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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.awt.geom.Line2D;

import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AbstractSVGAnimatedLength;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AnimatedLiveAttributeValue;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMLineElement;
import org.apache.batik.dom.svg.LiveAttributeException;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.ShapeNode;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.ShapePainter;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;

Bridge class for the <line> element.
Author:Thierry Kormann
Version:$Id: SVGLineElementBridge.java 1805408 2017-08-18 12:21:52Z ssteiner $
/** * Bridge class for the &lt;line&gt; element. * * @author <a href="mailto:tkormann@apache.org">Thierry Kormann</a> * @version $Id: SVGLineElementBridge.java 1805408 2017-08-18 12:21:52Z ssteiner $ */
public class SVGLineElementBridge extends SVGDecoratedShapeElementBridge {
Constructs a new bridge for the <line> element.
/** * Constructs a new bridge for the &lt;line&gt; element. */
public SVGLineElementBridge() {}
Returns 'line'.
/** * Returns 'line'. */
public String getLocalName() { return SVG_LINE_TAG; }
Returns a new instance of this bridge.
/** * Returns a new instance of this bridge. */
public Bridge getInstance() { return new SVGLineElementBridge(); }
Creates the shape painter associated to the specified element. This implementation creates a shape painter considering the various fill and stroke properties.
  • ctx – the bridge context to use
  • e – the element that describes the shape painter to use
  • shapeNode – the shape node that is interested in its shape painter
/** * Creates the shape painter associated to the specified element. * This implementation creates a shape painter considering the * various fill and stroke properties. * * @param ctx the bridge context to use * @param e the element that describes the shape painter to use * @param shapeNode the shape node that is interested in its shape painter */
protected ShapePainter createFillStrokePainter(BridgeContext ctx, Element e, ShapeNode shapeNode) { // 'fill' - ignored // 'fill-opacity' - ignored // 'stroke' // 'stroke-opacity', // 'stroke-width' // 'stroke-linecap' // 'stroke-linejoin' // 'stroke-miterlimit' // 'stroke-dasharray' // 'stroke-dashoffset' return PaintServer.convertStrokePainter(e, shapeNode, ctx); }
Constructs a line according to the specified parameters.
  • ctx – the bridge context to use
  • e – the element that describes a rect element
  • shapeNode – the shape node to initialize
/** * Constructs a line according to the specified parameters. * * @param ctx the bridge context to use * @param e the element that describes a rect element * @param shapeNode the shape node to initialize */
protected void buildShape(BridgeContext ctx, Element e, ShapeNode shapeNode) { try { SVGOMLineElement le = (SVGOMLineElement) e; // 'x1' attribute - default is 0 AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _x1 = (AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) le.getX1(); float x1 = _x1.getCheckedValue(); // 'y1' attribute - default is 0 AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _y1 = (AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) le.getY1(); float y1 = _y1.getCheckedValue(); // 'x2' attribute - default is 0 AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _x2 = (AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) le.getX2(); float x2 = _x2.getCheckedValue(); // 'y2' attribute - default is 0 AbstractSVGAnimatedLength _y2 = (AbstractSVGAnimatedLength) le.getY2(); float y2 = _y2.getCheckedValue(); shapeNode.setShape(new Line2D.Float(x1, y1, x2, y2)); } catch (LiveAttributeException ex) { throw new BridgeException(ctx, ex); } } // BridgeUpdateHandler implementation //////////////////////////////////
Invoked when the animated value of an animatable attribute has changed.
/** * Invoked when the animated value of an animatable attribute has changed. */
public void handleAnimatedAttributeChanged (AnimatedLiveAttributeValue alav) { if (alav.getNamespaceURI() == null) { String ln = alav.getLocalName(); if (ln.equals(SVG_X1_ATTRIBUTE) || ln.equals(SVG_Y1_ATTRIBUTE) || ln.equals(SVG_X2_ATTRIBUTE) || ln.equals(SVG_Y2_ATTRIBUTE)) { buildShape(ctx, e, (ShapeNode)node); handleGeometryChanged(); return; } } super.handleAnimatedAttributeChanged(alav); } }