Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.core; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.INamingRequestor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.InternalNamingConventions;
Provides methods for computing Java-specific names.

The behavior of the methods is dependent of several JavaCore options.

The possible options are :

For a complete description of the configurable options, see JavaCore.getDefaultOptions(). To programmatically change these options, see JavaCore.setOptions(Hashtable<String,String>).

This class provides static methods and constants only.

See Also:
@noinstantiateThis class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
/** * Provides methods for computing Java-specific names. * <p> * The behavior of the methods is dependent of several JavaCore options. * <p> * The possible options are : * <ul> * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES} : Define the Prefixes for Field Name.</li> * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} : Define the Suffixes for Field Name.</li> * * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES} : Define the Prefixes for Static Field Name.</li> * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} : Define the Suffixes for Static Field Name.</li> * * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIXES} : Define the Prefixes for Static Final Field Name.</li> * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_SUFFIXES} : Define the Suffixes for Static Final Field Name.</li> * * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} : Define the Prefixes for Local Variable Name.</li> * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES} : Define the Suffixes for Local Variable Name.</li> * * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} : Define the Prefixes for Argument Name.</li> * <li> {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES} : Define the Suffixes for Argument Name.</li> * </ul> * <p> * For a complete description of the configurable options, see {@link JavaCore#getDefaultOptions()}. * To programmatically change these options, see {@link JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable)}. * </p> * <p> * This class provides static methods and constants only. * </p> * * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * @since 2.1 * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients. */
public final class NamingConventions { static class NamingRequestor implements INamingRequestor { private final static int SIZE = 10; // for acceptNameWithPrefixAndSuffix private char[][] firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] firstPrefixAndSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] prefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] prefixAndSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int prefixAndSuffixResultsCount = 0; // for acceptNameWithPrefix private char[][] firstPrefixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstPrefixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] prefixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int prefixResultsCount = 0; // for acceptNameWithSuffix private char[][] firstSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] suffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int suffixResultsCount = 0; // for acceptNameWithoutPrefixAndSuffix private char[][] otherResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int otherResultsCount = 0; @Override public void acceptNameWithoutPrefixAndSuffix(char[] name, int reusedCharacters) { int length = this.otherResults.length; if(length == this.otherResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.otherResults, 0, this.otherResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.otherResults[this.otherResultsCount++] = name; } @Override public void acceptNameWithPrefix(char[] name, boolean isFirstPrefix, int reusedCharacters) { if(isFirstPrefix) { int length = this.firstPrefixResults.length; if(length == this.firstPrefixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.firstPrefixResults, 0, this.firstPrefixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstPrefixResults[this.firstPrefixResultsCount++] = name; } else{ int length = this.prefixResults.length; if(length == this.prefixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.prefixResults, 0, this.prefixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.prefixResults[this.prefixResultsCount++] = name; } } @Override public void acceptNameWithPrefixAndSuffix(char[] name, boolean isFirstPrefix, boolean isFirstSuffix, int reusedCharacters) { if(isFirstPrefix && isFirstSuffix) { int length = this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults.length; if(length == this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults[this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else if (isFirstPrefix) { int length = this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults.length; if(length == this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults, 0, this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults[this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else if(isFirstSuffix) { int length = this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults.length; if(length == this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults[this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else { int length = this.prefixAndSuffixResults.length; if(length == this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.prefixAndSuffixResults, 0, this.prefixAndSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.prefixAndSuffixResults[this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } } @Override public void acceptNameWithSuffix(char[] name, boolean isFirstSuffix, int reusedCharacters) { if(isFirstSuffix) { int length = this.firstSuffixResults.length; if(length == this.firstSuffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.firstSuffixResults, 0, this.firstSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstSuffixResults[this.firstSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else { int length = this.suffixResults.length; if(length == this.suffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy( this.suffixResults, 0, this.suffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.suffixResults[this.suffixResultsCount++] = name; } } public char[][] getResults(){ int count = this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount + this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount + this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount + this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount + this.firstPrefixResultsCount + this.prefixResultsCount + this.firstSuffixResultsCount + this.suffixResultsCount + this.otherResultsCount; char[][] results = new char[count][]; int index = 0; System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount); index += this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount); index += this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount); index += this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.prefixAndSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount); index += this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstPrefixResultsCount); index += this.firstPrefixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.prefixResults, 0, results, index, this.prefixResultsCount); index += this.prefixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.firstSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstSuffixResultsCount); index += this.firstSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.suffixResults, 0, results, index, this.suffixResultsCount); index += this.suffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.otherResults, 0, results, index, this.otherResultsCount); return results; } } private static final char[] GETTER_BOOL_NAME = "is".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] GETTER_NAME = "get".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] SETTER_NAME = "set".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
Variable kind which represents a static field.
/** * Variable kind which represents a static field. * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int VK_STATIC_FIELD = InternalNamingConventions.VK_STATIC_FIELD;
Variable kind which represents an instance field.
/** * Variable kind which represents an instance field. * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int VK_INSTANCE_FIELD = InternalNamingConventions.VK_INSTANCE_FIELD;
Variable kind which represents a static final field.
/** * Variable kind which represents a static final field. * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD = InternalNamingConventions.VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD;
Variable kind which represents an argument.
/** * Variable kind which represents an argument. * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int VK_PARAMETER = InternalNamingConventions.VK_PARAMETER;
Variable kind which represents a local variable.
/** * Variable kind which represents a local variable. * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int VK_LOCAL = InternalNamingConventions.VK_LOCAL;
The base name associated to this base name kind is a simple name. When this base name is used the whole name is considered.
See Also:
  • suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)
/** * The base name associated to this base name kind is a simple name. * When this base name is used the whole name is considered. * * @see #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int BK_NAME = InternalNamingConventions.BK_SIMPLE_NAME;
The base name associated to this base name kind is a simple type name. When this base name is used all the words of the name are considered.
See Also:
  • suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)
/** * The base name associated to this base name kind is a simple type name. * When this base name is used all the words of the name are considered. * * @see #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) * * @since 3.5 */
public static final int BK_TYPE_NAME = InternalNamingConventions.BK_SIMPLE_TYPE_NAME; private static String[] convertCharsToString(char[][] c) { int length = c == null ? 0 : c.length; String[] s = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { s[i] = String.valueOf(c[i]); } return s; } private static char[][] convertStringToChars(String[] s) { int length = s == null ? 0 : s.length; char[][] c = new char[length][]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(s[i] == null) { c[i] = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; } else { c[i] = s[i].toCharArray(); } } return c; }
Remove prefix and suffix from an argument name.

If argument name prefix is pre and argument name suffix is suf then for an argument named preArgsuf the result of this method is arg. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name preArgsuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the argument.
  • argumentName – argument's name.
See Also:
Returns:char[] the name without prefix and suffix.
Deprecated:Use getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
/** * Remove prefix and suffix from an argument name. * <p> * If argument name prefix is <code>pre</code> and argument name suffix is <code>suf</code> * then for an argument named <code>preArgsuf</code> the result of this method is <code>arg</code>. * If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged * name <code>preArgsuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the argument. * @param argumentName argument's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject)} instead with {@link #VK_PARAMETER} as variable kind. */
public static char[] removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] argumentName) { return InternalNamingConventions.removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix(VK_PARAMETER, javaProject, argumentName); }
Remove prefix and suffix from an argument name.

If argument name prefix is pre and argument name suffix is suf then for an argument named preArgsuf the result of this method is arg. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name preArgsuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the argument.
  • argumentName – argument's name.
See Also:
Returns:char[] the name without prefix and suffix.
Deprecated:Use getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
/** * Remove prefix and suffix from an argument name. * <p> * If argument name prefix is <code>pre</code> and argument name suffix is <code>suf</code> * then for an argument named <code>preArgsuf</code> the result of this method is <code>arg</code>. * If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged * name <code>preArgsuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the argument. * @param argumentName argument's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject)} instead with {@link #VK_PARAMETER} as variable kind. */
public static String removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName(IJavaProject javaProject, String argumentName) { return String.valueOf(removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName(javaProject, argumentName.toCharArray())); }
Remove prefix and suffix from a field name.

If field name prefix is pre and field name suffix is suf then for a field named preFieldsuf the result of this method is field. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name preFieldsuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES } , JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the field.
  • fieldName – field's name.
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
See Also:
Returns:char[] the name without prefix and suffix.
Deprecated:Use getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
/** * Remove prefix and suffix from a field name. * <p> * If field name prefix is <code>pre</code> and field name suffix is <code>suf</code> * then for a field named <code>preFieldsuf</code> the result of this method is <code>field</code>. * If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged * name <code>preFieldsuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES} } , * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the field. * @param fieldName field's name. * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject)} instead * with {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} or {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD} as variable kind. */
public static char[] removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] fieldName, int modifiers) { return InternalNamingConventions.removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix( Flags.isStatic(modifiers) ? VK_STATIC_FIELD : VK_INSTANCE_FIELD, javaProject, fieldName); }
Remove prefix and suffix from a field name.

If field name prefix is pre and field name suffix is suf then for a field named preFieldsuf the result of this method is field. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name preFieldsuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the field.
  • fieldName – field's name.
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
See Also:
Returns:char[] the name without prefix and suffix.
Deprecated:Use getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
/** * Remove prefix and suffix from a field name. * <p> * If field name prefix is <code>pre</code> and field name suffix is <code>suf</code> * then for a field named <code>preFieldsuf</code> the result of this method is <code>field</code>. * If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged * name <code>preFieldsuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the field. * @param fieldName field's name. * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject)} instead * with {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} or {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD} as variable kind. */
public static String removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(IJavaProject javaProject, String fieldName, int modifiers) { return String.valueOf(removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(javaProject, fieldName.toCharArray(), modifiers)); }
Remove prefix and suffix from a local variable name.

If local variable name prefix is pre and local variable name suffix is suf then for a local variable named preLocalsuf the result of this method is local. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name preLocalsuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the variable.
  • localName – variable's name.
See Also:
Returns:char[] the name without prefix and suffix.
Deprecated:Use getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
/** * Remove prefix and suffix from a local variable name. * <p> * If local variable name prefix is <code>pre</code> and local variable name suffix is <code>suf</code> * then for a local variable named <code>preLocalsuf</code> the result of this method is <code>local</code>. * If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged * name <code>preLocalsuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the variable. * @param localName variable's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject)} instead with {@link #VK_LOCAL} as variable kind. */
public static char[] removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] localName) { return InternalNamingConventions.removeVariablePrefixAndSuffix(VK_LOCAL, javaProject, localName); }
Remove prefix and suffix from a local variable name.

If local variable name prefix is pre and local variable name suffix is suf then for a local variable named preLocalsuf the result of this method is local. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name preLocalsuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the variable.
  • localName – variable's name.
See Also:
Returns:char[] the name without prefix and suffix.
Deprecated:Use getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject) instead with VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
/** * Remove prefix and suffix from a local variable name. * <p> * If local variable name prefix is <code>pre</code> and local variable name suffix is <code>suf</code> * then for a local variable named <code>preLocalsuf</code> the result of this method is <code>local</code>. * If there is no prefix or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged * name <code>preLocalsuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the variable. * @param localName variable's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #getBaseName(int, String, IJavaProject)} instead with {@link #VK_LOCAL} as variable kind. */
public static String removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName(IJavaProject javaProject, String localName) { return String.valueOf(removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName(javaProject, localName.toCharArray())); }
Returns a base name which could be used to generate the given variable name with suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean).

If the variable is a VK_LOCAL and the variable name is variableName then the base name will be variableName.
If the variable is a VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD and the variable name is VARIABLE_NAME then the base name will be variableName.

Prefixes and suffixes defined in JavaCore options will be also removed from the variable name.
Each variable kind is affected by the following JavaCore options:

If the variable is a VK_LOCAL, the variable name is preVariableNamesuf, a possible prefix is pre and a possible suffix is suf then the base name will be variableName.

See Also:
/** * Returns a base name which could be used to generate the given variable name with {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)}. * <p> * e.g.<br> * If the variable is a {@link #VK_LOCAL} and the variable name is <code>variableName</code> then the base name will be <code>variableName</code>.<br> * If the variable is a {@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD} and the variable name is <code>VARIABLE_NAME</code> then the base name will be <code>variableName</code>.<br> * </p> * <p> * Prefixes and suffixes defined in JavaCore options will be also removed from the variable name.<br> * Each variable kind is affected by the following JavaCore options: * <ul> * <li>{@link #VK_PARAMETER}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_LOCAL}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_SUFFIXES}</li> * </ul> * <p> * e.g.<br> * If the variable is a {@link #VK_LOCAL}, the variable name is <code>preVariableNamesuf</code>, a possible prefix is <code>pre</code> and a possible suffix is <code>suf</code> * then the base name will be <code>variableName</code>.<br> * </p> * * @param variableKind specifies what type the variable is: {@link #VK_LOCAL}, {@link #VK_PARAMETER}, {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD}, * {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} or {@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD}. * @param variableName a variable name * @param javaProject project which contains the variable or <code>null</code> to take into account only workspace settings. * * @see #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) * @since 3.5 */
public static String getBaseName( int variableKind, String variableName, IJavaProject javaProject) { return String.valueOf(InternalNamingConventions.getBaseName(variableKind, javaProject, variableName.toCharArray(), true)); } private static int getFieldVariableKind(int modifiers) { if (Flags.isStatic(modifiers)) { if (Flags.isFinal(modifiers)) { return VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD; } return VK_STATIC_FIELD; } return VK_INSTANCE_FIELD; } private static char[] suggestAccessorName(IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers) { char[] name = InternalNamingConventions.getBaseName(getFieldVariableKind(modifiers), project, fieldName, false); if (name.length > 0 && ScannerHelper.isLowerCase(name[0])) { if (name.length == 1 || !ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(name[1])) { name[0] = ScannerHelper.toUpperCase(name[0]); } } return name; }
Suggest names for an argument. The name is computed from argument's type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

If the type of the argument is TypeName, the prefix for argument is pre and the suffix for argument is suf then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and name.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the argument.
  • packageName – package of the argument's type.
  • qualifiedTypeName – argument's type.
  • dim – argument's dimension (0 if the argument is not an array).
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[][] an array of names.
Deprecated:Use suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
/** * Suggest names for an argument. The name is computed from argument's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * <p> * If the type of the argument is <code>TypeName</code>, the prefix for argument is <code>pre</code> * and the suffix for argument is <code>suf</code> then the proposed names are <code>preTypeNamesuf</code> * and <code>preNamesuf</code>. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are <code>typeName</code> * and <code>name</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the argument. * @param packageName package of the argument's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName argument's type. * @param dim argument's dimension (0 if the argument is not an array). * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)} instead with {@link #VK_PARAMETER} as variable kind. */
public static char[][] suggestArgumentNames(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, char[][] excludedNames) { if(qualifiedTypeName == null || qualifiedTypeName.length == 0) return CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; char[] typeName = CharOperation.lastSegment(qualifiedTypeName, '.'); NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestVariableNames( VK_PARAMETER, BK_TYPE_NAME, typeName, javaProject, dim, null, excludedNames, true, requestor); return requestor.getResults(); }
Suggest names for an argument. The name is computed from argument's type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

If the type of the argument is TypeName, the prefix for argument is pre and the suffix for argument is suf then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and name.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the argument.
  • packageName – package of the argument's type.
  • qualifiedTypeName – argument's type.
  • dim – argument's dimension (0 if the argument is not an array).
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[][] an array of names.
Deprecated:Use suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with VK_PARAMETER as variable kind.
/** * Suggest names for an argument. The name is computed from argument's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * <p> * If the type of the argument is <code>TypeName</code>, the prefix for argument is <code>pre</code> * and the suffix for argument is <code>suf</code> then the proposed names are <code>preTypeNamesuf</code> * and <code>preNamesuf</code>. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are <code>typeName</code> * and <code>name</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the argument. * @param packageName package of the argument's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName argument's type. * @param dim argument's dimension (0 if the argument is not an array). * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)} instead with {@link #VK_PARAMETER} as variable kind. */
public static String[] suggestArgumentNames(IJavaProject javaProject, String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, String[] excludedNames) { return convertCharsToString( suggestArgumentNames( javaProject, packageName.toCharArray(), qualifiedTypeName.toCharArray(), dim, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); }
Suggest names for a field. The name is computed from field's type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

If the type of the field is TypeName, the prefix for field is pre and the suffix for field is suf then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and name.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES and for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the field.
  • packageName – package of the field's type.
  • qualifiedTypeName – field's type.
  • dim – field's dimension (0 if the field is not an array).
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[][] an array of names.
Deprecated:Use suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
/** * Suggest names for a field. The name is computed from field's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * <p> * If the type of the field is <code>TypeName</code>, the prefix for field is <code>pre</code> * and the suffix for field is <code>suf</code> then the proposed names are <code>preTypeNamesuf</code> * and <code>preNamesuf</code>. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are <code>typeName</code> * and <code>name</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} and for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the field. * @param packageName package of the field's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName field's type. * @param dim field's dimension (0 if the field is not an array). * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)} instead * with {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} or {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD} as variable kind. */
public static char[][] suggestFieldNames(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, int modifiers, char[][] excludedNames) { if(qualifiedTypeName == null || qualifiedTypeName.length == 0) return CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; char[] typeName = CharOperation.lastSegment(qualifiedTypeName, '.'); NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestVariableNames( Flags.isStatic(modifiers) ? VK_STATIC_FIELD : VK_INSTANCE_FIELD, BK_TYPE_NAME, typeName, javaProject, dim, null, excludedNames, true, requestor); return requestor.getResults(); }
Suggest names for a field. The name is computed from field's type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

If the type of the field is TypeName, the prefix for field is pre and the suffix for field is suf then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and name.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES and for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the field.
  • packageName – package of the field's type.
  • qualifiedTypeName – field's type.
  • dim – field's dimension (0 if the field is not an array).
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[][] an array of names.
Deprecated:Use suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or VK_STATIC_FIELD as variable kind.
/** * Suggest names for a field. The name is computed from field's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * <p> * If the type of the field is <code>TypeName</code>, the prefix for field is <code>pre</code> * and the suffix for field is <code>suf</code> then the proposed names are <code>preTypeNamesuf</code> * and <code>preNamesuf</code>. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are <code>typeName</code> * and <code>name</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} and for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the field. * @param packageName package of the field's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName field's type. * @param dim field's dimension (0 if the field is not an array). * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)} instead * with {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} or {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD} as variable kind. */
public static String[] suggestFieldNames(IJavaProject javaProject, String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, int modifiers, String[] excludedNames) { return convertCharsToString( suggestFieldNames( javaProject, packageName.toCharArray(), qualifiedTypeName.toCharArray(), dim, modifiers, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); }
Suggest name for a getter method. The name is computed from field's name and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed.

If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for field is pre and the suffix for field is suf then the prosposed name is isFieldName for boolean field or getFieldName for others. If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is isPreFieldNamesuf for boolean field or getPreFieldNamesuf for others.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • project – project which contains the field.
  • fieldName – field's name's.
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
  • isBoolean – true if the field's type is boolean
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[] a name.
/** * Suggest name for a getter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. * <p> * If the field name is <code>preFieldNamesuf</code> and the prefix for field is <code>pre</code> and * the suffix for field is <code>suf</code> then the prosposed name is <code>isFieldName</code> for boolean field or * <code>getFieldName</code> for others. If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is <code>isPreFieldNamesuf</code> * for boolean field or <code>getPreFieldNamesuf</code> for others. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param project project which contains the field. * @param fieldName field's name's. * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @param isBoolean <code>true</code> if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */
public static char[] suggestGetterName(IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, char[][] excludedNames) { if (isBoolean) { char[] name = InternalNamingConventions.getBaseName(getFieldVariableKind(modifiers), project, fieldName, false); int prefixLen = GETTER_BOOL_NAME.length; if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(GETTER_BOOL_NAME, name) && name.length > prefixLen && ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(name[prefixLen])) { return suggestNewName(name, excludedNames); } else { return suggestNewName( CharOperation.concat(GETTER_BOOL_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames ); } } else { return suggestNewName( CharOperation.concat(GETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames ); } }
Suggest name for a getter method. The name is computed from field's name and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed.

If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for field is pre and the suffix for field is suf then the prosposed name is isFieldName for boolean field or getFieldName for others. If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is isPreFieldNamesuf for boolean field or getPreFieldNamesuf for others.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • project – project which contains the field.
  • fieldName – field's name's.
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
  • isBoolean – true if the field's type is boolean
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[] a name.
/** * Suggest name for a getter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. * <p> * If the field name is <code>preFieldNamesuf</code> and the prefix for field is <code>pre</code> and * the suffix for field is <code>suf</code> then the prosposed name is <code>isFieldName</code> for boolean field or * <code>getFieldName</code> for others. If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is <code>isPreFieldNamesuf</code> * for boolean field or <code>getPreFieldNamesuf</code> for others. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param project project which contains the field. * @param fieldName field's name's. * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @param isBoolean <code>true</code> if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */
public static String suggestGetterName(IJavaProject project, String fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, String[] excludedNames) { return String.valueOf( suggestGetterName( project, fieldName.toCharArray(), modifiers, isBoolean, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); }
Suggest names for a local variable. The name is computed from variable's type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

If the type of the local variable is TypeName, the prefix for local variable is pre and the suffix for local variable is suf then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and name.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the variable.
  • packageName – package of the variable's type.
  • qualifiedTypeName – variable's type.
  • dim – variable's dimension (0 if the variable is not an array).
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[][] an array of names.
Deprecated:Use suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
/** * Suggest names for a local variable. The name is computed from variable's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * <p> * If the type of the local variable is <code>TypeName</code>, the prefix for local variable is <code>pre</code> * and the suffix for local variable is <code>suf</code> then the proposed names are <code>preTypeNamesuf</code> * and <code>preNamesuf</code>. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are <code>typeName</code> * and <code>name</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the variable. * @param packageName package of the variable's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName variable's type. * @param dim variable's dimension (0 if the variable is not an array). * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)} instead with {@link #VK_LOCAL} as variable kind. */
public static char[][] suggestLocalVariableNames(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, char[][] excludedNames) { if(qualifiedTypeName == null || qualifiedTypeName.length == 0) return CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; char[] typeName = CharOperation.lastSegment(qualifiedTypeName, '.'); NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestVariableNames( VK_LOCAL, BK_TYPE_NAME, typeName, javaProject, dim, null, excludedNames, true, requestor); return requestor.getResults(); }
Suggest names for a local variable. The name is computed from variable's type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

If the type of the local variable is TypeName, the prefix for local variable is pre and the suffix for local variable is suf then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and name.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • javaProject – project which contains the variable.
  • packageName – package of the variable's type.
  • qualifiedTypeName – variable's type.
  • dim – variable's dimension (0 if the variable is not an array).
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[][] an array of names.
Deprecated:Use suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean) instead with VK_LOCAL as variable kind.
/** * Suggest names for a local variable. The name is computed from variable's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * <p> * If the type of the local variable is <code>TypeName</code>, the prefix for local variable is <code>pre</code> * and the suffix for local variable is <code>suf</code> then the proposed names are <code>preTypeNamesuf</code> * and <code>preNamesuf</code>. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals are <code>typeName</code> * and <code>name</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} and * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES}. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param javaProject project which contains the variable. * @param packageName package of the variable's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName variable's type. * @param dim variable's dimension (0 if the variable is not an array). * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @deprecated Use {@link #suggestVariableNames(int, int, String, IJavaProject, int, String[], boolean)} instead with {@link #VK_LOCAL} as variable kind. */
public static String[] suggestLocalVariableNames(IJavaProject javaProject, String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, String[] excludedNames) { return convertCharsToString( suggestLocalVariableNames( javaProject, packageName.toCharArray(), qualifiedTypeName.toCharArray(), dim, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); } private static char[] suggestNewName(char[] name, char[][] excludedNames){ if(excludedNames == null) { return name; } char[] newName = name; int count = 2; int i = 0; while (i < excludedNames.length) { if(CharOperation.equals(newName, excludedNames[i], false)) { newName = CharOperation.concat(name, String.valueOf(count++).toCharArray()); i = 0; } else { i++; } } return newName; }
Suggest name for a setter method. The name is computed from field's name and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed.

If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for field is pre and the suffix for field is suf then the proposed name is setFieldName. If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is setPreFieldNamesuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • project – project which contains the field.
  • fieldName – field's name's.
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
  • isBoolean – true if the field's type is boolean
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[] a name.
/** * Suggest name for a setter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. * <p> * If the field name is <code>preFieldNamesuf</code> and the prefix for field is <code>pre</code> and * the suffix for field is <code>suf</code> then the proposed name is <code>setFieldName</code>. * If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is <code>setPreFieldNamesuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param project project which contains the field. * @param fieldName field's name's. * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @param isBoolean <code>true</code> if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */
public static char[] suggestSetterName(IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, char[][] excludedNames) { if (isBoolean) { char[] name = InternalNamingConventions.getBaseName(getFieldVariableKind(modifiers), project, fieldName, false); int prefixLen = GETTER_BOOL_NAME.length; if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(GETTER_BOOL_NAME, name) && name.length > prefixLen && ScannerHelper.isUpperCase(name[prefixLen])) { name = CharOperation.subarray(name, prefixLen, name.length); return suggestNewName( CharOperation.concat(SETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, name, modifiers)), excludedNames ); } else { return suggestNewName( CharOperation.concat(SETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames ); } } else { return suggestNewName( CharOperation.concat(SETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames ); } }
Suggest name for a setter method. The name is computed from field's name and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed.

If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for field is pre and the suffix for field is suf then the proposed name is setFieldName. If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is setPreFieldNamesuf.

This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field and JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, JavaCore.CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field.

For a complete description of these configurable options, see getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, see JavaCore#setOptions().

  • project – project which contains the field.
  • fieldName – field's name's.
  • modifiers – field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags.
  • isBoolean – true if the field's type is boolean
  • excludedNames – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there is no excluded names.
See Also:
Returns:char[] a name.
/** * Suggest name for a setter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. * <p> * If the field name is <code>preFieldNamesuf</code> and the prefix for field is <code>pre</code> and * the suffix for field is <code>suf</code> then the proposed name is <code>setFieldName</code>. * If there is no prefix and suffix the proposal is <code>setPreFieldNamesuf</code>. * </p> * <p> * This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for instance field and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES}, * {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES} for static field. * </p> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see <code>getDefaultOptions</code>. * For programmaticaly change these options, see <code>JavaCore#setOptions()</code>. * </p> * * @param project project which contains the field. * @param fieldName field's name's. * @param modifiers field's modifiers as defined by the class * <code>Flags</code>. * @param isBoolean <code>true</code> if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there is no excluded names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */
public static String suggestSetterName(IJavaProject project, String fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, String[] excludedNames) { return String.valueOf( suggestSetterName( project, fieldName.toCharArray(), modifiers, isBoolean, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); }
Suggests names for a variable. The name is computed from a base name and possible prefixes or suffixes are added.

The base name is used to compute the variable name. Some different kinds of base names are possible and each kind is associated to a different heuristic to compute variable names.
The heuristic depends also on the kind of the variable. Each kind of variable is identified by a constant starting with VK_.
When a prefix and a suffix can be added then all combinations of prefix and suffix are suggested. If the name is name, the prefix is pre and the suffix is suf then the suggested names will be prenamesuf, prename, namesuf and name.

The different kinds of base names are:

  • BK_NAME: the base name is a Java name and the whole base name is considered to compute the variable names. A prefix and a suffix can be added.
    There is a heuristic by variable kind.
      In this case the first word will be converted to lower case and the other characters won't be changed.
      If the base name is SimpleName then the suggested name will be simpleName.
      In this case all letters of the name will be converted to upper case and words will be separated by an underscore ("_").
      If the base name is SimpleName then the suggested name will be SIMPLE_NAME.
  • BK_TYPE_NAME: the base name is a Java simple type name (e.g. HashMap) and all the words of the base name are considered to compute the variable names. A prefix and a suffix can be added to these names.
    There is a heuristic by variable kind.
      In this case a variable name will contain some words of the base name and the first word will be converted to lower case.
      If the type is TypeName then the suggested names will be typeName and name.
      In this case a variable name will contain some words of the base name, all letters of the name will be converted to upper case and segments will be separated by a underscore ("_").
      If the base name is TypeName then the suggested name will be TYPE_NAME and NAME.
Some other kinds could be added in the future.

Each variable kind is affected by the following JavaCore options:

For a complete description of these configurable options, see JavaCore.getDefaultOptions(). To programmatically change these options, see JavaCore.setOptions(Hashtable<String,String>) and IJavaProject.setOptions(Map<String,String>)

Proposed names are sorted by relevance (best proposal first).
The names are proposed in the following order:

  1. Names with prefix and suffix. Longer names are proposed first
  2. Names with prefix. Longer names are proposed first
  3. Names with suffix. Longer names are proposed first
  4. Names without prefix and suffix. Longer names are proposed first
  • variableKind – specifies what type the variable is: VK_LOCAL, VK_PARAMETER, VK_STATIC_FIELD, VK_INSTANCE_FIELD or VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD.
  • baseNameKind – specifies what type the base name is: BK_NAME or BK_TYPE_NAME
  • baseName – name used to compute the suggested names.
  • javaProject – project which contains the variable or null to take into account only workspace settings.
  • dim – variable dimension (0 if the field is not an array).
  • excluded – a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). Can be null if there are no excluded names.
  • evaluateDefault – if true, the result is guaranteed to contain at least one result. If false, the result can be an empty array.
See Also:
Returns:String[] an array of names.
/** * Suggests names for a variable. The name is computed from a base name and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. * * <p> * The base name is used to compute the variable name. * Some different kinds of base names are possible and each kind is associated to a different heuristic to compute variable names.<br> * The heuristic depends also on the kind of the variable. Each kind of variable is identified by a constant starting with <code>VK_</code>.<br> * When a prefix and a suffix can be added then all combinations of prefix and suffix are suggested. * If the name is <code>name</code>, the prefix is <code>pre</code> and the suffix is <code>suf</code> then the suggested names will be * <code>prenamesuf</code>, <code>prename</code>, <code>namesuf</code> and <code>name</code>.<br> * <br> * The different kinds of base names are: * <ul> * <li>{@link #BK_NAME}: the base name is a Java name and the whole base name is considered to compute the variable names. A prefix and a suffix can be added.<br> * There is a heuristic by variable kind. * <ul> * <li>{@link #VK_PARAMETER}, {@link #VK_LOCAL}, {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} and {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD}:<br> * In this case the first word will be converted to lower case and the other characters won't be changed.<br> * If the base name is <code>SimpleName</code> then the suggested name will be <code>simpleName</code>.<br></li> * <li>{@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD} :<br> * In this case all letters of the name will be converted to upper case and words will be separated by an underscore (<code>"_"</code>).<br> * If the base name is <code>SimpleName</code> then the suggested name will be <code>SIMPLE_NAME</code>.</li> * </ul></li> * <li>{@link #BK_TYPE_NAME}: the base name is a Java simple type name (e.g. <code>HashMap</code>) and all the words of the base name are considered to compute the variable names. A prefix and a suffix can be added to these names.<br> * There is a heuristic by variable kind. * <ul> * <li>{@link #VK_PARAMETER}, {@link #VK_LOCAL}, {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} and {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD}:<br> * In this case a variable name will contain some words of the base name and the first word will be converted to lower case.<br> * If the type is <code>TypeName</code> then the suggested names will be <code>typeName</code> and <code>name</code>.</li> * <li>{@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD} :<br> * In this case a variable name will contain some words of the base name, all letters of the name will be converted to upper case and segments will be separated by a underscore (<code>"_"</code>).<br> * If the base name is <code>TypeName</code> then the suggested name will be <code>TYPE_NAME</code> and <code>NAME</code>.</li> * </ul></li> * </ul> * Some other kinds could be added in the future. * <p> * Each variable kind is affected by the following JavaCore options: * <ul> * <li>{@link #VK_PARAMETER}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_LOCAL}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES}</li> * <li>{@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD}: {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_PREFIXES} and {@link JavaCore#CODEASSIST_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD_SUFFIXES}</li> * </ul> * <p> * For a complete description of these configurable options, see {@link JavaCore#getDefaultOptions()}. * To programmatically change these options, see {@link JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable)} and {@link IJavaProject#setOptions(java.util.Map)} * </p> * <p> * Proposed names are sorted by relevance (best proposal first).<br> * The names are proposed in the following order: * <ol> * <li>Names with prefix and suffix. Longer names are proposed first</li> * <li>Names with prefix. Longer names are proposed first</li> * <li>Names with suffix. Longer names are proposed first</li> * <li>Names without prefix and suffix. Longer names are proposed first</li> * </ol> * * @param variableKind specifies what type the variable is: {@link #VK_LOCAL}, {@link #VK_PARAMETER}, {@link #VK_STATIC_FIELD}, * {@link #VK_INSTANCE_FIELD} or {@link #VK_STATIC_FINAL_FIELD}. * @param baseNameKind specifies what type the base name is: {@link #BK_NAME} or {@link #BK_TYPE_NAME} * @param baseName name used to compute the suggested names. * @param javaProject project which contains the variable or <code>null</code> to take into account only workspace settings. * @param dim variable dimension (0 if the field is not an array). * @param excluded a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used names). * Can be <code>null</code> if there are no excluded names. * @param evaluateDefault if <code>true</code>, the result is guaranteed to contain at least one result. If <code>false</code>, the result can be an empty array. * @return String[] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * * @since 3.5 */
public static String[] suggestVariableNames( int variableKind, int baseNameKind, String baseName, IJavaProject javaProject, int dim, String[] excluded, boolean evaluateDefault) { NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestVariableNames( variableKind, baseNameKind, baseName.toCharArray(), javaProject, dim, null, convertStringToChars(excluded), evaluateDefault, requestor); return convertCharsToString(requestor.getResults()); } private NamingConventions() { // Not instantiable } }