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/* $Id: AbstractBaseLayoutManager.java 1678425 2015-05-08 18:52:41Z adelmelle $ */

package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.fop.datatypes.LengthBase;
import org.apache.fop.datatypes.PercentBaseContext;
import org.apache.fop.fo.FObj;

The base class for nearly all LayoutManagers. Provides the functionality for merging the LayoutManager and the PercentBaseContext interfaces into a common base class for all higher LayoutManagers.
/** * The base class for nearly all LayoutManagers. * Provides the functionality for merging the {@link LayoutManager} * and the {@link org.apache.fop.datatypes.PercentBaseContext} interfaces * into a common base class for all higher LayoutManagers. */
public abstract class AbstractBaseLayoutManager implements LayoutManager, PercentBaseContext {
Indicator if this LM generates reference areas.
/** Indicator if this LM generates reference areas. */
protected boolean generatesReferenceArea;
Indicator if this LM generates block areas.
/** Indicator if this LM generates block areas. */
protected boolean generatesBlockArea;
The formatting object for this LM.
/** The formatting object for this LM. */
protected final FObj fobj;
logging instance
/** * logging instance */
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractBaseLayoutManager.class);
Abstract base layout manager.
/** * Abstract base layout manager. */
public AbstractBaseLayoutManager() { fobj = null; }
Abstract base layout manager.
  • fo – the formatting object for this layout manager
/** * Abstract base layout manager. * * @param fo the formatting object for this layout manager */
public AbstractBaseLayoutManager(FObj fo) { if (fo == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Null formatting object found."); } this.fobj = fo; setGeneratesReferenceArea(fo.generatesReferenceAreas()); } // --------- Property Resolution related functions --------- //
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int getBaseLength(int lengthBase, FObj fobjx) { if (fobjx == this.fobj) { switch (lengthBase) { case LengthBase.CONTAINING_BLOCK_WIDTH: return getAncestorBlockAreaIPD(); case LengthBase.CONTAINING_BLOCK_HEIGHT: return getAncestorBlockAreaBPD(); case LengthBase.PARENT_AREA_WIDTH: return getParentAreaIPD(); case LengthBase.CONTAINING_REFAREA_WIDTH: return getReferenceAreaIPD(); default: LOG.error("Unknown base type for LengthBase:" + lengthBase); return 0; } } else { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); while (lm != null && fobjx != lm.getFObj()) { lm = lm.getParent(); } if (lm != null) { return lm.getBaseLength(lengthBase, fobjx); } } LOG.error("Cannot find LM to handle given FO for LengthBase. (" + fobjx.getContextInfo() + ")"); return 0; }
Find the first ancestor area that is a block area and returns its IPD.
Returns:the ipd of the ancestor block area
/** * Find the first ancestor area that is a block area * and returns its IPD. * @return the ipd of the ancestor block area */
protected int getAncestorBlockAreaIPD() { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); while (lm != null) { if (lm.getGeneratesBlockArea() && !lm.getGeneratesLineArea()) { return lm.getContentAreaIPD(); } lm = lm.getParent(); } LOG.error("No parent LM found"); return 0; }
Find the first ancestor area that is a block area and returns its BPD.
Returns:the bpd of the ancestor block area
/** * Find the first ancestor area that is a block area * and returns its BPD. * @return the bpd of the ancestor block area */
protected int getAncestorBlockAreaBPD() { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); while (lm != null) { if (lm.getGeneratesBlockArea() && !lm.getGeneratesLineArea()) { return lm.getContentAreaBPD(); } lm = lm.getParent(); } LOG.error("No parent LM found"); return 0; }
Find the parent area and returns its IPD.
Returns:the ipd of the parent area
/** * Find the parent area and returns its IPD. * @return the ipd of the parent area */
protected int getParentAreaIPD() { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); if (lm != null) { return lm.getContentAreaIPD(); } LOG.error("No parent LM found"); return 0; }
Find the parent area and returns its BPD.
Returns:the bpd of the parent area
/** * Find the parent area and returns its BPD. * @return the bpd of the parent area */
protected int getParentAreaBPD() { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); if (lm != null) { return lm.getContentAreaBPD(); } LOG.error("No parent LM found"); return 0; }
Find the first ancestor area that is a reference area and returns its IPD.
Returns:the ipd of the ancestor reference area
/** * Find the first ancestor area that is a reference area * and returns its IPD. * @return the ipd of the ancestor reference area */
public int getReferenceAreaIPD() { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); while (lm != null) { if (lm.getGeneratesReferenceArea()) { return lm.getContentAreaIPD(); } lm = lm.getParent(); } LOG.error("No parent LM found"); return 0; }
Find the first ancestor area that is a reference area and returns its BPD.
Returns:the bpd of the ancestor reference area
/** * Find the first ancestor area that is a reference area * and returns its BPD. * @return the bpd of the ancestor reference area */
protected int getReferenceAreaBPD() { LayoutManager lm = getParent(); while (lm != null) { if (lm.getGeneratesReferenceArea()) { return lm.getContentAreaBPD(); } lm = lm.getParent(); } LOG.error("No parent LM found"); return 0; }
{@inheritDoc} NOTE: Should be overridden by subclasses. Default implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <i>NOTE: Should be overridden by subclasses. * Default implementation throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>.</i> */
public int getContentAreaIPD() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getContentAreaIPD() called when it should have been overridden"); }
{@inheritDoc} NOTE: Should be overridden by subclasses. Default implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <i>NOTE: Should be overridden by subclasses. * Default implementation throws an <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code>.</i> */
public int getContentAreaBPD() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getContentAreaBPD() called when it should have been overridden"); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean getGeneratesReferenceArea() { return generatesReferenceArea; }
Lets implementing LM set the flag indicating if they generate reference areas.
  • generatesReferenceArea – if true the areas generates by this LM are reference areas.
/** * Lets implementing LM set the flag indicating if they * generate reference areas. * @param generatesReferenceArea if true the areas generates by this LM are * reference areas. */
protected void setGeneratesReferenceArea(boolean generatesReferenceArea) { this.generatesReferenceArea = generatesReferenceArea; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean getGeneratesBlockArea() { return generatesBlockArea; }
Lets implementing LM set the flag indicating if they generate block areas.
  • generatesBlockArea – if true the areas generates by this LM are block areas.
/** * Lets implementing LM set the flag indicating if they * generate block areas. * @param generatesBlockArea if true the areas generates by this LM are block areas. */
protected void setGeneratesBlockArea(boolean generatesBlockArea) { this.generatesBlockArea = generatesBlockArea; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean getGeneratesLineArea() { return false; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public FObj getFObj() { return fobj; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void reset() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isRestartable() { return false; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment, Stack lmStack, Position positionAtIPDChange, LayoutManager restartAtLM) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public void preserveChildrenAtEndOfLayout() { } public void recreateChildrenLMs() { } }