 * Copyright Terracotta, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.ehcache.impl.internal.store.tiering;

import org.ehcache.Cache;
import org.ehcache.config.ResourcePools;
import org.ehcache.config.ResourceType;
import org.ehcache.core.CacheConfigurationChangeListener;
import org.ehcache.core.collections.ConcurrentWeakIdentityHashMap;
import org.ehcache.core.exceptions.StorePassThroughException;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.Store;
import org.ehcache.spi.resilience.StoreAccessException;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.events.StoreEventSource;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.tiering.AuthoritativeTier;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.tiering.CachingTier;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.Service;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceDependencies;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceProvider;
import org.terracotta.statistics.StatisticsManager;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

A Store implementation supporting a tiered caching model.
/** * A {@link Store} implementation supporting a tiered caching model. */
public class TieredStore<K, V> implements Store<K, V> { private final AtomicReference<CachingTier<K, V>> cachingTierRef; private final CachingTier<K, V> noopCachingTier; private final CachingTier<K, V> realCachingTier; private final AuthoritativeTier<K, V> authoritativeTier; public TieredStore(CachingTier<K, V> cachingTier, AuthoritativeTier<K, V> authoritativeTier) { this.cachingTierRef = new AtomicReference<>(cachingTier); this.authoritativeTier = authoritativeTier; this.realCachingTier = cachingTier; this.noopCachingTier = new NoopCachingTier<>(authoritativeTier); this.realCachingTier.setInvalidationListener(TieredStore.this.authoritativeTier::flush); this.authoritativeTier.setInvalidationValve(new AuthoritativeTier.InvalidationValve() { @Override public void invalidateAll() throws StoreAccessException { invalidateAllInternal(); } @Override public void invalidateAllWithHash(long hash) throws StoreAccessException { cachingTier().invalidateAllWithHash(hash); } }); StatisticsManager.associate(cachingTier).withParent(this); StatisticsManager.associate(authoritativeTier).withParent(this); } @Override public ValueHolder<V> get(final K key) throws StoreAccessException { try { return cachingTier().getOrComputeIfAbsent(key, keyParam -> { try { return authoritativeTier.getAndFault(keyParam); } catch (StoreAccessException cae) { throw new StorePassThroughException(cae); } }); } catch (StoreAccessException ce) { return handleStoreAccessException(ce); } } @Override public boolean containsKey(K key) throws StoreAccessException { return authoritativeTier.containsKey(key); } @Override public PutStatus put(final K key, final V value) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.put(key, value); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public ValueHolder<V> putIfAbsent(K key, V value, Consumer<Boolean> put) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.putIfAbsent(key, value, put); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public boolean remove(K key) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.remove(key); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public RemoveStatus remove(K key, V value) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.remove(key, value); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public ValueHolder<V> replace(K key, V value) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.replace(key, value); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public ReplaceStatus replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.replace(key, oldValue, newValue); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public void clear() throws StoreAccessException { swapCachingTiers(); try { authoritativeTier.clear(); } finally { try { realCachingTier.clear(); } finally { swapBackCachingTiers(); } } } private void invalidateAllInternal() throws StoreAccessException { swapCachingTiers(); try { realCachingTier.invalidateAll(); } finally { swapBackCachingTiers(); } } private void swapCachingTiers() { boolean interrupted = false; while(!cachingTierRef.compareAndSet(realCachingTier, noopCachingTier)) { synchronized (noopCachingTier) { if(cachingTierRef.get() == noopCachingTier) { try { noopCachingTier.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = true; } } } } if(interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } private void swapBackCachingTiers() { if(!cachingTierRef.compareAndSet(noopCachingTier, realCachingTier)) { throw new AssertionError("Something bad happened"); } synchronized (noopCachingTier) { noopCachingTier.notify(); } } @Override public StoreEventSource<K, V> getStoreEventSource() { return authoritativeTier.getStoreEventSource(); } @Override public Iterator<Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>>> iterator() { Iterator<Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>>> authoritativeIterator = authoritativeTier.iterator(); return new Iterator<Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>>>() { private StoreAccessException prefetchFailure; private Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>> prefetched; { try { prefetched = advance(); } catch (StoreAccessException sae) { prefetchFailure = sae; } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return prefetched != null || prefetchFailure != null; } @Override public Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>> next() throws StoreAccessException { StoreAccessException nextFailure = prefetchFailure; Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>> next = prefetched; try { prefetchFailure = null; prefetched = advance(); } catch (StoreAccessException sae) { prefetchFailure = sae; prefetched = null; } if (nextFailure == null) { if (next == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } else { return next; } } else { throw nextFailure; } } private Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>> advance() throws StoreAccessException { while (authoritativeIterator.hasNext()) { Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>> next = authoritativeIterator.next(); K authKey = next.getKey(); ValueHolder<V> checked = cachingTier().getOrDefault(authKey, key -> next.getValue()); if (checked != null) { return new Cache.Entry<K, ValueHolder<V>>() { @Override public K getKey() { return authKey; } @Override public ValueHolder<V> getValue() { return checked; } }; } } return null; } }; } @Override public ValueHolder<V> getAndCompute(final K key, final BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> mappingFunction) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.getAndCompute(key, mappingFunction); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } @Override public ValueHolder<V> computeAndGet(final K key, final BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> mappingFunction, final Supplier<Boolean> replaceEqual, Supplier<Boolean> invokeWriter) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.computeAndGet(key, mappingFunction, replaceEqual, () -> false); } finally { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } public ValueHolder<V> computeIfAbsent(final K key, final Function<? super K, ? extends V> mappingFunction) throws StoreAccessException { try { return cachingTier().getOrComputeIfAbsent(key, keyParam -> { try { return authoritativeTier.computeIfAbsentAndFault(keyParam, mappingFunction); } catch (StoreAccessException cae) { throw new StorePassThroughException(cae); } }); } catch (StoreAccessException ce) { return handleStoreAccessException(ce); } } @Override public Map<K, ValueHolder<V>> bulkCompute(Set<? extends K> keys, Function<Iterable<? extends Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>>, Iterable<? extends Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>>> remappingFunction) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.bulkCompute(keys, remappingFunction); } finally { for (K key : keys) { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } } @Override public Map<K, ValueHolder<V>> bulkCompute(Set<? extends K> keys, Function<Iterable<? extends Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>>, Iterable<? extends Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>>> remappingFunction, Supplier<Boolean> replaceEqual) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.bulkCompute(keys, remappingFunction, replaceEqual); } finally { for (K key : keys) { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } } @Override public Map<K, ValueHolder<V>> bulkComputeIfAbsent(Set<? extends K> keys, Function<Iterable<? extends K>, Iterable<? extends Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>>> mappingFunction) throws StoreAccessException { try { return authoritativeTier.bulkComputeIfAbsent(keys, mappingFunction); } finally { for (K key : keys) { cachingTier().invalidate(key); } } } @Override public List<CacheConfigurationChangeListener> getConfigurationChangeListeners() { List<CacheConfigurationChangeListener> configurationChangeListenerList = new ArrayList<>(); configurationChangeListenerList.addAll(realCachingTier.getConfigurationChangeListeners()); configurationChangeListenerList.addAll(authoritativeTier.getConfigurationChangeListeners()); return configurationChangeListenerList; } private CachingTier<K, V> cachingTier() { return cachingTierRef.get(); } private ValueHolder<V> handleStoreAccessException(StoreAccessException ce) throws StoreAccessException { Throwable cause = ce.getCause(); if (cause instanceof StorePassThroughException) { throw (StoreAccessException) cause.getCause(); } if (cause instanceof Error) { throw (Error) cause; } if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) cause; } throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected checked exception wrapped in StoreAccessException", cause); } @ServiceDependencies({CachingTier.Provider.class, AuthoritativeTier.Provider.class}) public static class Provider implements Store.Provider { private volatile ServiceProvider<Service> serviceProvider; private final ConcurrentMap<Store<?, ?>, Map.Entry<CachingTier.Provider, AuthoritativeTier.Provider>> providersMap = new ConcurrentWeakIdentityHashMap<>(); @Override public int rank(final Set<ResourceType<?>> resourceTypes, final Collection<ServiceConfiguration<?>> serviceConfigs) { if (resourceTypes.size() == 1) { return 0; } ResourceType<?> authorityResource = getAuthorityResource(resourceTypes); int authorityRank = 0; Collection<AuthoritativeTier.Provider> authorityProviders = serviceProvider.getServicesOfType(AuthoritativeTier.Provider.class); for (AuthoritativeTier.Provider authorityProvider : authorityProviders) { int newRank = authorityProvider.rankAuthority(authorityResource, serviceConfigs); if (newRank > authorityRank) { authorityRank = newRank; } } if (authorityRank == 0) { return 0; } Set<ResourceType<?>> cachingResources = new HashSet<>(resourceTypes); cachingResources.remove(authorityResource); int cachingTierRank = 0; Collection<CachingTier.Provider> cachingTierProviders = serviceProvider.getServicesOfType(CachingTier.Provider.class); for (CachingTier.Provider cachingTierProvider : cachingTierProviders) { int newRank = cachingTierProvider.rankCachingTier(cachingResources, serviceConfigs); if (newRank > cachingTierRank) { cachingTierRank = newRank; } } if (cachingTierRank == 0) { return 0; } return authorityRank + cachingTierRank; } private ResourceType<?> getAuthorityResource(Set<ResourceType<?>> resourceTypes) { ResourceType<?> authorityResource = null; for (ResourceType<?> resourceType : resourceTypes) { if (authorityResource == null || authorityResource.getTierHeight() > resourceType.getTierHeight()) { authorityResource = resourceType; } } return authorityResource; } @Override public <K, V> Store<K, V> createStore(Configuration<K, V> storeConfig, ServiceConfiguration<?>... serviceConfigs) { final List<ServiceConfiguration<?>> enhancedServiceConfigs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(serviceConfigs)); final ResourcePools resourcePools = storeConfig.getResourcePools(); if (rank(resourcePools.getResourceTypeSet(), enhancedServiceConfigs) == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TieredStore.Provider does not support configured resource types " + resourcePools.getResourceTypeSet()); } ResourceType<?> authorityResource = getAuthorityResource(resourcePools.getResourceTypeSet()); AuthoritativeTier.Provider authoritativeTierProvider = getAuthoritativeTierProvider(authorityResource, enhancedServiceConfigs); Set<ResourceType<?>> cachingResources = new HashSet<>(resourcePools.getResourceTypeSet()); cachingResources.remove(authorityResource); CachingTier.Provider cachingTierProvider = getCachingTierProvider(cachingResources, enhancedServiceConfigs); final ServiceConfiguration<?>[] configurations = enhancedServiceConfigs.toArray(new ServiceConfiguration<?>[enhancedServiceConfigs.size()]); CachingTier<K, V> cachingTier = cachingTierProvider.createCachingTier(storeConfig, configurations); AuthoritativeTier<K, V> authoritativeTier = authoritativeTierProvider.createAuthoritativeTier(storeConfig, configurations); TieredStore<K, V> store = new TieredStore<>(cachingTier, authoritativeTier); registerStore(store, cachingTierProvider, authoritativeTierProvider); return store; } private CachingTier.Provider getCachingTierProvider(Set<ResourceType<?>> cachingResources, List<ServiceConfiguration<?>> enhancedServiceConfigs) { CachingTier.Provider cachingTierProvider = null; Collection<CachingTier.Provider> cachingTierProviders = serviceProvider.getServicesOfType(CachingTier.Provider.class); for (CachingTier.Provider provider : cachingTierProviders) { if (provider.rankCachingTier(cachingResources, enhancedServiceConfigs) != 0) { cachingTierProvider = provider; break; } } if (cachingTierProvider == null) { throw new AssertionError("No CachingTier.Provider found although ranking found one for " + cachingResources); } return cachingTierProvider; } AuthoritativeTier.Provider getAuthoritativeTierProvider(ResourceType<?> authorityResource, List<ServiceConfiguration<?>> enhancedServiceConfigs) { AuthoritativeTier.Provider authoritativeTierProvider = null; Collection<AuthoritativeTier.Provider> authorityProviders = serviceProvider.getServicesOfType(AuthoritativeTier.Provider.class); int highestRank = 0; for (AuthoritativeTier.Provider provider : authorityProviders) { int rank = provider.rankAuthority(authorityResource, enhancedServiceConfigs); if (rank != 0) { if (highestRank < rank) { authoritativeTierProvider = provider; highestRank = rank; } } } if (authoritativeTierProvider == null) { throw new AssertionError("No AuthoritativeTier.Provider found although ranking found one for " + authorityResource); } return authoritativeTierProvider; } <K, V> void registerStore(final TieredStore<K, V> store, final CachingTier.Provider cachingTierProvider, final AuthoritativeTier.Provider authoritativeTierProvider) { if(providersMap.putIfAbsent(store, new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(cachingTierProvider, authoritativeTierProvider)) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Instance of the Store already registered!"); } } @Override public void releaseStore(Store<?, ?> resource) { Map.Entry<CachingTier.Provider, AuthoritativeTier.Provider> entry = providersMap.get(resource); if (entry == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given store is not managed by this provider : " + resource); } TieredStore<?, ?> tieredStore = (TieredStore<?, ?>) resource; // Stop propagating invalidation to higher tier since they will be released before the authoritative tier // and thus not be in a state when they can invalidate anymore tieredStore.authoritativeTier.setInvalidationValve(new AuthoritativeTier.InvalidationValve() { @Override public void invalidateAll() { } @Override public void invalidateAllWithHash(long hash) { } }); entry.getKey().releaseCachingTier(tieredStore.realCachingTier); entry.getValue().releaseAuthoritativeTier(tieredStore.authoritativeTier); } @Override public void initStore(Store<?, ?> resource) { Map.Entry<CachingTier.Provider, AuthoritativeTier.Provider> entry = providersMap.get(resource); if (entry == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given store is not managed by this provider : " + resource); } TieredStore<?, ?> tieredStore = (TieredStore<?, ?>) resource; entry.getKey().initCachingTier(tieredStore.realCachingTier); entry.getValue().initAuthoritativeTier(tieredStore.authoritativeTier); } @Override public void start(ServiceProvider<Service> serviceProvider) { this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider; } @Override public void stop() { this.serviceProvider = null; providersMap.clear(); } } private static class NoopCachingTier<K, V> implements CachingTier<K, V> { private final AuthoritativeTier<K, V> authoritativeTier; public NoopCachingTier(final AuthoritativeTier<K, V> authoritativeTier) { this.authoritativeTier = authoritativeTier; } @Override public ValueHolder<V> getOrComputeIfAbsent(final K key, final Function<K, ValueHolder<V>> source) { final ValueHolder<V> apply = source.apply(key); authoritativeTier.flush(key, apply); return apply; } @Override public ValueHolder<V> getOrDefault(K key, Function<K, ValueHolder<V>> source) { return source.apply(key); } @Override public void invalidate(final K key) { // noop } @Override public void invalidateAll() { // noop } @Override public void clear() { // noop } @Override public void setInvalidationListener(final InvalidationListener<K, V> invalidationListener) { // noop } @Override public void invalidateAllWithHash(long hash) { // noop } @Override public List<CacheConfigurationChangeListener> getConfigurationChangeListeners() { return null; } } }