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package org.apache.cassandra.hints;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.UnknownColumnFamilyException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.FSReadError;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.AbstractIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.NativeLibrary;

A paged non-compressed hints reader that provides two iterators: - a 'raw' ByteBuffer iterator that doesn't deserialize the hints, but returns the pre-encoded hints verbatim - a decoded iterator, that deserializes the underlying bytes into Hint instances. The former is an optimisation for when the messaging version of the file matches the messaging version of the destination node. Extra decoding and reencoding is a waste of effort in this scenario, so we avoid it. The latter is required for dispatch of hints to nodes that have a different messaging version, and in general is just an easy way to enable backward and future compatibilty.
/** * A paged non-compressed hints reader that provides two iterators: * - a 'raw' ByteBuffer iterator that doesn't deserialize the hints, but returns the pre-encoded hints verbatim * - a decoded iterator, that deserializes the underlying bytes into {@link Hint} instances. * * The former is an optimisation for when the messaging version of the file matches the messaging version of the destination * node. Extra decoding and reencoding is a waste of effort in this scenario, so we avoid it. * * The latter is required for dispatch of hints to nodes that have a different messaging version, and in general is just an * easy way to enable backward and future compatibilty. */
class HintsReader implements AutoCloseable, Iterable<HintsReader.Page> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HintsReader.class); // don't read more than 512 KB of hints at a time. private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 512 << 10; private final HintsDescriptor descriptor; private final File file; private final ChecksummedDataInput input; // we pass the RateLimiter into HintsReader itself because it's cheaper to calculate the size before the hint is deserialized @Nullable private final RateLimiter rateLimiter; protected HintsReader(HintsDescriptor descriptor, File file, ChecksummedDataInput reader, RateLimiter rateLimiter) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.file = file; this.input = reader; this.rateLimiter = rateLimiter; } @SuppressWarnings("resource") // HintsReader owns input static HintsReader open(File file, RateLimiter rateLimiter) { ChecksummedDataInput reader = ChecksummedDataInput.open(file); try { HintsDescriptor descriptor = HintsDescriptor.deserialize(reader); if (descriptor.isCompressed()) { // since the hints descriptor is always uncompressed, it needs to be read with the normal ChecksummedDataInput. // The compressed input is instantiated with the uncompressed input's position reader = CompressedChecksummedDataInput.upgradeInput(reader, descriptor.createCompressor()); } else if (descriptor.isEncrypted()) reader = EncryptedChecksummedDataInput.upgradeInput(reader, descriptor.getCipher(), descriptor.createCompressor()); return new HintsReader(descriptor, file, reader, rateLimiter); } catch (IOException e) { reader.close(); throw new FSReadError(e, file); } } static HintsReader open(File file) { return open(file, null); } public void close() { input.close(); } public HintsDescriptor descriptor() { return descriptor; } void seek(InputPosition newPosition) { input.seek(newPosition); } public Iterator<Page> iterator() { return new PagesIterator(); } public ChecksummedDataInput getInput() { return input; } final class Page { public final InputPosition position; private Page(InputPosition inputPosition) { this.position = inputPosition; } Iterator<Hint> hintsIterator() { return new HintsIterator(position); } Iterator<ByteBuffer> buffersIterator() { return new BuffersIterator(position); } } final class PagesIterator extends AbstractIterator<Page> { @SuppressWarnings("resource") protected Page computeNext() { input.tryUncacheRead(); if (input.isEOF()) return endOfData(); return new Page(input.getSeekPosition()); } }
A decoding iterator that deserializes the hints as it goes.
/** * A decoding iterator that deserializes the hints as it goes. */
final class HintsIterator extends AbstractIterator<Hint> { private final InputPosition offset; HintsIterator(InputPosition offset) { super(); this.offset = offset; } protected Hint computeNext() { Hint hint; do { InputPosition position = input.getSeekPosition(); if (input.isEOF()) return endOfData(); // reached EOF if (position.subtract(offset) >= PAGE_SIZE) return endOfData(); // read page size or more bytes try { hint = computeNextInternal(); } catch (EOFException e) { logger.warn("Unexpected EOF replaying hints ({}), likely due to unflushed hint file on shutdown; continuing", descriptor.fileName(), e); return endOfData(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FSReadError(e, file); } } while (hint == null); return hint; } private Hint computeNextInternal() throws IOException { input.resetCrc(); input.resetLimit(); int size = input.readInt(); // if we cannot corroborate the size via crc, then we cannot safely skip this hint if (!input.checkCrc()) throw new IOException("Digest mismatch exception"); return readHint(size); } private Hint readHint(int size) throws IOException { if (rateLimiter != null) rateLimiter.acquire(size); input.limit(size); Hint hint; try { hint = Hint.serializer.deserialize(input, descriptor.messagingVersion()); input.checkLimit(0); } catch (UnknownColumnFamilyException e) { logger.warn("Failed to read a hint for {}: {} - table with id {} is unknown in file {}", StorageService.instance.getEndpointForHostId(descriptor.hostId), descriptor.hostId, e.cfId, descriptor.fileName()); input.skipBytes(Ints.checkedCast(size - input.bytesPastLimit())); hint = null; // set the return value to null and let following code to update/check the CRC } if (input.checkCrc()) return hint; // log a warning and skip the corrupted entry logger.warn("Failed to read a hint for {}: {} - digest mismatch for hint at position {} in file {}", StorageService.instance.getEndpointForHostId(descriptor.hostId), descriptor.hostId, input.getPosition() - size - 4, descriptor.fileName()); return null; } }
A verbatim iterator that simply returns the underlying ByteBuffers.
/** * A verbatim iterator that simply returns the underlying ByteBuffers. */
final class BuffersIterator extends AbstractIterator<ByteBuffer> { private final InputPosition offset; BuffersIterator(InputPosition offset) { super(); this.offset = offset; } protected ByteBuffer computeNext() { ByteBuffer buffer; do { InputPosition position = input.getSeekPosition(); if (input.isEOF()) return endOfData(); // reached EOF if (position.subtract(offset) >= PAGE_SIZE) return endOfData(); // read page size or more bytes try { buffer = computeNextInternal(); } catch (EOFException e) { logger.warn("Unexpected EOF replaying hints ({}), likely due to unflushed hint file on shutdown; continuing", descriptor.fileName(), e); return endOfData(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FSReadError(e, file); } } while (buffer == null); return buffer; } private ByteBuffer computeNextInternal() throws IOException { input.resetCrc(); input.resetLimit(); int size = input.readInt(); // if we cannot corroborate the size via crc, then we cannot safely skip this hint if (!input.checkCrc()) throw new IOException("Digest mismatch exception"); return readBuffer(size); } private ByteBuffer readBuffer(int size) throws IOException { if (rateLimiter != null) rateLimiter.acquire(size); input.limit(size); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBufferUtil.read(input, size); if (input.checkCrc()) return buffer; // log a warning and skip the corrupted entry logger.warn("Failed to read a hint for {} - digest mismatch for hint at position {} in file {}", descriptor.hostId, input.getPosition() - size - 4, descriptor.fileName()); return null; } } }