package org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.fixed;

 * Copyright 2014 The Codehaus Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.BasicInterpolator;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.InterpolationException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.InterpolationPostProcessor;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.RecursionInterceptor;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

A fixed string search interpolator is permanently bound to a given set of value sources, an is totally fixed and stateless over these value sources.

The fixed interpolator is also a #StatelessValueSource and can be used as a source for a different fixed interpolator, creating a scope chain.

Once constructed, this interpolator will always point to the same set of objects (value sources), in such a way that if the underlying object is fixed, expressions will always evaluate to the same result.

The fixed interpolator can be shared among different clients and is thread safe to the extent the underlying value sources can be accessed safely. Since interpolation expressions cannot modify the objects, thread safety concerns this will normally be limited to safe publication and memory model visibility of underlying objects.

The fixed interpolator can be a valuesource

/** * <p> * A fixed string search interpolator is permanently bound to a given set of value sources, * an is totally fixed and stateless over these value sources.</p> * <p>The fixed interpolator is also a #StatelessValueSource and can be used as a source * for a different fixed interpolator, creating a scope chain.</p> * <p>Once constructed, this interpolator will always point to the same set of objects (value sources), * in such a way that if the underlying object is fixed, expressions will always * evaluate to the same result.</p> * <p>The fixed interpolator can be shared among different clients and is thread safe to * the extent the underlying value sources can be accessed safely. * Since interpolation expressions cannot modify the objects, thread safety concerns * this will normally be limited to safe publication and memory model visibility of * underlying objects.</p> * <p>The fixed interpolator can be a valuesource</p> */
public class FixedStringSearchInterpolator implements FixedValueSource { private final FixedValueSource[] valueSources; private final InterpolationPostProcessor postProcessor; public static final String DEFAULT_START_EXPR = "${"; public static final String DEFAULT_END_EXPR = "}"; private final String startExpr; private final String endExpr; private final String escapeString; private FixedStringSearchInterpolator( String startExpr, String endExpr, String escapeString, InterpolationPostProcessor postProcessor, FixedValueSource... valueSources ) { this.startExpr = startExpr; this.endExpr = endExpr; this.escapeString = escapeString; if ( valueSources == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "valueSources cannot be null" ); } for ( int i = 0; i < valueSources.length; i++ ) { if ( valueSources[i] == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "valueSources[" + i + "] is null" ); } } this.valueSources = valueSources; this.postProcessor = postProcessor; } public static FixedStringSearchInterpolator create( String startExpr, String endExpr, FixedValueSource... valueSources ) { return new FixedStringSearchInterpolator( startExpr, endExpr, null, null, valueSources ); } public static FixedStringSearchInterpolator create( FixedValueSource... valueSources ) { return new FixedStringSearchInterpolator( DEFAULT_START_EXPR, DEFAULT_END_EXPR, null, null, valueSources ); } public static FixedStringSearchInterpolator createWithPermittedNulls( FixedValueSource... valueSources ) { List<FixedValueSource> nonnulls = new ArrayList<FixedValueSource>( ); for ( FixedValueSource item : valueSources ) { if (item != null) nonnulls.add( item); } return new FixedStringSearchInterpolator( DEFAULT_START_EXPR, DEFAULT_END_EXPR, null, null, nonnulls.toArray(new FixedValueSource[nonnulls.size()]) ); } public FixedStringSearchInterpolator withExpressionMarkers( String startExpr, String endExpr ) { return new FixedStringSearchInterpolator( startExpr, endExpr, escapeString, postProcessor, valueSources ); } public FixedStringSearchInterpolator withPostProcessor( InterpolationPostProcessor postProcessor ) { return new FixedStringSearchInterpolator( startExpr, endExpr, escapeString, postProcessor, valueSources ); } public FixedStringSearchInterpolator withEscapeString( String escapeString ) { return new FixedStringSearchInterpolator( startExpr, endExpr, escapeString, postProcessor, valueSources ); } public String interpolate( String input ) throws InterpolationCycleException { return interpolate( input, new InterpolationState() ); } public static FixedStringSearchInterpolator empty(){ return create( ); } // Find out how to return null when we cannot interpolate this expression // At this point we should always be a ${expr} public Object getValue( String realExpr, InterpolationState interpolationState ) { interpolationState.recursionInterceptor.expressionResolutionStarted( realExpr ); try { Object value = null; for ( FixedValueSource valueSource : valueSources ) { value = valueSource.getValue( realExpr, interpolationState ); if ( value != null ) { break; } } if ( value != null ) { if ( interpolationState.root != null ) { value = interpolationState.root.interpolate( String.valueOf( value ), interpolationState ); } return String.valueOf( value ); } else { return null; } } finally { interpolationState.recursionInterceptor.expressionResolutionFinished( realExpr ); } } public BasicInterpolator asBasicInterpolator() { final InterpolationState is = new InterpolationState(); return new BasicInterpolator() { public String interpolate( String input ) throws InterpolationException { return FixedStringSearchInterpolator.this.interpolate( input, is ); } public String interpolate( String input, RecursionInterceptor recursionInterceptor ) throws InterpolationException { is.setRecursionInterceptor( recursionInterceptor ); return FixedStringSearchInterpolator.this.interpolate( input, is ); } }; } public String interpolate( String input, InterpolationState interpolationState ) throws InterpolationCycleException { if ( interpolationState.root == null ) { interpolationState.root = this; } if ( input == null ) { // return empty String to prevent NPE too return ""; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( input.length() * 2 ); int startIdx; int endIdx = -1; while ( ( startIdx = input.indexOf( startExpr, endIdx + 1 ) ) > -1 ) { result.append( input, endIdx + 1, startIdx ); endIdx = input.indexOf( endExpr, startIdx + 1 ); if ( endIdx < 0 ) { break; } final String wholeExpr = input.substring( startIdx, endIdx + endExpr.length() ); String realExpr = wholeExpr.substring( startExpr.length(), wholeExpr.length() - endExpr.length() ); if ( startIdx >= 0 && escapeString != null && escapeString.length() > 0 ) { int startEscapeIdx = startIdx == 0 ? 0 : startIdx - escapeString.length(); if ( startEscapeIdx >= 0 ) { String escape = input.substring( startEscapeIdx, startIdx ); if ( escapeString.equals( escape ) ) { result.append( wholeExpr ); result.replace( startEscapeIdx, startEscapeIdx + escapeString.length(), "" ); continue; } } } boolean resolved = false; if ( !interpolationState.unresolvable.contains( wholeExpr ) ) { if ( realExpr.startsWith( "." ) ) { realExpr = realExpr.substring( 1 ); } if ( interpolationState.recursionInterceptor.hasRecursiveExpression( realExpr ) ) { throw new InterpolationCycleException( interpolationState.recursionInterceptor, realExpr, wholeExpr ); } Object value = getValue( realExpr, interpolationState ); if ( value != null ) { value = interpolate( String.valueOf( value ), interpolationState ); if ( postProcessor != null ) { Object newVal = postProcessor.execute( realExpr, value ); if ( newVal != null ) { value = newVal; } } result.append( String.valueOf( value ) ); resolved = true; } else { interpolationState.unresolvable.add( wholeExpr ); } } if ( !resolved ) { result.append( wholeExpr ); } if ( endIdx > -1 ) { endIdx += endExpr.length() - 1; } } if ( endIdx == -1 && startIdx > -1 ) { result.append( input, startIdx, input.length() ); } else if ( endIdx < input.length() ) { result.append( input, endIdx + 1, input.length() ); } return result.toString(); } }