Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation Microsoft Corporation - copied to jdt.core.manipulation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Microsoft Corporation - copied to jdt.core.manipulation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.refactoring; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatusEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.WorkingCopyOwner; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.manipulation.util.BasicElementLabels; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.Messages; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.util.SearchUtils;
Helper class to use the search engine in refactorings. TODO: - is inefficient: uses sets instead of lists, creates useless intermediate collections - destroys locality by doing multiple passes over result sets instead of processing results in a pipeline - does not allow users to modify search matches - generates boilerplate error messages and has no way to configure them
/** * Helper class to use the search engine in refactorings. * * TODO: * - is inefficient: uses sets instead of lists, creates useless intermediate collections * - destroys locality by doing multiple passes over result sets instead of processing results in a pipeline * - does not allow users to modify search matches * - generates boilerplate error messages and has no way to configure them * * @since 3.1 */
public final class RefactoringSearchEngine2 {
Default implementation of a search requestor
/** Default implementation of a search requestor */
private static class DefaultSearchRequestor implements IRefactoringSearchRequestor { @Override public final SearchMatch acceptSearchMatch(final SearchMatch match) { return match; } }
Search requestor which only collects compilation units
/** Search requestor which only collects compilation units */
private class RefactoringCompilationUnitCollector extends RefactoringSearchCollector {
The collected compilation units
/** The collected compilation units */
private final Set<ICompilationUnit> fCollectedUnits= new HashSet<>();
The inaccurate matches
/** The inaccurate matches */
private final Set<SearchMatch> fInaccurateMatches= new HashSet<>(); @Override public final void acceptSearchMatch(final SearchMatch match) throws CoreException { final SearchMatch accepted= fRequestor.acceptSearchMatch(match); if (accepted != null) { final IResource resource= accepted.getResource(); if (!resource.equals(fLastResource)) { final IJavaElement element= JavaCore.create(resource); if (element instanceof ICompilationUnit) fCollectedUnits.add((ICompilationUnit) element); } if (fInaccurate && accepted.getAccuracy() == SearchMatch.A_INACCURATE && !fInaccurateMatches.contains(accepted)) { fStatus.addEntry(fSeverity, Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_inaccurate_match, BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(accepted.getResource())), null, null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE); fInaccurateMatches.add(accepted); } } } @Override public final void clearResults() { super.clearResults(); fCollectedUnits.clear(); fInaccurateMatches.clear(); } @Override public final Collection<IResource> getBinaryResources() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public final Collection<ICompilationUnit> getCollectedMatches() { return fCollectedUnits; } @Override public final Collection<SearchMatch> getInaccurateMatches() { return fInaccurateMatches; } } private abstract class RefactoringSearchCollector extends SearchRequestor { protected IResource fLastResource= null; public void clearResults() { fLastResource= null; } public abstract Collection<IResource> getBinaryResources(); public abstract Collection<?> getCollectedMatches(); public abstract Collection<SearchMatch> getInaccurateMatches(); }
Search requestor which collects every search match
/** Search requestor which collects every search match */
private class RefactoringSearchMatchCollector extends RefactoringSearchCollector {
The binary resources
/** The binary resources */
private final Set<IResource> fBinaryResources= new HashSet<>();
The collected matches
/** The collected matches */
private final List<SearchMatch> fCollectedMatches= new ArrayList<>();
The inaccurate matches
/** The inaccurate matches */
private final Set<SearchMatch> fInaccurateMatches= new HashSet<>(); @Override public final void acceptSearchMatch(final SearchMatch match) throws CoreException { final SearchMatch accepted= fRequestor.acceptSearchMatch(match); if (accepted != null) { fCollectedMatches.add(accepted); final IResource resource= accepted.getResource(); if (!resource.equals(fLastResource)) { if (fBinary) { final IJavaElement element= JavaCore.create(resource); if (!(element instanceof ICompilationUnit)) { final IProject project= resource.getProject(); if (!fGrouping) fStatus.addEntry(fSeverity, Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_binary_match_ungrouped, BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(project)), null, null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE); else if (!fBinaryResources.contains(resource)) fStatus.addEntry(fSeverity, Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_binary_match_grouped, BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(project)), null, null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE); fBinaryResources.add(resource); } } if (fInaccurate && accepted.getAccuracy() == SearchMatch.A_INACCURATE && !fInaccurateMatches.contains(accepted)) { fStatus.addEntry(fSeverity, Messages.format(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_inaccurate_match, BasicElementLabels.getResourceName(resource)), null, null, RefactoringStatusEntry.NO_CODE); fInaccurateMatches.add(accepted); } } } } @Override public final void clearResults() { super.clearResults(); fCollectedMatches.clear(); fInaccurateMatches.clear(); fBinaryResources.clear(); } @Override public final Collection<IResource> getBinaryResources() { return fBinaryResources; } @Override public final Collection<SearchMatch> getCollectedMatches() { return fCollectedMatches; } @Override public final Collection<SearchMatch> getInaccurateMatches() { return fInaccurateMatches; } }
The compilation unit granularity
/** The compilation unit granularity */
public static final int GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT= 2;
The search match granularity
/** The search match granularity */
public static final int GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH= 1;
Should binary matches be filtered?
/** Should binary matches be filtered? */
private boolean fBinary= false;
The refactoring search collector
/** The refactoring search collector */
private RefactoringSearchCollector fCollector= null;
The search granularity
/** The search granularity */
private int fGranularity= GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH;
Should the matches be grouped by resource?
/** Should the matches be grouped by resource? */
private boolean fGrouping= true;
Should inaccurate matches be filtered?
/** Should inaccurate matches be filtered? */
private boolean fInaccurate= true;
The working copy owner, or null
/** The working copy owner, or <code>null</code> */
private WorkingCopyOwner fOwner= null;
The search pattern, or null
/** The search pattern, or <code>null</code> */
private SearchPattern fPattern= null;
The search requestor
/** The search requestor */
private IRefactoringSearchRequestor fRequestor= new DefaultSearchRequestor();
The search scope
/** The search scope */
private IJavaSearchScope fScope= SearchEngine.createWorkspaceScope();
The severity
/** The severity */
private int fSeverity= RefactoringStatus.WARNING;
The search status
/** The search status */
private RefactoringStatus fStatus= new RefactoringStatus();
The working copies
/** The working copies */
private ICompilationUnit[] fWorkingCopies= {};
Creates a new refactoring search engine.
/** * Creates a new refactoring search engine. */
public RefactoringSearchEngine2() { // Do nothing }
Creates a new refactoring search engine.
  • pattern – the search pattern
/** * Creates a new refactoring search engine. * * @param pattern the search pattern */
public RefactoringSearchEngine2(final SearchPattern pattern) { Assert.isNotNull(pattern); fPattern= pattern; }
Clears all results found so far, and sets resets the status to RefactoringStatus.OK.
/** * Clears all results found so far, and sets resets the status to {@link RefactoringStatus#OK}. */
public final void clearResults() { getCollector().clearResults(); fStatus= new RefactoringStatus(); }
Returns the affected compilation units of the previous search queries.

In order to retrieve the compilation units, grouping by resource must have been enabled before searching.

Returns:the compilation units of the previous queries
/** * Returns the affected compilation units of the previous search queries. * <p> * In order to retrieve the compilation units, grouping by resource must have been enabled before searching. * * @return the compilation units of the previous queries */
public final ICompilationUnit[] getAffectedCompilationUnits() { if (fGranularity == GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT) { final Collection<?> collection= getCollector().getCollectedMatches(); final ICompilationUnit[] units= new ICompilationUnit[collection.size()]; int index= 0; for (final Iterator<?> iterator= collection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); index++) units[index]= (ICompilationUnit); return units; } else { final SearchResultGroup[] groups= getGroupedMatches(); final ICompilationUnit[] units= new ICompilationUnit[groups.length]; for (int index= 0; index < groups.length; index++) units[index]= groups[index].getCompilationUnit(); return units; } }
Returns the affected java projects of the previous search queries.

In order to retrieve the java projects, grouping by resource must have been enabled before searching.

Returns:the java projects of the previous queries (element type: <IJavaProject, Collection<SearchResultGroup>> if granularity is GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH or <IJavaProject, Collection<ICompilationUnit>> if it is GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT).
/** * Returns the affected java projects of the previous search queries. * <p> * In order to retrieve the java projects, grouping by resource must have been enabled before searching. * * @return the java projects of the previous queries (element type: * <code>&lt;IJavaProject, Collection&lt;SearchResultGroup&gt;&gt;</code> if granularity is {@link #GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH} or * <code>&lt;IJavaProject, Collection&lt;ICompilationUnit&gt;&gt;</code> if it is {@link #GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT}). */
public final Map<IJavaProject, ? extends Set<?>> getAffectedProjects() { IJavaProject project= null; ICompilationUnit unit= null; if (fGranularity == GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT) { final Map<IJavaProject, Set<ICompilationUnit>> map= new HashMap<>(); final ICompilationUnit[] units= getAffectedCompilationUnits(); for (int index= 0; index < units.length; index++) { unit= units[index]; project= unit.getJavaProject(); if (project != null) { Set<ICompilationUnit> set= map.get(project); if (set == null) { set= new HashSet<>(); map.put(project, set); } set.add(unit); } } return map; } else { final Map<IJavaProject, Set<SearchResultGroup>> map= new HashMap<>(); final SearchResultGroup[] groups= getGroupedMatches(); SearchResultGroup group= null; for (int index= 0; index < groups.length; index++) { group= groups[index]; unit= group.getCompilationUnit(); if (unit != null) { project= unit.getJavaProject(); if (project != null) { Set<SearchResultGroup> set= map.get(project); if (set == null) { set= new HashSet<>(); map.put(project, set); } set.add(group); } } } return map; } }
Returns the refactoring search collector.
Returns:the refactoring search collector
/** * Returns the refactoring search collector. * * @return the refactoring search collector */
private RefactoringSearchCollector getCollector() { if (fCollector == null) { if (fGranularity == GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT) fCollector= new RefactoringCompilationUnitCollector(); else if (fGranularity == GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH) fCollector= new RefactoringSearchMatchCollector(); else Assert.isTrue(false); } return fCollector; }
Returns the found search matches in grouped by their containing resource.
Returns:the found search matches
/** * Returns the found search matches in grouped by their containing resource. * * @return the found search matches */
private SearchResultGroup[] getGroupedMatches() { final Map<IResource, List<SearchMatch>> grouped= new HashMap<>(); List<SearchMatch> matches= null; IResource resource= null; SearchMatch match= null; for (final Iterator<?> iterator= getSearchMatches().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { match= (SearchMatch); resource= match.getResource(); if (!grouped.containsKey(resource)) grouped.put(resource, new ArrayList<SearchMatch>(4)); matches= grouped.get(resource); matches.add(match); } if (fBinary) { final Collection<IResource> collection= getCollector().getBinaryResources(); for (final Iterator<IResource> iterator= grouped.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { resource=; if (collection.contains(resource)) iterator.remove(); } } final SearchResultGroup[] result= new SearchResultGroup[grouped.keySet().size()]; int index= 0; for (final Iterator<IResource> iterator= grouped.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { resource=; matches= grouped.get(resource); result[index++]= new SearchResultGroup(resource, matches.toArray(new SearchMatch[matches.size()])); } return result; }
Returns the search pattern currently used for searching.
Returns:the search pattern
/** * Returns the search pattern currently used for searching. * * @return the search pattern */
public final SearchPattern getPattern() { return fPattern; }
Returns the results of the previous search queries.

The result depends on the following conditions:

Returns:the results of the previous queries
/** * Returns the results of the previous search queries. * <p> * The result depends on the following conditions: * <ul> * <li>If the search granularity is {@link #GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT}, the results are elements of type {@link ICompilationUnit}.</li> * <li>If grouping by resource is enabled, the results are elements of type {@link SearchResultGroup}, otherwise the elements are of type {@link SearchMatch}.</li> * </ul> * * @return the results of the previous queries */
public final Object[] getResults() { if (fGranularity == GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT) return getAffectedCompilationUnits(); else { if (fGrouping) return getGroupedMatches(); else return getUngroupedMatches(); } }
Returns the search matches filtered by their accuracy.
Returns:the filtered search matches
/** * Returns the search matches filtered by their accuracy. * * @return the filtered search matches */
private Collection<?> getSearchMatches() { Collection<?> results= null; if (fInaccurate) { results= new LinkedList<>(getCollector().getCollectedMatches()); final Collection<SearchMatch> collection= getCollector().getInaccurateMatches(); SearchMatch match= null; for (final Iterator<?> iterator= results.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { match= (SearchMatch); if (collection.contains(match)) iterator.remove(); } } else results= getCollector().getCollectedMatches(); return results; }
Returns the refactoring status of this search engine.
Returns:the refactoring status
/** * Returns the refactoring status of this search engine. * * @return the refactoring status */
public final RefactoringStatus getStatus() { return fStatus; }
Returns the found search matches in no particular order.
Returns:the found search matches
/** * Returns the found search matches in no particular order. * * @return the found search matches */
private SearchMatch[] getUngroupedMatches() { Collection<?> results= null; if (fBinary) { results= new LinkedList<>(getSearchMatches()); final Collection<IResource> collection= getCollector().getBinaryResources(); SearchMatch match= null; for (final Iterator<?> iterator= results.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { match= (SearchMatch); if (collection.contains(match.getResource())) iterator.remove(); } } else results= getSearchMatches(); final SearchMatch[] matches= new SearchMatch[results.size()]; results.toArray(matches); return matches; }
Performs the search according to the specified pattern.
  • monitor – the progress monitor, or null
/** * Performs the search according to the specified pattern. * * @param monitor the progress monitor, or <code>null</code> * @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search */
public final void searchPattern(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { Assert.isNotNull(fPattern); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ monitor.setTaskName(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_searching_occurrences); try { SearchEngine engine= null; if (fOwner != null) engine= new SearchEngine(fOwner); else engine= new SearchEngine(fWorkingCopies);, SearchUtils.getDefaultSearchParticipants(), fScope, getCollector(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)); } catch (CoreException exception) { throw new JavaModelException(exception); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
Performs the search of referenced fields.
  • element – the java element whose referenced fields have to be found
  • monitor – the progress monitor, or null
/** * Performs the search of referenced fields. * * @param element the java element whose referenced fields have to be found * @param monitor the progress monitor, or <code>null</code> * @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search */
public final void searchReferencedFields(final IJavaElement element, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { Assert.isNotNull(element); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ monitor.setTaskName(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_searching_referenced_fields); try { SearchEngine engine= null; if (fOwner != null) engine= new SearchEngine(fOwner); else engine= new SearchEngine(fWorkingCopies); engine.searchDeclarationsOfAccessedFields(element, getCollector(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)); } catch (CoreException exception) { throw new JavaModelException(exception); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
Performs the search of referenced methods.
  • element – the java element whose referenced methods have to be found
  • monitor – the progress monitor, or null
/** * Performs the search of referenced methods. * * @param element the java element whose referenced methods have to be found * @param monitor the progress monitor, or <code>null</code> * @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search */
public final void searchReferencedMethods(final IJavaElement element, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { Assert.isNotNull(element); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ monitor.setTaskName(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_searching_referenced_methods); try { SearchEngine engine= null; if (fOwner != null) engine= new SearchEngine(fOwner); else engine= new SearchEngine(fWorkingCopies); engine.searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages(element, getCollector(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)); } catch (CoreException exception) { throw new JavaModelException(exception); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
Performs the search of referenced types.
  • element – the java element whose referenced types have to be found
  • monitor – the progress monitor, or null
/** * Performs the search of referenced types. * * @param element the java element whose referenced types have to be found * @param monitor the progress monitor, or <code>null</code> * @throws JavaModelException if an error occurs during search */
public final void searchReferencedTypes(final IJavaElement element, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { Assert.isNotNull(element); if (monitor == null) monitor= new NullProgressMonitor(); try { monitor.beginTask("", 1); //$NON-NLS-1$ monitor.setTaskName(RefactoringCoreMessages.RefactoringSearchEngine_searching_referenced_types); try { SearchEngine engine= null; if (fOwner != null) engine= new SearchEngine(fOwner); else engine= new SearchEngine(fWorkingCopies); engine.searchDeclarationsOfReferencedTypes(element, getCollector(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1, SubProgressMonitor.SUPPRESS_SUBTASK_LABEL)); } catch (CoreException exception) { throw new JavaModelException(exception); } } finally { monitor.done(); } }
Determines how search matches are filtered.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is to filter inaccurate matches only.

  • inaccurate – true to filter inaccurate matches, false otherwise
  • binary – true to filter binary matches, false otherwise
/** * Determines how search matches are filtered. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is to filter inaccurate matches only. * * @param inaccurate <code>true</code> to filter inaccurate matches, <code>false</code> otherwise * @param binary <code>true</code> to filter binary matches, <code>false</code> otherwise */
public final void setFiltering(final boolean inaccurate, final boolean binary) { fInaccurate= inaccurate; fBinary= binary; }
Sets the granularity to use during the searches.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is a granularity of GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH.

  • granularity – The granularity to use. Must be one of the GRANULARITY_XXX constants.
/** * Sets the granularity to use during the searches. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is a granularity of {@link #GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH}. * * @param granularity The granularity to use. Must be one of the <code>GRANULARITY_XXX</code> constants. */
public final void setGranularity(final int granularity) { Assert.isTrue(granularity == GRANULARITY_COMPILATION_UNIT || granularity == GRANULARITY_SEARCH_MATCH); fGranularity= granularity; }
Sets the working copies to take precedence during the searches.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is to use no working copies

  • copies – the working copies to use
/** * Sets the working copies to take precedence during the searches. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is to use no working copies * * @param copies the working copies to use */
public final void setWorkingCopies(final ICompilationUnit[] copies) { Assert.isNotNull(copies); fWorkingCopies= new ICompilationUnit[copies.length]; System.arraycopy(copies, 0, fWorkingCopies, 0, copies.length); }
Determines how search matches are grouped.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is to group by containing resource.

  • grouping – true to group matches by their containing resource, false otherwise
/** * Determines how search matches are grouped. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is to group by containing resource. * * @param grouping <code>true</code> to group matches by their containing resource, <code>false</code> otherwise */
public final void setGrouping(final boolean grouping) { fGrouping= grouping; }
Sets the disjunction of search patterns to be used during search.

This method must be called before searchPattern(IProgressMonitor)

  • first – the first search pattern to set
  • second – the second search pattern to set
/** * Sets the disjunction of search patterns to be used during search. * <p> * This method must be called before {@link RefactoringSearchEngine2#searchPattern(IProgressMonitor)} * * @param first the first search pattern to set * @param second the second search pattern to set */
public final void setOrPattern(final SearchPattern first, final SearchPattern second) { Assert.isNotNull(first); Assert.isNotNull(second); fPattern= SearchPattern.createOrPattern(first, second); }
Sets the working copy owner to use during search.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is to use no working copy owner.

  • owner – the working copy owner to use, or null to use none
/** * Sets the working copy owner to use during search. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is to use no working copy owner. * * @param owner the working copy owner to use, or <code>null</code> to use none */
public final void setOwner(final WorkingCopyOwner owner) { fOwner= owner; }
Sets the search pattern to be used during search.

This method must be called before searchPattern(IProgressMonitor)

  • elements – the set of elements
  • limitTo – determines the nature of the expected matches. This is a combination of IJavaSearchConstants.
/** * Sets the search pattern to be used during search. * <p> * This method must be called before {@link RefactoringSearchEngine2#searchPattern(IProgressMonitor)} * * @param elements the set of elements * @param limitTo determines the nature of the expected matches. This is a combination of {@link}. */
public final void setPattern(final IJavaElement[] elements, final int limitTo) { Assert.isNotNull(elements); Assert.isTrue(elements.length > 0); SearchPattern pattern= SearchPattern.createPattern(elements[0], limitTo, SearchUtils.GENERICS_AGNOSTIC_MATCH_RULE); IJavaElement element= null; for (int index= 1; index < elements.length; index++) { element= elements[index]; pattern= SearchPattern.createOrPattern(pattern, SearchPattern.createPattern(element, limitTo, SearchUtils.GENERICS_AGNOSTIC_MATCH_RULE)); } setPattern(pattern); }
Sets the search pattern to be used during search.

This method must be called before searchPattern(IProgressMonitor)

  • pattern – the search pattern to set
/** * Sets the search pattern to be used during search. * <p> * This method must be called before {@link RefactoringSearchEngine2#searchPattern(IProgressMonitor)} * * @param pattern the search pattern to set */
public final void setPattern(final SearchPattern pattern) { Assert.isNotNull(pattern); fPattern= pattern; }
Sets the search requestor for this search engine.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is a non-filtering search requestor.

  • requestor – the search requestor to set
/** * Sets the search requestor for this search engine. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is a non-filtering search requestor. * * @param requestor the search requestor to set */
public final void setRequestor(final IRefactoringSearchRequestor requestor) { Assert.isNotNull(requestor); fRequestor= requestor; }
Sets the search scope for this search engine.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is the entire workspace as search scope.

  • scope – the search scope to set
/** * Sets the search scope for this search engine. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is the entire workspace as search scope. * * @param scope the search scope to set */
public final void setScope(final IJavaSearchScope scope) { Assert.isNotNull(scope); fScope= scope; }
Sets the severity of the generated status entries.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is a severity of RefactoringStatus.OK.

  • severity – the severity to set
/** * Sets the severity of the generated status entries. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is a severity of {@link RefactoringStatus#OK}. * * @param severity the severity to set */
public final void setSeverity(final int severity) { Assert.isTrue(severity == RefactoringStatus.WARNING || severity == RefactoringStatus.INFO || severity == RefactoringStatus.FATAL || severity == RefactoringStatus.ERROR); fSeverity= severity; }
Sets the refactoring status for this search engine.

This method must be called before start searching. The default is an empty status with status RefactoringStatus.OK.

  • status – the refactoring status to set
/** * Sets the refactoring status for this search engine. * <p> * This method must be called before start searching. The default is an empty status with status {@link RefactoringStatus#OK}. * * @param status the refactoring status to set */
public final void setStatus(final RefactoringStatus status) { Assert.isNotNull(status); fStatus= status; } }