 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cassandra.service;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.Stage;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.StageManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.DataLimits.Counter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.ExcludingBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;

public class DataResolver extends ResponseResolver
    private static final boolean DROP_OVERSIZED_READ_REPAIR_MUTATIONS =

    final List<AsyncOneResponse> repairResults = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
    private final long queryStartNanoTime;
    private final boolean enforceStrictLiveness;

    DataResolver(Keyspace keyspace, ReadCommand command, ConsistencyLevel consistency, int maxResponseCount, long queryStartNanoTime)
        super(keyspace, command, consistency, maxResponseCount);
        this.queryStartNanoTime = queryStartNanoTime;
        this.enforceStrictLiveness = command.metadata().enforceStrictLiveness();

    public PartitionIterator getData()
        ReadResponse response = responses.iterator().next().payload;
        return UnfilteredPartitionIterators.filter(response.makeIterator(command), command.nowInSec());

    public boolean isDataPresent()
        return !responses.isEmpty();

    public void compareResponses()
        // We need to fully consume the results to trigger read repairs if appropriate
        try (PartitionIterator iterator = resolve())

    public PartitionIterator resolve()
        // We could get more responses while this method runs, which is ok (we're happy to ignore any response not here
        // at the beginning of this method), so grab the response count once and use that through the method.
        int count = responses.size();
        List<UnfilteredPartitionIterator> iters = new ArrayList<>(count);
        InetAddress[] sources = new InetAddress[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            MessageIn<ReadResponse> msg = responses.get(i);
            sources[i] = msg.from;

         * Even though every response, individually, will honor the limit, it is possible that we will, after the merge,
         * have more rows than the client requested. To make sure that we still conform to the original limit,
         * we apply a top-level post-reconciliation counter to the merged partition iterator.
         * Short read protection logic (ShortReadRowsProtection.moreContents()) relies on this counter to be applied
         * to the current partition to work. For this reason we have to apply the counter transformation before
         * empty partition discard logic kicks in - for it will eagerly consume the iterator.
         * That's why the order here is: 1) merge; 2) filter rows; 3) count; 4) discard empty partitions
         * See CASSANDRA-13747 for more details.

        DataLimits.Counter mergedResultCounter =
            command.limits().newCounter(command.nowInSec(), true, command.selectsFullPartition(), enforceStrictLiveness);

        UnfilteredPartitionIterator merged = mergeWithShortReadProtection(iters, sources, mergedResultCounter);
        FilteredPartitions filtered =
            FilteredPartitions.filter(merged, new Filter(command.nowInSec(), command.metadata().enforceStrictLiveness()));
        PartitionIterator counted = Transformation.apply(filtered, mergedResultCounter);

        return command.isForThrift()
             ? counted
             : Transformation.apply(counted, new EmptyPartitionsDiscarder());

    private UnfilteredPartitionIterator mergeWithShortReadProtection(List<UnfilteredPartitionIterator> results,
                                                                     InetAddress[] sources,
                                                                     DataLimits.Counter mergedResultCounter)
        // If we have only one results, there is no read repair to do and we can't get short reads
        if (results.size() == 1)
            return results.get(0);

         * So-called short reads stems from nodes returning only a subset of the results they have due to the limit,
         * but that subset not being enough post-reconciliation. So if we don't have a limit, don't bother.
        if (!command.limits().isUnlimited())
            for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++)
                results.set(i, extendWithShortReadProtection(results.get(i), sources[i], mergedResultCounter));

        return UnfilteredPartitionIterators.merge(results, command.nowInSec(), new RepairMergeListener(sources));

    private class RepairMergeListener implements UnfilteredPartitionIterators.MergeListener
        private final InetAddress[] sources;

        private RepairMergeListener(InetAddress[] sources)
            this.sources = sources;

        public UnfilteredRowIterators.MergeListener getRowMergeListener(DecoratedKey partitionKey, List<UnfilteredRowIterator> versions)
            return new MergeListener(partitionKey, columns(versions), isReversed(versions));

        private PartitionColumns columns(List<UnfilteredRowIterator> versions)
            Columns statics = Columns.NONE;
            Columns regulars = Columns.NONE;
            for (UnfilteredRowIterator iter : versions)
                if (iter == null)

                PartitionColumns cols = iter.columns();
                statics = statics.mergeTo(cols.statics);
                regulars = regulars.mergeTo(cols.regulars);
            return new PartitionColumns(statics, regulars);

        private boolean isReversed(List<UnfilteredRowIterator> versions)
            for (UnfilteredRowIterator iter : versions)
                if (iter == null)

                // Everything will be in the same order
                return iter.isReverseOrder();

            assert false : "Expected at least one iterator";
            return false;

        public void close()
                FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(repairResults, DatabaseDescriptor.getWriteRpcTimeout());
            catch (TimeoutException ex)
                // We got all responses, but timed out while repairing
                int blockFor = consistency.blockFor(keyspace);
                if (Tracing.isTracing())
                    Tracing.trace("Timed out while read-repairing after receiving all {} data and digest responses", blockFor);
                    logger.debug("Timeout while read-repairing after receiving all {} data and digest responses", blockFor);

                throw new ReadTimeoutException(consistency, blockFor-1, blockFor, true);

        private class MergeListener implements UnfilteredRowIterators.MergeListener
            private final DecoratedKey partitionKey;
            private final PartitionColumns columns;
            private final boolean isReversed;
            private final PartitionUpdate[] repairs = new PartitionUpdate[sources.length];

            private final Row.Builder[] currentRows = new Row.Builder[sources.length];
            private final RowDiffListener diffListener;

            // The partition level deletion for the merge row.
            private DeletionTime partitionLevelDeletion;
            // When merged has a currently open marker, its time. null otherwise.
            private DeletionTime mergedDeletionTime;
            // For each source, the time of the current deletion as known by the source.
            private final DeletionTime[] sourceDeletionTime = new DeletionTime[sources.length];
            // For each source, record if there is an open range to send as repair, and from where.
            private final ClusteringBound[] markerToRepair = new ClusteringBound[sources.length];

            private MergeListener(DecoratedKey partitionKey, PartitionColumns columns, boolean isReversed)
                this.partitionKey = partitionKey;
                this.columns = columns;
                this.isReversed = isReversed;

                this.diffListener = new RowDiffListener()
                    public void onPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(int i, Clustering clustering, LivenessInfo merged, LivenessInfo original)
                        if (merged != null && !merged.equals(original))
                            currentRow(i, clustering).addPrimaryKeyLivenessInfo(merged);

                    public void onDeletion(int i, Clustering clustering, Row.Deletion merged, Row.Deletion original)
                        if (merged != null && !merged.equals(original))
                            currentRow(i, clustering).addRowDeletion(merged);

                    public void onComplexDeletion(int i, Clustering clustering, ColumnDefinition column, DeletionTime merged, DeletionTime original)
                        if (merged != null && !merged.equals(original))
                            currentRow(i, clustering).addComplexDeletion(column, merged);

                    public void onCell(int i, Clustering clustering, Cell merged, Cell original)
                        if (merged != null && !merged.equals(original) && isQueried(merged))
                            currentRow(i, clustering).addCell(merged);

                    private boolean isQueried(Cell cell)
                        // When we read, we may have some cell that have been fetched but are not selected by the user. Those cells may
                        // have empty values as optimization (see CASSANDRA-10655) and hence they should not be included in the read-repair.
                        // This is fine since those columns are not actually requested by the user and are only present for the sake of CQL
                        // semantic (making sure we can always distinguish between a row that doesn't exist from one that do exist but has
                        /// no value for the column requested by the user) and so it won't be unexpected by the user that those columns are
                        // not repaired.
                        ColumnDefinition column = cell.column();
                        ColumnFilter filter = command.columnFilter();
                        return column.isComplex() ? filter.fetchedCellIsQueried(column, cell.path()) : filter.fetchedColumnIsQueried(column);

            private PartitionUpdate update(int i)
                if (repairs[i] == null)
                    repairs[i] = new PartitionUpdate(command.metadata(), partitionKey, columns, 1);
                return repairs[i];

The partition level deletion with with which source i is currently repaired, or DeletionTime.LIVE if the source is not repaired on the partition level deletion (meaning it was up to date on it). The output* of this method is only valid after the call to onMergedPartitionLevelDeletion.
/** * The partition level deletion with with which source {@code i} is currently repaired, or * {@code DeletionTime.LIVE} if the source is not repaired on the partition level deletion (meaning it was * up to date on it). The output* of this method is only valid after the call to * {@link #onMergedPartitionLevelDeletion}. */
private DeletionTime partitionLevelRepairDeletion(int i) { return repairs[i] == null ? DeletionTime.LIVE : repairs[i].partitionLevelDeletion(); } private Row.Builder currentRow(int i, Clustering clustering) { if (currentRows[i] == null) { currentRows[i] = BTreeRow.sortedBuilder(); currentRows[i].newRow(clustering); } return currentRows[i]; } public void onMergedPartitionLevelDeletion(DeletionTime mergedDeletion, DeletionTime[] versions) { this.partitionLevelDeletion = mergedDeletion; for (int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) { if (mergedDeletion.supersedes(versions[i])) update(i).addPartitionDeletion(mergedDeletion); } } public void onMergedRows(Row merged, Row[] versions) { // If a row was shadowed post merged, it must be by a partition level or range tombstone, and we handle // those case directly in their respective methods (in other words, it would be inefficient to send a row // deletion as repair when we know we've already send a partition level or range tombstone that covers it). if (merged.isEmpty()) return; Rows.diff(diffListener, merged, versions); for (int i = 0; i < currentRows.length; i++) { if (currentRows[i] != null) update(i).add(currentRows[i].build()); } Arrays.fill(currentRows, null); } private DeletionTime currentDeletion() { return mergedDeletionTime == null ? partitionLevelDeletion : mergedDeletionTime; } public void onMergedRangeTombstoneMarkers(RangeTombstoneMarker merged, RangeTombstoneMarker[] versions) { try { // The code for merging range tombstones is a tad complex and we had the assertions there triggered // unexpectedly in a few occasions (CASSANDRA-13237, CASSANDRA-13719). It's hard to get insights // when that happen without more context that what the assertion errors give us however, hence the // catch here that basically gather as much as context as reasonable. internalOnMergedRangeTombstoneMarkers(merged, versions); } catch (AssertionError e) { // The following can be pretty verbose, but it's really only triggered if a bug happen, so we'd // rather get more info to debug than not. CFMetaData table = command.metadata(); String details = String.format("Error merging RTs on %s.%s: command=%s, reversed=%b, merged=%s, versions=%s, sources={%s}, responses:%n %s", table.ksName, table.cfName, command.toCQLString(), isReversed, merged == null ? "null" : merged.toString(table), '[' + Joiner.on(", ").join(Iterables.transform(Arrays.asList(versions), rt -> rt == null ? "null" : rt.toString(table))) + ']', Arrays.toString(sources), makeResponsesDebugString()); throw new AssertionError(details, e); } } private String makeResponsesDebugString() { return Joiner.on(",\n") .join(Iterables.transform(getMessages(), m -> m.from + " => " + m.payload.toDebugString(command, partitionKey))); } private void internalOnMergedRangeTombstoneMarkers(RangeTombstoneMarker merged, RangeTombstoneMarker[] versions) { // The current deletion as of dealing with this marker. DeletionTime currentDeletion = currentDeletion(); for (int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) { RangeTombstoneMarker marker = versions[i]; // Update what the source now thinks is the current deletion if (marker != null) sourceDeletionTime[i] = marker.isOpen(isReversed) ? marker.openDeletionTime(isReversed) : null; // If merged == null, some of the source is opening or closing a marker if (merged == null) { // but if it's not this source, move to the next one if (marker == null) continue; // We have a close and/or open marker for a source, with nothing corresponding in merged. // Because merged is a superset, this imply that we have a current deletion (being it due to an // early opening in merged or a partition level deletion) and that this deletion will still be // active after that point. Further whatever deletion was open or is open by this marker on the // source, that deletion cannot supersedes the current one. // // But while the marker deletion (before and/or after this point) cannot supersede the current // deletion, we want to know if it's equal to it (both before and after), because in that case // the source is up to date and we don't want to include repair. // // So in practice we have 2 possible case: // 1) the source was up-to-date on deletion up to that point: then it won't be from that point // on unless it's a boundary and the new opened deletion time is also equal to the current // deletion (note that this implies the boundary has the same closing and opening deletion // time, which should generally not happen, but can due to legacy reading code not avoiding // this for a while, see CASSANDRA-13237). // 2) the source wasn't up-to-date on deletion up to that point and it may now be (if it isn't // we just have nothing to do for that marker). assert !currentDeletion.isLive() : currentDeletion.toString(); // Is the source up to date on deletion? It's up to date if it doesn't have an open RT repair // nor an "active" partition level deletion (where "active" means that it's greater or equal // to the current deletion: if the source has a repaired partition deletion lower than the // current deletion, this means the current deletion is due to a previously open range tombstone, // and if the source isn't currently repaired for that RT, then it means it's up to date on it). DeletionTime partitionRepairDeletion = partitionLevelRepairDeletion(i); if (markerToRepair[i] == null && currentDeletion.supersedes(partitionRepairDeletion)) { /* * Since there is an ongoing merged deletion, the only way we don't have an open repair for * this source is that it had a range open with the same deletion as current marker, * and the marker is closing it. */ assert marker.isClose(isReversed) && currentDeletion.equals(marker.closeDeletionTime(isReversed)) : String.format("currentDeletion=%s, marker=%s", currentDeletion, marker.toString(command.metadata())); // and so unless it's a boundary whose opening deletion time is still equal to the current // deletion (see comment above for why this can actually happen), we have to repair the source // from that point on. if (!(marker.isOpen(isReversed) && currentDeletion.equals(marker.openDeletionTime(isReversed)))) markerToRepair[i] = marker.closeBound(isReversed).invert(); } // In case 2) above, we only have something to do if the source is up-to-date after that point // (which, since the source isn't up-to-date before that point, means we're opening a new deletion // that is equal to the current one). else if (marker.isOpen(isReversed) && currentDeletion.equals(marker.openDeletionTime(isReversed))) { closeOpenMarker(i, marker.openBound(isReversed).invert()); } } else { // We have a change of current deletion in merged (potentially to/from no deletion at all). if (merged.isClose(isReversed)) { // We're closing the merged range. If we're recorded that this should be repaird for the // source, close and add said range to the repair to send. if (markerToRepair[i] != null) closeOpenMarker(i, merged.closeBound(isReversed)); } if (merged.isOpen(isReversed)) { // If we're opening a new merged range (or just switching deletion), then unless the source // is up to date on that deletion (note that we've updated what the source deleteion is // above), we'll have to sent the range to the source. DeletionTime newDeletion = merged.openDeletionTime(isReversed); DeletionTime sourceDeletion = sourceDeletionTime[i]; if (!newDeletion.equals(sourceDeletion)) markerToRepair[i] = merged.openBound(isReversed); } } } if (merged != null) mergedDeletionTime = merged.isOpen(isReversed) ? merged.openDeletionTime(isReversed) : null; } private void closeOpenMarker(int i, ClusteringBound close) { ClusteringBound open = markerToRepair[i]; update(i).add(new RangeTombstone(Slice.make(isReversed ? close : open, isReversed ? open : close), currentDeletion())); markerToRepair[i] = null; } public void close() { for (int i = 0; i < repairs.length; i++) if (null != repairs[i]) sendRepairMutation(repairs[i], sources[i]); } private void sendRepairMutation(PartitionUpdate partition, InetAddress destination) { Mutation mutation = new Mutation(partition); int messagingVersion = MessagingService.instance().getVersion(destination); int mutationSize = (int) Mutation.serializer.serializedSize(mutation, messagingVersion); int maxMutationSize = DatabaseDescriptor.getMaxMutationSize(); if (mutationSize <= maxMutationSize) { Tracing.trace("Sending read-repair-mutation to {}", destination); // use a separate verb here to avoid writing hints on timeouts MessageOut<Mutation> message = mutation.createMessage(MessagingService.Verb.READ_REPAIR); repairResults.add(MessagingService.instance().sendRR(message, destination)); ColumnFamilyStore.metricsFor(command.metadata().cfId).readRepairRequests.mark(); } else if (DROP_OVERSIZED_READ_REPAIR_MUTATIONS) { logger.debug("Encountered an oversized ({}/{}) read repair mutation for table {}.{}, key {}, node {}", mutationSize, maxMutationSize, command.metadata().ksName, command.metadata().cfName, command.metadata().getKeyValidator().getString(partitionKey.getKey()), destination); } else { logger.warn("Encountered an oversized ({}/{}) read repair mutation for table {}.{}, key {}, node {}", mutationSize, maxMutationSize, command.metadata().ksName, command.metadata().cfName, command.metadata().getKeyValidator().getString(partitionKey.getKey()), destination); int blockFor = consistency.blockFor(keyspace); Tracing.trace("Timed out while read-repairing after receiving all {} data and digest responses", blockFor); throw new ReadTimeoutException(consistency, blockFor - 1, blockFor, true); } } } } private UnfilteredPartitionIterator extendWithShortReadProtection(UnfilteredPartitionIterator partitions, InetAddress source, DataLimits.Counter mergedResultCounter) { DataLimits.Counter singleResultCounter = command.limits().newCounter(command.nowInSec(), false, command.selectsFullPartition(), enforceStrictLiveness).onlyCount(); ShortReadPartitionsProtection protection = new ShortReadPartitionsProtection(source, singleResultCounter, mergedResultCounter, queryStartNanoTime); /* * The order of extention and transformations is important here. Extending with more partitions has to happen * first due to the way BaseIterator.hasMoreContents() works: only transformations applied after extension will * be called on the first partition of the extended iterator. * * Additionally, we want singleResultCounter to be applied after SRPP, so that its applyToPartition() method will * be called last, after the extension done by SRRP.applyToPartition() call. That way we preserve the same order * when it comes to calling SRRP.moreContents() and applyToRow() callbacks. * * See ShortReadPartitionsProtection.applyToPartition() for more details. */ // extend with moreContents() only if it's a range read command with no partition key specified if (!command.isLimitedToOnePartition()) partitions = MorePartitions.extend(partitions, protection); // register SRPP.moreContents() partitions = Transformation.apply(partitions, protection); // register SRPP.applyToPartition() partitions = Transformation.apply(partitions, singleResultCounter); // register the per-source counter return partitions; } /* * We have a potential short read if the result from a given node contains the requested number of rows * (i.e. it has stopped returning results due to the limit), but some of them haven't * made it into the final post-reconciliation result due to other nodes' row, range, and/or partition tombstones. * * If that is the case, then that node may have more rows that we should fetch, as otherwise we could * ultimately return fewer rows than required. Also, those additional rows may contain tombstones which * which we also need to fetch as they may shadow rows or partitions from other replicas' results, which we would * otherwise return incorrectly. */ private class ShortReadPartitionsProtection extends Transformation<UnfilteredRowIterator> implements MorePartitions<UnfilteredPartitionIterator> { private final InetAddress source; private final DataLimits.Counter singleResultCounter; // unmerged per-source counter private final DataLimits.Counter mergedResultCounter; // merged end-result counter private DecoratedKey lastPartitionKey; // key of the last observed partition private boolean partitionsFetched; // whether we've seen any new partitions since iteration start or last moreContents() call private final long queryStartNanoTime; private ShortReadPartitionsProtection(InetAddress source, DataLimits.Counter singleResultCounter, DataLimits.Counter mergedResultCounter, long queryStartNanoTime) { this.source = source; this.singleResultCounter = singleResultCounter; this.mergedResultCounter = mergedResultCounter; this.queryStartNanoTime = queryStartNanoTime; } @Override public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator partition) { partitionsFetched = true; lastPartitionKey = partition.partitionKey(); /* * Extend for moreContents() then apply protection to track lastClustering by applyToRow(). * * If we don't apply the transformation *after* extending the partition with MoreRows, * applyToRow() method of protection will not be called on the first row of the new extension iterator. */ ShortReadRowsProtection protection = new ShortReadRowsProtection(partition.metadata(), partition.partitionKey()); return Transformation.apply(MoreRows.extend(partition, protection), protection); } /* * We only get here once all the rows and partitions in this iterator have been iterated over, and so * if the node had returned the requested number of rows but we still get here, then some results were * skipped during reconciliation. */ public UnfilteredPartitionIterator moreContents() { // never try to request additional partitions from replicas if our reconciled partitions are already filled to the limit assert !mergedResultCounter.isDone(); // we do not apply short read protection when we have no limits at all assert !command.limits().isUnlimited(); /* * If this is a single partition read command or an (indexed) partition range read command with * a partition key specified, then we can't and shouldn't try fetch more partitions. */ assert !command.isLimitedToOnePartition(); /* * If the returned result doesn't have enough rows/partitions to satisfy even the original limit, don't ask for more. * * Can only take the short cut if there is no per partition limit set. Otherwise it's possible to hit false * positives due to some rows being uncounted for in certain scenarios (see CASSANDRA-13911). */ if (!singleResultCounter.isDone() && command.limits().perPartitionCount() == DataLimits.NO_LIMIT) return null; /* * Either we had an empty iterator as the initial response, or our moreContents() call got us an empty iterator. * There is no point to ask the replica for more rows - it has no more in the requested range. */ if (!partitionsFetched) return null; partitionsFetched = false; /* * We are going to fetch one partition at a time for thrift and potentially more for CQL. * The row limit will either be set to the per partition limit - if the command has no total row limit set, or * the total # of rows remaining - if it has some. If we don't grab enough rows in some of the partitions, * then future ShortReadRowsProtection.moreContents() calls will fetch the missing ones. */ int toQuery = command.limits().count() != DataLimits.NO_LIMIT ? command.limits().count() - counted(mergedResultCounter) : command.limits().perPartitionCount(); ColumnFamilyStore.metricsFor(command.metadata().cfId).shortReadProtectionRequests.mark(); Tracing.trace("Requesting {} extra rows from {} for short read protection", toQuery, source); PartitionRangeReadCommand cmd = makeFetchAdditionalPartitionReadCommand(toQuery); return executeReadCommand(cmd); } // Counts the number of rows for regular queries and the number of groups for GROUP BY queries private int counted(Counter counter) { return command.limits().isGroupByLimit() ? counter.rowCounted() : counter.counted(); } private PartitionRangeReadCommand makeFetchAdditionalPartitionReadCommand(int toQuery) { PartitionRangeReadCommand cmd = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command; DataLimits newLimits = cmd.limits().forShortReadRetry(toQuery); AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> bounds = cmd.dataRange().keyRange(); AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> newBounds = bounds.inclusiveRight() ? new Range<>(lastPartitionKey, bounds.right) : new ExcludingBounds<>(lastPartitionKey, bounds.right); DataRange newDataRange = cmd.dataRange().forSubRange(newBounds); return cmd.withUpdatedLimitsAndDataRange(newLimits, newDataRange); } private class ShortReadRowsProtection extends Transformation implements MoreRows<UnfilteredRowIterator> { private final CFMetaData metadata; private final DecoratedKey partitionKey; private Clustering lastClustering; // clustering of the last observed row private int lastCounted = 0; // last seen recorded # before attempting to fetch more rows private int lastFetched = 0; // # rows returned by last attempt to get more (or by the original read command) private int lastQueried = 0; // # extra rows requested from the replica last time private ShortReadRowsProtection(CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey partitionKey) { this.metadata = metadata; this.partitionKey = partitionKey; } @Override public Row applyToRow(Row row) { lastClustering = row.clustering(); return row; } /* * We only get here once all the rows in this iterator have been iterated over, and so if the node * had returned the requested number of rows but we still get here, then some results were skipped * during reconciliation. */ public UnfilteredRowIterator moreContents() { // never try to request additional rows from replicas if our reconciled partition is already filled to the limit assert !mergedResultCounter.isDoneForPartition(); // we do not apply short read protection when we have no limits at all assert !command.limits().isUnlimited(); /* * If the returned partition doesn't have enough rows to satisfy even the original limit, don't ask for more. * * Can only take the short cut if there is no per partition limit set. Otherwise it's possible to hit false * positives due to some rows being uncounted for in certain scenarios (see CASSANDRA-13911). */ if (!singleResultCounter.isDoneForPartition() && command.limits().perPartitionCount() == DataLimits.NO_LIMIT) return null; /* * If the replica has no live rows in the partition, don't try to fetch more. * * Note that the previous branch [if (!singleResultCounter.isDoneForPartition()) return null] doesn't * always cover this scenario: * isDoneForPartition() is defined as [isDone() || rowInCurrentPartition >= perPartitionLimit], * and will return true if isDone() returns true, even if there are 0 rows counted in the current partition. * * This can happen with a range read if after 1+ rounds of short read protection requests we managed to fetch * enough extra rows for other partitions to satisfy the singleResultCounter's total row limit, but only * have tombstones in the current partition. * * One other way we can hit this condition is when the partition only has a live static row and no regular * rows. In that scenario the counter will remain at 0 until the partition is closed - which happens after * the moreContents() call. */ if (countedInCurrentPartition(singleResultCounter) == 0) return null; /* * This is a table with no clustering columns, and has at most one row per partition - with EMPTY clustering. * We already have the row, so there is no point in asking for more from the partition. */ if (Clustering.EMPTY == lastClustering) return null; lastFetched = countedInCurrentPartition(singleResultCounter) - lastCounted; lastCounted = countedInCurrentPartition(singleResultCounter); // getting back fewer rows than we asked for means the partition on the replica has been fully consumed if (lastQueried > 0 && lastFetched < lastQueried) return null; /* * At this point we know that: * 1. the replica returned [repeatedly?] as many rows as we asked for and potentially has more * rows in the partition * 2. at least one of those returned rows was shadowed by a tombstone returned from another * replica * 3. we haven't satisfied the client's limits yet, and should attempt to query for more rows to * avoid a short read * * In the ideal scenario, we would get exactly min(a, b) or fewer rows from the next request, where a and b * are defined as follows: * [a] limits.count() - mergedResultCounter.counted() * [b] limits.perPartitionCount() - mergedResultCounter.countedInCurrentPartition() * * It would be naive to query for exactly that many rows, as it's possible and not unlikely * that some of the returned rows would also be shadowed by tombstones from other hosts. * * Note: we don't know, nor do we care, how many rows from the replica made it into the reconciled result; * we can only tell how many in total we queried for, and that [0, mrc.countedInCurrentPartition()) made it. * * In general, our goal should be to minimise the number of extra requests - *not* to minimise the number * of rows fetched: there is a high transactional cost for every individual request, but a relatively low * marginal cost for each extra row requested. * * As such it's better to overfetch than to underfetch extra rows from a host; but at the same * time we want to respect paging limits and not blow up spectacularly. * * Note: it's ok to retrieve more rows that necessary since singleResultCounter is not stopping and only * counts. * * With that in mind, we'll just request the minimum of (count(), perPartitionCount()) limits. * * See CASSANDRA-13794 for more details. */ lastQueried = Math.min(command.limits().count(), command.limits().perPartitionCount()); ColumnFamilyStore.metricsFor(metadata.cfId).shortReadProtectionRequests.mark(); Tracing.trace("Requesting {} extra rows from {} for short read protection", lastQueried, source); SinglePartitionReadCommand cmd = makeFetchAdditionalRowsReadCommand(lastQueried); return UnfilteredPartitionIterators.getOnlyElement(executeReadCommand(cmd), cmd); } // Counts the number of rows for regular queries and the number of groups for GROUP BY queries private int countedInCurrentPartition(Counter counter) { return command.limits().isGroupByLimit() ? counter.rowCountedInCurrentPartition() : counter.countedInCurrentPartition(); } private SinglePartitionReadCommand makeFetchAdditionalRowsReadCommand(int toQuery) { ClusteringIndexFilter filter = command.clusteringIndexFilter(partitionKey); if (null != lastClustering) filter = filter.forPaging(metadata.comparator, lastClustering, false); return SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(command.isForThrift(), command.metadata(), command.nowInSec(), command.columnFilter(), command.rowFilter(), command.limits().forShortReadRetry(toQuery), partitionKey, filter, command.indexMetadata()); } } private UnfilteredPartitionIterator executeReadCommand(ReadCommand cmd) { DataResolver resolver = new DataResolver(keyspace, cmd, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, 1, queryStartNanoTime); ReadCallback handler = new ReadCallback(resolver, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, cmd, Collections.singletonList(source), queryStartNanoTime); if (StorageProxy.canDoLocalRequest(source)) StageManager.getStage(Stage.READ).maybeExecuteImmediately(new StorageProxy.LocalReadRunnable(cmd, handler)); else MessagingService.instance().sendRRWithFailure(cmd.createMessage(MessagingService.current_version), source, handler); // We don't call handler.get() because we want to preserve tombstones since we're still in the middle of merging node results. handler.awaitResults(); assert resolver.responses.size() == 1; return resolver.responses.get(0).payload.makeIterator(command); } } }