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package org.apache.poi.sl.extractor;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.apache.poi.extractor.POITextExtractor;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.MasterSheet;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Notes;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.ObjectShape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Placeholder;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.PlaceholderDetails;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Shape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.ShapeContainer;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.Slide;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.SlideShow;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TableCell;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TableShape;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextParagraph;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextRun;
import org.apache.poi.sl.usermodel.TextShape;
import org.apache.poi.util.LocaleUtil;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;

Common SlideShow extractor
Since:POI 4.0.0
/** * Common SlideShow extractor * * @since POI 4.0.0 */
public class SlideShowExtractor< S extends Shape<S,P>, P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun> > extends POITextExtractor { private static final POILogger LOG = POILogFactory.getLogger(SlideShowExtractor.class); // placeholder text for slide numbers private static final String SLIDE_NUMBER_PH = "‹#›"; private SlideShow<S,P> slideshow; private boolean slidesByDefault = true; private boolean notesByDefault; private boolean commentsByDefault; private boolean masterByDefault; private Predicate<Object> filter = o -> true; public SlideShowExtractor(final SlideShow<S,P> slideshow) { setFilesystem(slideshow); this.slideshow = slideshow; }
Returns opened document
Returns:the opened document
/** * Returns opened document * * @return the opened document */
@Override public final Object getDocument() { return slideshow.getPersistDocument(); }
Should a call to getText() return slide text? Default is yes
/** * Should a call to getText() return slide text? Default is yes */
public void setSlidesByDefault(final boolean slidesByDefault) { this.slidesByDefault = slidesByDefault; }
Should a call to getText() return notes text? Default is no
/** * Should a call to getText() return notes text? Default is no */
public void setNotesByDefault(final boolean notesByDefault) { this.notesByDefault = notesByDefault; }
Should a call to getText() return comments text? Default is no
/** * Should a call to getText() return comments text? Default is no */
public void setCommentsByDefault(final boolean commentsByDefault) { this.commentsByDefault = commentsByDefault; }
Should a call to getText() return text from master? Default is no
/** * Should a call to getText() return text from master? Default is no */
public void setMasterByDefault(final boolean masterByDefault) { this.masterByDefault = masterByDefault; } @Override public POITextExtractor getMetadataTextExtractor() { return slideshow.getMetadataTextExtractor(); }
Fetches all the slide text from the slideshow, but not the notes, unless you've called setSlidesByDefault() and setNotesByDefault() to change this
/** * Fetches all the slide text from the slideshow, but not the notes, unless * you've called setSlidesByDefault() and setNotesByDefault() to change this */
@Override public String getText() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Slide<S, P> slide : slideshow.getSlides()) { getText(slide, sb::append); } return sb.toString(); } public String getText(final Slide<S,P> slide) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); getText(slide, sb::append); return sb.toString(); } private void getText(final Slide<S,P> slide, final Consumer<String> consumer) { if (slidesByDefault) { printShapeText(slide, consumer); } if (masterByDefault) { final MasterSheet<S,P> ms = slide.getMasterSheet(); printSlideMaster(ms, consumer); // only print slide layout, if it's a different instance final MasterSheet<S,P> sl = slide.getSlideLayout(); if (sl != ms) { printSlideMaster(sl, consumer); } } if (commentsByDefault) { printComments(slide, consumer); } if (notesByDefault) { printNotes(slide, consumer); } } private void printSlideMaster(final MasterSheet<S,P> master, final Consumer<String> consumer) { if (master == null) { return; } for (final Shape<S,P> shape : master) { if (shape instanceof TextShape) { final TextShape<S,P> ts = (TextShape<S,P>)shape; final String text = ts.getText(); if (text == null || text.isEmpty() || "*".equals(text)) { continue; } if (ts.isPlaceholder()) { // don't bother about boiler plate text on master sheets LOG.log(POILogger.INFO, "Ignoring boiler plate (placeholder) text on slide master:", text); continue; } printTextParagraphs(ts.getTextParagraphs(), consumer); } } } private void printTextParagraphs(final List<P> paras, final Consumer<String> consumer) { printTextParagraphs(paras, consumer, "\n"); } private void printTextParagraphs(final List<P> paras, final Consumer<String> consumer, String trailer) { printTextParagraphs(paras, consumer, trailer, SlideShowExtractor::replaceTextCap); } private void printTextParagraphs(final List<P> paras, final Consumer<String> consumer, String trailer, final Function<TextRun,String> converter) { for (P p : paras) { for (TextRun r : p) { if (filter.test(r)) { consumer.accept(converter.apply(r)); } } if (!trailer.isEmpty() && filter.test(trailer)) { consumer.accept(trailer); } } } private void printHeaderFooter(final Sheet<S,P> sheet, final Consumer<String> consumer, final Consumer<String> footerCon) { final Sheet<S, P> m = (sheet instanceof Slide) ? sheet.getMasterSheet() : sheet; addSheetPlaceholderDatails(sheet, Placeholder.HEADER, consumer); addSheetPlaceholderDatails(sheet, Placeholder.FOOTER, footerCon); if (!masterByDefault) { return; } // write header texts and determine footer text for (Shape<S, P> s : m) { if (!(s instanceof TextShape)) { continue; } final TextShape<S, P> ts = (TextShape<S, P>) s; final PlaceholderDetails pd = ts.getPlaceholderDetails(); if (pd == null || !pd.isVisible() || pd.getPlaceholder() == null) { continue; } switch (pd.getPlaceholder()) { case HEADER: printTextParagraphs(ts.getTextParagraphs(), consumer); break; case FOOTER: printTextParagraphs(ts.getTextParagraphs(), footerCon); break; case SLIDE_NUMBER: printTextParagraphs(ts.getTextParagraphs(), footerCon, "\n", SlideShowExtractor::replaceSlideNumber); break; case DATETIME: // currently not supported default: break; } } } private void addSheetPlaceholderDatails(final Sheet<S,P> sheet, final Placeholder placeholder, final Consumer<String> consumer) { final PlaceholderDetails headerPD = sheet.getPlaceholderDetails(placeholder); final String headerStr = (headerPD != null) ? headerPD.getText() : null; if (headerStr != null && filter.test(headerPD)) { consumer.accept(headerStr); } } private void printShapeText(final Sheet<S,P> sheet, final Consumer<String> consumer) { final List<String> footer = new LinkedList<>(); printHeaderFooter(sheet, consumer, footer::add); printShapeText((ShapeContainer<S,P>)sheet, consumer); footer.forEach(consumer); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void printShapeText(final ShapeContainer<S,P> container, final Consumer<String> consumer) { for (Shape<S,P> shape : container) { if (shape instanceof TextShape) { printTextParagraphs(((TextShape<S,P>)shape).getTextParagraphs(), consumer); } else if (shape instanceof TableShape) { printShapeText((TableShape<S,P>)shape, consumer); } else if (shape instanceof ShapeContainer) { printShapeText((ShapeContainer<S,P>)shape, consumer); } } } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") private void printShapeText(final TableShape<S,P> shape, final Consumer<String> consumer) { final int nrows = shape.getNumberOfRows(); final int ncols = shape.getNumberOfColumns(); for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { String trailer = ""; for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++){ TableCell<S, P> cell = shape.getCell(row, col); //defensive null checks; don't know if they're necessary if (cell != null) { trailer = col < ncols-1 ? "\t" : "\n"; printTextParagraphs(cell.getTextParagraphs(), consumer, trailer); } } if (!trailer.equals("\n") && filter.test("\n")) { consumer.accept("\n"); } } } private void printComments(final Slide<S,P> slide, final Consumer<String> consumer) { slide.getComments().stream().filter(filter).map(c -> c.getAuthor()+" - "+c.getText()).forEach(consumer); } private void printNotes(final Slide<S,P> slide, final Consumer<String> consumer) { final Notes<S, P> notes = slide.getNotes(); if (notes == null) { return; } List<String> footer = new LinkedList<>(); printHeaderFooter(notes, consumer, footer::add); printShapeText(notes, consumer); footer.forEach(consumer); } public List<? extends ObjectShape<S,P>> getOLEShapes() { final List<ObjectShape<S,P>> oleShapes = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Slide<S,P> slide : slideshow.getSlides()) { addOLEShapes(oleShapes, slide); } return oleShapes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addOLEShapes(final List<ObjectShape<S,P>> oleShapes, ShapeContainer<S,P> container) { for (Shape<S,P> shape : container) { if (shape instanceof ShapeContainer) { addOLEShapes(oleShapes, (ShapeContainer<S,P>)shape); } else if (shape instanceof ObjectShape) { oleShapes.add((ObjectShape<S,P>)shape); } } } private static String replaceSlideNumber(TextRun tr) { String raw = tr.getRawText(); if (!raw.contains(SLIDE_NUMBER_PH)) { return raw; } TextParagraph tp = tr.getParagraph(); TextShape ps = (tp != null) ? tp.getParentShape() : null; Sheet sh = (ps != null) ? ps.getSheet() : null; String slideNr = (sh instanceof Slide) ? Integer.toString(((Slide)sh).getSlideNumber() + 1) : ""; return raw.replace(SLIDE_NUMBER_PH, slideNr); } private static String replaceTextCap(TextRun tr) { final TextParagraph tp = tr.getParagraph(); final TextShape sh = (tp != null) ? tp.getParentShape() : null; final Placeholder ph = (sh != null) ? sh.getPlaceholder() : null; // 0xB acts like cariage return in page titles and like blank in the others final char sep = ( ph == Placeholder.TITLE || ph == Placeholder.CENTERED_TITLE || ph == Placeholder.SUBTITLE ) ? '\n' : ' '; // PowerPoint seems to store files with \r as the line break // The messes things up on everything but a Mac, so translate them to \n String txt = tr.getRawText(); txt = txt.replace('\r', '\n'); txt = txt.replace((char) 0x0B, sep); switch (tr.getTextCap()) { case ALL: txt = txt.toUpperCase(LocaleUtil.getUserLocale()); case SMALL: txt = txt.toLowerCase(LocaleUtil.getUserLocale()); } return txt; }
Extract the used codepoints for font embedding / subsetting
  • typeface – the typeface/font family of the textruns to examine
  • italic – use true for italic TextRuns, false for non-italic ones and null if it doesn't matter
  • bold – use true for bold TextRuns, false for non-bold ones and null if it doesn't matter
Returns:a bitset with the marked/used codepoints
/** * Extract the used codepoints for font embedding / subsetting * @param typeface the typeface/font family of the textruns to examine * @param italic use {@code true} for italic TextRuns, {@code false} for non-italic ones and * {@code null} if it doesn't matter * @param bold use {@code true} for bold TextRuns, {@code false} for non-bold ones and * {@code null} if it doesn't matter * @return a bitset with the marked/used codepoints */
public BitSet getCodepoints(String typeface, Boolean italic, Boolean bold) { final BitSet glyphs = new BitSet(); Predicate<Object> filterOld = filter; try { filter = o -> filterFonts(o, typeface, italic, bold); slideshow.getSlides().forEach(slide -> getText(slide, s -> s.codePoints().forEach(glyphs::set)) ); } finally { filter = filterOld; } return glyphs; } private static boolean filterFonts(Object o, String typeface, Boolean italic, Boolean bold) { if (!(o instanceof TextRun)) { return false; } TextRun tr = (TextRun)o; return typeface.equalsIgnoreCase(tr.getFontFamily()) && (italic == null || tr.isItalic() == italic) && (bold == null || tr.isBold() == bold); } }