Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.core.internal.filebuffers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ILog; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeManager; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IAnnotationModelFactory; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentSetupParticipant; import org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.LocationKind;
This registry manages sharable document factories and setup participants that are specified in plugin.xml.
/** * This registry manages sharable document factories and setup * participants that are specified in <code>plugin.xml</code>. */
public class ExtensionsRegistry {
Adapts IContentType with the ability to check equality. This allows to use them in a collection.
/** * Adapts {@link IContentType} with the ability to check equality. This allows to use them in a * collection. */
private static class ContentTypeAdapter {
The adapted content type.
/** The adapted content type. */
private IContentType fContentType;
Creates a new content type adapter for the given content type.
  • contentType – the content type to be adapted
/** * Creates a new content type adapter for the * given content type. * * @param contentType the content type to be adapted */
public ContentTypeAdapter(IContentType contentType) { Assert.isNotNull(contentType); fContentType= contentType; }
Return the id of the adapted content type.
Returns:the id
/** * Return the id of the adapted content type. * * @return the id */
public String getId() { return fContentType.getId(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof ContentTypeAdapter && fContentType.getId().equals(((ContentTypeAdapter)obj).getId()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return fContentType.getId().hashCode(); } } protected static final String WILDCARD= "*"; //$NON-NLS-1$
The mapping between file attributes and configuration elements describing document factories.
/** The mapping between file attributes and configuration elements describing document factories. */
private Map<Object, Set<IConfigurationElement>> fFactoryDescriptors= new HashMap<>();
The mapping between configuration elements for document factories and instantiated document factories.
/** The mapping between configuration elements for document factories and instantiated document factories. */
private Map<IConfigurationElement, Object> fFactories= new HashMap<>();
The mapping between file attributes and configuration elements describing document setup participants.
/** The mapping between file attributes and configuration elements describing document setup participants. */
private Map<Object, Set<IConfigurationElement>> fSetupParticipantDescriptors= new HashMap<>();
The mapping between configuration elements for setup participants and instantiated setup participants.
/** The mapping between configuration elements for setup participants and instantiated setup participants. */
private Map<IConfigurationElement, Object> fSetupParticipants= new HashMap<>();
The mapping between file attributes and configuration elements describing annotation model factories.
/** The mapping between file attributes and configuration elements describing annotation model factories. */
private Map<Object, Set<IConfigurationElement>> fAnnotationModelFactoryDescriptors= new HashMap<>();
The mapping between configuration elements for annotation model factories
/** The mapping between configuration elements for annotation model factories */
private Map<IConfigurationElement, Object> fAnnotationModelFactories= new HashMap<>();
The content type manager.
/** The content type manager. */
protected IContentTypeManager fContentTypeManager= Platform.getContentTypeManager();
Creates a new document factory registry and initializes it with the information found in the plug-in registry.
/** * Creates a new document factory registry and initializes it with the information * found in the plug-in registry. */
public ExtensionsRegistry() { initialize("documentCreation", "contentTypeId", true, fFactoryDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("documentCreation", "fileNames", false, fFactoryDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("documentCreation", "extensions", false, fFactoryDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("documentSetup", "contentTypeId", true, fSetupParticipantDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("documentSetup", "fileNames", false, fSetupParticipantDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("documentSetup", "extensions", false, fSetupParticipantDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("annotationModelCreation", "contentTypeId", true, fAnnotationModelFactoryDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("annotationModelCreation", "fileNames", false, fAnnotationModelFactoryDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ initialize("annotationModelCreation", "extensions", false, fAnnotationModelFactoryDescriptors); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ }
Reads the comma-separated value from the given configuration element for the given attribute name and remembers the configuration element in the given map under the individual tokens of the attribute value.
  • attributeName – the name of the attribute
  • element – the configuration element
  • map – the map which remembers the configuration element
/** * Reads the comma-separated value from the given configuration element for the given attribute name and remembers * the configuration element in the given map under the individual tokens of the attribute value. * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute * @param element the configuration element * @param map the map which remembers the configuration element */
private void read(String attributeName, IConfigurationElement element, Map<Object, Set<IConfigurationElement>> map) { String value= element.getAttribute(attributeName); if (value != null) { StringTokenizer tokenizer= new StringTokenizer(value, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$ while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token= tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); Set<IConfigurationElement> s= map.get(token); if (s == null) { s= new HashSet<>(); map.put(token, s); } s.add(element); } } }
Reads the value from the given configuration element for the given attribute name and remembers the configuration element in the given map under the individual content type of the attribute value.
  • attributeName – the name of the attribute
  • element – the configuration element
  • map – the map which remembers the configuration element
/** * Reads the value from the given configuration element for the given attribute name and remembers * the configuration element in the given map under the individual content type of the attribute value. * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute * @param element the configuration element * @param map the map which remembers the configuration element */
private void readContentType(String attributeName, IConfigurationElement element, Map<Object, Set<IConfigurationElement>> map) { String value= element.getAttribute(attributeName); if (value != null) { IContentType contentType= fContentTypeManager.getContentType(value); if (contentType == null) { log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, NLSUtility.format(FileBuffersMessages.ExtensionsRegistry_error_contentTypeDoesNotExist, value), null)); return; } ContentTypeAdapter adapter= new ContentTypeAdapter(contentType); Set<IConfigurationElement> s= map.get(adapter); if (s == null) { s= new HashSet<>(); map.put(adapter, s); } s.add(element); } }
Adds an entry to the log of this plug-in for the given status
  • status – the status to log
/** * Adds an entry to the log of this plug-in for the given status * @param status the status to log */
private void log(IStatus status) { ILog log= FileBuffersPlugin.getDefault().getLog(); log.log(status); }
Initializes this registry. It retrieves all implementers of the given extension point and remembers those implementers based on the file name extensions in the given map.
  • extensionPointName – the name of the extension point
  • childElementName – the name of the child elements
  • isContentTypeId – the child element is a content type id
  • descriptors – the map to be filled
/** * Initializes this registry. It retrieves all implementers of the given * extension point and remembers those implementers based on the * file name extensions in the given map. * * @param extensionPointName the name of the extension point * @param childElementName the name of the child elements * @param isContentTypeId the child element is a content type id * @param descriptors the map to be filled */
private void initialize(String extensionPointName, String childElementName, boolean isContentTypeId, Map<Object, Set<IConfigurationElement>> descriptors) { IExtensionPoint extensionPoint= Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtensionPoint(FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, extensionPointName); if (extensionPoint == null) { log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, FileBuffersPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, NLSUtility.format(FileBuffersMessages.ExtensionsRegistry_error_extensionPointNotFound, extensionPointName), null)); return; } IConfigurationElement[] elements= extensionPoint.getConfigurationElements(); for (IConfigurationElement element : elements) { if (isContentTypeId) readContentType(childElementName, element, descriptors); else read(childElementName, element, descriptors); } }
Returns the executable extension for the given configuration element. If there is no instantiated extension remembered for this element, a new extension is created and put into the cache if it is of the requested type.
  • entry – the configuration element
  • extensions – the map of instantiated extensions
  • extensionType – the requested result type
Returns:the executable extension for the given configuration element.
/** * Returns the executable extension for the given configuration element. * If there is no instantiated extension remembered for this * element, a new extension is created and put into the cache if it is of the requested type. * * @param entry the configuration element * @param extensions the map of instantiated extensions * @param extensionType the requested result type * @return the executable extension for the given configuration element. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T getExtension(IConfigurationElement entry, Map<IConfigurationElement, Object> extensions, Class<T> extensionType) { T extension= (T) extensions.get(entry); if (extension != null) return extension; try { extension= (T) entry.createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (CoreException x) { log(x.getStatus()); } if (extensionType.isInstance(extension)) { extensions.put(entry, extension); return extension; } return null; }
Returns the first enumerated element of the given set.
  • set – the set from which to choose
Returns:the selected configuration element
/** * Returns the first enumerated element of the given set. * * @param set the set from which to choose * @return the selected configuration element */
private IConfigurationElement selectConfigurationElement(Set<IConfigurationElement> set) { if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) { Iterator<IConfigurationElement> e= set.iterator(); return; } return null; }
Returns a sharable document factory for the given file name or file extension.
  • nameOrExtension – the name or extension to be used for lookup
Returns:the sharable document factory or null
Deprecated:As of 3.5
/** * Returns a sharable document factory for the given file name or file extension. * * @param nameOrExtension the name or extension to be used for lookup * @return the sharable document factory or <code>null</code> * @deprecated As of 3.5 */
@Deprecated protected org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory getDocumentFactory(String nameOrExtension) { Set<IConfigurationElement> set= fFactoryDescriptors.get(nameOrExtension); if (set != null) { IConfigurationElement entry= selectConfigurationElement(set); return getExtension(entry, fFactories, org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory.class); } return null; }
Returns a sharable document factory for the given content types.
  • contentTypes – the content types used to find the factory
Returns:the sharable document factory or null
Deprecated:As of 3.5
/** * Returns a sharable document factory for the given content types. * * @param contentTypes the content types used to find the factory * @return the sharable document factory or <code>null</code> * @deprecated As of 3.5 */
@Deprecated protected org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory doGetDocumentFactory(IContentType[] contentTypes) { Set<IConfigurationElement> set= null; int i= 0; while (i < contentTypes.length && set == null) { set= fFactoryDescriptors.get(new ContentTypeAdapter(contentTypes[i++])); } if (set != null) { IConfigurationElement entry= selectConfigurationElement(set); return getExtension(entry, fFactories, org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory.class); } return null; }
Returns a sharable document factory for the given content types. This method considers the base content types of the given set of content types.
  • contentTypes – the content types used to find the factory
Returns:the sharable document factory or null
Deprecated:As of 3.5
/** * Returns a sharable document factory for the given content types. This method considers the * base content types of the given set of content types. * * @param contentTypes the content types used to find the factory * @return the sharable document factory or <code>null</code> * @deprecated As of 3.5 */
@Deprecated protected org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory getDocumentFactory(IContentType[] contentTypes) { org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory factory= doGetDocumentFactory(contentTypes); while (factory == null) { contentTypes= computeBaseContentTypes(contentTypes); if (contentTypes == null) break; factory= doGetDocumentFactory(contentTypes); } return factory; }
Returns the set of setup participants for the given file name or extension.
  • nameOrExtension – the name or extension to be used for lookup
Returns:the sharable set of document setup participants
/** * Returns the set of setup participants for the given file name or extension. * * @param nameOrExtension the name or extension to be used for lookup * @return the sharable set of document setup participants */
protected List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> getDocumentSetupParticipants(String nameOrExtension) { Set<IConfigurationElement> set= fSetupParticipantDescriptors.get(nameOrExtension); if (set == null) return null; List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> participants= new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<IConfigurationElement> e= set.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { IConfigurationElement entry=; IDocumentSetupParticipant participant= getExtension(entry, fSetupParticipants, IDocumentSetupParticipant.class); if (participant != null) participants.add(participant); } return participants; }
Returns the set of setup participants for the given content types.
  • contentTypes – the contentTypes to be used for lookup
Returns:the sharable set of document setup participants
/** * Returns the set of setup participants for the given content types. * * @param contentTypes the contentTypes to be used for lookup * @return the sharable set of document setup participants */
private List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> doGetDocumentSetupParticipants(IContentType[] contentTypes) { Set<IConfigurationElement> resultSet= new HashSet<>(); int i= 0; while (i < contentTypes.length) { Set<IConfigurationElement> set= fSetupParticipantDescriptors.get(new ContentTypeAdapter(contentTypes[i++])); if (set != null) resultSet.addAll(set); } List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> participants= new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<IConfigurationElement> e= resultSet.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { IConfigurationElement entry=; IDocumentSetupParticipant participant= getExtension(entry, fSetupParticipants, IDocumentSetupParticipant.class); if (participant != null) participants.add(participant); } return participants.isEmpty() ? null : participants; }
Returns the set of setup participants for the given content types. This method considers the base content types of the given set of content types.
  • contentTypes – the contentTypes to be used for lookup
Returns:the sharable set of document setup participants
/** * Returns the set of setup participants for the given content types. This * method considers the base content types of the given set of content * types. * * @param contentTypes the contentTypes to be used for lookup * @return the sharable set of document setup participants */
protected List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> getDocumentSetupParticipants(IContentType[] contentTypes) { List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> participants= doGetDocumentSetupParticipants(contentTypes); while (participants == null) { contentTypes= computeBaseContentTypes(contentTypes); if (contentTypes == null) break; participants= doGetDocumentSetupParticipants(contentTypes); } return participants; }
Returns a sharable annotation model factory for the given content types.
  • contentTypes – the content types used to find the factory
Returns:the sharable annotation model factory or null
/** * Returns a sharable annotation model factory for the given content types. * * @param contentTypes the content types used to find the factory * @return the sharable annotation model factory or <code>null</code> */
private IAnnotationModelFactory doGetAnnotationModelFactory(IContentType[] contentTypes) { Set<IConfigurationElement> set= null; int i= 0; while (i < contentTypes.length && set == null) { set= fAnnotationModelFactoryDescriptors.get(new ContentTypeAdapter(contentTypes[i++])); } if (set != null) { IConfigurationElement entry= selectConfigurationElement(set); return getExtension(entry, fAnnotationModelFactories, IAnnotationModelFactory.class); } return null; }
Returns a sharable annotation model factory for the given content types. This method considers the base content types of the given set of content types.
  • contentTypes – the content types used to find the factory
Returns:the sharable annotation model factory or null
/** * Returns a sharable annotation model factory for the given content types. * This method considers the base content types of the given set of content * types. * * @param contentTypes the content types used to find the factory * @return the sharable annotation model factory or <code>null</code> */
protected IAnnotationModelFactory getAnnotationModelFactory(IContentType[] contentTypes) { IAnnotationModelFactory factory= doGetAnnotationModelFactory(contentTypes); while (factory == null) { contentTypes= computeBaseContentTypes(contentTypes); if (contentTypes == null) break; factory= doGetAnnotationModelFactory(contentTypes); } return factory; }
Returns a sharable annotation model factory for the given file name or file extension.
  • extension – the name or extension to be used for lookup
Returns:the sharable document factory or null
/** * Returns a sharable annotation model factory for the given file name or file extension. * * @param extension the name or extension to be used for lookup * @return the sharable document factory or <code>null</code> */
protected IAnnotationModelFactory getAnnotationModelFactory(String extension) { Set<IConfigurationElement> set= fAnnotationModelFactoryDescriptors.get(extension); if (set != null) { IConfigurationElement entry= selectConfigurationElement(set); return getExtension(entry, fAnnotationModelFactories, IAnnotationModelFactory.class); } return null; }
Returns the set of content types for the given location.
  • location – the location for which to look up the content types
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the set of content types for the location
/** * Returns the set of content types for the given location. * * @param location the location for which to look up the content types * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the set of content types for the location * @since 3.3 */
protected IContentType[] findContentTypes(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { Assert.isLegal(locationKind != LocationKind.IFILE); return fContentTypeManager.findContentTypesFor(location.lastSegment()); }
Returns the set of direct base content types for the given set of content types. Returns null if non of the given content types has a direct base content type.
  • contentTypes – the content types
Returns:the set of direct base content types
/** * Returns the set of direct base content types for the given set of content * types. Returns <code>null</code> if non of the given content types has * a direct base content type. * * @param contentTypes the content types * @return the set of direct base content types */
private IContentType[] computeBaseContentTypes(IContentType[] contentTypes) { List<IContentType> baseTypes= new ArrayList<>(); for (IContentType contentType : contentTypes) { IContentType baseType= contentType.getBaseType(); if (baseType != null) baseTypes.add(baseType); } IContentType[] result= null; int size= baseTypes.size(); if (size > 0) { result= new IContentType[size]; baseTypes.toArray(result); } return result; }
Returns the sharable document factory for the given location.
  • location – the location for which to looked up the factory
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the sharable document factory
Deprecated:As of 3.5
/** * Returns the sharable document factory for the given location. * * @param location the location for which to looked up the factory * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the sharable document factory * @since 3.3 * @deprecated As of 3.5 */
@Deprecated public org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory getDocumentFactory(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IDocumentFactory factory= getDocumentFactory(findContentTypes(location, locationKind)); if (factory == null) factory= getDocumentFactory(location.lastSegment()); if (factory == null) factory= getDocumentFactory(location.getFileExtension()); if (factory == null) factory= getDocumentFactory(WILDCARD); return factory; }
Returns the sharable set of document setup participants for the given location.
  • location – the location for which to look up the setup participants
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the sharable set of document setup participants
/** * Returns the sharable set of document setup participants for the given location. * * @param location the location for which to look up the setup participants * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the sharable set of document setup participants * @since 3.3 */
public IDocumentSetupParticipant[] getDocumentSetupParticipants(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { Set<IDocumentSetupParticipant> participants= new HashSet<>(); List<IDocumentSetupParticipant> p= getDocumentSetupParticipants(findContentTypes(location, locationKind)); if (p != null) participants.addAll(p); p= getDocumentSetupParticipants(location.lastSegment()); if (p != null) participants.addAll(p); p= getDocumentSetupParticipants(location.getFileExtension()); if (p != null) participants.addAll(p); p= getDocumentSetupParticipants(WILDCARD); if (p != null) participants.addAll(p); IDocumentSetupParticipant[] result= new IDocumentSetupParticipant[participants.size()]; participants.toArray(result); return result; }
Returns the sharable annotation model factory for the given location.
  • location – the location for which to look up the factory
  • locationKind – the kind of the given location
Returns:the sharable annotation model factory
/** * Returns the sharable annotation model factory for the given location. * * @param location the location for which to look up the factory * @param locationKind the kind of the given location * @return the sharable annotation model factory * @since 3.3 */
public IAnnotationModelFactory getAnnotationModelFactory(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind) { IAnnotationModelFactory factory= getAnnotationModelFactory(findContentTypes(location, locationKind)); if (factory == null) factory= getAnnotationModelFactory(location.lastSegment()); if (factory == null) factory= getAnnotationModelFactory(location.getFileExtension()); if (factory == null) factory= getAnnotationModelFactory(WILDCARD); return factory; } }