Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Andrew Ferguson (Symbian) - [api] enable document setup participants to customize behavior based on resource being opened -
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Andrew Ferguson (Symbian) - [api] enable document setup participants to customize behavior based on resource being opened - *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.core.internal.filebuffers; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileInfo; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.URIUtil; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentDescription; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IAnnotationModelFactory; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentSetupParticipant; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentSetupParticipantExtension; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBuffer; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferListener; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferStatusCodes; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ISynchronizationContext; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ITextFileBuffer; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ITextFileBufferManager; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.LocationKind; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension4; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel;
/** * @since 3.0 */
public class TextFileBufferManager implements ITextFileBufferManager { private static abstract class SafeNotifier implements ISafeRunnable { @Override public void handleException(Throwable ex) { // NOTE: Logging is done by SafeRunner } } protected static final IContentType TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE= Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(IContentTypeManager.CT_TEXT); private Map<IPath, AbstractFileBuffer> fFilesBuffers= new HashMap<>(); private Map<IFileStore, FileStoreFileBuffer> fFileStoreFileBuffers= new HashMap<>(); private List<IFileBufferListener> fFileBufferListeners= new ArrayList<>(); protected ExtensionsRegistry fRegistry; private ISynchronizationContext fSynchronizationContext; public TextFileBufferManager() { fRegistry= new ExtensionsRegistry(); }
Deprecated:As of 3.3, replaced by connect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.3, replaced by {@link #connect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)} */
@Deprecated @Override public void connect(IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { connect(location, LocationKind.NORMALIZE, monitor); } @Override public void connect(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(location); if (locationKind == LocationKind.NORMALIZE) location= normalizeLocation(location); AbstractFileBuffer fileBuffer= null; synchronized (fFilesBuffers) { fileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(location); if (fileBuffer != null) { fileBuffer.connect(); return; } } fileBuffer= createFileBuffer(location, locationKind); if (fileBuffer == null) throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IFileBufferStatusCodes.CREATION_FAILED, FileBuffersMessages.FileBufferManager_error_canNotCreateFilebuffer, null)); fileBuffer.create(location, monitor); synchronized (fFilesBuffers) { AbstractFileBuffer oldFileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(location); if (oldFileBuffer != null) { fileBuffer.disconnect(); fileBuffer.dispose(); oldFileBuffer.connect(); return; } fileBuffer.connect(); fFilesBuffers.put(location, fileBuffer); } // Do notification outside synchronized block fireBufferCreated(fileBuffer); } @Override public void connectFileStore(IFileStore fileStore, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isLegal(fileStore != null); FileStoreFileBuffer fileBuffer= null; synchronized (fFileStoreFileBuffers) { fileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(fileStore); if (fileBuffer != null) { fileBuffer.connect(); return; } } fileBuffer= createFileBuffer(fileStore); if (fileBuffer == null) throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IFileBufferStatusCodes.CREATION_FAILED, FileBuffersMessages.FileBufferManager_error_canNotCreateFilebuffer, null)); fileBuffer.create(fileStore, monitor); synchronized (fFileStoreFileBuffers) { AbstractFileBuffer oldFileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(fileStore); if (oldFileBuffer != null) { fileBuffer.disconnect(); fileBuffer.dispose(); oldFileBuffer.connect(); return; } fileBuffer.connect(); fFileStoreFileBuffers.put(fileStore, fileBuffer); } // Do notification outside synchronized block fireBufferCreated(fileBuffer); }
Deprecated:As of 3.3, replaced by disconnect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.3, replaced by {@link #disconnect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)} */
@Deprecated @Override public void disconnect(IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { disconnect(location, LocationKind.NORMALIZE, monitor); } /* * @since 3.3 */ protected IPath normalizeLocation(IPath location) { return location; } @Override public void disconnect(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isNotNull(location); if (locationKind == LocationKind.NORMALIZE) location= normalizeLocation(location); AbstractFileBuffer fileBuffer; synchronized (fFilesBuffers) { fileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(location); if (fileBuffer == null) return; fileBuffer.disconnect(); if (!fileBuffer.isDisconnected()) return; fFilesBuffers.remove(location); } // Do notification outside synchronized block fireBufferDisposed(fileBuffer); fileBuffer.dispose(); } @Override public void disconnectFileStore(IFileStore fileStore, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Assert.isLegal(fileStore != null); AbstractFileBuffer fileBuffer; synchronized (fFileStoreFileBuffers) { fileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(fileStore); if (fileBuffer == null) return; fileBuffer.disconnect(); if (!fileBuffer.isDisconnected()) return; fFileStoreFileBuffers.remove(fileStore); } // Do notification outside synchronized block fireBufferDisposed(fileBuffer); fileBuffer.dispose(); }
Deprecated:As of 3.2, replaced by isTextFileLocation(IPath, boolean)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.2, replaced by {@link #isTextFileLocation(IPath, boolean)} */
@Deprecated @Override public boolean isTextFileLocation(IPath location) { return isTextFileLocation(location, false); }
Returns whether a file store at the given location is or can be considered a text file. If the file store exists, the concrete content type of the file store is checked. If the concrete content type for the existing file store can not be determined, this method returns !strict. If the file store does not exist, it is checked whether a text content type is associated with the given location. If no content type is associated with the location, this method returns !strict.

The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked resources.

  • fileStore – file store to check
  • strict – true if a file with unknown content type is not treated as text file, false otherwise
Returns:true if the location is a text file location
/** * Returns whether a file store at the given location is or can be considered a * text file. If the file store exists, the concrete content type of the file store is * checked. If the concrete content type for the existing file store can not be * determined, this method returns <code>!strict</code>. If the file store does * not exist, it is checked whether a text content type is associated with * the given location. If no content type is associated with the location, * this method returns <code>!strict</code>. * <p> * The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an * absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not * resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked * resources. * </p> * * @param fileStore file store to check * @param strict <code>true</code> if a file with unknown content type * is not treated as text file, <code>false</code> otherwise * @return <code>true</code> if the location is a text file location * @since 3.3 */
protected boolean isTextFileLocation(IFileStore fileStore, boolean strict) { if (fileStore == null) return false; IContentTypeManager manager= Platform.getContentTypeManager(); IFileInfo fileInfo= fileStore.fetchInfo(); if (fileInfo.exists()) { try(InputStream is= fileStore.openInputStream(EFS.NONE, null)) { IContentDescription description= manager.getDescriptionFor(is, fileStore.getName(), IContentDescription.ALL); if (description != null) { IContentType type= description.getContentType(); if (type != null) return type.isKindOf(TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE); } } catch (CoreException | IOException ex) { // ignore: API specification tells return true if content type can't be determined } return !strict; } IContentType[] contentTypes= manager.findContentTypesFor(fileStore.getName()); if (contentTypes != null && contentTypes.length > 0) { for (IContentType contentType : contentTypes) if (contentType.isKindOf(TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE)) return true; return false; } return !strict; } @Override public boolean isTextFileLocation(IPath location, boolean strict) { Assert.isNotNull(location); location= normalizeLocation(location); try { return isTextFileLocation(EFS.getStore(URIUtil.toURI(location)), strict); } catch (CoreException ex) { return false; } }
Deprecated:As of 3.3, replaced by getFileBuffer(IPath, LocationKind)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.3, replaced by {@link #getFileBuffer(IPath, LocationKind)} */
@Deprecated @Override public IFileBuffer getFileBuffer(IPath location) { return getFileBuffer(location, LocationKind.NORMALIZE); } @Override public IFileBuffer getFileBuffer(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { if (locationKind == LocationKind.NORMALIZE) location= normalizeLocation(location); return internalGetFileBuffer(location); } @Override public IFileBuffer getFileStoreFileBuffer(IFileStore fileStore) { Assert.isLegal(fileStore != null); return internalGetFileBuffer(fileStore); } private AbstractFileBuffer internalGetFileBuffer(IPath location) { synchronized (fFilesBuffers) { return fFilesBuffers.get(location); } } private FileStoreFileBuffer internalGetFileBuffer(IFileStore fileStore) { synchronized (fFileStoreFileBuffers) { return fFileStoreFileBuffers.get(fileStore); } }
Deprecated:As of 3.3, replaced by getTextFileBuffer(IPath, LocationKind)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.3, replaced by {@link #getTextFileBuffer(IPath, LocationKind)} */
@Deprecated @Override public ITextFileBuffer getTextFileBuffer(IPath location) { return getTextFileBuffer(location, LocationKind.NORMALIZE); } @Override public ITextFileBuffer getTextFileBuffer(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { return (ITextFileBuffer)getFileBuffer(location, locationKind); } @Override public ITextFileBuffer getFileStoreTextFileBuffer(IFileStore fileStore) { Assert.isLegal(fileStore != null); return (ITextFileBuffer)getFileStoreFileBuffer(fileStore); } @Override public ITextFileBuffer getTextFileBuffer(IDocument document) { Assert.isLegal(document != null); Iterator<AbstractFileBuffer> iter; synchronized (fFilesBuffers) { iter= new ArrayList<>(fFilesBuffers.values()).iterator(); } while (iter.hasNext()) { Object buffer=; if (buffer instanceof ITextFileBuffer) { ITextFileBuffer textFileBuffer= (ITextFileBuffer)buffer; if (textFileBuffer.getDocument() == document) { if (!((AbstractFileBuffer)textFileBuffer).isDisconnected()) return textFileBuffer; return null; } } } synchronized (fFileStoreFileBuffers) { iter= new ArrayList<AbstractFileBuffer>(fFileStoreFileBuffers.values()).iterator(); } while (iter.hasNext()) { Object buffer=; if (buffer instanceof ITextFileBuffer) { ITextFileBuffer textFileBuffer= (ITextFileBuffer)buffer; if (textFileBuffer.getDocument() == document) { if (!((AbstractFileBuffer)textFileBuffer).isDisconnected()) return textFileBuffer; } } } return null; } @Override public IFileBuffer[] getFileBuffers() { synchronized (fFilesBuffers) { Collection<AbstractFileBuffer> values= fFilesBuffers.values(); return values.toArray(new IFileBuffer[values.size()]); } } @Override public IFileBuffer[] getFileStoreFileBuffers() { synchronized (fFileStoreFileBuffers) { Collection<FileStoreFileBuffer> values= fFileStoreFileBuffers.values(); return values.toArray(new IFileBuffer[values.size()]); } } @Override public String getDefaultEncoding() { return System.getProperty("file.encoding"); //$NON-NLS-1$; }
Deprecated:As of 3.3, replaced by createEmptyDocument(IPath, LocationKind)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.3, replaced by {@link #createEmptyDocument(IPath, LocationKind)} */
@Deprecated @Override public IDocument createEmptyDocument(IPath location) { return createEmptyDocument(location, LocationKind.NORMALIZE); } @Override public IDocument createEmptyDocument(final IPath location, final LocationKind locationKind) { IDocument documentFromFactory= createDocumentFromFactory(location, locationKind); final IDocument document; if (documentFromFactory != null) document= documentFromFactory; else document= new SynchronizableDocument(); if (location == null) return document; // Set the initial line delimiter if (document instanceof IDocumentExtension4) { String initalLineDelimiter= getLineDelimiterPreference(location, locationKind); if (initalLineDelimiter != null) ((IDocumentExtension4)document).setInitialLineDelimiter(initalLineDelimiter); } final IDocumentSetupParticipant[] participants= fRegistry.getDocumentSetupParticipants(location, locationKind); if (participants != null) { for (final IDocumentSetupParticipant participant : participants) { ISafeRunnable runnable= new ISafeRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { if (participant instanceof IDocumentSetupParticipantExtension) ((IDocumentSetupParticipantExtension)participant).setup(document, location, locationKind); else participant.setup(document); if (document.getDocumentPartitioner() != null) { String message= NLSUtility.format(FileBuffersMessages.TextFileBufferManager_warning_documentSetupInstallsDefaultPartitioner, participant.getClass()); IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.WARNING, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, message, null); FileBuffersPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(status); } } @Override public void handleException(Throwable t) { IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, FileBuffersMessages.TextFileBufferManager_error_documentSetupFailed, t); FileBuffersPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(status); } };; } } return document; }
Helper to get rid of deprecation warnings.
  • location – the location of the file to be connected
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the created empty document or null if none got created
Deprecated:As of 3.5
/** * Helper to get rid of deprecation warnings. * * @param location the location of the file to be connected * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the created empty document or <code>null</code> if none got created * @since 3.5 * @deprecated As of 3.5 */
@Deprecated private IDocument createDocumentFromFactory(final IPath location, final LocationKind locationKind) { final IDocument[] runnableResult= new IDocument[1]; if (location != null) { final org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory factory= fRegistry.getDocumentFactory(location, locationKind); if (factory != null) { ISafeRunnable runnable= new ISafeRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { runnableResult[0]= factory.createDocument(); } @Override public void handleException(Throwable t) { IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, FileBuffersMessages.TextFileBufferManager_error_documentFactoryFailed, t); FileBuffersPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(status); } };; } } return runnableResult[0]; }
Deprecated:As of 3.3, replaced by createAnnotationModel(IPath, LocationKind)
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.3, replaced by {@link #createAnnotationModel(IPath, LocationKind)} */
@Deprecated @Override public IAnnotationModel createAnnotationModel(IPath location) { return createAnnotationModel(location, LocationKind.NORMALIZE); } @Override public IAnnotationModel createAnnotationModel(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { Assert.isNotNull(location); IAnnotationModelFactory factory= fRegistry.getAnnotationModelFactory(location, locationKind); if (factory != null) return factory.createAnnotationModel(location); return null; } @Override public void addFileBufferListener(IFileBufferListener listener) { Assert.isNotNull(listener); synchronized (fFileBufferListeners) { if (!fFileBufferListeners.contains(listener)) fFileBufferListeners.add(listener); } } @Override public void removeFileBufferListener(IFileBufferListener listener) { Assert.isNotNull(listener); synchronized (fFileBufferListeners) { fFileBufferListeners.remove(listener); } } @Override public void setSynchronizationContext(ISynchronizationContext context) { fSynchronizationContext= context; }
Deprecated:As of 3.1, replaced by IFileBuffer.requestSynchronizationContext()
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.1, replaced by * {@link org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBuffer#requestSynchronizationContext()} */
@Deprecated @Override public void requestSynchronizationContext(IPath location) { Assert.isNotNull(location); location= normalizeLocation(location); AbstractFileBuffer fileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(location); if (fileBuffer != null) fileBuffer.requestSynchronizationContext(); }
Deprecated:As of 3.1, replaced by IFileBuffer.releaseSynchronizationContext()
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @deprecated As of 3.1, replaced by {@link IFileBuffer#releaseSynchronizationContext()} */
@Deprecated @Override public void releaseSynchronizationContext(IPath location) { Assert.isNotNull(location); location= normalizeLocation(location); AbstractFileBuffer fileBuffer= internalGetFileBuffer(location); if (fileBuffer != null) fileBuffer.releaseSynchronizationContext(); } @Override public void execute(Runnable runnable) { if (fSynchronizationContext != null); else; } private AbstractFileBuffer createFileBuffer(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { /* * XXX: the following code is commented out for performance * reasons and because we do not yet create a special binary * file buffer. */ // if (isTextFileLocation(location, false)) // return createTextFileBuffer(location); // return createBinaryFileBuffer(location, locationKind); return createTextFileBuffer(location, locationKind); }
Creates a text file buffer for the given path.
  • location – the location of the file to be connected
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the text file buffer
/** * Creates a text file buffer for the given path. * * @param location the location of the file to be connected * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the text file buffer * @since 3.3 */
protected AbstractFileBuffer createTextFileBuffer(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { Assert.isLegal(locationKind != LocationKind.IFILE); return new FileStoreTextFileBuffer(this); } // private AbstractFileBuffer createBinaryFileBuffer(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { // // XXX: should return a binary file buffer - using text file buffer for now // return createTextFileBuffer(location, locationKind); // } private FileStoreFileBuffer createFileBuffer(IFileStore location) { /* * XXX: the following code is commented out for performance * reasons and because we do not yet create a special binary * file buffer. */ // if (isTextFileLocation(location, false)) // return createTextFileBuffer(location); // return createBinaryFileBuffer(location); return createTextFileBuffer(location); }
Creates a text file buffer for the given file store.
  • location – the file store
Returns:the text file buffer
/** * Creates a text file buffer for the given file store. * * @param location the file store * @return the text file buffer * @since 3.3 */
protected FileStoreFileBuffer createTextFileBuffer(IFileStore location) { return new FileStoreTextFileBuffer(this); } // private FileStoreFileBuffer createBinaryFileBuffer(FileStore location) { // // XXX: should return a binary file buffer - using text file buffer for now // return createTextFileBuffer(location); // } private Iterator<IFileBufferListener> getFileBufferListenerIterator() { synchronized (fFileBufferListeners) { return new ArrayList<>(fFileBufferListeners).iterator(); } } protected void fireDirtyStateChanged(final IFileBuffer buffer, final boolean isDirty) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.dirtyStateChanged(buffer, isDirty); } }); } } protected void fireBufferContentAboutToBeReplaced(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.bufferContentAboutToBeReplaced(buffer); } }); } } protected void fireBufferContentReplaced(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.bufferContentReplaced(buffer); } }); } } protected void fireUnderlyingFileMoved(final IFileBuffer buffer, final IPath target) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.underlyingFileMoved(buffer, target); } }); } } protected void fireUnderlyingFileDeleted(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.underlyingFileDeleted(buffer); } }); } } protected void fireStateValidationChanged(final IFileBuffer buffer, final boolean isStateValidated) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.stateValidationChanged(buffer, isStateValidated); } }); } } protected void fireStateChanging(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.stateChanging(buffer); } }); } } protected void fireStateChangeFailed(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.stateChangeFailed(buffer); } }); } } protected void fireBufferCreated(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.bufferCreated(buffer); } }); } } protected void fireBufferDisposed(final IFileBuffer buffer) { Iterator<IFileBufferListener> e= getFileBufferListenerIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final IFileBufferListener l=; SafeNotifier() { @Override public void run() { l.bufferDisposed(buffer); } }); } } @Override public void validateState(final IFileBuffer[] fileBuffers, IProgressMonitor monitor, final Object computationContext) throws CoreException { }
Returns the line delimiter to be used by the given location.
  • location – the location of the file to be connected
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the line delimiter
/** * Returns the line delimiter to be used by the given location. * * @param location the location of the file to be connected * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the line delimiter * @since 3.3 */
protected String getLineDelimiterPreference(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { return System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }