 * Copyright Terracotta, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.ehcache.config.builders;

import org.ehcache.Cache;
import org.ehcache.CachePersistenceException;
import org.ehcache.UserManagedCache;
import org.ehcache.config.Builder;
import org.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.config.EvictionAdvisor;
import org.ehcache.config.ResourcePools;
import org.ehcache.config.ResourceType;
import org.ehcache.config.units.EntryUnit;
import org.ehcache.config.units.MemoryUnit;
import org.ehcache.core.Ehcache;
import org.ehcache.core.InternalCache;
import org.ehcache.core.PersistentUserManagedEhcache;
import org.ehcache.core.config.BaseCacheConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.core.config.ExpiryUtils;
import org.ehcache.core.events.CacheEventDispatcher;
import org.ehcache.core.events.CacheEventListenerConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.core.events.CacheEventListenerProvider;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.ServiceLocator;
import org.ehcache.core.resilience.DefaultRecoveryStore;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.LifeCycled;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.LifeCycledAdapter;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.service.DiskResourceService;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.Store;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.heap.SizeOfEngine;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.heap.SizeOfEngineProvider;
import org.ehcache.core.store.StoreConfigurationImpl;
import org.ehcache.core.store.StoreSupport;
import org.ehcache.core.util.ClassLoading;
import org.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener;
import org.ehcache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.copy.DefaultCopierConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.loaderwriter.DefaultCacheLoaderWriterConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.serializer.DefaultSerializerConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.copy.SerializingCopier;
import org.ehcache.impl.events.CacheEventDispatcherImpl;
import org.ehcache.impl.internal.events.DisabledCacheEventNotificationService;
import org.ehcache.impl.internal.resilience.RobustLoaderWriterResilienceStrategy;
import org.ehcache.impl.internal.resilience.RobustResilienceStrategy;
import org.ehcache.impl.internal.spi.event.DefaultCacheEventListenerProvider;
import org.ehcache.spi.copy.Copier;
import org.ehcache.spi.loaderwriter.CacheLoaderWriter;
import org.ehcache.spi.persistence.PersistableResourceService;
import org.ehcache.spi.resilience.ResilienceStrategy;
import org.ehcache.spi.serialization.SerializationProvider;
import org.ehcache.spi.serialization.Serializer;
import org.ehcache.spi.serialization.UnsupportedTypeException;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.Service;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceCreationConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceProvider;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import static org.ehcache.config.ResourceType.Core.DISK;
import static org.ehcache.config.ResourceType.Core.OFFHEAP;
import static org.ehcache.config.builders.ResourcePoolsBuilder.newResourcePoolsBuilder;
import static org.ehcache.core.spi.ServiceLocator.dependencySet;
import static org.ehcache.core.spi.service.ServiceUtils.findSingletonAmongst;
import static org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineConfiguration.DEFAULT_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE;
import static org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineConfiguration.DEFAULT_OBJECT_GRAPH_SIZE;
import static org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineConfiguration.DEFAULT_UNIT;

The UserManagedCacheBuilder enables building UserManagedCaches using a fluent style.

UserManagedCaches are Caches that are not linked to a CacheManager.

As with all Ehcache builders, all instances are immutable and calling any method on the builder will return a new instance without modifying the one on which the method was called. This enables the sharing of builder instances without any risk of seeing them modified by code elsewhere.

Type parameters:
  • <K> – the cache key type
  • <V> – the cache value type
  • <T> – the specific UserManagedCache type
/** * The {@code UserManagedCacheBuilder} enables building {@link UserManagedCache}s using a fluent style. * <p> * {@link UserManagedCache}s are {@link Cache}s that are not linked to a {@link org.ehcache.CacheManager}. * <p> * As with all Ehcache builders, all instances are immutable and calling any method on the builder will return a new * instance without modifying the one on which the method was called. * This enables the sharing of builder instances without any risk of seeing them modified by code elsewhere. * * @param <K> the cache key type * @param <V> the cache value type * @param <T> the specific {@code UserManagedCache} type */
public class UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T extends UserManagedCache<K, V>> implements Builder<T> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserManagedCacheBuilder.class); private static final AtomicLong instanceId = new AtomicLong(0L); private final Class<K> keyType; private final Class<V> valueType; private String id; private final Set<Service> services = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<ServiceCreationConfiguration<?>> serviceCreationConfigurations = new HashSet<>(); private ExpiryPolicy<? super K, ? super V> expiry = ExpiryPolicy.NO_EXPIRY; private ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoading.getDefaultClassLoader(); private EvictionAdvisor<? super K, ? super V> evictionAdvisor; private CacheLoaderWriter<? super K, V> cacheLoaderWriter; private CacheEventDispatcher<K, V> eventDispatcher = new DisabledCacheEventNotificationService<>(); private ResourcePools resourcePools = newResourcePoolsBuilder().heap(Long.MAX_VALUE, EntryUnit.ENTRIES).build(); private Copier<K> keyCopier; private boolean useKeySerializingCopier; private Copier<V> valueCopier; private boolean useValueSerializingCopier; private Serializer<K> keySerializer; private Serializer<V> valueSerializer; private int dispatcherConcurrency = 4; private List<CacheEventListenerConfiguration> eventListenerConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); private ExecutorService unOrderedExecutor; private ExecutorService orderedExecutor; private long objectGraphSize = DEFAULT_OBJECT_GRAPH_SIZE; private long maxObjectSize = DEFAULT_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE; private MemoryUnit sizeOfUnit = DEFAULT_UNIT; UserManagedCacheBuilder(final Class<K> keyType, final Class<V> valueType) { this.keyType = keyType; this.valueType = valueType; } private UserManagedCacheBuilder(UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> toCopy) { this.keyType = toCopy.keyType; this.valueType = toCopy.valueType; this.id = toCopy.id; this.services.addAll(toCopy.services); this.serviceCreationConfigurations.addAll(toCopy.serviceCreationConfigurations); this.expiry = toCopy.expiry; this.classLoader = toCopy.classLoader; this.evictionAdvisor = toCopy.evictionAdvisor; this.cacheLoaderWriter = toCopy.cacheLoaderWriter; this.eventDispatcher = toCopy.eventDispatcher; this.resourcePools = toCopy.resourcePools; this.keyCopier = toCopy.keyCopier; this.valueCopier = toCopy.valueCopier; this.keySerializer = toCopy.keySerializer; this.valueSerializer = toCopy.valueSerializer; this.useKeySerializingCopier = toCopy.useKeySerializingCopier; this.useValueSerializingCopier = toCopy.useValueSerializingCopier; this.eventListenerConfigurations = toCopy.eventListenerConfigurations; this.unOrderedExecutor = toCopy.unOrderedExecutor; this.orderedExecutor = toCopy.orderedExecutor; this.objectGraphSize = toCopy.objectGraphSize; this.maxObjectSize = toCopy.maxObjectSize; this.sizeOfUnit = toCopy.sizeOfUnit; } T build(ServiceLocator.DependencySet serviceLocatorBuilder) throws IllegalStateException { validateListenerConfig(); ServiceLocator serviceLocator; try { for (ServiceCreationConfiguration<?> serviceCreationConfig : serviceCreationConfigurations) { serviceLocatorBuilder = serviceLocatorBuilder.with(serviceCreationConfig); } serviceLocatorBuilder = serviceLocatorBuilder.with(Store.Provider.class); serviceLocator = serviceLocatorBuilder.build(); serviceLocator.startAllServices(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("UserManagedCacheBuilder failed to build.", e); } List<ServiceConfiguration<?>> serviceConfigsList = new ArrayList<>(); if (keyCopier != null) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultCopierConfiguration<>(keyCopier, DefaultCopierConfiguration.Type.KEY)); } else if (useKeySerializingCopier) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultCopierConfiguration<>(SerializingCopier.<K>asCopierClass(), DefaultCopierConfiguration.Type.KEY)); } if (valueCopier != null) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultCopierConfiguration<>(valueCopier, DefaultCopierConfiguration.Type.VALUE)); } else if (useValueSerializingCopier) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultCopierConfiguration<>(SerializingCopier.<K>asCopierClass(), DefaultCopierConfiguration.Type.VALUE)); } CacheConfiguration<K, V> cacheConfig = new BaseCacheConfiguration<>(keyType, valueType, evictionAdvisor, classLoader, expiry, resourcePools); List<LifeCycled> lifeCycledList = new ArrayList<>(); Set<ResourceType<?>> resources = resourcePools.getResourceTypeSet(); boolean persistent = resources.contains(DISK); if (persistent) { if (id == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Persistent user managed caches must have an id set"); } final DiskResourceService diskResourceService = serviceLocator.getService(DiskResourceService.class); if (!resourcePools.getPoolForResource(ResourceType.Core.DISK).isPersistent()) { try { diskResourceService.destroy(id); } catch (CachePersistenceException cpex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to clean-up persistence space for non-restartable cache " + id, cpex); } } try { final PersistableResourceService.PersistenceSpaceIdentifier<?> identifier = diskResourceService.getPersistenceSpaceIdentifier(id, cacheConfig); lifeCycledList.add(new LifeCycledAdapter() { @Override public void close() throws Exception { diskResourceService.releasePersistenceSpaceIdentifier(identifier); } }); serviceConfigsList.add(identifier); } catch (CachePersistenceException cpex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create persistence space for cache " + id, cpex); } } Serializer<K> keySerializer = this.keySerializer; Serializer<V> valueSerializer = this.valueSerializer; if (keySerializer != null) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultSerializerConfiguration<>(this.keySerializer, DefaultSerializerConfiguration.Type.KEY)); } if (valueSerializer != null) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultSerializerConfiguration<>(this.valueSerializer, DefaultSerializerConfiguration.Type.VALUE)); } ServiceConfiguration<?>[] serviceConfigs = serviceConfigsList.toArray(new ServiceConfiguration<?>[0]); final SerializationProvider serialization = serviceLocator.getService(SerializationProvider.class); if (serialization != null) { try { if (keySerializer == null) { final Serializer<K> keySer = serialization.createKeySerializer(keyType, classLoader, serviceConfigs); lifeCycledList.add( new LifeCycledAdapter() { @Override public void close() throws Exception { serialization.releaseSerializer(keySer); } } ); keySerializer = keySer; } if (valueSerializer == null) { final Serializer<V> valueSer = serialization.createValueSerializer(valueType, classLoader, serviceConfigs); lifeCycledList.add( new LifeCycledAdapter() { @Override public void close() throws Exception { serialization.releaseSerializer(valueSer); } } ); valueSerializer = valueSer; } } catch (UnsupportedTypeException e) { if (resources.contains(OFFHEAP) || resources.contains(DISK)) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } else { LOGGER.debug("Serializers for cache '{}' failed creation ({}). However, depending on the configuration, they might not be needed", id, e.getMessage()); } } } if (cacheLoaderWriter != null) { serviceConfigsList.add(new DefaultCacheLoaderWriterConfiguration(cacheLoaderWriter)); } Store.Provider storeProvider = StoreSupport.selectWrapperStoreProvider(serviceLocator, serviceConfigsList); if (storeProvider == null) { storeProvider = StoreSupport.selectStoreProvider(serviceLocator, resources, serviceConfigsList); } Store.Configuration<K, V> storeConfig = new StoreConfigurationImpl<>(keyType, valueType, evictionAdvisor, classLoader, expiry, resourcePools, dispatcherConcurrency, keySerializer, valueSerializer, cacheLoaderWriter); Store<K, V> store = storeProvider.createStore(storeConfig, serviceConfigs); AtomicReference<Store.Provider> storeProviderRef = new AtomicReference<>(storeProvider); lifeCycledList.add(new LifeCycled() { @Override public void init() { storeProviderRef.get().initStore(store); } @Override public void close() { storeProviderRef.get().releaseStore(store); } }); if (this.eventDispatcher instanceof DisabledCacheEventNotificationService && (orderedExecutor != null & unOrderedExecutor != null)) { this.eventDispatcher = new CacheEventDispatcherImpl<>(unOrderedExecutor, orderedExecutor); } eventDispatcher.setStoreEventSource(store.getStoreEventSource()); ResilienceStrategy<K, V> resilienceStrategy; if (cacheLoaderWriter == null) { resilienceStrategy = new RobustResilienceStrategy<>(new DefaultRecoveryStore<>(store)); } else { resilienceStrategy = new RobustLoaderWriterResilienceStrategy<>(new DefaultRecoveryStore<>(store), cacheLoaderWriter); } if (persistent) { DiskResourceService diskResourceService = serviceLocator .getService(DiskResourceService.class); if (diskResourceService == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No LocalPersistenceService could be found - did you configure one?"); } PersistentUserManagedEhcache<K, V> cache = new PersistentUserManagedEhcache<>(cacheConfig, store, resilienceStrategy, diskResourceService, cacheLoaderWriter, eventDispatcher, id); registerListeners(cache, serviceLocator, lifeCycledList); for (LifeCycled lifeCycled : lifeCycledList) { cache.addHook(lifeCycled); } return cast(cache); } else { InternalCache<K, V> cache = new Ehcache<>(cacheConfig, store, resilienceStrategy, eventDispatcher, getLoggerFor(Ehcache.class)); registerListeners(cache, serviceLocator, lifeCycledList); for (LifeCycled lifeCycled : lifeCycledList) { (cache).addHook(lifeCycled); } return cast(cache); } } private Logger getLoggerFor(Class<?> clazz) { String loggerName; if (id != null) { loggerName = clazz.getName() + "-" + id; } else { loggerName = clazz.getName() + "-UserManaged" + instanceId.incrementAndGet(); } return LoggerFactory.getLogger(loggerName); } private void validateListenerConfig() { if (!eventListenerConfigurations.isEmpty() && eventDispatcher instanceof DisabledCacheEventNotificationService) { if (orderedExecutor == null && unOrderedExecutor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Listeners will not work unless Executors or EventDispatcher is configured."); } } } private void registerListeners(Cache<K, V> cache, ServiceProvider<Service> serviceProvider, List<LifeCycled> lifeCycledList) { if (!eventListenerConfigurations.isEmpty()) { final CacheEventListenerProvider listenerProvider; CacheEventListenerProvider provider; if ((provider = serviceProvider.getService(CacheEventListenerProvider.class)) != null) { listenerProvider = provider; } else { listenerProvider = new DefaultCacheEventListenerProvider(); } for (CacheEventListenerConfiguration config : eventListenerConfigurations) { final CacheEventListener<K, V> listener = listenerProvider.createEventListener(id, config); if (listener != null) { cache.getRuntimeConfiguration().registerCacheEventListener(listener, config.orderingMode(), config.firingMode(), config.fireOn()); lifeCycledList.add(new LifeCycled() { @Override public void init() { } @Override public void close() throws Exception { listenerProvider.releaseEventListener(listener); } }); } } } eventDispatcher.setListenerSource(cache); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T cast(UserManagedCache<K, V> cache) { return (T)cache; }
Builds the UserManagedCache, initializing it if requested.
  • init – whether to initialize or not the cache before returning
Returns:a user managed cache
/** * Builds the {@link UserManagedCache}, initializing it if requested. * * @param init whether to initialize or not the cache before returning * @return a user managed cache * @throws IllegalStateException if the user managed cache cannot be built */
public final T build(final boolean init) throws IllegalStateException { final T build = build(dependencySet().withoutMandatoryServices().with(services)); if (init) { build.init(); } return build; }
Builds an unitialized UserManagedCache.
Returns:an uninitialized user managed cache
/** * Builds an unitialized {@link UserManagedCache}. * * @return an uninitialized user managed cache */
@Override public T build() { return build(false); }
Specifies the returned UserManagedCache subtype through a specific UserManagedCacheConfiguration which will optionally add configurations to the returned builder.
  • cfg – the UserManagedCacheConfiguration to use
Type parameters:
  • <N> – the subtype of UserManagedCache
See Also:
Returns:a new builder ready to build a more specific subtype of user managed cache
/** * Specifies the returned {@link UserManagedCache} subtype through a specific {@link UserManagedCacheConfiguration} * which will optionally add configurations to the returned builder. * * @param cfg the {@code UserManagedCacheConfiguration} to use * @param <N> the subtype of {@code UserManagedCache} * @return a new builder ready to build a more specific subtype of user managed cache * * @see org.ehcache.PersistentUserManagedCache * @see org.ehcache.impl.config.persistence.UserManagedPersistenceContext */
public final <N extends T> UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, N> with(UserManagedCacheConfiguration<K, V, N> cfg) { return cfg.builder(this); }
Adds an identifier to the returned builder.

The identifier will be used in services and logging the way a cache alias would be inside a CacheManager

  • identifier – the identifier
Returns:a new builder with the added identifier
/** * Adds an identifier to the returned builder. * <p> * The identifier will be used in services and logging the way a cache alias would be inside a {@code CacheManager} * @param identifier the identifier * @return a new builder with the added identifier */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> identifier(String identifier) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.id = identifier; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a ClassLoader, to load non Ehcache types, to the returned builder.
  • classLoader – the class loader to use
Returns:a new builder with the added class loader
/** * Adds a {@link ClassLoader}, to load non Ehcache types, to the returned builder. * * @param classLoader the class loader to use * @return a new builder with the added class loader */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { if (classLoader == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null classloader"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.classLoader = classLoader; return otherBuilder; }
Adds Expiry configuration to the returned builder.
  • expiry – the expiry to use
Returns:a new builer with the added expiry
Deprecated:Use withExpiry(ExpiryPolicy) instead
/** * Adds {@link org.ehcache.expiry.Expiry} configuration to the returned builder. * * @param expiry the expiry to use * @return a new builer with the added expiry * * @deprecated Use {@link #withExpiry(ExpiryPolicy)} instead */
@Deprecated public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withExpiry(org.ehcache.expiry.Expiry<? super K, ? super V> expiry) { if (expiry == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null expiry"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.expiry = ExpiryUtils.convertToExpiryPolicy(expiry); return otherBuilder; }
Adds ExpiryPolicy configuration to the returned builder.
  • expiry – the expiry to use
Returns:a new builer with the added expiry
/** * Adds {@link ExpiryPolicy} configuration to the returned builder. * * @param expiry the expiry to use * @return a new builer with the added expiry */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withExpiry(ExpiryPolicy<? super K, ? super V> expiry) { if (expiry == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null expiry"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.expiry = expiry; return otherBuilder; }
Adds an CacheEventDispatcher to the returned builder.

This is one way of providing a mandatory part of supporting event listeners in UserManagedCache

  • eventDispatcher – the event dispatcher to use
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the configured event dispatcher
/** * Adds an {@link CacheEventDispatcher} to the returned builder. * <p> * This is one way of providing a mandatory part of supporting event listeners in {@link UserManagedCache} * * @param eventDispatcher the event dispatcher to use * @return a new builder with the configured event dispatcher * * @see #withEventExecutors(ExecutorService, ExecutorService) * @see #withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfiguration...) * @see #withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfigurationBuilder) */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withEventDispatcher(CacheEventDispatcher<K, V> eventDispatcher) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.orderedExecutor = null; otherBuilder.unOrderedExecutor = null; otherBuilder.eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher; return otherBuilder; }
Adds the default CacheEventDispatcher using the provided ExecutorService to the returned builder.

This is one way of providing a mandatory part of supporting event listeners in UserManagedCache

  • orderedExecutor – the ordered event executor service
  • unOrderedExecutor – the unordered event executor service
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the configured event dispatcher
/** * Adds the default {@link CacheEventDispatcher} using the provided {@link ExecutorService} to the returned builder. * <p> * This is one way of providing a mandatory part of supporting event listeners in {@link UserManagedCache} * * @param orderedExecutor the ordered event executor service * @param unOrderedExecutor the unordered event executor service * @return a new builder with the configured event dispatcher * * @see #withEventDispatcher(CacheEventDispatcher) * @see #withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfiguration...) * @see #withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfigurationBuilder) */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withEventExecutors(ExecutorService orderedExecutor, ExecutorService unOrderedExecutor) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.eventDispatcher = new DisabledCacheEventNotificationService<>(); otherBuilder.orderedExecutor = orderedExecutor; otherBuilder.unOrderedExecutor = unOrderedExecutor; return otherBuilder; }
Convenience method to add a CacheEventListenerConfiguration based on the provided CacheEventListenerConfigurationBuilder to the returned builder.
  • cacheEventListenerConfiguration – the builder to get the configuration from
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added event listener configuration
/** * Convenience method to add a {@link CacheEventListenerConfiguration} based on the provided * {@link CacheEventListenerConfigurationBuilder} to the returned builder. * * @param cacheEventListenerConfiguration the builder to get the configuration from * @return a new builder with the added event listener configuration * * @see #withEventDispatcher(CacheEventDispatcher) * @see #withEventExecutors(ExecutorService, ExecutorService) * @see #withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfiguration...) */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfigurationBuilder cacheEventListenerConfiguration) { return withEventListeners(cacheEventListenerConfiguration.build()); }
Adds one or more CacheEventListenerConfiguration to the returned builder.
  • cacheEventListenerConfigurations – the cache event listener configurations
See Also:
Returns:a new builders with the added event listener configurations
/** * Adds one or more {@link CacheEventListenerConfiguration} to the returned builder. * * @param cacheEventListenerConfigurations the cache event listener configurations * @return a new builders with the added event listener configurations * * @see #withEventDispatcher(CacheEventDispatcher) * @see #withEventExecutors(ExecutorService, ExecutorService) * @see #withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfigurationBuilder) */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withEventListeners(CacheEventListenerConfiguration... cacheEventListenerConfigurations) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.eventListenerConfigurations.addAll(Arrays.asList(cacheEventListenerConfigurations)); return otherBuilder; }
Adds a ResourcePools configuration to the returned builder.
  • resourcePools – the resource pools to use
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the configured resource pools
/** * Adds a {@link ResourcePools} configuration to the returned builder. * * @param resourcePools the resource pools to use * @return a new builder with the configured resource pools * * @see #withResourcePools(ResourcePoolsBuilder) */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withResourcePools(ResourcePools resourcePools) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.resourcePools = resourcePools; return otherBuilder; }
Convenience method to add a ResourcePools configuration based on the provided ResourcePoolsBuilder to the returned builder.
  • resourcePoolsBuilder – the builder to get the resource pools from
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the configured resource pools
/** * Convenience method to add a {@link ResourcePools} configuration based on the provided {@link ResourcePoolsBuilder} * to the returned builder. * * @param resourcePoolsBuilder the builder to get the resource pools from * @return a new builder with the configured resource pools * * @see #withResourcePools(ResourcePools) */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withResourcePools(ResourcePoolsBuilder resourcePoolsBuilder) { return withResourcePools(resourcePoolsBuilder.build()); }
Adds a configuration for dispatcher concurrency in event processing.
  • dispatcherConcurrency – the dispatcher concurrency level
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for dispatcher concurrency in event processing. * * @param dispatcherConcurrency the dispatcher concurrency level * @return a new builder with the added configuration */
public final UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withDispatcherConcurrency(int dispatcherConcurrency) { this.dispatcherConcurrency = dispatcherConcurrency; return this; }
Adds an EvictionAdvisor to the returned builder.
  • evictionAdvisor – the eviction advisor to use
Returns:a new builder with the added eviction advisor
/** * Adds an {@link EvictionAdvisor} to the returned builder. * * @param evictionAdvisor the eviction advisor to use * @return a new builder with the added eviction advisor */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withEvictionAdvisor(EvictionAdvisor<K, V> evictionAdvisor) { if (evictionAdvisor == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null eviction advisor"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.evictionAdvisor = evictionAdvisor; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a CacheLoaderWriter to the returned builder.
  • loaderWriter – the cache loader writer to use
Returns:a new builder with the added cache loader writer
/** * Adds a {@link CacheLoaderWriter} to the returned builder. * * @param loaderWriter the cache loader writer to use * @return a new builder with the added cache loader writer */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withLoaderWriter(CacheLoaderWriter<K, V> loaderWriter) { if (loaderWriter == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null loaderWriter"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.cacheLoaderWriter = loaderWriter; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a configuration for key copying using the key Serializer to the returned builder.
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for {@link Copier key copying} using the key {@link Serializer} to the returned builder. * * @return a new builder with the added configuration * * @see #withKeyCopier(Copier) * @see #withKeySerializer(Serializer) */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withKeySerializingCopier() { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.keyCopier = null; otherBuilder.useKeySerializingCopier = true; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a configuration for value copying using the key Serializer to the returned builder.
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for {@link Copier value copying} using the key {@link Serializer} to the returned builder. * * @return a new builder with the added configuration * * @see #withValueCopier(Copier) * @see #withValueSerializer(Serializer) */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withValueSerializingCopier() { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.valueCopier = null; otherBuilder.useValueSerializingCopier = true; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a configuration for key Copier to the returned builder.
  • keyCopier – the key copier to use
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added key copier configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for key {@link Copier} to the returned builder. * * @param keyCopier the key copier to use * @return a new builder with the added key copier configuration * * @see #withKeySerializingCopier() */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withKeyCopier(Copier<K> keyCopier) { if (keyCopier == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null key copier"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.keyCopier = keyCopier; otherBuilder.useKeySerializingCopier = false; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a configuration for value Copier to the returned builder.
  • valueCopier – the value copier to use
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added value copier configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for value {@link Copier} to the returned builder. * * @param valueCopier the value copier to use * @return a new builder with the added value copier configuration * * @see #withValueSerializingCopier() */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withValueCopier(Copier<V> valueCopier) { if (valueCopier == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null value copier"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.valueCopier = valueCopier; otherBuilder.useValueSerializingCopier = false; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a configuration for key Serializer to the returned builder.
  • keySerializer – the key serializer to use
Returns:a new builder with the added key serializer configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for key {@link Serializer} to the returned builder. * * @param keySerializer the key serializer to use * @return a new builder with the added key serializer configuration */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withKeySerializer(Serializer<K> keySerializer) { if (keySerializer == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null key serializer"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.keySerializer = keySerializer; return otherBuilder; }
Adds a configuration for value Serializer to the returned builder.
  • valueSerializer – the value serializer to use
Returns:a new builder with the added value serializer configuration
/** * Adds a configuration for value {@link Serializer} to the returned builder. * * @param valueSerializer the value serializer to use * @return a new builder with the added value serializer configuration */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withValueSerializer(Serializer<V> valueSerializer) { if (valueSerializer == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Null value serializer"); } UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); otherBuilder.valueSerializer = valueSerializer; return otherBuilder; }
Adds or updates the DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration with the specified object graph maximum size to the configured builder.

SizeOfEngine is what enables the heap tier to be sized in MemoryUnit.

  • size – the maximum graph size
Returns:a new builder with the added / updated configuration
/** * Adds or updates the {@link DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration} with the specified object graph maximum size to the configured * builder. * <p> * {@link SizeOfEngine} is what enables the heap tier to be sized in {@link MemoryUnit}. * * @param size the maximum graph size * @return a new builder with the added / updated configuration */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withSizeOfMaxObjectGraph(long size) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); removeAnySizeOfEngine(otherBuilder); otherBuilder.objectGraphSize = size; otherBuilder.serviceCreationConfigurations.add(new DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration(otherBuilder.maxObjectSize, otherBuilder.sizeOfUnit, otherBuilder.objectGraphSize)); return otherBuilder; }
Adds or updates the DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration with the specified maximum mapping size to the configured builder.

SizeOfEngine is what enables the heap tier to be sized in MemoryUnit.

  • size – the maximum mapping size
  • unit – the memory unit
Returns:a new builder with the added / updated configuration
/** * Adds or updates the {@link DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration} with the specified maximum mapping size to the configured * builder. * <p> * {@link SizeOfEngine} is what enables the heap tier to be sized in {@link MemoryUnit}. * * @param size the maximum mapping size * @param unit the memory unit * @return a new builder with the added / updated configuration */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> withSizeOfMaxObjectSize(long size, MemoryUnit unit) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); removeAnySizeOfEngine(otherBuilder); otherBuilder.maxObjectSize = size; otherBuilder.sizeOfUnit = unit; otherBuilder.serviceCreationConfigurations.add(new DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration(otherBuilder.maxObjectSize, otherBuilder.sizeOfUnit, otherBuilder.objectGraphSize)); return otherBuilder; }
Creates a new UserManagedCacheBuilder.
  • keyType – the cache key type
  • valueType – the cache value type
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the key type
  • <V> – the value type
Returns:the new builder
/** * Creates a new {@code UserManagedCacheBuilder}. * * @param keyType the cache key type * @param valueType the cache value type * @param <K> the key type * @param <V> the value type * @return the new builder */
public static <K, V> UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, UserManagedCache<K, V>> newUserManagedCacheBuilder(Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType) { return new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(keyType, valueType); }
Adds a Service to be made available to the returned builder.

Note that while Services will be started upon UserManagedCache construction, no other lifecycle operations will be performed on them. It is the responsibility of the developer to properly stop Services once they are no longer required.

  • service – the service to add
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added service
/** * Adds a {@link Service} to be made available to the returned builder. * <p> * Note that while {@link Service}s will be started upon {@link UserManagedCache} construction, no other lifecycle * operations will be performed on them. It is the responsibility of the developer to properly stop * {@code Service}s once they are no longer required. * * @param service the service to add * @return a new builder with the added service * * @see #using(ServiceCreationConfiguration) */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> using(Service service) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); if (service instanceof SizeOfEngineProvider) { removeAnySizeOfEngine(otherBuilder); } otherBuilder.services.add(service); return otherBuilder; }
Adds a ServiceCreationConfiguration, to trigger a service loading and its configuration, to the returned builder.

Note that while Services will be started upon UserManagedCache construction, no other lifecycle operations will be performed on them. It is the responsibility of the developer to properly stop Services once they are no longer required. Which means that this method should not be used to get services that require a stop.

  • serviceConfiguration – the service creation configuration to add
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added service creation configuration
/** * Adds a {@link ServiceCreationConfiguration}, to trigger a service loading and its configuration, to the returned * builder. * <p> * Note that while {@link Service}s will be started upon {@link UserManagedCache} construction, no other lifecycle * operations will be performed on them. It is the responsibility of the developer to properly stop * {@code Service}s once they are no longer required. Which means that this method should not be used to get * services that require a stop. * * @param serviceConfiguration the service creation configuration to add * @return a new builder with the added service creation configuration * * @see #using(Service) */
public UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> using(ServiceCreationConfiguration<?> serviceConfiguration) { UserManagedCacheBuilder<K, V, T> otherBuilder = new UserManagedCacheBuilder<>(this); if (serviceConfiguration instanceof DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration) { removeAnySizeOfEngine(otherBuilder); } otherBuilder.serviceCreationConfigurations.add(serviceConfiguration); return otherBuilder; } private static void removeAnySizeOfEngine(UserManagedCacheBuilder<?, ?, ?> builder) { builder.services.remove(findSingletonAmongst(SizeOfEngineProvider.class, builder.services)); builder.serviceCreationConfigurations.remove(findSingletonAmongst(DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration.class, builder.serviceCreationConfigurations)); } }