 * Copyright Terracotta, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.ehcache.config.builders;

import org.ehcache.CacheManager;
import org.ehcache.PersistentCacheManager;
import org.ehcache.config.Builder;
import org.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.config.Configuration;
import org.ehcache.config.units.MemoryUnit;
import org.ehcache.core.EhcacheManager;
import org.ehcache.core.spi.store.heap.SizeOfEngine;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.copy.DefaultCopyProviderConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.event.CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.loaderwriter.writebehind.WriteBehindProviderConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.persistence.CacheManagerPersistenceConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.serializer.DefaultSerializationProviderConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.impl.config.store.disk.OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration;
import org.ehcache.spi.copy.Copier;
import org.ehcache.spi.serialization.Serializer;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.Service;
import org.ehcache.spi.service.ServiceCreationConfiguration;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
import static org.ehcache.config.builders.ConfigurationBuilder.newConfigurationBuilder;
import static org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineConfiguration.DEFAULT_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE;
import static org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineConfiguration.DEFAULT_OBJECT_GRAPH_SIZE;
import static org.ehcache.impl.config.store.heap.DefaultSizeOfEngineConfiguration.DEFAULT_UNIT;

The CacheManagerBuilder enables building cache managers using a fluent style.

As with all Ehcache builders, all instances are immutable and calling any method on the builder will return a new instance without modifying the one on which the method was called. This enables the sharing of builder instances without any risk of seeing them modified by code elsewhere.

/** * The {@code CacheManagerBuilder} enables building cache managers using a fluent style. * <p> * As with all Ehcache builders, all instances are immutable and calling any method on the builder will return a new * instance without modifying the one on which the method was called. * This enables the sharing of builder instances without any risk of seeing them modified by code elsewhere. */
public class CacheManagerBuilder<T extends CacheManager> implements Builder<T> { private final ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder; private final Set<Service> services;
Builds a CacheManager or a subtype of it and initializes it if requested.
  • init – whether the returned CacheManager is to be initialized or not
Returns:a CacheManager or a subtype of it
/** * Builds a {@link CacheManager} or a subtype of it and initializes it if requested. * * @param init whether the returned {@code CacheManager} is to be initialized or not * @return a {@code CacheManager} or a subtype of it */
public T build(final boolean init) { final T cacheManager = newCacheManager(services, configBuilder.build()); if(init) { cacheManager.init(); } return cacheManager; }
Builds a CacheManager or a subtype of it uninitialized.
Returns:a CacheManager or a subtype of it uninitialized
/** * Builds a {@link CacheManager} or a subtype of it uninitialized. * * @return a {@code CacheManager} or a subtype of it uninitialized */
@Override public T build() { return build(false); } private CacheManagerBuilder() { this.configBuilder = newConfigurationBuilder(); this.services = emptySet(); } private CacheManagerBuilder(CacheManagerBuilder<T> builder, Set<Service> services) { this.configBuilder = builder.configBuilder; this.services = unmodifiableSet(services); } private CacheManagerBuilder(CacheManagerBuilder<T> builder, ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder) { this.configBuilder = configBuilder; this.services = builder.services; }
Creates a new CacheManager based on the provided configuration. The returned CacheManager is uninitialized.
  • configuration – the configuration to use
Returns:a CacheManager
/** * Creates a new {@link CacheManager} based on the provided configuration. * The returned {@code CacheManager} is uninitialized. * * @param configuration the configuration to use * @return a {@code CacheManager} */
public static CacheManager newCacheManager(final Configuration configuration) { return new EhcacheManager(configuration); } T newCacheManager(Collection<Service> services, final Configuration configuration) { final EhcacheManager ehcacheManager = new EhcacheManager(configuration, services); return cast(ehcacheManager); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T cast(EhcacheManager ehcacheManager) { return (T) ehcacheManager; }
Adds a CacheConfiguration linked to the specified alias to the returned builder.
  • alias – the cache alias
  • configuration – the CacheConfiguration
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the cache key type
  • <V> – the cache value type
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added cache configuration
/** * Adds a {@link CacheConfiguration} linked to the specified alias to the returned builder. * * @param alias the cache alias * @param configuration the {@code CacheConfiguration} * @param <K> the cache key type * @param <V> the cache value type * @return a new builder with the added cache configuration * * @see CacheConfigurationBuilder */
public <K, V> CacheManagerBuilder<T> withCache(String alias, CacheConfiguration<K, V> configuration) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addCache(alias, configuration)); }
Convenience method to add a CacheConfiguration linked to the specified alias to the returned builder by building it from the provided Builder.
  • alias – the cache alias
  • configurationBuilder – the Builder to get CacheConfiguration from
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the cache key type
  • <V> – the cache value type
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added cache configuration
/** * Convenience method to add a {@link CacheConfiguration} linked to the specified alias to the returned builder by * building it from the provided {@link Builder}. * * @param alias the cache alias * @param configurationBuilder the {@code Builder} to get {@code CacheConfiguration} from * @param <K> the cache key type * @param <V> the cache value type * @return a new builder with the added cache configuration * * @see CacheConfigurationBuilder */
public <K, V> CacheManagerBuilder<T> withCache(String alias, Builder<? extends CacheConfiguration<K, V>> configurationBuilder) { return withCache(alias, configurationBuilder.build()); }
Specializes the returned CacheManager subtype through a specific CacheManagerConfiguration which will optionally add configurations to the returned builder.
  • cfg – the CacheManagerConfiguration to use
Type parameters:
  • <N> – the subtype of CacheManager
See Also:
Returns:a new builder ready to build a more specific subtype of cache manager
/** * Specializes the returned {@link CacheManager} subtype through a specific {@link CacheManagerConfiguration} which * will optionally add configurations to the returned builder. * * @param cfg the {@code CacheManagerConfiguration} to use * @param <N> the subtype of {@code CacheManager} * @return a new builder ready to build a more specific subtype of cache manager * * @see #persistence(String) * @see PersistentCacheManager * @see CacheManagerPersistenceConfiguration */
public <N extends T> CacheManagerBuilder<N> with(CacheManagerConfiguration<N> cfg) { return cfg.builder(this); }
Convenience method to specialize the returned CacheManager subtype through a CacheManagerConfiguration built using the provided Builder.
  • cfgBuilder – the Builder to get the CacheManagerConfiguration from
See Also:
Returns:a new builder ready to build a more specific subtype of cache manager
/** * Convenience method to specialize the returned {@link CacheManager} subtype through a {@link CacheManagerConfiguration} * built using the provided {@link Builder}. * * @param cfgBuilder the {@code Builder} to get the {@code CacheManagerConfiguration} from * @return a new builder ready to build a more specific subtype of cache manager * * @see CacheConfigurationBuilder */
public <N extends T> CacheManagerBuilder<N> with(Builder<? extends CacheManagerConfiguration<N>> cfgBuilder) { return with(cfgBuilder.build()); }
Adds a Service instance to the returned builder.

The service instance will be used by the constructed CacheManager.

  • service – the Service to add
Returns:a new builder with the added service
/** * Adds a {@link Service} instance to the returned builder. * <p> * The service instance will be used by the constructed {@link CacheManager}. * * @param service the {@code Service} to add * @return a new builder with the added service */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> using(Service service) { Set<Service> newServices = new HashSet<>(services); newServices.add(service); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, newServices); }
Adds a default Copier for the specified type to the returned builder.
  • clazz – the Class for which the copier is
  • copier – the Copier instance
Type parameters:
  • <C> – the type which can be copied
Returns:a new builder with the added default copier
/** * Adds a default {@link Copier} for the specified type to the returned builder. * * @param clazz the {@code Class} for which the copier is * @param copier the {@code Copier} instance * @param <C> the type which can be copied * @return a new builder with the added default copier */
public <C> CacheManagerBuilder<T> withCopier(Class<C> clazz, Class<? extends Copier<C>> copier) { DefaultCopyProviderConfiguration service = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(DefaultCopyProviderConfiguration.class); if (service == null) { service = new DefaultCopyProviderConfiguration(); service.addCopierFor(clazz, copier); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(service)); } else { DefaultCopyProviderConfiguration newConfig = new DefaultCopyProviderConfiguration(service); newConfig.addCopierFor(clazz, copier, true); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.removeService(service).addService(newConfig)); } }
Adds a default Serializer for the specified type to the returned builder.
  • clazz – the Class for which the serializer is
  • serializer – the Serializer instance
Type parameters:
  • <C> – the type which can be serialized
Returns:a new builder with the added default serializer
/** * Adds a default {@link Serializer} for the specified type to the returned builder. * * @param clazz the {@code Class} for which the serializer is * @param serializer the {@code Serializer} instance * @param <C> the type which can be serialized * @return a new builder with the added default serializer */
public <C> CacheManagerBuilder<T> withSerializer(Class<C> clazz, Class<? extends Serializer<C>> serializer) { DefaultSerializationProviderConfiguration service = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(DefaultSerializationProviderConfiguration.class); if (service == null) { service = new DefaultSerializationProviderConfiguration(); service.addSerializerFor(clazz, serializer); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(service)); } else { DefaultSerializationProviderConfiguration newConfig = new DefaultSerializationProviderConfiguration(service); newConfig.addSerializerFor(clazz, serializer, true); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.removeService(service).addService(newConfig)); } }
Adds a default SizeOfEngine configuration, that limits the max object graph to size, to the returned builder.
  • size – the max object graph size
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a default {@link SizeOfEngine} configuration, that limits the max object graph to * size, to the returned builder. * * @param size the max object graph size * @return a new builder with the added configuration */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> withDefaultSizeOfMaxObjectGraph(long size) { DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration configuration = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration.class); if (configuration == null) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(new DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration(DEFAULT_MAX_OBJECT_SIZE, DEFAULT_UNIT, size))); } else { ConfigurationBuilder builder = configBuilder.removeService(configuration); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, builder.addService(new DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration(configuration .getMaxObjectSize(), configuration.getUnit(), size))); } }
Adds a default SizeOfEngine configuration, that limits the max object size, to the returned builder.
  • size – the max object size
  • unit – the max object size unit
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a default {@link SizeOfEngine} configuration, that limits the max object size, to * the returned builder. * * @param size the max object size * @param unit the max object size unit * @return a new builder with the added configuration */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> withDefaultSizeOfMaxObjectSize(long size, MemoryUnit unit) { DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration configuration = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration.class); if (configuration == null) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(new DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration(size, unit, DEFAULT_OBJECT_GRAPH_SIZE))); } else { ConfigurationBuilder builder = configBuilder.removeService(configuration); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, builder.addService(new DefaultSizeOfEngineProviderConfiguration(size, unit, configuration .getMaxObjectGraphSize()))); } }
Adds a WriteBehindProviderConfiguration, that specifies the thread pool to use, to the returned builder.
  • threadPoolAlias – the thread pool alias
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a {@link WriteBehindProviderConfiguration}, that specifies the thread pool to use, to the returned builder. * * @param threadPoolAlias the thread pool alias * @return a new builder with the added configuration * * @see PooledExecutionServiceConfigurationBuilder */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> withDefaultWriteBehindThreadPool(String threadPoolAlias) { WriteBehindProviderConfiguration config = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(WriteBehindProviderConfiguration.class); if (config == null) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(new WriteBehindProviderConfiguration(threadPoolAlias))); } else { ConfigurationBuilder builder = configBuilder.removeService(config); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, builder.addService(new WriteBehindProviderConfiguration(threadPoolAlias))); } }
Adds a OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration, that specifies the thread pool to use, to the returned builder.
  • threadPoolAlias – the thread pool alias
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a {@link OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration}, that specifies the thread pool to use, to the returned * builder. * * @param threadPoolAlias the thread pool alias * @return a new builder with the added configuration * * @see PooledExecutionServiceConfigurationBuilder */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> withDefaultDiskStoreThreadPool(String threadPoolAlias) { OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration config = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration.class); if (config == null) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(new OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration(threadPoolAlias))); } else { ConfigurationBuilder builder = configBuilder.removeService(config); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, builder.addService(new OffHeapDiskStoreProviderConfiguration(threadPoolAlias))); } }
Adds a CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration, that specifies the thread pool to use, to the returned builder.
  • threadPoolAlias – the thread pool alias
See Also:
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a {@link CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration}, that specifies the thread pool to use, to the returned * builder. * * @param threadPoolAlias the thread pool alias * @return a new builder with the added configuration * * @see PooledExecutionServiceConfigurationBuilder */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> withDefaultEventListenersThreadPool(String threadPoolAlias) { CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration config = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration.class); if (config == null) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(new CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration(threadPoolAlias))); } else { ConfigurationBuilder builder = configBuilder.removeService(config); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, builder.addService(new CacheEventDispatcherFactoryConfiguration(threadPoolAlias))); } }
Adds a ServiceCreationConfiguration to the returned builder.

These configurations are used to load services and configure them at creation time.

  • serviceConfiguration – the ServiceCreationConfiguration to use
Returns:a new builder with the added configuration
/** * Adds a {@link ServiceCreationConfiguration} to the returned builder. * <p> * These configurations are used to load services and configure them at creation time. * * @param serviceConfiguration the {@code ServiceCreationConfiguration} to use * @return a new builder with the added configuration */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> using(ServiceCreationConfiguration<?> serviceConfiguration) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.addService(serviceConfiguration)); }
Replaces an existing ServiceCreationConfiguration of the same type on the returned builder.

Duplicate service creation configuration will cause a cache manager to fail to initialize.

  • overwriteServiceConfiguration – the new ServiceCreationConfiguration to use
Returns:a new builder with the replaced configuration
/** * Replaces an existing {@link ServiceCreationConfiguration} of the same type on the returned builder. * <p> * Duplicate service creation configuration will cause a cache manager to fail to initialize. * * @param overwriteServiceConfiguration the new {@code ServiceCreationConfiguration} to use * @return a new builder with the replaced configuration */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> replacing(ServiceCreationConfiguration<?> overwriteServiceConfiguration) { ServiceCreationConfiguration<?> existingConfiguration = configBuilder.findServiceByClass(overwriteServiceConfiguration.getClass()); return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.removeService(existingConfiguration) .addService(overwriteServiceConfiguration)); }
Adds a ClassLoader, to use for non Ehcache types, to the returned builder
  • classLoader – the class loader to use
Returns:a new builder with the added class loader
/** * Adds a {@link ClassLoader}, to use for non Ehcache types, to the returned builder * * @param classLoader the class loader to use * @return a new builder with the added class loader */
public CacheManagerBuilder<T> withClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(this, configBuilder.withClassLoader(classLoader)); }
Creates a new CacheManagerBuilder
Returns:the cache manager builder
/** * Creates a new {@code CacheManagerBuilder} * * @return the cache manager builder */
public static CacheManagerBuilder<CacheManager> newCacheManagerBuilder() { return new CacheManagerBuilder<>(); }
Convenience method to get a CacheManagerConfiguration for a PersistentCacheManager stored on disk. The actual level of persistence is configured on the disk resource pool per cache.
  • rootDirectory – the root directory to use for disk storage
See Also:
Returns:a CacheManagerConfiguration
/** * Convenience method to get a {@link CacheManagerConfiguration} for a {@link PersistentCacheManager} stored on disk. The actual * level of persistence is configured on the disk resource pool per cache. * * @param rootDirectory the root directory to use for disk storage * @return a {@code CacheManagerConfiguration} * * @see ResourcePoolsBuilder#disk(long, MemoryUnit, boolean) * @see #with(CacheManagerConfiguration) * @see PersistentCacheManager */
public static CacheManagerConfiguration<PersistentCacheManager> persistence(String rootDirectory) { return persistence(new File(rootDirectory)); }
Convenience method to get a CacheManagerConfiguration for a PersistentCacheManager stored on disk. The actual level of persistence is configured on the disk resource pool per cache.
  • rootDirectory – the root directory to use for disk storage
See Also:
Returns:a CacheManagerConfiguration
/** * Convenience method to get a {@link CacheManagerConfiguration} for a {@link PersistentCacheManager} stored on disk. The actual * level of persistence is configured on the disk resource pool per cache. * * @param rootDirectory the root directory to use for disk storage * @return a {@code CacheManagerConfiguration} * * @see ResourcePoolsBuilder#disk(long, MemoryUnit, boolean) * @see #with(CacheManagerConfiguration) * @see PersistentCacheManager */
public static CacheManagerConfiguration<PersistentCacheManager> persistence(File rootDirectory) { return new CacheManagerPersistenceConfiguration(rootDirectory); } }