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package org.apache.cassandra.locator;

import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.TokenMetadata.Topology;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;

This Replication Strategy takes a property file that gives the intended replication factor in each datacenter. The sum total of the datacenter replication factor values should be equal to the keyspace replication factor.

So for example, if the keyspace replication factor is 6, the datacenter replication factors could be 3, 2, and 1 - so 3 replicas in one datacenter, 2 in another, and 1 in another - totalling 6.

This class also caches the Endpoints and invalidates the cache if there is a change in the number of tokens.
/** * <p> * This Replication Strategy takes a property file that gives the intended * replication factor in each datacenter. The sum total of the datacenter * replication factor values should be equal to the keyspace replication * factor. * </p> * <p> * So for example, if the keyspace replication factor is 6, the * datacenter replication factors could be 3, 2, and 1 - so 3 replicas in * one datacenter, 2 in another, and 1 in another - totalling 6. * </p> * This class also caches the Endpoints and invalidates the cache if there is a * change in the number of tokens. */
public class NetworkTopologyStrategy extends AbstractReplicationStrategy { private final Map<String, Integer> datacenters; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NetworkTopologyStrategy.class); public NetworkTopologyStrategy(String keyspaceName, TokenMetadata tokenMetadata, IEndpointSnitch snitch, Map<String, String> configOptions) throws ConfigurationException { super(keyspaceName, tokenMetadata, snitch, configOptions); Map<String, Integer> newDatacenters = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); if (configOptions != null) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : configOptions.entrySet()) { String dc = entry.getKey(); if (dc.equalsIgnoreCase("replication_factor")) throw new ConfigurationException("replication_factor is an option for SimpleStrategy, not NetworkTopologyStrategy"); Integer replicas = Integer.valueOf(entry.getValue()); newDatacenters.put(dc, replicas); } } datacenters = Collections.unmodifiableMap(newDatacenters); logger.trace("Configured datacenter replicas are {}", FBUtilities.toString(datacenters)); }
Endpoint adder applying the replication rules for a given DC.
/** * Endpoint adder applying the replication rules for a given DC. */
private static final class DatacenterEndpoints {
List accepted endpoints get pushed into.
/** List accepted endpoints get pushed into. */
Set<InetAddress> endpoints;
Racks encountered so far. Replicas are put into separate racks while possible. For efficiency the set is shared between the instances, using the location pair (dc, rack) to make sure clashing names aren't a problem.
/** * Racks encountered so far. Replicas are put into separate racks while possible. * For efficiency the set is shared between the instances, using the location pair (dc, rack) to make sure * clashing names aren't a problem. */
Set<Pair<String, String>> racks;
Number of replicas left to fill from this DC.
/** Number of replicas left to fill from this DC. */
int rfLeft; int acceptableRackRepeats; DatacenterEndpoints(int rf, int rackCount, int nodeCount, Set<InetAddress> endpoints, Set<Pair<String, String>> racks) { this.endpoints = endpoints; this.racks = racks; // If there aren't enough nodes in this DC to fill the RF, the number of nodes is the effective RF. this.rfLeft = Math.min(rf, nodeCount); // If there aren't enough racks in this DC to fill the RF, we'll still use at least one node from each rack, // and the difference is to be filled by the first encountered nodes. acceptableRackRepeats = rf - rackCount; }
Attempts to add an endpoint to the replicas for this datacenter, adding to the endpoints set if successful. Returns true if the endpoint was added, and this datacenter does not require further replicas.
/** * Attempts to add an endpoint to the replicas for this datacenter, adding to the endpoints set if successful. * Returns true if the endpoint was added, and this datacenter does not require further replicas. */
boolean addEndpointAndCheckIfDone(InetAddress ep, Pair<String,String> location) { if (done()) return false; if (racks.add(location)) { // New rack. --rfLeft; boolean added = endpoints.add(ep); assert added; return done(); } if (acceptableRackRepeats <= 0) // There must be rfLeft distinct racks left, do not add any more rack repeats. return false; if (!endpoints.add(ep)) // Cannot repeat a node. return false; // Added a node that is from an already met rack to match RF when there aren't enough racks. --acceptableRackRepeats; --rfLeft; return done(); } boolean done() { assert rfLeft >= 0; return rfLeft == 0; } }
calculate endpoints in one pass through the tokens by tracking our progress in each DC.
/** * calculate endpoints in one pass through the tokens by tracking our progress in each DC. */
public List<InetAddress> calculateNaturalEndpoints(Token searchToken, TokenMetadata tokenMetadata) { // we want to preserve insertion order so that the first added endpoint becomes primary Set<InetAddress> replicas = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<Pair<String, String>> seenRacks = new HashSet<>(); Topology topology = tokenMetadata.getTopology(); // all endpoints in each DC, so we can check when we have exhausted all the members of a DC Multimap<String, InetAddress> allEndpoints = topology.getDatacenterEndpoints(); // all racks in a DC so we can check when we have exhausted all racks in a DC Map<String, ImmutableMultimap<String, InetAddress>> racks = topology.getDatacenterRacks(); assert !allEndpoints.isEmpty() && !racks.isEmpty() : "not aware of any cluster members"; int dcsToFill = 0; Map<String, DatacenterEndpoints> dcs = new HashMap<>(datacenters.size() * 2); // Create a DatacenterEndpoints object for each non-empty DC. for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> en : datacenters.entrySet()) { String dc = en.getKey(); int rf = en.getValue(); int nodeCount = sizeOrZero(allEndpoints.get(dc)); if (rf <= 0 || nodeCount <= 0) continue; DatacenterEndpoints dcEndpoints = new DatacenterEndpoints(rf, sizeOrZero(racks.get(dc)), nodeCount, replicas, seenRacks); dcs.put(dc, dcEndpoints); ++dcsToFill; } Iterator<Token> tokenIter = TokenMetadata.ringIterator(tokenMetadata.sortedTokens(), searchToken, false); while (dcsToFill > 0 && tokenIter.hasNext()) { Token next = tokenIter.next(); InetAddress ep = tokenMetadata.getEndpoint(next); Pair<String, String> location = topology.getLocation(ep); DatacenterEndpoints dcEndpoints = dcs.get(location.left); if (dcEndpoints != null && dcEndpoints.addEndpointAndCheckIfDone(ep, location)) --dcsToFill; } return new ArrayList<>(replicas); } private int sizeOrZero(Multimap<?, ?> collection) { return collection != null ? collection.asMap().size() : 0; } private int sizeOrZero(Collection<?> collection) { return collection != null ? collection.size() : 0; } public int getReplicationFactor() { int total = 0; for (int repFactor : datacenters.values()) total += repFactor; return total; } public int getReplicationFactor(String dc) { Integer replicas = datacenters.get(dc); return replicas == null ? 0 : replicas; } public Set<String> getDatacenters() { return datacenters.keySet(); } public void validateOptions() throws ConfigurationException { for (Entry<String, String> e : this.configOptions.entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase("replication_factor")) throw new ConfigurationException("replication_factor is an option for SimpleStrategy, not NetworkTopologyStrategy"); validateReplicationFactor(e.getValue()); } } @Override public boolean hasSameSettings(AbstractReplicationStrategy other) { return super.hasSameSettings(other) && ((NetworkTopologyStrategy) other).datacenters.equals(datacenters); } }