public class JMXRegistrationManager { private int suspendCount ; private final ManagedObjectManagerInternal mom ; private final ObjectName rootParentName ; // Lock used to protect several data members. final Object lock = new Object() ; // Protected by lock. private final LinkedHashSet<MBeanImpl> deferredRegistrations ; // Used in inner classes. Protected by lock. MBeanImpl root ; boolean isJMXRegistrationEnabled ; // Used if rootParentName is not null. private RootParentListener callback ; private MBeanListener rpListener ; public JMXRegistrationManager(ManagedObjectManagerInternal mom, ObjectName rootParentName) { this.suspendCount = 0 ; this.mom = mom ; this.rootParentName = rootParentName ; this.deferredRegistrations = new LinkedHashSet<MBeanImpl>() ; this.root = null ; this.isJMXRegistrationEnabled = false ; this.callback = null ; this.rpListener = null ; }
Set the MBeanImpl that is the root of this MBean tree. Must be set before other methods are called (but this is not enforced).
  • root – The root of the tree.
/** Set the MBeanImpl that is the root of this MBean tree. * Must be set before other methods are called (but this is not * enforced). * * @param root The root of the tree. */
public void setRoot( MBeanImpl root ) throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException { synchronized( lock ) { this.root = root ; if (rootParentName == null) { isJMXRegistrationEnabled = true ; register( root ) ; } else { // Need to handle the suspended case here. The non-suspended // case is handled in the Listener below. if (suspendCount > 0) { deferredRegistrations.add( root ) ; root.suspended( true ) ; } // Set up an MBeanListener so that we don't register MBeans unless // rootParentName actually refers to a registered MBean. // Note that the listener will register the root either now, // or once the root parent is available. callback = new RootParentListener() ; rpListener = new MBeanListener( mom.getMBeanServer(), rootParentName, callback ) ; rpListener.startListening() ; } } } // This should undo everything that setRoot does. void clear() { synchronized (lock) { root = null ; isJMXRegistrationEnabled = false ; if (rpListener != null) { rpListener.stopListening() ; } rpListener = null ; callback = null ; } }
Increment the suspended registration count. All registrations with JMX are suspended while suspendCount > 0.
/** Increment the suspended registration count. * All registrations with JMX are suspended while suspendCount > 0. */
public void suspendRegistration() { synchronized (lock) { suspendCount++ ; } }
Decrement the suspended registration count. If the count goes to zero. all registrations that occurred while suspendCount > 0 are registered with the JMX server, UNLESS isJMXRegistrationEnabled is false, in which case we simply clear the deferredRegistrations list, because all MBean will be registered once the root is available.
/** Decrement the suspended registration count. * If the count goes to zero. all registrations that occurred while * suspendCount > 0 are registered with the JMX server, UNLESS * isJMXRegistrationEnabled is false, in which case we simply clear the * deferredRegistrations list, because all MBean will be registered once the * root is available. */
public void resumeRegistration() { synchronized (lock) { suspendCount-- ; if (suspendCount == 0) { for (MBeanImpl mb : deferredRegistrations) { try { if (isJMXRegistrationEnabled) { mb.register(); } mb.suspended( false ) ; } catch (JMException ex) { Exceptions.self.deferredRegistrationException( ex, mb ) ; } } deferredRegistrations.clear() ; } } }
Handle registration of this MBean. If we are suspended, simply add to the deferredRegistrationList and mark the MBean as suspended. If we are not suspended, then register if JMX registration is enabled.
  • mb – The MBeanImpl to register
/** Handle registration of this MBean. If we are suspended, * simply add to the deferredRegistrationList and mark the MBean as * suspended. If we are not suspended, then register if JMX * registration is enabled. * * @param mb The MBeanImpl to register * @throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException * @throws MBeanRegistrationException * @throws NotCompliantMBeanException */
public void register( MBeanImpl mb ) throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException { synchronized (lock) { if (suspendCount>0) { deferredRegistrations.add( mb ) ; mb.suspended( true ) ; } else { if (isJMXRegistrationEnabled) { mb.register() ; } } } }
Unregister the MBean. If we are suspended, remove from the deferredRegistrations list and mark suspended false. In any case, we unregister from JMX if JMX registration is enabled. Note that we may call unregister on an unregistered object if suspendCount > 0, but that's OK, because MBean.unregister does nothing if mb is not registered.
  • mb – The MBean to unregister.
/** Unregister the MBean. If we are suspended, remove from the * deferredRegistrations list and mark suspended false. In any case, * we unregister from JMX if JMX registration is enabled. * Note that we may call unregister on an unregistered object if * suspendCount > 0, but that's OK, because MBean.unregister does * nothing if mb is not registered. * @param mb The MBean to unregister. * @throws InstanceNotFoundException * @throws MBeanRegistrationException */
public void unregister( MBeanImpl mb ) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanRegistrationException { synchronized (lock) { boolean wasSuspended = mb.suspended() ; if (wasSuspended) { deferredRegistrations.remove(mb) ; mb.suspended( false ) ; } else { if (isJMXRegistrationEnabled) { mb.unregister() ; } } } } // Class used to listen for the registration and deregistration of the rootParent // (if a rootParent is used). private class RootParentListener implements MBeanListener.Callback { private void traverse( MBeanImpl mb, UnaryVoidFunction<MBeanImpl> pre, UnaryVoidFunction<MBeanImpl> post ) { if (pre != null) { pre.evaluate( mb ) ; } for (Map<String,MBeanImpl> nameToMBean : mb.children().values() ) { for (MBeanImpl child : nameToMBean.values() ) { traverse( child, pre, post ) ; } } if (post != null) { post.evaluate( mb ) ; } } private final UnaryVoidFunction<MBeanImpl> REGISTER_FUNC = new UnaryVoidFunction<MBeanImpl>() { public void evaluate( MBeanImpl arg ) { if (!arg.suspended()) { try { arg.register(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GmbalException("Registration exception", ex ) ; } } } } ; public void mbeanRegistered(ObjectName arg0, MBeanListener arg1) { synchronized (lock) { if (!isJMXRegistrationEnabled) { isJMXRegistrationEnabled = true ; if (root != null) { traverse( root, REGISTER_FUNC, null ); } } } } private final UnaryVoidFunction<MBeanImpl> UNREGISTER_FUNC = new UnaryVoidFunction<MBeanImpl>() { public void evaluate( MBeanImpl arg ) { if (!arg.suspended()) { try { arg.unregister(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GmbalException("Registration exception", ex ) ; } } } } ; public void mbeanUnregistered(ObjectName arg0, MBeanListener arg1) { synchronized (lock) { if (isJMXRegistrationEnabled) { isJMXRegistrationEnabled = false ; if (root != null) { traverse( root, null, UNREGISTER_FUNC ); } } } } } }