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package org.apache.poi.sl.draw.geom;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.binding.CTCustomGeometry2D;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.binding.CTGeomGuide;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.binding.CTGeomGuideList;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.binding.CTGeomRect;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.binding.CTPath2D;
import org.apache.poi.sl.draw.binding.CTPath2DList;

Definition of a custom geometric shape
/** * Definition of a custom geometric shape */
public class CustomGeometry implements Iterable<Path>{ final List<Guide> adjusts = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Guide> guides = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>(); Path textBounds; public CustomGeometry(CTCustomGeometry2D geom) { CTGeomGuideList avLst = geom.getAvLst(); if(avLst != null) { for(CTGeomGuide gd : avLst.getGd()){ adjusts.add(new AdjustValue(gd)); } } CTGeomGuideList gdLst = geom.getGdLst(); if(gdLst != null) { for(CTGeomGuide gd : gdLst.getGd()){ guides.add(new Guide(gd)); } } CTPath2DList pathLst = geom.getPathLst(); if(pathLst != null) { for(CTPath2D spPath : pathLst.getPath()){ paths.add(new Path(spPath)); } } CTGeomRect rect = geom.getRect(); if(rect != null) { textBounds = new Path(); textBounds.addCommand(new MoveToCommand(rect.getL(), rect.getT())); textBounds.addCommand(new LineToCommand(rect.getR(), rect.getT())); textBounds.addCommand(new LineToCommand(rect.getR(), rect.getB())); textBounds.addCommand(new LineToCommand(rect.getL(), rect.getB())); textBounds.addCommand(new ClosePathCommand()); } } @Override public Iterator<Path> iterator() { return paths.iterator(); } public Path getTextBounds(){ return textBounds; } }