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package org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.metadata;

Class Metadata.
Version:$Revision$ $Date$
/** * Class Metadata. * * @version $Revision$ $Date$ */
@SuppressWarnings( "all" ) public class Metadata implements java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Cloneable { //--------------------------/ //- Class/Member Variables -/ //--------------------------/
The version of the underlying metadata model.
/** * The version of the underlying metadata model. */
private String modelVersion;
The groupId that this directory represents, if any.
/** * The groupId that this directory represents, if any. */
private String groupId;
The artifactId that this directory represents, if any.
/** * The artifactId that this directory represents, if any. */
private String artifactId;
The version that this directory represents, if any. It is used for artifact snapshots only.
/** * The version that this directory represents, if any. It is * used for artifact snapshots only. */
private String version;
Versioning information for the artifact.
/** * Versioning information for the artifact. */
private Versioning versioning;
Field plugins.
/** * Field plugins. */
private java.util.List<Plugin> plugins;
Field modelEncoding.
/** * Field modelEncoding. */
private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8"; //-----------/ //- Methods -/ //-----------/
Method addPlugin.
  • plugin –
/** * Method addPlugin. * * @param plugin */
public void addPlugin( Plugin plugin ) { getPlugins().add( plugin ); } //-- void addPlugin( Plugin )
Method clone.
/** * Method clone. * * @return Metadata */
public Metadata clone() { try { Metadata copy = (Metadata) super.clone(); if ( this.versioning != null ) { copy.versioning = (Versioning) this.versioning.clone(); } if ( this.plugins != null ) { copy.plugins = new java.util.ArrayList<Plugin>(); for ( Plugin item : this.plugins ) { copy.plugins.add( ( (Plugin) item).clone() ); } } return copy; } catch ( java.lang.Exception ex ) { throw (java.lang.RuntimeException) new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException( getClass().getName() + " does not support clone()" ).initCause( ex ); } } //-- Metadata clone()
Get the artifactId that this directory represents, if any.
/** * Get the artifactId that this directory represents, if any. * * @return String */
public String getArtifactId() { return this.artifactId; } //-- String getArtifactId()
Get the groupId that this directory represents, if any.
/** * Get the groupId that this directory represents, if any. * * @return String */
public String getGroupId() { return this.groupId; } //-- String getGroupId()
Get the modelEncoding field.
/** * Get the modelEncoding field. * * @return String */
public String getModelEncoding() { return this.modelEncoding; } //-- String getModelEncoding()
Get the version of the underlying metadata model.
/** * Get the version of the underlying metadata model. * * @return String */
public String getModelVersion() { return this.modelVersion; } //-- String getModelVersion()
Method getPlugins.
/** * Method getPlugins. * * @return List */
public java.util.List<Plugin> getPlugins() { if ( this.plugins == null ) { this.plugins = new java.util.ArrayList<Plugin>(); } return this.plugins; } //-- java.util.List<Plugin> getPlugins()
Get the version that this directory represents, if any. It is used for artifact snapshots only.
/** * Get the version that this directory represents, if any. It * is used for artifact snapshots only. * * @return String */
public String getVersion() { return this.version; } //-- String getVersion()
Get versioning information for the artifact.
/** * Get versioning information for the artifact. * * @return Versioning */
public Versioning getVersioning() { return this.versioning; } //-- Versioning getVersioning()
Method removePlugin.
  • plugin –
/** * Method removePlugin. * * @param plugin */
public void removePlugin( Plugin plugin ) { getPlugins().remove( plugin ); } //-- void removePlugin( Plugin )
Set the artifactId that this directory represents, if any.
  • artifactId –
/** * Set the artifactId that this directory represents, if any. * * @param artifactId */
public void setArtifactId( String artifactId ) { this.artifactId = artifactId; } //-- void setArtifactId( String )
Set the groupId that this directory represents, if any.
  • groupId –
/** * Set the groupId that this directory represents, if any. * * @param groupId */
public void setGroupId( String groupId ) { this.groupId = groupId; } //-- void setGroupId( String )
Set the modelEncoding field.
  • modelEncoding –
/** * Set the modelEncoding field. * * @param modelEncoding */
public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding ) { this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding; } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
Set the version of the underlying metadata model.
  • modelVersion –
/** * Set the version of the underlying metadata model. * * @param modelVersion */
public void setModelVersion( String modelVersion ) { this.modelVersion = modelVersion; } //-- void setModelVersion( String )
Set the set of plugin mappings for the group represented by this directory.
  • plugins –
/** * Set the set of plugin mappings for the group represented by * this directory. * * @param plugins */
public void setPlugins( java.util.List<Plugin> plugins ) { this.plugins = plugins; } //-- void setPlugins( java.util.List )
Set the version that this directory represents, if any. It is used for artifact snapshots only.
  • version –
/** * Set the version that this directory represents, if any. It * is used for artifact snapshots only. * * @param version */
public void setVersion( String version ) { this.version = version; } //-- void setVersion( String )
Set versioning information for the artifact.
  • versioning –
/** * Set versioning information for the artifact. * * @param versioning */
public void setVersioning( Versioning versioning ) { this.versioning = versioning; } //-- void setVersioning( Versioning ) public boolean merge( Metadata sourceMetadata ) { boolean changed = false; for ( Plugin plugin : sourceMetadata.getPlugins() ) { boolean found = false; for ( Plugin preExisting : getPlugins() ) { if ( preExisting.getPrefix().equals( plugin.getPrefix() ) ) { found = true; break; } } if ( !found ) { Plugin mappedPlugin = new Plugin(); mappedPlugin.setArtifactId( plugin.getArtifactId() ); mappedPlugin.setPrefix( plugin.getPrefix() ); mappedPlugin.setName( plugin.getName() ); addPlugin( mappedPlugin ); changed = true; } } Versioning versioning = sourceMetadata.getVersioning(); if ( versioning != null ) { Versioning v = getVersioning(); if ( v == null ) { v = new Versioning(); setVersioning( v ); changed = true; } for ( String version : versioning.getVersions() ) { if ( !v.getVersions().contains( version ) ) { changed = true; v.getVersions().add( version ); } } if ( "null".equals( versioning.getLastUpdated() ) ) { versioning.setLastUpdated( null ); } if ( "null".equals( v.getLastUpdated() ) ) { v.setLastUpdated( null ); } if ( versioning.getLastUpdated() == null || versioning.getLastUpdated().length() == 0 ) { // this should only be for historical reasons - we assume local is newer versioning.setLastUpdated( v.getLastUpdated() ); } if ( v.getLastUpdated() == null || v.getLastUpdated().length() == 0 || versioning.getLastUpdated().compareTo( v.getLastUpdated() ) >= 0 ) { changed = true; v.setLastUpdated( versioning.getLastUpdated() ); if ( versioning.getRelease() != null ) { changed = true; v.setRelease( versioning.getRelease() ); } if ( versioning.getLatest() != null ) { changed = true; v.setLatest( versioning.getLatest() ); } Snapshot s = v.getSnapshot(); Snapshot snapshot = versioning.getSnapshot(); if ( snapshot != null ) { if ( s == null ) { s = new Snapshot(); v.setSnapshot( s ); changed = true; } // overwrite if ( s.getTimestamp() == null ? snapshot.getTimestamp() != null : !s.getTimestamp().equals( snapshot.getTimestamp() ) ) { s.setTimestamp( snapshot.getTimestamp() ); changed = true; } if ( s.getBuildNumber() != snapshot.getBuildNumber() ) { s.setBuildNumber( snapshot.getBuildNumber() ); changed = true; } if ( s.isLocalCopy() != snapshot.isLocalCopy() ) { s.setLocalCopy( snapshot.isLocalCopy() ); changed = true; } } } } return changed; } }