 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.hints;

import java.io.File;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.ScheduledExecutors;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ParameterizedClass;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.FailureDetector;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.IFailureDetector;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.HintedHandoffMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.StorageMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MBeanWrapper;

import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.filter;
import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.transform;
import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.size;

A singleton-ish wrapper over various hints components: - a catalog of all hints stores - a single-threaded write executor - a multi-threaded dispatch executor - the buffer pool for writing hints into The front-end for everything hints related.
/** * A singleton-ish wrapper over various hints components: * - a catalog of all hints stores * - a single-threaded write executor * - a multi-threaded dispatch executor * - the buffer pool for writing hints into * * The front-end for everything hints related. */
public final class HintsService implements HintsServiceMBean { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HintsService.class); public static HintsService instance = new HintsService(); private static final String MBEAN_NAME = "org.apache.cassandra.hints:type=HintsService"; private static final int MIN_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 << 20; static final ImmutableMap<String, Object> EMPTY_PARAMS = ImmutableMap.of(); private final HintsCatalog catalog; private final HintsWriteExecutor writeExecutor; private final HintsBufferPool bufferPool; private final HintsDispatchExecutor dispatchExecutor; private final AtomicBoolean isDispatchPaused; private volatile boolean isShutDown = false; private final ScheduledFuture triggerFlushingFuture; private volatile ScheduledFuture triggerDispatchFuture; public final HintedHandoffMetrics metrics; private HintsService() { this(FailureDetector.instance); } @VisibleForTesting HintsService(IFailureDetector failureDetector) { File hintsDirectory = DatabaseDescriptor.getHintsDirectory(); int maxDeliveryThreads = DatabaseDescriptor.getMaxHintsDeliveryThreads(); catalog = HintsCatalog.load(hintsDirectory, createDescriptorParams()); writeExecutor = new HintsWriteExecutor(catalog); int bufferSize = Math.max(DatabaseDescriptor.getMaxMutationSize() * 2, MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); bufferPool = new HintsBufferPool(bufferSize, writeExecutor::flushBuffer); isDispatchPaused = new AtomicBoolean(true); dispatchExecutor = new HintsDispatchExecutor(hintsDirectory, maxDeliveryThreads, isDispatchPaused, failureDetector::isAlive); // periodically empty the current content of the buffers int flushPeriod = DatabaseDescriptor.getHintsFlushPeriodInMS(); triggerFlushingFuture = ScheduledExecutors.optionalTasks.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> writeExecutor.flushBufferPool(bufferPool), flushPeriod, flushPeriod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); metrics = new HintedHandoffMetrics(); } private static ImmutableMap<String, Object> createDescriptorParams() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); ParameterizedClass compressionConfig = DatabaseDescriptor.getHintsCompression(); if (compressionConfig != null) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> compressorParams = ImmutableMap.builder(); compressorParams.put(ParameterizedClass.CLASS_NAME, compressionConfig.class_name); if (compressionConfig.parameters != null) { compressorParams.put(ParameterizedClass.PARAMETERS, compressionConfig.parameters); } builder.put(HintsDescriptor.COMPRESSION, compressorParams.build()); } return builder.build(); } public void registerMBean() { MBeanWrapper.instance.registerMBean(this, MBEAN_NAME); }
Write a hint for a iterable of nodes.
  • hostIds – host ids of the hint's target nodes
  • hint – the hint to store
/** * Write a hint for a iterable of nodes. * * @param hostIds host ids of the hint's target nodes * @param hint the hint to store */
public void write(Iterable<UUID> hostIds, Hint hint) { if (isShutDown) throw new IllegalStateException("HintsService is shut down and can't accept new hints"); // we have to make sure that the HintsStore instances get properly initialized - otherwise dispatch will not trigger catalog.maybeLoadStores(hostIds); bufferPool.write(hostIds, hint); StorageMetrics.totalHints.inc(size(hostIds)); }
Write a hint for a single node.
  • hostId – host id of the hint's target node
  • hint – the hint to store
/** * Write a hint for a single node. * * @param hostId host id of the hint's target node * @param hint the hint to store */
public void write(UUID hostId, Hint hint) { write(Collections.singleton(hostId), hint); }
Write a hint for all replicas. Used to re-dispatch hints whose destination is either missing or no longer correct.
/** * Write a hint for all replicas. Used to re-dispatch hints whose destination is either missing or no longer correct. */
void writeForAllReplicas(Hint hint) { String keyspaceName = hint.mutation.getKeyspaceName(); Token token = hint.mutation.key().getToken(); Iterable<UUID> hostIds = transform(filter(StorageService.instance.getNaturalAndPendingEndpoints(keyspaceName, token), StorageProxy::shouldHint), StorageService.instance::getHostIdForEndpoint); write(hostIds, hint); }
Flush the buffer pool for the selected target nodes, then fsync their writers.
  • hostIds – host ids of the nodes to flush and fsync hints for
/** * Flush the buffer pool for the selected target nodes, then fsync their writers. * * @param hostIds host ids of the nodes to flush and fsync hints for */
public void flushAndFsyncBlockingly(Iterable<UUID> hostIds) { Iterable<HintsStore> stores = transform(hostIds, catalog::get); writeExecutor.flushBufferPool(bufferPool, stores); writeExecutor.fsyncWritersBlockingly(stores); } public synchronized void startDispatch() { if (isShutDown) throw new IllegalStateException("HintsService is shut down and cannot be restarted"); isDispatchPaused.set(false); HintsDispatchTrigger trigger = new HintsDispatchTrigger(catalog, writeExecutor, dispatchExecutor, isDispatchPaused); // triggering hint dispatch is now very cheap, so we can do it more often - every 10 seconds vs. every 10 minutes, // previously; this reduces mean time to delivery, and positively affects batchlog delivery latencies, too triggerDispatchFuture = ScheduledExecutors.scheduledTasks.scheduleWithFixedDelay(trigger, 10, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public void pauseDispatch() { logger.info("Paused hints dispatch"); isDispatchPaused.set(true); } public void resumeDispatch() { logger.info("Resumed hints dispatch"); isDispatchPaused.set(false); }
Gracefully and blockingly shut down the service. Will abort dispatch sessions that are currently in progress (which is okay, it's idempotent), and make sure the buffers are flushed, hints files written and fsynced.
/** * Gracefully and blockingly shut down the service. * * Will abort dispatch sessions that are currently in progress (which is okay, it's idempotent), * and make sure the buffers are flushed, hints files written and fsynced. */
public synchronized void shutdownBlocking() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { if (isShutDown) throw new IllegalStateException("HintsService has already been shut down"); isShutDown = true; if (triggerDispatchFuture != null) triggerDispatchFuture.cancel(false); pauseDispatch(); triggerFlushingFuture.cancel(false); writeExecutor.flushBufferPool(bufferPool).get(); writeExecutor.closeAllWriters().get(); dispatchExecutor.shutdownBlocking(); writeExecutor.shutdownBlocking(); bufferPool.close(); }
Deletes all hints for all destinations. Doesn't make snapshots - should be used with care.
/** * Deletes all hints for all destinations. Doesn't make snapshots - should be used with care. */
public void deleteAllHints() { catalog.deleteAllHints(); }
Deletes all hints for the provided destination. Doesn't make snapshots - should be used with care.
  • address – inet address of the target node - encoded as a string for easier JMX consumption
/** * Deletes all hints for the provided destination. Doesn't make snapshots - should be used with care. * * @param address inet address of the target node - encoded as a string for easier JMX consumption */
public void deleteAllHintsForEndpoint(String address) { InetAddress target; try { target = InetAddress.getByName(address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } deleteAllHintsForEndpoint(target); }
Deletes all hints for the provided destination. Doesn't make snapshots - should be used with care.
  • target – inet address of the target node
/** * Deletes all hints for the provided destination. Doesn't make snapshots - should be used with care. * * @param target inet address of the target node */
public void deleteAllHintsForEndpoint(InetAddress target) { UUID hostId = StorageService.instance.getHostIdForEndpoint(target); if (hostId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't delete hints for unknown address " + target); catalog.deleteAllHints(hostId); }
Cleans up hints-related state after a node with id = hostId left. Dispatcher can not stop itself (isHostAlive() can not start returning false for the leaving host because this method is called by the same thread as gossip, which blocks gossip), so we can't simply wait for completion. We should also flush the buffer if there are any hints for the node there, and close the writer (if any), so that we don't leave any hint files lying around. Once that is done, we can simply delete all hint files and remove the host id from the catalog. The worst that can happen if we don't get everything right is a hints file (or two) remaining undeleted.
  • hostId – id of the node being excised
/** * Cleans up hints-related state after a node with id = hostId left. * * Dispatcher can not stop itself (isHostAlive() can not start returning false for the leaving host because this * method is called by the same thread as gossip, which blocks gossip), so we can't simply wait for * completion. * * We should also flush the buffer if there are any hints for the node there, and close the writer (if any), * so that we don't leave any hint files lying around. * * Once that is done, we can simply delete all hint files and remove the host id from the catalog. * * The worst that can happen if we don't get everything right is a hints file (or two) remaining undeleted. * * @param hostId id of the node being excised */
public void excise(UUID hostId) { HintsStore store = catalog.getNullable(hostId); if (store == null) return; // flush the buffer and then close the writer for the excised host id, to make sure that no new files will appear // for this host id after we are done Future flushFuture = writeExecutor.flushBufferPool(bufferPool, Collections.singleton(store)); Future closeFuture = writeExecutor.closeWriter(store); try { flushFuture.get(); closeFuture.get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // interrupt the current dispatch session to end (if any), so that the currently dispatched file gets removed dispatchExecutor.interruptDispatch(store.hostId); // delete all the hints files and remove the HintsStore instance from the map in the catalog catalog.exciseStore(hostId); }
Transfer all local hints to the hostId supplied by hostIdSupplier Flushes the buffer to make sure all hints are on disk and closes the hint writers so we don't leave any hint files around. After that, we serially dispatch all the hints in the HintsCatalog. If we fail delivering all hints, we will ask the hostIdSupplier for a new target host and retry delivering any remaining hints there, once, with a delay of 10 seconds before retrying.
  • hostIdSupplier – supplier of stream target host ids. This is generally the closest one according to the DynamicSnitch
Returns:When this future is done, it either has streamed all hints to remote nodes or has failed with a proper log message
/** * Transfer all local hints to the hostId supplied by hostIdSupplier * * Flushes the buffer to make sure all hints are on disk and closes the hint writers * so we don't leave any hint files around. * * After that, we serially dispatch all the hints in the HintsCatalog. * * If we fail delivering all hints, we will ask the hostIdSupplier for a new target host * and retry delivering any remaining hints there, once, with a delay of 10 seconds before retrying. * * @param hostIdSupplier supplier of stream target host ids. This is generally * the closest one according to the DynamicSnitch * @return When this future is done, it either has streamed all hints to remote nodes or has failed with a proper * log message */
public Future transferHints(Supplier<UUID> hostIdSupplier) { Future flushFuture = writeExecutor.flushBufferPool(bufferPool); Future closeFuture = writeExecutor.closeAllWriters(); try { flushFuture.get(); closeFuture.get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // unpause dispatch, or else transfer() will return immediately resumeDispatch(); // wait for the current dispatch session to end catalog.stores().forEach(dispatchExecutor::completeDispatchBlockingly); return dispatchExecutor.transfer(catalog, hostIdSupplier); } HintsCatalog getCatalog() { return catalog; }
Returns true in case service is shut down.
/** * Returns true in case service is shut down. */
public boolean isShutDown() { return isShutDown; } }