package org.ehcache.xml.model;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.ehcache.xml.model package.

An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically construct new instances of the Java representation for XML content. The Java representation of XML content can consist of schema derived interfaces and classes representing the binding of schema type definitions, element declarations and model groups. Factory methods for each of these are provided in this class.

/** * This object contains factory methods for each * Java content interface and Java element interface * generated in the org.ehcache.xml.model package. * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically * construct new instances of the Java representation * for XML content. The Java representation of XML * content can consist of schema derived interfaces * and classes representing the binding of schema * type definitions, element declarations and model * groups. Factory methods for each of these are * provided in this class. * */
@XmlRegistry public class ObjectFactory { private final static QName _Config_QNAME = new QName("", "config"); private final static QName _ServiceCreationConfiguration_QNAME = new QName("", "service-creation-configuration"); private final static QName _ServiceConfiguration_QNAME = new QName("", "service-configuration"); private final static QName _Resource_QNAME = new QName("", "resource");
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: org.ehcache.xml.model
/** * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: org.ehcache.xml.model * */
public ObjectFactory() { }
Create an instance of ExpiryType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ExpiryType } * */
public ExpiryType createExpiryType() { return new ExpiryType(); }
Create an instance of CacheLoaderWriterType
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheLoaderWriterType } * */
public CacheLoaderWriterType createCacheLoaderWriterType() { return new CacheLoaderWriterType(); }
Create an instance of WriteBehind
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind } * */
public CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind createCacheLoaderWriterTypeWriteBehind() { return new CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind(); }
Create an instance of ListenersType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ListenersType } * */
public ListenersType createListenersType() { return new ListenersType(); }
Create an instance of SizeofType
/** * Create an instance of {@link SizeofType } * */
public SizeofType createSizeofType() { return new SizeofType(); }
Create an instance of ThreadPoolsType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ThreadPoolsType } * */
public ThreadPoolsType createThreadPoolsType() { return new ThreadPoolsType(); }
Create an instance of CopierType
/** * Create an instance of {@link CopierType } * */
public CopierType createCopierType() { return new CopierType(); }
Create an instance of SerializerType
/** * Create an instance of {@link SerializerType } * */
public SerializerType createSerializerType() { return new SerializerType(); }
Create an instance of ConfigType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ConfigType } * */
public ConfigType createConfigType() { return new ConfigType(); }
Create an instance of ResourceType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ResourceType } * */
public ResourceType createResourceType() { return new ResourceType(); }
Create an instance of MemoryType
/** * Create an instance of {@link MemoryType } * */
public MemoryType createMemoryType() { return new MemoryType(); }
Create an instance of PersistableMemoryType
/** * Create an instance of {@link PersistableMemoryType } * */
public PersistableMemoryType createPersistableMemoryType() { return new PersistableMemoryType(); }
Create an instance of ServiceType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ServiceType } * */
public ServiceType createServiceType() { return new ServiceType(); }
Create an instance of PersistenceType
/** * Create an instance of {@link PersistenceType } * */
public PersistenceType createPersistenceType() { return new PersistenceType(); }
Create an instance of ThreadPoolReferenceType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ThreadPoolReferenceType } * */
public ThreadPoolReferenceType createThreadPoolReferenceType() { return new ThreadPoolReferenceType(); }
Create an instance of CacheType
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheType } * */
public CacheType createCacheType() { return new CacheType(); }
Create an instance of CacheTemplateType
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheTemplateType } * */
public CacheTemplateType createCacheTemplateType() { return new CacheTemplateType(); }
Create an instance of CacheEntryType
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheEntryType } * */
public CacheEntryType createCacheEntryType() { return new CacheEntryType(); }
Create an instance of TimeType
/** * Create an instance of {@link TimeType } * */
public TimeType createTimeType() { return new TimeType(); }
Create an instance of ResourcesType
/** * Create an instance of {@link ResourcesType } * */
public ResourcesType createResourcesType() { return new ResourcesType(); }
Create an instance of DiskStoreSettingsType
/** * Create an instance of {@link DiskStoreSettingsType } * */
public DiskStoreSettingsType createDiskStoreSettingsType() { return new DiskStoreSettingsType(); }
Create an instance of None
/** * Create an instance of {@link ExpiryType.None } * */
public ExpiryType.None createExpiryTypeNone() { return new ExpiryType.None(); }
Create an instance of Batching
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind.Batching } * */
public CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind.Batching createCacheLoaderWriterTypeWriteBehindBatching() { return new CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind.Batching(); }
Create an instance of NonBatching
/** * Create an instance of {@link CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind.NonBatching } * */
public CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind.NonBatching createCacheLoaderWriterTypeWriteBehindNonBatching() { return new CacheLoaderWriterType.WriteBehind.NonBatching(); }
Create an instance of Listener
/** * Create an instance of {@link ListenersType.Listener } * */
public ListenersType.Listener createListenersTypeListener() { return new ListenersType.Listener(); }
Create an instance of MaxObjectGraphSize
/** * Create an instance of {@link SizeofType.MaxObjectGraphSize } * */
public SizeofType.MaxObjectGraphSize createSizeofTypeMaxObjectGraphSize() { return new SizeofType.MaxObjectGraphSize(); }
Create an instance of ThreadPool
/** * Create an instance of {@link ThreadPoolsType.ThreadPool } * */
public ThreadPoolsType.ThreadPool createThreadPoolsTypeThreadPool() { return new ThreadPoolsType.ThreadPool(); }
Create an instance of Copier
/** * Create an instance of {@link CopierType.Copier } * */
public CopierType.Copier createCopierTypeCopier() { return new CopierType.Copier(); }
Create an instance of Serializer
/** * Create an instance of {@link SerializerType.Serializer } * */
public SerializerType.Serializer createSerializerTypeSerializer() { return new SerializerType.Serializer(); }
Create an instance of JAXBElement<ConfigType>}
/** * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link ConfigType }{@code >}} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "config") public JAXBElement<ConfigType> createConfig(ConfigType value) { return new JAXBElement<ConfigType>(_Config_QNAME, ConfigType.class, null, value); }
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Object>}
/** * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Object }{@code >}} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "service-creation-configuration") public JAXBElement<Object> createServiceCreationConfiguration(Object value) { return new JAXBElement<Object>(_ServiceCreationConfiguration_QNAME, Object.class, null, value); }
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Object>}
/** * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Object }{@code >}} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "service-configuration") public JAXBElement<Object> createServiceConfiguration(Object value) { return new JAXBElement<Object>(_ServiceConfiguration_QNAME, Object.class, null, value); }
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Object>}
/** * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Object }{@code >}} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "resource") public JAXBElement<Object> createResource(Object value) { return new JAXBElement<Object>(_Resource_QNAME, Object.class, null, value); }
Create an instance of Heap}
/** * Create an instance of {@link Heap }} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "heap", substitutionHeadNamespace = "", substitutionHeadName = "resource") public Heap createHeap(ResourceType value) { return new Heap(value); }
Create an instance of Offheap}
/** * Create an instance of {@link Offheap }} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "offheap", substitutionHeadNamespace = "", substitutionHeadName = "resource") public Offheap createOffheap(MemoryType value) { return new Offheap(value); }
Create an instance of Disk}
/** * Create an instance of {@link Disk }} * */
@XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "disk", substitutionHeadNamespace = "", substitutionHeadName = "resource") public Disk createDisk(PersistableMemoryType value) { return new Disk(value); } }