package org.apache.maven.wagon;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationInfo;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.authorization.AuthorizationException;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyInfo;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyInfoProvider;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyUtils;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.Repository;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.RepositoryPermissions;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.resource.Resource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;

import java.util.List;

Implementation of common facilities for Wagon providers.
Author:Michal Maczka
/** * Implementation of common facilities for Wagon providers. * * @author <a href="">Michal Maczka</a> */
public abstract class AbstractWagon implements Wagon { protected static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 4; protected Repository repository; protected SessionEventSupport sessionEventSupport = new SessionEventSupport(); protected TransferEventSupport transferEventSupport = new TransferEventSupport(); protected AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo; protected boolean interactive = true; private int connectionTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
read timeout value
/** * read timeout value * * @since 2.2 */
private int readTimeout = Integer.parseInt( System.getProperty( "maven.wagon.rto", Integer.toString( Wagon.DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT ) ) ); private ProxyInfoProvider proxyInfoProvider;
/** * @deprecated */
protected ProxyInfo proxyInfo; private RepositoryPermissions permissionsOverride; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Accessors // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public Repository getRepository() { return repository; } public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo() { return proxyInfoProvider != null ? proxyInfoProvider.getProxyInfo( null ) : null; } public AuthenticationInfo getAuthenticationInfo() { return authenticationInfo; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Connection // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public void openConnection() throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { try { openConnectionInternal(); } catch ( ConnectionException e ) { fireSessionConnectionRefused(); throw e; } catch ( AuthenticationException e ) { fireSessionConnectionRefused(); throw e; } } public void connect( Repository repository ) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { connect( repository, null, (ProxyInfoProvider) null ); } public void connect( Repository repository, ProxyInfo proxyInfo ) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { connect( repository, null, proxyInfo ); } public void connect( Repository repository, ProxyInfoProvider proxyInfoProvider ) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { connect( repository, null, proxyInfoProvider ); } public void connect( Repository repository, AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo ) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { connect( repository, authenticationInfo, (ProxyInfoProvider) null ); } public void connect( Repository repository, AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo, ProxyInfo proxyInfo ) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { final ProxyInfo proxy = proxyInfo; connect( repository, authenticationInfo, new ProxyInfoProvider() { public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol ) { if ( protocol == null || proxy == null || protocol.equalsIgnoreCase( proxy.getType() ) ) { return proxy; } else { return null; } } } ); } public void connect( Repository repository, AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo, ProxyInfoProvider proxyInfoProvider ) throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { if ( repository == null ) { throw new NullPointerException( "repository cannot be null" ); } if ( permissionsOverride != null ) { repository.setPermissions( permissionsOverride ); } this.repository = repository; if ( authenticationInfo == null ) { authenticationInfo = new AuthenticationInfo(); } if ( authenticationInfo.getUserName() == null ) { // Get user/pass that were encoded in the URL. if ( repository.getUsername() != null ) { authenticationInfo.setUserName( repository.getUsername() ); if ( repository.getPassword() != null && authenticationInfo.getPassword() == null ) { authenticationInfo.setPassword( repository.getPassword() ); } } } this.authenticationInfo = authenticationInfo; this.proxyInfoProvider = proxyInfoProvider; fireSessionOpening(); openConnection(); fireSessionOpened(); } protected abstract void openConnectionInternal() throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException; public void disconnect() throws ConnectionException { fireSessionDisconnecting(); try { closeConnection(); } catch ( ConnectionException e ) { fireSessionError( e ); throw e; } fireSessionDisconnected(); } protected abstract void closeConnection() throws ConnectionException; protected void createParentDirectories( File destination ) throws TransferFailedException { File destinationDirectory = destination.getParentFile(); try { destinationDirectory = destinationDirectory.getCanonicalFile(); } catch ( IOException e ) { // not essential to have a canonical file } if ( destinationDirectory != null && !destinationDirectory.exists() ) { destinationDirectory.mkdirs(); if ( !destinationDirectory.exists() ) { throw new TransferFailedException( "Specified destination directory cannot be created: " + destinationDirectory ); } } } public void setTimeout( int timeoutValue ) { connectionTimeout = timeoutValue; } public int getTimeout() { return connectionTimeout; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stream i/o // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, File destination, InputStream input ) throws TransferFailedException { getTransfer( resource, destination, input, true, Long.MAX_VALUE ); } protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, OutputStream output, InputStream input ) throws TransferFailedException { getTransfer( resource, output, input, true, Long.MAX_VALUE ); } @Deprecated protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, File destination, InputStream input, boolean closeInput, int maxSize ) throws TransferFailedException { getTransfer( resource, destination, input, closeInput, (long) maxSize ); } protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, File destination, InputStream input, boolean closeInput, long maxSize ) throws TransferFailedException { // ensure that the destination is created only when we are ready to transfer fireTransferDebug( "attempting to create parent directories for destination: " + destination.getName() ); createParentDirectories( destination ); fireGetStarted( resource, destination ); OutputStream output = null; try { output = new LazyFileOutputStream( destination ); getTransfer( resource, output, input, closeInput, maxSize ); output.close(); output = null; } catch ( final IOException e ) { if ( destination.exists() ) { boolean deleted = destination.delete(); if ( !deleted ) { destination.deleteOnExit(); } } fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET ); String msg = "GET request of: " + resource.getName() + " from " + repository.getName() + " failed"; throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e ); } catch ( TransferFailedException e ) { if ( destination.exists() ) { boolean deleted = destination.delete(); if ( !deleted ) { destination.deleteOnExit(); } } throw e; } finally { IOUtil.close( output ); } fireGetCompleted( resource, destination ); } @Deprecated protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, OutputStream output, InputStream input, boolean closeInput, int maxSize ) throws TransferFailedException { getTransfer( resource, output, input, closeInput, (long) maxSize ); } protected void getTransfer( Resource resource, OutputStream output, InputStream input, boolean closeInput, long maxSize ) throws TransferFailedException { try { transfer( resource, input, output, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET, maxSize ); finishGetTransfer( resource, input, output ); if ( closeInput ) { input.close(); input = null; } } catch ( IOException e ) { fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET ); String msg = "GET request of: " + resource.getName() + " from " + repository.getName() + " failed"; throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e ); } finally { if ( closeInput ) { IOUtil.close( input ); } cleanupGetTransfer( resource ); } } protected void finishGetTransfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output ) throws TransferFailedException { } protected void cleanupGetTransfer( Resource resource ) { } protected void putTransfer( Resource resource, File source, OutputStream output, boolean closeOutput ) throws TransferFailedException, AuthorizationException, ResourceDoesNotExistException { firePutStarted( resource, source ); transfer( resource, source, output, closeOutput ); firePutCompleted( resource, source ); }
Write from File to OutputStream
  • resource – resource to transfer
  • source – file to read from
  • output – output stream
  • closeOutput – whether the output stream should be closed or not
/** * Write from {@link File} to {@link OutputStream} * * @param resource resource to transfer * @param source file to read from * @param output output stream * @param closeOutput whether the output stream should be closed or not * @throws TransferFailedException * @throws ResourceDoesNotExistException * @throws AuthorizationException * @since 1.0-beta-1 */
protected void transfer( Resource resource, File source, OutputStream output, boolean closeOutput ) throws TransferFailedException, AuthorizationException, ResourceDoesNotExistException { InputStream input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream( source ); putTransfer( resource, input, output, closeOutput ); input.close(); input = null; } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT ); throw new TransferFailedException( "Specified source file does not exist: " + source, e ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT ); throw new TransferFailedException( "Failure transferring " + source, e ); } finally { IOUtil.close( input ); } } protected void putTransfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output, boolean closeOutput ) throws TransferFailedException, AuthorizationException, ResourceDoesNotExistException { try { transfer( resource, input, output, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT, resource.getContentLength() == WagonConstants.UNKNOWN_LENGTH ? Long.MAX_VALUE : resource.getContentLength() ); finishPutTransfer( resource, input, output ); if ( closeOutput ) { output.close(); output = null; } } catch ( IOException e ) { fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT ); String msg = "PUT request to: " + resource.getName() + " in " + repository.getName() + " failed"; throw new TransferFailedException( msg, e ); } finally { if ( closeOutput ) { IOUtil.close( output ); } cleanupPutTransfer( resource ); } } protected void cleanupPutTransfer( Resource resource ) { } protected void finishPutTransfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output ) throws TransferFailedException, AuthorizationException, ResourceDoesNotExistException { }
/** * Write from {@link InputStream} to {@link OutputStream}. * Equivalent to {@link #transfer(Resource, InputStream, OutputStream, int, int)} with a maxSize equals to * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} * * @param resource resource to transfer * @param input input stream * @param output output stream * @param requestType one of {@link TransferEvent#REQUEST_GET} or {@link TransferEvent#REQUEST_PUT} * @throws IOException */
protected void transfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output, int requestType ) throws IOException { transfer( resource, input, output, requestType, Long.MAX_VALUE ); }
Deprecated:Please use the transfer using long as type of maxSize
/** * Write from {@link InputStream} to {@link OutputStream}. * Equivalent to {@link #transfer(Resource, InputStream, OutputStream, int, int)} with a maxSize equals to * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} * * @param resource resource to transfer * @param input input stream * @param output output stream * @param requestType one of {@link TransferEvent#REQUEST_GET} or {@link TransferEvent#REQUEST_PUT} * @param maxSize size of the buffer * @throws IOException * @deprecated Please use the transfer using long as type of maxSize */
@Deprecated protected void transfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output, int requestType, int maxSize ) throws IOException { transfer( resource, input, output, requestType, (long) maxSize ); }
/** * Write from {@link InputStream} to {@link OutputStream}. * Equivalent to {@link #transfer(Resource, InputStream, OutputStream, int, long)} with a maxSize equals to * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} * * @param resource resource to transfer * @param input input stream * @param output output stream * @param requestType one of {@link TransferEvent#REQUEST_GET} or {@link TransferEvent#REQUEST_PUT} * @param maxSize size of the buffer * @throws IOException */
protected void transfer( Resource resource, InputStream input, OutputStream output, int requestType, long maxSize ) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_PROGRESS, requestType ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() ); long remaining = maxSize; while ( remaining > 0 ) { // let's safely cast to int because the min value will be lower than the buffer size. int n = buffer, 0, (int) Math.min( buffer.length, remaining ) ); if ( n == -1 ) { break; } fireTransferProgress( transferEvent, buffer, n ); output.write( buffer, 0, n ); remaining -= n; } output.flush(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void fireTransferProgress( TransferEvent transferEvent, byte[] buffer, int n ) { transferEventSupport.fireTransferProgress( transferEvent, buffer, n ); } protected void fireGetCompleted( Resource resource, File localFile ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_COMPLETED, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( localFile ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferCompleted( transferEvent ); } protected void fireGetStarted( Resource resource, File localFile ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_STARTED, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( localFile ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferStarted( transferEvent ); } protected void fireGetInitiated( Resource resource, File localFile ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_INITIATED, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( localFile ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferInitiated( transferEvent ); } protected void firePutInitiated( Resource resource, File localFile ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_INITIATED, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( localFile ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferInitiated( transferEvent ); } protected void firePutCompleted( Resource resource, File localFile ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_COMPLETED, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( localFile ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferCompleted( transferEvent ); } protected void firePutStarted( Resource resource, File localFile ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_STARTED, TransferEvent.REQUEST_PUT ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( localFile ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferStarted( transferEvent ); } protected void fireSessionDisconnected() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_DISCONNECTED ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionDisconnected( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionDisconnecting() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_DISCONNECTING ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionDisconnecting( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionLoggedIn() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_LOGGED_IN ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionLoggedIn( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionLoggedOff() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_LOGGED_OFF ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionLoggedOff( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionOpened() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_OPENED ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionOpened( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionOpening() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_OPENING ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionOpening( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionConnectionRefused() { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, SessionEvent.SESSION_CONNECTION_REFUSED ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionConnectionRefused( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireSessionError( Exception exception ) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionEvent sessionEvent = new SessionEvent( this, exception ); sessionEvent.setTimestamp( timestamp ); sessionEventSupport.fireSessionError( sessionEvent ); } protected void fireTransferDebug( String message ) { transferEventSupport.fireDebug( message ); } protected void fireSessionDebug( String message ) { sessionEventSupport.fireDebug( message ); } public boolean hasTransferListener( TransferListener listener ) { return transferEventSupport.hasTransferListener( listener ); } public void addTransferListener( TransferListener listener ) { transferEventSupport.addTransferListener( listener ); } public void removeTransferListener( TransferListener listener ) { transferEventSupport.removeTransferListener( listener ); } public void addSessionListener( SessionListener listener ) { sessionEventSupport.addSessionListener( listener ); } public boolean hasSessionListener( SessionListener listener ) { return sessionEventSupport.hasSessionListener( listener ); } public void removeSessionListener( SessionListener listener ) { sessionEventSupport.removeSessionListener( listener ); } protected void fireTransferError( Resource resource, Exception e, int requestType ) { TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, e, requestType ); transferEventSupport.fireTransferError( transferEvent ); } public SessionEventSupport getSessionEventSupport() { return sessionEventSupport; } public void setSessionEventSupport( SessionEventSupport sessionEventSupport ) { this.sessionEventSupport = sessionEventSupport; } public TransferEventSupport getTransferEventSupport() { return transferEventSupport; } public void setTransferEventSupport( TransferEventSupport transferEventSupport ) { this.transferEventSupport = transferEventSupport; }
This method is used if you are not streaming the transfer, to make sure any listeners dependent on state (eg checksum observers) succeed.
/** * This method is used if you are not streaming the transfer, to make sure any listeners dependent on state * (eg checksum observers) succeed. */
protected void postProcessListeners( Resource resource, File source, int requestType ) throws TransferFailedException { byte[] buffer = new byte[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; TransferEvent transferEvent = new TransferEvent( this, resource, TransferEvent.TRANSFER_PROGRESS, requestType ); transferEvent.setTimestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() ); transferEvent.setLocalFile( source ); InputStream input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream( source ); while ( true ) { int n = buffer ); if ( n == -1 ) { break; } fireTransferProgress( transferEvent, buffer, n ); } input.close(); input = null; } catch ( IOException e ) { fireTransferError( resource, e, requestType ); throw new TransferFailedException( "Failed to post-process the source file", e ); } finally { IOUtil.close( input ); } } public void putDirectory( File sourceDirectory, String destinationDirectory ) throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException, AuthorizationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "The wagon you are using has not implemented putDirectory()" ); } public boolean supportsDirectoryCopy() { return false; } protected static String getPath( String basedir, String dir ) { String path; path = basedir; if ( !basedir.endsWith( "/" ) && !dir.startsWith( "/" ) ) { path += "/"; } path += dir; return path; } public boolean isInteractive() { return interactive; } public void setInteractive( boolean interactive ) { this.interactive = interactive; } public List<String> getFileList( String destinationDirectory ) throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException, AuthorizationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "The wagon you are using has not implemented getFileList()" ); } public boolean resourceExists( String resourceName ) throws TransferFailedException, AuthorizationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "The wagon you are using has not implemented resourceExists()" ); } protected ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol, String host ) { if ( proxyInfoProvider != null ) { ProxyInfo proxyInfo = proxyInfoProvider.getProxyInfo( protocol ); if ( !ProxyUtils.validateNonProxyHosts( proxyInfo, host ) ) { return proxyInfo; } } return null; } public RepositoryPermissions getPermissionsOverride() { return permissionsOverride; } public void setPermissionsOverride( RepositoryPermissions permissionsOverride ) { this.permissionsOverride = permissionsOverride; } public void setReadTimeout( int readTimeout ) { this.readTimeout = readTimeout; } public int getReadTimeout() { return this.readTimeout; } }