Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development Lars Vogel - Bug 473427
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * James Blackburn (Broadcom Corp.) - ongoing development * Lars Vogel <> - Bug 473427 *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.core.internal.resources; import*; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeChunkyInputStream; import org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.SafeFileInputStream; import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Messages; import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Policy; import org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.*; import org.eclipse.core.resources.*; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
A marker manager stores and retrieves markers on resources in the workspace.
/** * A marker manager stores and retrieves markers on resources in the workspace. */
public class MarkerManager implements IManager { // singletons private static final MarkerInfo[] NO_MARKER_INFO = new MarkerInfo[0]; private static final IMarker[] NO_MARKERS = new IMarker[0]; protected MarkerTypeDefinitionCache cache = new MarkerTypeDefinitionCache(); private long changeId = 0; protected Map<IPath, MarkerSet> currentDeltas = null; protected final MarkerDeltaManager deltaManager = new MarkerDeltaManager(); protected Workspace workspace; protected MarkerWriter writer = new MarkerWriter(this);
Creates a new marker manager
/** * Creates a new marker manager */
public MarkerManager(Workspace workspace) { this.workspace = workspace; }
Adds the given markers to the given resource.
See Also:
  • createMarker.createMarker(String)
/** * Adds the given markers to the given resource. * * @see IResource#createMarker(String) */
public void add(IResource resource, MarkerInfo newMarker) throws CoreException { Resource target = (Resource) resource; ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(target.getFullPath(), false, false); target.checkExists(target.getFlags(info), false); info = workspace.getResourceInfo(resource.getFullPath(), false, true); // resource may have been deleted concurrently -- just bail out if this happens if (info == null) return; // set the M_MARKERS_SNAP_DIRTY flag to indicate that this // resource's markers have changed since the last snapshot if (isPersistent(newMarker)) info.set(ICoreConstants.M_MARKERS_SNAP_DIRTY); // Concurrency: copy the marker set on modify MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(true); if (markers == null) markers = new MarkerSet(1); basicAdd(resource, markers, newMarker); if (!markers.isEmpty()) info.setMarkers(markers); }
Adds the new markers to the given set of markers. If added, the markers are associated with the specified resource.IMarkerDeltas for Added markers are generated.
/** * Adds the new markers to the given set of markers. If added, the markers are * associated with the specified resource.IMarkerDeltas for Added markers are * generated. */
private void basicAdd(IResource resource, MarkerSet markers, MarkerInfo newMarker) throws CoreException { // should always be a new marker. if (newMarker.getId() != MarkerInfo.UNDEFINED_ID) { String message = Messages.resources_changeInAdd; throw new ResourceException( new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR, resource.getFullPath(), message)); } newMarker.setId(workspace.nextMarkerId()); markers.add(newMarker); IMarkerSetElement[] changes = new IMarkerSetElement[1]; changes[0] = new MarkerDelta(IResourceDelta.ADDED, resource, newMarker); changedMarkers(resource, changes); }
Returns the markers in the given set of markers which match the given type.
/** * Returns the markers in the given set of markers which match the given type. */
protected MarkerInfo[] basicFindMatching(MarkerSet markers, String type, boolean includeSubtypes) { int size = markers.size(); if (size <= 0) return NO_MARKER_INFO; List<MarkerInfo> result = new ArrayList<>(size); IMarkerSetElement[] elements = markers.elements(); for (IMarkerSetElement element : elements) { MarkerInfo marker = (MarkerInfo) element; // if the type is null then we are looking for all types of markers if (type == null) result.add(marker); else { if (includeSubtypes) { if (cache.isSubtype(marker.getType(), type)) result.add(marker); } else { if (marker.getType().equals(type)) result.add(marker); } } } size = result.size(); if (size <= 0) return NO_MARKER_INFO; return result.toArray(new MarkerInfo[size]); } protected int basicFindMaxSeverity(MarkerSet markers, String type, boolean includeSubtypes) { int max = -1; int size = markers.size(); if (size <= 0) return max; IMarkerSetElement[] elements = markers.elements(); for (IMarkerSetElement element : elements) { MarkerInfo marker = (MarkerInfo) element; // if the type is null then we are looking for all types of markers if (type == null) max = Math.max(max, getSeverity(marker)); else { if (includeSubtypes) { if (cache.isSubtype(marker.getType(), type)) max = Math.max(max, getSeverity(marker)); } else { if (marker.getType().equals(type)) max = Math.max(max, getSeverity(marker)); } } if (max >= IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) { break; } } return max; } private int getSeverity(MarkerInfo marker) { Object o = marker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY); if (o instanceof Integer) { Integer i = (Integer) o; return i.intValue(); } return -1; }
Removes markers of the specified type from the given resource. Note: this method is protected to avoid creation of a synthetic accessor (it is called from an anonymous inner class).
/** * Removes markers of the specified type from the given resource. Note: this * method is protected to avoid creation of a synthetic accessor (it is called * from an anonymous inner class). */
protected void basicRemoveMarkers(ResourceInfo info, IPathRequestor requestor, String type, boolean includeSubtypes) { MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); if (markers == null) return; IMarkerSetElement[] matching; IPath path; if (type == null) { // if the type is null, all markers are to be removed. // now we need to crack open the tree path = requestor.requestPath(); info = workspace.getResourceInfo(path, false, true); info.setMarkers(null); matching = markers.elements(); } else { matching = basicFindMatching(markers, type, includeSubtypes); // if none match, there is nothing to remove if (matching.length == 0) return; // now we need to crack open the tree path = requestor.requestPath(); info = workspace.getResourceInfo(path, false, true); // Concurrency: copy the marker set on modify markers = info.getMarkers(true); // remove all the matching markers and also the whole // set if there are no remaining markers if (markers.size() == matching.length) { info.setMarkers(null); } else { markers.removeAll(matching); info.setMarkers(markers); } } info.set(ICoreConstants.M_MARKERS_SNAP_DIRTY); IMarkerSetElement[] changes = new IMarkerSetElement[matching.length]; IResource resource = workspace.getRoot().findMember(path); for (int i = 0; i < matching.length; i++) changes[i] = new MarkerDelta(IResourceDelta.REMOVED, resource, (MarkerInfo) matching[i]); changedMarkers(resource, changes); return; }
Adds the markers on the given target which match the specified type to the list.
/** * Adds the markers on the given target which match the specified type to the * list. */
protected void buildMarkers(IMarkerSetElement[] markers, IPath path, int type, ArrayList<IMarker> list) { if (markers.length == 0) return; IResource resource = workspace.newResource(path, type); list.ensureCapacity(list.size() + markers.length); for (IMarkerSetElement marker : markers) { list.add(new Marker(resource, ((MarkerInfo) marker).getId())); } }
Markers have changed on the given resource. Remember the changes for subsequent notification.
/** * Markers have changed on the given resource. Remember the changes for * subsequent notification. */
protected void changedMarkers(IResource resource, IMarkerSetElement[] changes) { if (changes == null || changes.length == 0) return; changeId++; if (currentDeltas == null) currentDeltas = deltaManager.newGeneration(changeId); IPath path = resource.getFullPath(); MarkerSet previousChanges = currentDeltas.get(path); MarkerSet result = MarkerDelta.merge(previousChanges, changes); if (result.size() == 0) currentDeltas.remove(path); else currentDeltas.put(path, result); ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(path, false, true); if (info != null) info.incrementMarkerGenerationCount(); }
Returns the marker with the given id or null if none is found.
/** * Returns the marker with the given id or <code>null</code> if none is found. */
public IMarker findMarker(IResource resource, long id) { MarkerInfo info = findMarkerInfo(resource, id); return info == null ? null : new Marker(resource, info.getId()); }
Returns the marker with the given id or null if none is found.
/** * Returns the marker with the given id or <code>null</code> if none is found. */
public MarkerInfo findMarkerInfo(IResource resource, long id) { ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(resource.getFullPath(), false, false); if (info == null) return null; MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); if (markers == null) return null; return (MarkerInfo) markers.get(id); }
Returns all markers of the specified type on the given target, with option to search the target's children. Passing null for the type specifies a match for all types (i.e., null is a wildcard.
/** * Returns all markers of the specified type on the given target, with option to * search the target's children. Passing <code>null</code> for the type * specifies a match for all types (i.e., <code>null</code> is a wildcard. */
public IMarker[] findMarkers(IResource target, final String type, final boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { ArrayList<IMarker> result = new ArrayList<>(); doFindMarkers(target, result, type, includeSubtypes, depth); if (result.isEmpty()) return NO_MARKERS; return result.toArray(new IMarker[result.size()]); }
Fills the provided list with all markers of the specified type on the given target, with option to search the target's children. Passing null for the type specifies a match for all types (i.e., null is a wildcard.
/** * Fills the provided list with all markers of the specified type on the given * target, with option to search the target's children. Passing * <code>null</code> for the type specifies a match for all types (i.e., * <code>null</code> is a wildcard. */
public void doFindMarkers(IResource target, ArrayList<IMarker> result, final String type, final boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { // optimize the deep searches with an element tree visitor if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE && target.getType() != IResource.FILE) visitorFindMarkers(target.getFullPath(), result, type, includeSubtypes); else recursiveFindMarkers(target.getFullPath(), result, type, includeSubtypes, depth); }
Finds the max severity across all problem markers on the given target, with option to search the target's children.
/** * Finds the max severity across all problem markers on the given target, with * option to search the target's children. */
public int findMaxProblemSeverity(IResource target, String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { // optimize the deep searches with an element tree visitor if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE && target.getType() != IResource.FILE) return visitorFindMaxSeverity(target.getFullPath(), type, includeSubtypes); return recursiveFindMaxSeverity(target.getFullPath(), type, includeSubtypes, depth); } public long getChangeId() { return changeId; }
Returns the map of all marker deltas since the given change Id.
/** * Returns the map of all marker deltas since the given change Id. */
public Map<IPath, MarkerSet> getMarkerDeltas(long startChangeId) { return deltaManager.assembleDeltas(startChangeId); }
Returns true if this manager has a marker delta record for the given marker id, and false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if this manager has a marker delta record for the given marker * id, and false otherwise. */
boolean hasDelta(IPath path, long id) { if (currentDeltas == null) return false; MarkerSet set = currentDeltas.get(path); if (set == null) return false; return set.get(id) != null; }
Returns true if the given marker is persistent, and false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if the given marker is persistent, and false otherwise. */
public boolean isPersistent(MarkerInfo info) { if (!cache.isPersistent(info.getType())) return false; Object isTransient = info.getAttribute(IMarker.TRANSIENT); return isTransient == null || !(isTransient instanceof Boolean) || !((Boolean) isTransient).booleanValue(); }
Returns true if the given marker type is persistent, and false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if the given marker type is persistent, and false otherwise. */
public boolean isPersistentType(String type) { return cache.isPersistent(type); }
Returns true if type is a sub type of superType.
/** * Returns true if <code>type</code> is a sub type of <code>superType</code>. */
public boolean isSubtype(String type, String superType) { return cache.isSubtype(type, superType); } public void moved(final IResource source, final IResource destination, int depth) throws CoreException { final int count = destination.getFullPath().segmentCount(); // we removed from the source and added to the destination IResourceVisitor visitor = resource -> { Resource r = (Resource) resource; ResourceInfo info = r.getResourceInfo(false, true); MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); if (markers == null) return true; info.set(ICoreConstants.M_MARKERS_SNAP_DIRTY); IMarkerSetElement[] removed = new IMarkerSetElement[markers.size()]; IMarkerSetElement[] added = new IMarkerSetElement[markers.size()]; IPath path = resource.getFullPath().removeFirstSegments(count); path = source.getFullPath().append(path); IResource sourceChild = workspace.newResource(path, resource.getType()); IMarkerSetElement[] elements = markers.elements(); for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { // calculate the ADDED delta MarkerInfo markerInfo = (MarkerInfo) elements[i]; MarkerDelta delta = new MarkerDelta(IResourceDelta.ADDED, resource, markerInfo); added[i] = delta; // calculate the REMOVED delta delta = new MarkerDelta(IResourceDelta.REMOVED, sourceChild, markerInfo); removed[i] = delta; } changedMarkers(resource, added); changedMarkers(sourceChild, removed); return true; }; destination.accept(visitor, depth, IContainer.INCLUDE_TEAM_PRIVATE_MEMBERS | IContainer.INCLUDE_HIDDEN); }
Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list.
/** * Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list. */
private void recursiveFindMarkers(IPath path, ArrayList<IMarker> list, String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(path, false, false); if (info == null) return; MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); // add the matching markers for this resource if (markers != null) { IMarkerSetElement[] matching; if (type == null) matching = markers.elements(); else matching = basicFindMatching(markers, type, includeSubtypes); buildMarkers(matching, path, info.getType(), list); } // recurse if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ZERO || info.getType() == IResource.FILE) return; if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE) depth = IResource.DEPTH_ZERO; for (IPath child : workspace.getElementTree().getChildren(path)) { recursiveFindMarkers(child, list, type, includeSubtypes, depth); } }
Finds the max severity across problem markers for a subtree of resources.
/** * Finds the max severity across problem markers for a subtree of resources. */
private int recursiveFindMaxSeverity(IPath path, String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(path, false, false); if (info == null) return -1; MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); // add the matching markers for this resource int max = -1; if (markers != null) { max = basicFindMaxSeverity(markers, type, includeSubtypes); if (max >= IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) { return max; } } // recurse if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ZERO || info.getType() == IResource.FILE) return max; if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE) depth = IResource.DEPTH_ZERO; for (IPath child : workspace.getElementTree().getChildren(path)) { max = Math.max(max, recursiveFindMaxSeverity(child, type, includeSubtypes, depth)); if (max >= IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) { break; } } return max; }
Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list.
/** * Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list. */
private void recursiveRemoveMarkers(final IPath path, String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { ResourceInfo info = workspace.getResourceInfo(path, false, false); if (info == null) // phantoms don't have markers return; IPathRequestor requestor = new IPathRequestor() { @Override public String requestName() { return path.lastSegment(); } @Override public IPath requestPath() { return path; } }; basicRemoveMarkers(info, requestor, type, includeSubtypes); // recurse if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ZERO || info.getType() == IResource.FILE) return; if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_ONE) depth = IResource.DEPTH_ZERO; for (IPath child : workspace.getElementTree().getChildren(path)) { recursiveRemoveMarkers(child, type, includeSubtypes, depth); } }
Removes the specified marker
/** * Removes the specified marker */
public void removeMarker(IResource resource, long id) { MarkerInfo markerInfo = findMarkerInfo(resource, id); if (markerInfo == null) return; ResourceInfo info = ((Workspace) resource.getWorkspace()).getResourceInfo(resource.getFullPath(), false, true); // Concurrency: copy the marker set on modify MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(true); int size = markers.size(); markers.remove(markerInfo); // if that was the last marker remove the set to save space. info.setMarkers(markers.size() == 0 ? null : markers); // if we actually did remove a marker, post a delta for the change. if (markers.size() != size) { if (isPersistent(markerInfo)) info.set(ICoreConstants.M_MARKERS_SNAP_DIRTY); IMarkerSetElement[] change = new IMarkerSetElement[] { new MarkerDelta(IResourceDelta.REMOVED, resource, markerInfo) }; changedMarkers(resource, change); } }
Remove all markers for the given resource to the specified depth.
/** * Remove all markers for the given resource to the specified depth. */
public void removeMarkers(IResource resource, int depth) { removeMarkers(resource, null, false, depth); }
Remove all markers with the given type from the node at the given path. Passing null for the type specifies a match for all types (i.e., null is a wildcard.
/** * Remove all markers with the given type from the node at the given path. * Passing <code>null</code> for the type specifies a match for all types (i.e., * <code>null</code> is a wildcard. */
public void removeMarkers(IResource target, final String type, final boolean includeSubtypes, int depth) { if (depth == IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE && target.getType() != IResource.FILE) visitorRemoveMarkers(target.getFullPath(), type, includeSubtypes); else recursiveRemoveMarkers(target.getFullPath(), type, includeSubtypes, depth); }
Reset the marker deltas up to but not including the given start Id.
/** * Reset the marker deltas up to but not including the given start Id. */
public void resetMarkerDeltas(long startId) { currentDeltas = null; deltaManager.resetDeltas(startId); } public void restore(IResource resource, boolean generateDeltas, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { // first try and load the last saved file, then apply the snapshots restoreFromSave(resource, generateDeltas); restoreFromSnap(resource); } protected void restoreFromSave(IResource resource, boolean generateDeltas) throws CoreException { IPath sourceLocation = workspace.getMetaArea().getMarkersLocationFor(resource); IPath tempLocation = workspace.getMetaArea().getBackupLocationFor(sourceLocation); sourceFile = new; tempFile = new; if (!sourceFile.exists() && !tempFile.exists()) return; try (DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( new SafeFileInputStream(sourceLocation.toOSString(), tempLocation.toOSString()))) { MarkerReader reader = new MarkerReader(workspace);, generateDeltas); } catch (Exception e) { // don't let runtime exceptions such as ArrayIndexOutOfBounds prevent startup String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_readMeta, sourceLocation); throw new ResourceException(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_METADATA, sourceLocation, msg, e); } } protected void restoreFromSnap(IResource resource) { IPath sourceLocation = workspace.getMetaArea().getMarkersSnapshotLocationFor(resource); if (!sourceLocation.toFile().exists()) return; try (DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(new SafeChunkyInputStream(sourceLocation.toFile()))) { MarkerSnapshotReader reader = new MarkerSnapshotReader(workspace); while (true); } catch (EOFException eof) { // ignore end of file } catch (Exception e) { // only log the exception, we should not fail restoring the snapshot String msg = NLS.bind(Messages.resources_readMeta, sourceLocation); Policy.log(new ResourceStatus(IResourceStatus.FAILED_READ_METADATA, sourceLocation, msg, e)); } } public void save(ResourceInfo info, IPathRequestor requestor, DataOutputStream output, List<String> list) throws IOException {, requestor, output, list); } @Override public void shutdown(IProgressMonitor monitor) { // do nothing } public void snap(ResourceInfo info, IPathRequestor requestor, DataOutputStream output) throws IOException { writer.snap(info, requestor, output); } @Override public void startup(IProgressMonitor monitor) { // do nothing }
Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list.
/** * Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list. */
private void visitorFindMarkers(IPath path, final ArrayList<IMarker> list, final String type, final boolean includeSubtypes) { IElementContentVisitor visitor = (tree, requestor, elementContents) -> { ResourceInfo info = (ResourceInfo) elementContents; if (info == null) return false; MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); // add the matching markers for this resource if (markers != null) { IMarkerSetElement[] matching; if (type == null) matching = markers.elements(); else matching = basicFindMatching(markers, type, includeSubtypes); buildMarkers(matching, requestor.requestPath(), info.getType(), list); } return true; }; new ElementTreeIterator(workspace.getElementTree(), path).iterate(visitor); }
Finds the max severity across problem markers for a subtree of resources.
/** * Finds the max severity across problem markers for a subtree of resources. */
private int visitorFindMaxSeverity(IPath path, final String type, final boolean includeSubtypes) { class MaxSeverityVisitor implements IElementContentVisitor { int max = -1; @Override public boolean visitElement(ElementTree tree, IPathRequestor requestor, Object elementContents) { // bail if an earlier sibling already hit the max if (max >= IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) { return false; } ResourceInfo info = (ResourceInfo) elementContents; if (info == null) return false; MarkerSet markers = info.getMarkers(false); // add the matching markers for this resource if (markers != null) { max = Math.max(max, basicFindMaxSeverity(markers, type, includeSubtypes)); } return max < IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR; } } MaxSeverityVisitor visitor = new MaxSeverityVisitor(); new ElementTreeIterator(workspace.getElementTree(), path).iterate(visitor); return visitor.max; }
Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list.
/** * Adds the markers for a subtree of resources to the list. */
private void visitorRemoveMarkers(IPath path, final String type, final boolean includeSubtypes) { IElementContentVisitor visitor = (tree, requestor, elementContents) -> { ResourceInfo info = (ResourceInfo) elementContents; if (info == null) return false; basicRemoveMarkers(info, requestor, type, includeSubtypes); return true; }; new ElementTreeIterator(workspace.getElementTree(), path).iterate(visitor); } }