 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.View;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.BaseRowIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.RTBoundValidator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.Transformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Bounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.RequestExecutionException;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.Index;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReadsListener;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.TableMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessageOut;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientState;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.pager.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ThriftResultsMerger;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;

A read command that selects a (part of a) range of partitions.
/** * A read command that selects a (part of a) range of partitions. */
public class PartitionRangeReadCommand extends ReadCommand { protected static final SelectionDeserializer selectionDeserializer = new Deserializer(); private final DataRange dataRange; private int oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private PartitionRangeReadCommand(boolean isDigest, int digestVersion, boolean isForThrift, CFMetaData metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter, RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, DataRange dataRange, IndexMetadata index) { super(Kind.PARTITION_RANGE, isDigest, digestVersion, isForThrift, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, index); this.dataRange = dataRange; } public static PartitionRangeReadCommand create(boolean isForThrift, CFMetaData metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter, RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, DataRange dataRange) { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(false, 0, isForThrift, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, dataRange, findIndex(metadata, rowFilter)); }
Creates a new read command that query all the data in the table.
  • metadata – the table to query.
  • nowInSec – the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query.
Returns:a newly created read command that queries everything in the table.
/** * Creates a new read command that query all the data in the table. * * @param metadata the table to query. * @param nowInSec the time in seconds to use are "now" for this query. * * @return a newly created read command that queries everything in the table. */
public static PartitionRangeReadCommand allDataRead(CFMetaData metadata, int nowInSec) { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(false, 0, false, metadata, nowInSec, ColumnFilter.all(metadata), RowFilter.NONE, DataLimits.NONE, DataRange.allData(metadata.partitioner), null); } public DataRange dataRange() { return dataRange; } public ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter(DecoratedKey key) { return dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(key); } public boolean isNamesQuery() { return dataRange.isNamesQuery(); }
Returns an equivalent command but that only queries data within the provided range.
  • range – the sub-range to restrict the command to. This method assumes that this is a proper sub-range of the command this is applied to.
  • isRangeContinuation – whether range is a direct continuation of whatever previous range we have queried. This matters for the DataLimits that may contain states when we do paging and in the context of parallel queries: that state only make sense if the range queried is indeed the follow-up of whatever range we've previously query (that yield said state). In practice this means that ranges for which isRangeContinuation is false may have to be slightly pessimistic when counting data and may include a little bit than necessary, and this should be dealt with post-query (in the case of StorageProxy.getRangeSlice(), which uses this method for replica queries, this is dealt with by re-counting results on the coordinator). Note that if this is the first range we queried, then the DataLimits will have not state and the value of this parameter doesn't matter.
/** * Returns an equivalent command but that only queries data within the provided range. * * @param range the sub-range to restrict the command to. This method <b>assumes</b> that this is a proper sub-range * of the command this is applied to. * @param isRangeContinuation whether {@code range} is a direct continuation of whatever previous range we have * queried. This matters for the {@code DataLimits} that may contain states when we do paging and in the context of * parallel queries: that state only make sense if the range queried is indeed the follow-up of whatever range we've * previously query (that yield said state). In practice this means that ranges for which {@code isRangeContinuation} * is false may have to be slightly pessimistic when counting data and may include a little bit than necessary, and * this should be dealt with post-query (in the case of {@code StorageProxy.getRangeSlice()}, which uses this method * for replica queries, this is dealt with by re-counting results on the coordinator). Note that if this is the * first range we queried, then the {@code DataLimits} will have not state and the value of this parameter doesn't * matter. */
public PartitionRangeReadCommand forSubRange(AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> range, boolean isRangeContinuation) { // If we're not a continuation of whatever range we've previously queried, we should ignore the states of the // DataLimits as it's either useless, or misleading. This is particularly important for GROUP BY queries, where // DataLimits.CQLGroupByLimits.GroupByAwareCounter assumes that if GroupingState.hasClustering(), then we're in // the middle of a group, but we can't make that assumption if we query and range "in advance" of where we are // on the ring. return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), isForThrift(), metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), isRangeContinuation ? limits() : limits().withoutState(), dataRange().forSubRange(range), indexMetadata()); } public PartitionRangeReadCommand copy() { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), isForThrift(), metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(), dataRange(), indexMetadata()); } public PartitionRangeReadCommand copyAsDigestQuery() { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(true, digestVersion(), isForThrift(), metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(), dataRange(), indexMetadata()); } public ReadCommand withUpdatedLimit(DataLimits newLimits) { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), isForThrift(), metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), newLimits, dataRange(), indexMetadata()); } public PartitionRangeReadCommand withUpdatedDataRange(DataRange newDataRange) { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), isForThrift(), metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(), newDataRange, indexMetadata()); } public PartitionRangeReadCommand withUpdatedLimitsAndDataRange(DataLimits newLimits, DataRange newDataRange) { return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(isDigestQuery(), digestVersion(), isForThrift(), metadata(), nowInSec(), columnFilter(), rowFilter(), newLimits, newDataRange, indexMetadata()); } public long getTimeout() { return DatabaseDescriptor.getRangeRpcTimeout(); } public boolean selectsKey(DecoratedKey key) { if (!dataRange().contains(key)) return false; return rowFilter().partitionKeyRestrictionsAreSatisfiedBy(key, metadata().getKeyValidator()); } public boolean selectsClustering(DecoratedKey key, Clustering clustering) { if (clustering == Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING) return !columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty(); if (!dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter(key).selects(clustering)) return false; return rowFilter().clusteringKeyRestrictionsAreSatisfiedBy(clustering); } public PartitionIterator execute(ConsistencyLevel consistency, ClientState clientState, long queryStartNanoTime) throws RequestExecutionException { return StorageProxy.getRangeSlice(this, consistency, queryStartNanoTime); } public QueryPager getPager(PagingState pagingState, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { return new PartitionRangeQueryPager(this, pagingState, protocolVersion); } protected void recordLatency(TableMetrics metric, long latencyNanos) { metric.rangeLatency.addNano(latencyNanos); } @VisibleForTesting public UnfilteredPartitionIterator queryStorage(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadExecutionController executionController) { ColumnFamilyStore.ViewFragment view = cfs.select(View.selectLive(dataRange().keyRange())); Tracing.trace("Executing seq scan across {} sstables for {}", view.sstables.size(), dataRange().keyRange().getString(metadata().getKeyValidator())); // fetch data from current memtable, historical memtables, and SSTables in the correct order. final List<UnfilteredPartitionIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<>(Iterables.size(view.memtables) + view.sstables.size()); try { for (Memtable memtable : view.memtables) { @SuppressWarnings("resource") // We close on exception and on closing the result returned by this method Memtable.MemtableUnfilteredPartitionIterator iter = memtable.makePartitionIterator(columnFilter(), dataRange(), isForThrift()); @SuppressWarnings("resource") // We close on exception and on closing the result returned by this method UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = isForThrift() ? ThriftResultsMerger.maybeWrap(iter, metadata(), nowInSec()) : iter; iterators.add(RTBoundValidator.validate(iterator, RTBoundValidator.Stage.MEMTABLE, false)); oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Math.min(oldestUnrepairedTombstone, iter.getMinLocalDeletionTime()); } SSTableReadsListener readCountUpdater = newReadCountUpdater(); for (SSTableReader sstable : view.sstables) { @SuppressWarnings("resource") // We close on exception and on closing the result returned by this method UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter = sstable.getScanner(columnFilter(), dataRange(), isForThrift(), readCountUpdater); if (isForThrift()) iter = ThriftResultsMerger.maybeWrap(iter, metadata(), nowInSec()); iterators.add(RTBoundValidator.validate(iter, RTBoundValidator.Stage.SSTABLE, false)); if (!sstable.isRepaired()) oldestUnrepairedTombstone = Math.min(oldestUnrepairedTombstone, sstable.getMinLocalDeletionTime()); } // iterators can be empty for offline tools return iterators.isEmpty() ? EmptyIterators.unfilteredPartition(metadata(), isForThrift()) : checkCacheFilter(UnfilteredPartitionIterators.mergeLazily(iterators, nowInSec()), cfs); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { try { FBUtilities.closeAll(iterators); } catch (Exception suppressed) { e.addSuppressed(suppressed); } throw e; } }
Creates a new SSTableReadsListener to update the SSTables read counts.
Returns:a new SSTableReadsListener to update the SSTables read counts.
/** * Creates a new {@code SSTableReadsListener} to update the SSTables read counts. * @return a new {@code SSTableReadsListener} to update the SSTables read counts. */
private static SSTableReadsListener newReadCountUpdater() { return new SSTableReadsListener() { @Override public void onScanningStarted(SSTableReader sstable) { sstable.incrementReadCount(); } }; } @Override protected int oldestUnrepairedTombstone() { return oldestUnrepairedTombstone; } private UnfilteredPartitionIterator checkCacheFilter(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, final ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { class CacheFilter extends Transformation { @Override public BaseRowIterator applyToPartition(BaseRowIterator iter) { // Note that we rely on the fact that until we actually advance 'iter', no really costly operation is actually done // (except for reading the partition key from the index file) due to the call to mergeLazily in queryStorage. DecoratedKey dk = iter.partitionKey(); // Check if this partition is in the rowCache and if it is, if it covers our filter CachedPartition cached = cfs.getRawCachedPartition(dk); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter(dk); if (cached != null && cfs.isFilterFullyCoveredBy(filter, limits(), cached, nowInSec())) { // We won't use 'iter' so close it now. iter.close(); return filter.getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter(), cached); } return iter; } } return Transformation.apply(iter, new CacheFilter()); } public MessageOut<ReadCommand> createMessage(int version) { return dataRange().isPaging() ? new MessageOut<>(MessagingService.Verb.PAGED_RANGE, this, pagedRangeSerializer) : new MessageOut<>(MessagingService.Verb.RANGE_SLICE, this, rangeSliceSerializer); } protected void appendCQLWhereClause(StringBuilder sb) { if (dataRange.isUnrestricted() && rowFilter().isEmpty()) return; sb.append(" WHERE "); // We put the row filter first because the data range can end by "ORDER BY" if (!rowFilter().isEmpty()) { sb.append(rowFilter()); if (!dataRange.isUnrestricted()) sb.append(" AND "); } if (!dataRange.isUnrestricted()) sb.append(dataRange.toCQLString(metadata())); }
Allow to post-process the result of the query after it has been reconciled on the coordinator but before it is passed to the CQL layer to return the ResultSet. See CASSANDRA-8717 for why this exists.
/** * Allow to post-process the result of the query after it has been reconciled on the coordinator * but before it is passed to the CQL layer to return the ResultSet. * * See CASSANDRA-8717 for why this exists. */
public PartitionIterator postReconciliationProcessing(PartitionIterator result) { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(metadata().ksName).getColumnFamilyStore(metadata().cfName); Index index = getIndex(cfs); return index == null ? result : index.postProcessorFor(this).apply(result, this); } @Override public boolean selectsFullPartition() { return metadata().isStaticCompactTable() || (dataRange.selectsAllPartition() && !rowFilter().hasExpressionOnClusteringOrRegularColumns()); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Read(%s.%s columns=%s rowfilter=%s limits=%s %s)", metadata().ksName, metadata().cfName, columnFilter(), rowFilter(), limits(), dataRange().toString(metadata())); } protected void serializeSelection(DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException { DataRange.serializer.serialize(dataRange(), out, version, metadata()); } protected long selectionSerializedSize(int version) { return DataRange.serializer.serializedSize(dataRange(), version, metadata()); } /* * We are currently using PartitionRangeReadCommand for most index queries, even if they are explicitly restricted * to a single partition key. Return true if that is the case. * * See CASSANDRA-11617 and CASSANDRA-11872 for details. */ public boolean isLimitedToOnePartition() { return dataRange.keyRange instanceof Bounds && dataRange.startKey().kind() == PartitionPosition.Kind.ROW_KEY && dataRange.startKey().equals(dataRange.stopKey()); } private static class Deserializer extends SelectionDeserializer { public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version, boolean isDigest, int digestVersion, boolean isForThrift, CFMetaData metadata, int nowInSec, ColumnFilter columnFilter, RowFilter rowFilter, DataLimits limits, IndexMetadata index) throws IOException { DataRange range = DataRange.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata); return new PartitionRangeReadCommand(isDigest, digestVersion, isForThrift, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, range, index); } } }