 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Throwables;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.SchemaConstants;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogPosition;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.IntervalSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.EncodingStats;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.UnfilteredRowIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner.LongToken;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.transactions.UpdateTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableMultiWriter;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.MetadataCollector;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ActiveRepairService;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ObjectSizes;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.OpOrder;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.HeapPool;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.MemtableAllocator;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.MemtablePool;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.NativePool;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.SlabPool;

public class Memtable implements Comparable<Memtable>
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Memtable.class);

    public static final MemtablePool MEMORY_POOL = createMemtableAllocatorPool();

    private static MemtablePool createMemtableAllocatorPool()
        long heapLimit = DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableHeapSpaceInMb() << 20;
        long offHeapLimit = DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableOffheapSpaceInMb() << 20;
        switch (DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableAllocationType())
            case unslabbed_heap_buffers:
                return new HeapPool(heapLimit, DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableCleanupThreshold(), new ColumnFamilyStore.FlushLargestColumnFamily());
            case heap_buffers:
                return new SlabPool(heapLimit, 0, DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableCleanupThreshold(), new ColumnFamilyStore.FlushLargestColumnFamily());
            case offheap_buffers:
                if (!FileUtils.isCleanerAvailable)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Could not free direct byte buffer: offheap_buffers is not a safe memtable_allocation_type without this ability, please adjust your config. This feature is only guaranteed to work on an Oracle JVM. Refusing to start.");
                return new SlabPool(heapLimit, offHeapLimit, DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableCleanupThreshold(), new ColumnFamilyStore.FlushLargestColumnFamily());
            case offheap_objects:
                return new NativePool(heapLimit, offHeapLimit, DatabaseDescriptor.getMemtableCleanupThreshold(), new ColumnFamilyStore.FlushLargestColumnFamily());
                throw new AssertionError();

    private static final int ROW_OVERHEAD_HEAP_SIZE = estimateRowOverhead(Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cassandra.memtable_row_overhead_computation_step", "100000")));

    private final MemtableAllocator allocator;
    private final AtomicLong liveDataSize = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong currentOperations = new AtomicLong(0);

    // the write barrier for directing writes to this memtable during a switch
    private volatile OpOrder.Barrier writeBarrier;
    // the precise upper bound of CommitLogPosition owned by this memtable
    private volatile AtomicReference<CommitLogPosition> commitLogUpperBound;
    // the precise lower bound of CommitLogPosition owned by this memtable; equal to its predecessor's commitLogUpperBound
    private AtomicReference<CommitLogPosition> commitLogLowerBound;

    // The approximate lower bound by this memtable; must be <= commitLogLowerBound once our predecessor
    // has been finalised, and this is enforced in the ColumnFamilyStore.setCommitLogUpperBound
    private final CommitLogPosition approximateCommitLogLowerBound = CommitLog.instance.getCurrentPosition();

    public int compareTo(Memtable that)
        return this.approximateCommitLogLowerBound.compareTo(that.approximateCommitLogLowerBound);

    public static final class LastCommitLogPosition extends CommitLogPosition
        public LastCommitLogPosition(CommitLogPosition copy)
            super(copy.segmentId, copy.position);

    // We index the memtable by PartitionPosition only for the purpose of being able
    // to select key range using Token.KeyBound. However put() ensures that we
    // actually only store DecoratedKey.
    private final ConcurrentNavigableMap<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> partitions = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
    public final ColumnFamilyStore cfs;
    private final long creationNano = System.nanoTime();

    // The smallest timestamp for all partitions stored in this memtable
    private long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    // Record the comparator of the CFS at the creation of the memtable. This
    // is only used when a user update the CF comparator, to know if the
    // memtable was created with the new or old comparator.
    public final ClusteringComparator initialComparator;

    private final ColumnsCollector columnsCollector;
    private final StatsCollector statsCollector = new StatsCollector();

    // only to be used by init(), to setup the very first memtable for the cfs
    public Memtable(AtomicReference<CommitLogPosition> commitLogLowerBound, ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
        this.cfs = cfs;
        this.commitLogLowerBound = commitLogLowerBound;
        this.allocator = MEMORY_POOL.newAllocator();
        this.initialComparator = cfs.metadata.comparator;
        this.columnsCollector = new ColumnsCollector(cfs.metadata.partitionColumns());

    // ONLY to be used for testing, to create a mock Memtable
    public Memtable(CFMetaData metadata)
        this.initialComparator = metadata.comparator;
        this.cfs = null;
        this.allocator = null;
        this.columnsCollector = new ColumnsCollector(metadata.partitionColumns());

    public MemtableAllocator getAllocator()
        return allocator;

    public long getLiveDataSize()
        return liveDataSize.get();

    public long getOperations()
        return currentOperations.get();

    public void setDiscarding(OpOrder.Barrier writeBarrier, AtomicReference<CommitLogPosition> commitLogUpperBound)
        assert this.writeBarrier == null;
        this.commitLogUpperBound = commitLogUpperBound;
        this.writeBarrier = writeBarrier;

    void setDiscarded()

    // decide if this memtable should take the write, or if it should go to the next memtable
    public boolean accepts(OpOrder.Group opGroup, CommitLogPosition commitLogPosition)
        // if the barrier hasn't been set yet, then this memtable is still taking ALL writes
        OpOrder.Barrier barrier = this.writeBarrier;
        if (barrier == null)
            return true;
        // if the barrier has been set, but is in the past, we are definitely destined for a future memtable
        if (!barrier.isAfter(opGroup))
            return false;
        // if we aren't durable we are directed only by the barrier
        if (commitLogPosition == null)
            return true;
        while (true)
            // otherwise we check if we are in the past/future wrt the CL boundary;
            // if the boundary hasn't been finalised yet, we simply update it to the max of
            // its current value and ours; if it HAS been finalised, we simply accept its judgement
            // this permits us to coordinate a safe boundary, as the boundary choice is made
            // atomically wrt our max() maintenance, so an operation cannot sneak into the past
            CommitLogPosition currentLast = commitLogUpperBound.get();
            if (currentLast instanceof LastCommitLogPosition)
                return currentLast.compareTo(commitLogPosition) >= 0;
            if (currentLast != null && currentLast.compareTo(commitLogPosition) >= 0)
                return true;
            if (commitLogUpperBound.compareAndSet(currentLast, commitLogPosition))
                return true;

    public CommitLogPosition getCommitLogLowerBound()
        return commitLogLowerBound.get();

    public CommitLogPosition getCommitLogUpperBound()
        return commitLogUpperBound.get();

    public boolean isLive()
        return allocator.isLive();

    public boolean isClean()
        return partitions.isEmpty();

    public boolean mayContainDataBefore(CommitLogPosition position)
        return approximateCommitLogLowerBound.compareTo(position) < 0;

Returns:true if this memtable is expired. Expiration time is determined by CF's memtable_flush_period_in_ms.
/** * @return true if this memtable is expired. Expiration time is determined by CF's memtable_flush_period_in_ms. */
public boolean isExpired() { int period = cfs.metadata.params.memtableFlushPeriodInMs; return period > 0 && (System.nanoTime() - creationNano >= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(period)); }
Should only be called by ColumnFamilyStore.apply via Keyspace.apply, which supplies the appropriate OpOrdering. commitLogSegmentPosition should only be null if this is a secondary index, in which case it is *expected* to be null
/** * Should only be called by ColumnFamilyStore.apply via Keyspace.apply, which supplies the appropriate * OpOrdering. * * commitLogSegmentPosition should only be null if this is a secondary index, in which case it is *expected* to be null */
long put(PartitionUpdate update, UpdateTransaction indexer, OpOrder.Group opGroup) { AtomicBTreePartition previous = partitions.get(update.partitionKey()); long initialSize = 0; if (previous == null) { final DecoratedKey cloneKey = allocator.clone(update.partitionKey(), opGroup); AtomicBTreePartition empty = new AtomicBTreePartition(cfs.metadata, cloneKey, allocator); // We'll add the columns later. This avoids wasting works if we get beaten in the putIfAbsent previous = partitions.putIfAbsent(cloneKey, empty); if (previous == null) { previous = empty; // allocate the row overhead after the fact; this saves over allocating and having to free after, but // means we can overshoot our declared limit. int overhead = (int) (cloneKey.getToken().getHeapSize() + ROW_OVERHEAD_HEAP_SIZE); allocator.onHeap().allocate(overhead, opGroup); initialSize = 8; } } long[] pair = previous.addAllWithSizeDelta(update, opGroup, indexer); minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, previous.stats().minTimestamp); liveDataSize.addAndGet(initialSize + pair[0]); columnsCollector.update(update.columns()); statsCollector.update(update.stats()); currentOperations.addAndGet(update.operationCount()); return pair[1]; } public int partitionCount() { return partitions.size(); } public List<FlushRunnable> flushRunnables(LifecycleTransaction txn) { return createFlushRunnables(txn); } private List<FlushRunnable> createFlushRunnables(LifecycleTransaction txn) { DiskBoundaries diskBoundaries = cfs.getDiskBoundaries(); List<PartitionPosition> boundaries = diskBoundaries.positions; List<Directories.DataDirectory> locations = diskBoundaries.directories; if (boundaries == null) return Collections.singletonList(new FlushRunnable(txn)); List<FlushRunnable> runnables = new ArrayList<>(boundaries.size()); PartitionPosition rangeStart = cfs.getPartitioner().getMinimumToken().minKeyBound(); try { for (int i = 0; i < boundaries.size(); i++) { PartitionPosition t = boundaries.get(i); runnables.add(new FlushRunnable(rangeStart, t, locations.get(i), txn)); rangeStart = t; } return runnables; } catch (Throwable e) { throw Throwables.propagate(abortRunnables(runnables, e)); } } public Throwable abortRunnables(List<FlushRunnable> runnables, Throwable t) { if (runnables != null) for (FlushRunnable runnable : runnables) t = runnable.writer.abort(t); return t; } public String toString() { return String.format("Memtable-%s@%s(%s serialized bytes, %s ops, %.0f%%/%.0f%% of on/off-heap limit)", cfs.name, hashCode(), FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(liveDataSize.get()), currentOperations, 100 * allocator.onHeap().ownershipRatio(), 100 * allocator.offHeap().ownershipRatio()); } public MemtableUnfilteredPartitionIterator makePartitionIterator(final ColumnFilter columnFilter, final DataRange dataRange, final boolean isForThrift) { AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> keyRange = dataRange.keyRange(); boolean startIsMin = keyRange.left.isMinimum(); boolean stopIsMin = keyRange.right.isMinimum(); boolean isBound = keyRange instanceof Bounds; boolean includeStart = isBound || keyRange instanceof IncludingExcludingBounds; boolean includeStop = isBound || keyRange instanceof Range; Map<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> subMap; if (startIsMin) subMap = stopIsMin ? partitions : partitions.headMap(keyRange.right, includeStop); else subMap = stopIsMin ? partitions.tailMap(keyRange.left, includeStart) : partitions.subMap(keyRange.left, includeStart, keyRange.right, includeStop); int minLocalDeletionTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // avoid iterating over the memtable if we purge all tombstones if (cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().onlyPurgeRepairedTombstones()) minLocalDeletionTime = findMinLocalDeletionTime(subMap.entrySet().iterator()); final Iterator<Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition>> iter = subMap.entrySet().iterator(); return new MemtableUnfilteredPartitionIterator(cfs, iter, isForThrift, minLocalDeletionTime, columnFilter, dataRange); } private int findMinLocalDeletionTime(Iterator<Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition>> iterator) { int minLocalDeletionTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> entry = iterator.next(); minLocalDeletionTime = Math.min(minLocalDeletionTime, entry.getValue().stats().minLocalDeletionTime); } return minLocalDeletionTime; } public Partition getPartition(DecoratedKey key) { return partitions.get(key); } public long getMinTimestamp() { return minTimestamp; }
For testing only. Give this memtable too big a size to make it always fail flushing.
/** * For testing only. Give this memtable too big a size to make it always fail flushing. */
@VisibleForTesting public void makeUnflushable() { liveDataSize.addAndGet(1L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); } class FlushRunnable implements Callable<SSTableMultiWriter> { private final long estimatedSize; private final ConcurrentNavigableMap<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> toFlush; private final boolean isBatchLogTable; private final SSTableMultiWriter writer; // keeping these to be able to log what we are actually flushing private final PartitionPosition from; private final PartitionPosition to; FlushRunnable(PartitionPosition from, PartitionPosition to, Directories.DataDirectory flushLocation, LifecycleTransaction txn) { this(partitions.subMap(from, to), flushLocation, from, to, txn); } FlushRunnable(LifecycleTransaction txn) { this(partitions, null, null, null, txn); } FlushRunnable(ConcurrentNavigableMap<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> toFlush, Directories.DataDirectory flushLocation, PartitionPosition from, PartitionPosition to, LifecycleTransaction txn) { this.toFlush = toFlush; this.from = from; this.to = to; long keySize = 0; for (PartitionPosition key : toFlush.keySet()) { // make sure we don't write non-sensical keys assert key instanceof DecoratedKey; keySize += ((DecoratedKey) key).getKey().remaining(); } estimatedSize = (long) ((keySize // index entries + keySize // keys in data file + liveDataSize.get()) // data * 1.2); // bloom filter and row index overhead this.isBatchLogTable = cfs.name.equals(SystemKeyspace.BATCHES) && cfs.keyspace.getName().equals(SchemaConstants.SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAME); if (flushLocation == null) writer = createFlushWriter(txn, cfs.getSSTablePath(getDirectories().getWriteableLocationAsFile(estimatedSize)), columnsCollector.get(), statsCollector.get()); else writer = createFlushWriter(txn, cfs.getSSTablePath(getDirectories().getLocationForDisk(flushLocation)), columnsCollector.get(), statsCollector.get()); } protected Directories getDirectories() { return cfs.getDirectories(); } private void writeSortedContents() { logger.debug("Writing {}, flushed range = ({}, {}]", Memtable.this.toString(), from, to); boolean trackContention = logger.isTraceEnabled(); int heavilyContendedRowCount = 0; // (we can't clear out the map as-we-go to free up memory, // since the memtable is being used for queries in the "pending flush" category) for (AtomicBTreePartition partition : toFlush.values()) { // Each batchlog partition is a separate entry in the log. And for an entry, we only do 2 // operations: 1) we insert the entry and 2) we delete it. Further, BL data is strictly local, // we don't need to preserve tombstones for repair. So if both operation are in this // memtable (which will almost always be the case if there is no ongoing failure), we can // just skip the entry (CASSANDRA-4667). if (isBatchLogTable && !partition.partitionLevelDeletion().isLive() && partition.hasRows()) continue; if (trackContention && partition.usePessimisticLocking()) heavilyContendedRowCount++; if (!partition.isEmpty()) { try (UnfilteredRowIterator iter = partition.unfilteredIterator()) { writer.append(iter); } } } long bytesFlushed = writer.getFilePointer(); logger.debug("Completed flushing {} ({}) for commitlog position {}", writer.getFilename(), FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(bytesFlushed), commitLogUpperBound); // Update the metrics cfs.metric.bytesFlushed.inc(bytesFlushed); if (heavilyContendedRowCount > 0) logger.trace("High update contention in {}/{} partitions of {} ", heavilyContendedRowCount, toFlush.size(), Memtable.this); } public SSTableMultiWriter createFlushWriter(LifecycleTransaction txn, String filename, PartitionColumns columns, EncodingStats stats) { MetadataCollector sstableMetadataCollector = new MetadataCollector(cfs.metadata.comparator) .commitLogIntervals(new IntervalSet<>(commitLogLowerBound.get(), commitLogUpperBound.get())); return cfs.createSSTableMultiWriter(Descriptor.fromFilename(filename), toFlush.size(), ActiveRepairService.UNREPAIRED_SSTABLE, sstableMetadataCollector, new SerializationHeader(true, cfs.metadata, columns, stats), txn); } @Override public SSTableMultiWriter call() { writeSortedContents(); return writer; } } private static int estimateRowOverhead(final int count) { // calculate row overhead try (final OpOrder.Group group = new OpOrder().start()) { int rowOverhead; MemtableAllocator allocator = MEMORY_POOL.newAllocator(); ConcurrentNavigableMap<PartitionPosition, Object> partitions = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); final Object val = new Object(); for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) partitions.put(allocator.clone(new BufferDecoratedKey(new LongToken(i), ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER), group), val); double avgSize = ObjectSizes.measureDeep(partitions) / (double) count; rowOverhead = (int) ((avgSize - Math.floor(avgSize)) < 0.05 ? Math.floor(avgSize) : Math.ceil(avgSize)); rowOverhead -= ObjectSizes.measureDeep(new LongToken(0)); rowOverhead += AtomicBTreePartition.EMPTY_SIZE; allocator.setDiscarding(); allocator.setDiscarded(); return rowOverhead; } } public static class MemtableUnfilteredPartitionIterator extends AbstractUnfilteredPartitionIterator { private final ColumnFamilyStore cfs; private final Iterator<Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition>> iter; private final boolean isForThrift; private final int minLocalDeletionTime; private final ColumnFilter columnFilter; private final DataRange dataRange; public MemtableUnfilteredPartitionIterator(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Iterator<Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition>> iter, boolean isForThrift, int minLocalDeletionTime, ColumnFilter columnFilter, DataRange dataRange) { this.cfs = cfs; this.iter = iter; this.isForThrift = isForThrift; this.minLocalDeletionTime = minLocalDeletionTime; this.columnFilter = columnFilter; this.dataRange = dataRange; } public boolean isForThrift() { return isForThrift; } public int getMinLocalDeletionTime() { return minLocalDeletionTime; } public CFMetaData metadata() { return cfs.metadata; } public boolean hasNext() { return iter.hasNext(); } public UnfilteredRowIterator next() { Map.Entry<PartitionPosition, AtomicBTreePartition> entry = iter.next(); // Actual stored key should be true DecoratedKey assert entry.getKey() instanceof DecoratedKey; DecoratedKey key = (DecoratedKey)entry.getKey(); ClusteringIndexFilter filter = dataRange.clusteringIndexFilter(key); return filter.getUnfilteredRowIterator(columnFilter, entry.getValue()); } } private static class ColumnsCollector { private final HashMap<ColumnDefinition, AtomicBoolean> predefined = new HashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentSkipListSet<ColumnDefinition> extra = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(); ColumnsCollector(PartitionColumns columns) { for (ColumnDefinition def : columns.statics) predefined.put(def, new AtomicBoolean()); for (ColumnDefinition def : columns.regulars) predefined.put(def, new AtomicBoolean()); } public void update(PartitionColumns columns) { for (ColumnDefinition s : columns.statics) update(s); for (ColumnDefinition r : columns.regulars) update(r); } private void update(ColumnDefinition definition) { AtomicBoolean present = predefined.get(definition); if (present != null) { if (!present.get()) present.set(true); } else { extra.add(definition); } } public PartitionColumns get() { PartitionColumns.Builder builder = PartitionColumns.builder(); for (Map.Entry<ColumnDefinition, AtomicBoolean> e : predefined.entrySet()) if (e.getValue().get()) builder.add(e.getKey()); return builder.addAll(extra).build(); } } private static class StatsCollector { private final AtomicReference<EncodingStats> stats = new AtomicReference<>(EncodingStats.NO_STATS); public void update(EncodingStats newStats) { while (true) { EncodingStats current = stats.get(); EncodingStats updated = current.mergeWith(newStats); if (stats.compareAndSet(current, updated)) return; } } public EncodingStats get() { return stats.get(); } } }