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package org.apache.cassandra.locator;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;

This Replication Strategy returns the nodes responsible for a given key but respects rack awareness. It places one replica in a different data center from the first (if there is any such data center), the third replica in a different rack in the first datacenter, and any remaining replicas on the first unused nodes on the ring.
/** * This Replication Strategy returns the nodes responsible for a given * key but respects rack awareness. It places one replica in a * different data center from the first (if there is any such data center), * the third replica in a different rack in the first datacenter, and * any remaining replicas on the first unused nodes on the ring. */
public class OldNetworkTopologyStrategy extends AbstractReplicationStrategy { public OldNetworkTopologyStrategy(String keyspaceName, TokenMetadata tokenMetadata, IEndpointSnitch snitch, Map<String, String> configOptions) { super(keyspaceName, tokenMetadata, snitch, configOptions); } public List<InetAddress> calculateNaturalEndpoints(Token token, TokenMetadata metadata) { int replicas = getReplicationFactor(); List<InetAddress> endpoints = new ArrayList<InetAddress>(replicas); ArrayList<Token> tokens = metadata.sortedTokens(); if (tokens.isEmpty()) return endpoints; Iterator<Token> iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokens, token, false); Token primaryToken = iter.next(); endpoints.add(metadata.getEndpoint(primaryToken)); boolean bDataCenter = false; boolean bOtherRack = false; while (endpoints.size() < replicas && iter.hasNext()) { // First try to find one in a different data center Token t = iter.next(); if (!snitch.getDatacenter(metadata.getEndpoint(primaryToken)).equals(snitch.getDatacenter(metadata.getEndpoint(t)))) { // If we have already found something in a diff datacenter no need to find another if (!bDataCenter) { endpoints.add(metadata.getEndpoint(t)); bDataCenter = true; } continue; } // Now try to find one on a different rack if (!snitch.getRack(metadata.getEndpoint(primaryToken)).equals(snitch.getRack(metadata.getEndpoint(t))) && snitch.getDatacenter(metadata.getEndpoint(primaryToken)).equals(snitch.getDatacenter(metadata.getEndpoint(t)))) { // If we have already found something in a diff rack no need to find another if (!bOtherRack) { endpoints.add(metadata.getEndpoint(t)); bOtherRack = true; } } } // If we found N number of nodes we are good. This loop wil just exit. Otherwise just // loop through the list and add until we have N nodes. if (endpoints.size() < replicas) { iter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokens, token, false); while (endpoints.size() < replicas && iter.hasNext()) { Token t = iter.next(); if (!endpoints.contains(metadata.getEndpoint(t))) endpoints.add(metadata.getEndpoint(t)); } } return endpoints; } public int getReplicationFactor() { return Integer.parseInt(this.configOptions.get("replication_factor")); } public void validateOptions() throws ConfigurationException { if (configOptions == null || configOptions.get("replication_factor") == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("SimpleStrategy requires a replication_factor strategy option."); } validateReplicationFactor(configOptions.get("replication_factor")); } public Collection<String> recognizedOptions() { return Collections.<String>singleton("replication_factor"); } }