package org.codehaus.plexus.util;

 * Copyright The Codehaus Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import org.codehaus.plexus.util.reflection.Reflector;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.reflection.ReflectorException;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

A FilterReader which interpolates keyword values into a character stream. Keywords are recognized when enclosed between starting and ending delimiter strings. The keywords themselves, and their values, are fetched from a Map supplied to the constructor.

When a possible keyword token is recognized (by detecting the starting and ending token delimiters):

  • if the enclosed string is found in the keyword Map, the delimiters and the keyword are effectively replaced by the keyword's value;
  • if the enclosed string is found in the keyword Map, but its value has zero length, then the token (delimiters and keyword) is effectively removed from the character stream;
  • if the enclosed string is not found in the keyword Map, then no substitution is made; the token text is passed through unaltered.

A token in the incoming character stream may be escaped by prepending an "escape sequence" which is specified to the constructor. An escaped token is passed through as written, with the escape sequence removed. This allows things which would look like tokens to be read literally rather than interpolated.

Author:jdcasey Created on Feb 3, 2005
See Also:
/** * A FilterReader which interpolates keyword values into a character stream. Keywords are recognized when enclosed * between starting and ending delimiter strings. The keywords themselves, and their values, are fetched from a Map * supplied to the constructor. * <p> * When a possible keyword token is recognized (by detecting the starting and ending token delimiters): * </p> * <ul> * <li>if the enclosed string is found in the keyword Map, the delimiters and the keyword are effectively replaced by * the keyword's value;</li> * <li>if the enclosed string is found in the keyword Map, but its value has zero length, then the token (delimiters and * keyword) is effectively removed from the character stream;</li> * <li>if the enclosed string is <em>not</em> found in the keyword Map, then no substitution is made; the token text is * passed through unaltered.</li> * </ul> * * <p>A token in the incoming character stream may be <em>escaped</em> by prepending an "escape sequence" which is * specified to the constructor. An escaped token is passed through as written, with the escape sequence removed. This * allows things which would look like tokens to be read literally rather than interpolated.</p> * * @author jdcasey Created on Feb 3, 2005 * @see InterpolationFilterReader */
public class LineOrientedInterpolatingReader extends FilterReader { public static final String DEFAULT_START_DELIM = "${"; public static final String DEFAULT_END_DELIM = "}"; public static final String DEFAULT_ESCAPE_SEQ = "\\"; private static final char CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR = '\r'; private static final char NEWLINE_CHAR = '\n'; private final PushbackReader pushbackReader; private final Map<String, Object> context; private final String startDelim; private final String endDelim; private final String escapeSeq; private final int minExpressionSize; private final Reflector reflector; private int lineIdx = -1; private String line;
Construct an interpolating Reader, specifying token delimiters and the escape sequence.
  • reader – the Reader to be filtered.
  • context – keyword/value pairs for interpolation.
  • startDelim – character sequence which (possibly) begins a token.
  • endDelim – character sequence which ends a token.
  • escapeSeq –
/** * Construct an interpolating Reader, specifying token delimiters and the escape sequence. * * @param reader the Reader to be filtered. * @param context keyword/value pairs for interpolation. * @param startDelim character sequence which (possibly) begins a token. * @param endDelim character sequence which ends a token. * @param escapeSeq */
public LineOrientedInterpolatingReader( Reader reader, Map<String, ?> context, String startDelim, String endDelim, String escapeSeq ) { super( reader ); this.startDelim = startDelim; this.endDelim = endDelim; this.escapeSeq = escapeSeq; // Expressions have to be at least this size... this.minExpressionSize = startDelim.length() + endDelim.length() + 1; this.context = Collections.unmodifiableMap( context ); this.reflector = new Reflector(); if ( reader instanceof PushbackReader ) { this.pushbackReader = (PushbackReader) reader; } else { this.pushbackReader = new PushbackReader( reader, 1 ); } }
Filters a Reader using the default escape sequence "\".
  • reader – the Reader to be filtered.
  • context – keyword/value pairs for interpolation.
  • startDelim – the character sequence which (possibly) begins a token.
  • endDelim – the character sequence which ends a token.
/** * Filters a Reader using the default escape sequence "\". * * @param reader the Reader to be filtered. * @param context keyword/value pairs for interpolation. * @param startDelim the character sequence which (possibly) begins a token. * @param endDelim the character sequence which ends a token. */
public LineOrientedInterpolatingReader( Reader reader, Map<String, ?> context, String startDelim, String endDelim ) { this( reader, context, startDelim, endDelim, DEFAULT_ESCAPE_SEQ ); }
Filters a Reader using the default escape sequence "\" and token delimiters "${", "}".
  • reader – the Reader to be filtered.
  • context – keyword/value pairs for interpolation.
/** * Filters a Reader using the default escape sequence "\" and token delimiters "${", "}". * * @param reader the Reader to be filtered. * @param context keyword/value pairs for interpolation. */
public LineOrientedInterpolatingReader( Reader reader, Map<String, ?> context ) { this( reader, context, DEFAULT_START_DELIM, DEFAULT_END_DELIM, DEFAULT_ESCAPE_SEQ ); } public int read() throws IOException { if ( line == null || lineIdx >= line.length() ) { readAndInterpolateLine(); } int next = -1; if ( line != null && lineIdx < line.length() ) { next = line.charAt( lineIdx++ ); } return next; } public int read( char[] cbuf, int off, int len ) throws IOException { int fillCount = 0; for ( int i = off; i < off + len; i++ ) { int next = read(); if ( next > -1 ) { cbuf[i] = (char) next; } else { break; } fillCount++; } if ( fillCount == 0 ) { fillCount = -1; } return fillCount; } public long skip( long n ) throws IOException { long skipCount = 0; for ( long i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { int next = read(); if ( next < 0 ) { break; } skipCount++; } return skipCount; } private void readAndInterpolateLine() throws IOException { String rawLine = readLine(); if ( rawLine != null ) { Set<String> expressions = parseForExpressions( rawLine ); Map<String, Object> evaluatedExpressions = evaluateExpressions( expressions ); String interpolated = replaceWithInterpolatedValues( rawLine, evaluatedExpressions ); if ( interpolated != null && interpolated.length() > 0 ) { line = interpolated; lineIdx = 0; } } else { line = null; lineIdx = -1; } } /* * Read one line from the wrapped Reader. A line is a sequence of characters ending in CRLF, CR, or LF. The * terminating character(s) will be included in the returned line. */ private String readLine() throws IOException { StringBuilder lineBuffer = new StringBuilder( 40 ); // half of the "normal" line maxsize int next; boolean lastWasCR = false; while ( ( next = ) > -1 ) { char c = (char) next; if ( c == CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR ) { lastWasCR = true; lineBuffer.append( c ); } else if ( c == NEWLINE_CHAR ) { lineBuffer.append( c ); break; // end of line. } else if ( lastWasCR ) { pushbackReader.unread( c ); break; } else { lineBuffer.append( c ); } } if ( lineBuffer.length() < 1 ) { return null; } else { return lineBuffer.toString(); } } private String replaceWithInterpolatedValues( String rawLine, Map<String, Object> evaluatedExpressions ) { String result = rawLine; for ( Object o : evaluatedExpressions.entrySet() ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o; String expression = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = String.valueOf( entry.getValue() ); result = findAndReplaceUnlessEscaped( result, expression, value ); } return result; } private Map<String, Object> evaluateExpressions( Set<String> expressions ) { Map<String, Object> evaluated = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); for ( Object expression : expressions ) { String rawExpression = (String) expression; String realExpression = rawExpression.substring( startDelim.length(), rawExpression.length() - endDelim.length() ); String[] parts = realExpression.split( "\\." ); if ( parts.length > 0 ) { Object value = context.get( parts[0] ); if ( value != null ) { for ( int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++ ) { try { value = reflector.getObjectProperty( value, parts[i] ); if ( value == null ) { break; } } catch ( ReflectorException e ) { // TODO: Fix this! It should report, but not interrupt. e.printStackTrace(); break; } } evaluated.put( rawExpression, value ); } } } return evaluated; } private Set<String> parseForExpressions( String rawLine ) { Set<String> expressions = new HashSet<String>(); if ( rawLine != null ) { int placeholder = -1; do { // find the beginning of the next expression. int start = findDelimiter( rawLine, startDelim, placeholder ); // if we can't find a start-delimiter, then there is no valid expression. Ignore everything else. if ( start < 0 ) { // no expression found. break; } // find the end of the next expression. int end = findDelimiter( rawLine, endDelim, start + 1 ); // if we can't find an end-delimiter, then this is not a valid expression. Ignore it. if ( end < 0 ) { // no VALID expression found. break; } // if we reach this point, we have a valid start and end position, which // means we have a valid expression. So, we add it to the set of // expressions in need of evaluation. expressions.add( rawLine.substring( start, end + endDelim.length() ) ); // increment the placeholder so we can look beyond this expression. placeholder = end + 1; } while ( placeholder < rawLine.length() - minExpressionSize ); } return expressions; } private int findDelimiter( String rawLine, String delimiter, int lastPos ) { int placeholder = lastPos; int position; do { position = rawLine.indexOf( delimiter, placeholder ); if ( position < 0 ) { break; } else { int escEndIdx = rawLine.indexOf( escapeSeq, placeholder ) + escapeSeq.length(); if ( escEndIdx > escapeSeq.length() - 1 && escEndIdx == position ) { placeholder = position + 1; position = -1; } } } while ( position < 0 && placeholder < rawLine.length() - endDelim.length() ); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // use length() - endDelim.length() b/c otherwise there is nothing left to search. return position; } private String findAndReplaceUnlessEscaped( String rawLine, String search, String replace ) { StringBuilder lineBuffer = new StringBuilder( (int) ( rawLine.length() * 1.5 ) ); int lastReplacement = -1; do { int nextReplacement = rawLine.indexOf( search, lastReplacement + 1 ); if ( nextReplacement > -1 ) { if ( lastReplacement < 0 ) { lastReplacement = 0; } lineBuffer.append( rawLine, lastReplacement, nextReplacement ); int escIdx = rawLine.indexOf( escapeSeq, lastReplacement + 1 ); if ( escIdx > -1 && escIdx + escapeSeq.length() == nextReplacement ) { lineBuffer.setLength( lineBuffer.length() - escapeSeq.length() ); lineBuffer.append( search ); } else { lineBuffer.append( replace ); } lastReplacement = nextReplacement + search.length(); } else { break; } } while ( lastReplacement > -1 ); if ( lastReplacement < rawLine.length() ) { lineBuffer.append( rawLine, lastReplacement, rawLine.length() ); } return lineBuffer.toString(); } }