Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2014 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.core.internal.filebuffers; import; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileInfo; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor; import; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceRuleFactory; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferStatusCodes; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension4; public abstract class ResourceFileBuffer extends AbstractFileBuffer {
Runnable encapsulating an element state change. This runnable ensures that a element change failed message is sent out to the element state listeners in case an exception occurred.
/** * Runnable encapsulating an element state change. This runnable ensures * that a element change failed message is sent out to the element state * listeners in case an exception occurred. */
private abstract class SafeFileChange implements Runnable {
Creates a new safe runnable for the given file.
/** * Creates a new safe runnable for the given file. */
public SafeFileChange() { }
Execute the change. Subclass responsibility.
  • Exception – in case of error
/** * Execute the change. * Subclass responsibility. * * @exception Exception in case of error */
protected abstract void execute() throws Exception;
Does everything necessary prior to execution.
/** * Does everything necessary prior to execution. */
public void preRun() { fManager.fireStateChanging(ResourceFileBuffer.this); } @Override public void run() { if (isDisconnected()) { fManager.fireStateChangeFailed(ResourceFileBuffer.this); return; } try { execute(); } catch (Exception x) { FileBuffersPlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, "Exception when synchronizing", x)); //$NON-NLS-1$ fManager.fireStateChangeFailed(ResourceFileBuffer.this); } } }
Synchronizes the document with external resource changes.
/** * Synchronizes the document with external resource changes. */
private class FileSynchronizer implements IResourceChangeListener {
A flag indicating whether this synchronizer is installed or not.
/** A flag indicating whether this synchronizer is installed or not. */
private boolean fIsInstalled= false;
Creates a new file synchronizer. Is not yet installed on a file.
/** * Creates a new file synchronizer. Is not yet installed on a file. */
public FileSynchronizer() { }
Installs the synchronizer on the file.
/** * Installs the synchronizer on the file. */
public void install() { fFile.getWorkspace().addResourceChangeListener(this); fIsInstalled= true; }
Uninstalls the synchronizer from the file.
/** * Uninstalls the synchronizer from the file. */
public void uninstall() { fFile.getWorkspace().removeResourceChangeListener(this); fIsInstalled= false; } @Override public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent e) { IResourceDelta delta= e.getDelta(); if (delta != null) delta= delta.findMember(fFile.getFullPath()); if (delta != null && fIsInstalled) { SafeFileChange fileChange= null; final int flags= delta.getFlags(); switch (delta.getKind()) { case IResourceDelta.CHANGED: if ((IResourceDelta.ENCODING & flags) != 0) { if (!isDisconnected() && !fCanBeSaved && isSynchronized()) { fileChange= new SafeFileChange() { @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { handleFileContentChanged(false, false); } }; } } if (fileChange == null && (IResourceDelta.CONTENT & flags) != 0) { if (!isDisconnected() && !fCanBeSaved && (!isSynchronized() || (IResourceDelta.REPLACED & flags) != 0)) { fileChange= new SafeFileChange() { @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { handleFileContentChanged(false, true); } }; } } break; case IResourceDelta.REMOVED: if ((IResourceDelta.MOVED_TO & flags) != 0) { final IPath path= delta.getMovedToPath(); fileChange= new SafeFileChange() { @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { handleFileMoved(path); } }; } else { if (!isDisconnected() && !fCanBeSaved) { fileChange= new SafeFileChange() { @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { handleFileDeleted(); } }; } } break; default: break; } if (fileChange != null) { fileChange.preRun(); if (isSynchronizationContextRequested()) { fManager.execute(fileChange); } else {; } } } } }
The location
/** The location */
protected IPath fLocation;
The element for which the info is stored
/** The element for which the info is stored */
protected IFile fFile;
How often the element has been connected
/** How often the element has been connected */
protected int fReferenceCount;
Can the element be saved
/** Can the element be saved */
protected boolean fCanBeSaved= false;
Has element state been validated
/** Has element state been validated */
protected boolean fIsStateValidated= false;
The status of this element
/** The status of this element */
protected IStatus fStatus;
The file synchronizer.
/** The file synchronizer. */
protected FileSynchronizer fFileSynchronizer;
The modification stamp at which this buffer synchronized with the underlying file.
/** The modification stamp at which this buffer synchronized with the underlying file. */
protected long fSynchronizationStamp= IDocumentExtension4.UNKNOWN_MODIFICATION_STAMP;
How often the synchronization context has been requested
/** How often the synchronization context has been requested */
protected int fSynchronizationContextCount; public ResourceFileBuffer(TextFileBufferManager manager) { super(manager); } abstract protected void addFileBufferContentListeners(); abstract protected void removeFileBufferContentListeners(); abstract protected void initializeFileBufferContent(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException; abstract protected void commitFileBufferContent(IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean overwrite) throws CoreException; abstract protected void handleFileContentChanged(boolean revert, boolean updateModificationStamp) throws CoreException; @Override public void create(IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { SubMonitor subMonitor= SubMonitor.convert(monitor, FileBuffersMessages.ResourceFileBuffer_task_creatingFileBuffer, 2); IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IFile file= workspaceRoot.getFile(location); URI uri= file.getLocationURI(); if (uri == null) { String message= NLSUtility.format(FileBuffersMessages.ResourceFileBuffer_error_cannot_determine_URI, location); throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, message, null)); } fLocation= location; fFile= file; fFileStore= EFS.getStore(uri); fFileSynchronizer= new FileSynchronizer(); initializeFileBufferContent(subMonitor.split(1)); fSynchronizationStamp= fFile.getModificationStamp(); addFileBufferContentListeners(); subMonitor.split(1); } @Override public void connect() { ++fReferenceCount; if (fReferenceCount == 1) connected(); }
Called when this file buffer has been connected. This is the case when there is exactly one connection.

Clients may extend this method.

/** * Called when this file buffer has been connected. This is the case when * there is exactly one connection. * <p> * Clients may extend this method. */
protected void connected() { fFileSynchronizer.install(); } @Override public void disconnect() throws CoreException { --fReferenceCount; if (fReferenceCount <= 0) disconnected(); }
Called when this file buffer has been disconnected. This is the case when the number of connections drops below 1.

Clients may extend this method.

/** * Called when this file buffer has been disconnected. This is the case when * the number of connections drops below <code>1</code>. * <p> * Clients may extend this method. */
protected void disconnected() { if (fFileSynchronizer != null) { fFileSynchronizer.uninstall(); fFileSynchronizer= null; } removeFileBufferContentListeners(); } @Override public boolean isDisconnected() { return fFileSynchronizer == null; } @Override public IPath getLocation() { return fLocation; } @Override public ISchedulingRule computeCommitRule() { IResourceRuleFactory factory= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRuleFactory(); return factory.modifyRule(fFile); } @Override public void commit(IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean overwrite) throws CoreException { if (!isDisconnected() && fCanBeSaved) { fManager.fireStateChanging(this); try { commitFileBufferContent(monitor, overwrite); } catch (CoreException | RuntimeException x) { fManager.fireStateChangeFailed(this); throw x; } fCanBeSaved= false; fManager.fireDirtyStateChanged(this, fCanBeSaved); } } @Override public void revert(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (isDisconnected()) return; if (!fFile.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)) { fCanBeSaved= false; refreshFile(monitor); return; } try { fManager.fireStateChanging(this); handleFileContentChanged(true, false); } catch (RuntimeException x) { fManager.fireStateChangeFailed(this); throw x; } } @Override public boolean isDirty() { return fCanBeSaved; } @Override public void setDirty(boolean isDirty) { fCanBeSaved= isDirty; } @Override public boolean isShared() { return fReferenceCount > 1; } @Override public ISchedulingRule computeValidateStateRule() { IResourceRuleFactory factory= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRuleFactory(); return factory.validateEditRule(new IResource[] { fFile }); } @Override public void validateState(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object computationContext) throws CoreException { if (!isDisconnected() && !fIsStateValidated) { fStatus= null; fManager.fireStateChanging(this); try { if (fFile.isReadOnly()) { IWorkspace workspace= fFile.getWorkspace(); fStatus= workspace.validateEdit(new IFile[] { fFile }, computationContext); if (fStatus.isOK()) handleFileContentChanged(false, false); } if (fFile.isDerived(IResource.CHECK_ANCESTORS)) { IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.WARNING, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IFileBufferStatusCodes.DERIVED_FILE, FileBuffersMessages.ResourceFileBuffer_warning_fileIsDerived, null); if (fStatus == null || fStatus.isOK()) fStatus= status; else fStatus= new MultiStatus(FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IFileBufferStatusCodes.STATE_VALIDATION_FAILED, new IStatus[] {fStatus, status}, FileBuffersMessages.ResourceFileBuffer_stateValidationFailed, null); } } catch (RuntimeException x) { fManager.fireStateChangeFailed(this); throw x; } fIsStateValidated= fStatus == null || fStatus.getSeverity() != IStatus.CANCEL; fManager.fireStateValidationChanged(this, fIsStateValidated); } } @Override public boolean isStateValidated() { return fIsStateValidated; } @Override public void resetStateValidation() { if (fIsStateValidated) { fIsStateValidated= false; fManager.fireStateValidationChanged(this, fIsStateValidated); } }
Sends out the notification that the file serving as document input has been moved.
  • newLocation – the path of the new location of the file
/** * Sends out the notification that the file serving as document input has been moved. * * @param newLocation the path of the new location of the file */
protected void handleFileMoved(IPath newLocation) { fManager.fireUnderlyingFileMoved(this, newLocation); }
Sends out the notification that the file serving as document input has been deleted.
/** * Sends out the notification that the file serving as document input has been deleted. */
protected void handleFileDeleted() { fManager.fireUnderlyingFileDeleted(this); }
Refreshes the given file.
  • monitor – the progress monitor
/** * Refreshes the given file. * * @param monitor the progress monitor */
protected void refreshFile(IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { fFile.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor); } catch (OperationCanceledException x) { // Ignore } catch (CoreException x) { handleCoreException(x); } }
Defines the standard procedure to handle CoreExceptions. Exceptions are written to the plug-in log.
  • exception – the exception to be logged
/** * Defines the standard procedure to handle <code>CoreExceptions</code>. Exceptions * are written to the plug-in log. * * @param exception the exception to be logged */
protected void handleCoreException(CoreException exception) { ILog log= FileBuffersPlugin.getDefault().getLog(); log.log(exception.getStatus()); } @Override public boolean isSynchronized() { if (fSynchronizationStamp == fFile.getModificationStamp() && fFile.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_ZERO)) return true; fSynchronizationStamp= IDocumentExtension4.UNKNOWN_MODIFICATION_STAMP; return false; } @Override public void requestSynchronizationContext() { ++ fSynchronizationContextCount; } @Override public void releaseSynchronizationContext() { -- fSynchronizationContextCount; } @Override public boolean isSynchronizationContextRequested() { return fSynchronizationContextCount > 0; } @Override public boolean isCommitable() { IFileInfo info= fFileStore.fetchInfo(); return info.exists() && !info.getAttribute(EFS.ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY); } @Override public void validationStateChanged(boolean validationState, IStatus status) { fIsStateValidated= validationState; fStatus= status; } }