 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package org.apache.cassandra.cql3;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.ColumnDefinition;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.SingleColumnRestriction;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.SingleRestriction;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.restrictions.TermSlice;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.Selection;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.Bound;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Clustering;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Columns;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.CompactTables;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.PartitionColumns;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ColumnFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cell;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.CellPath;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.ComplexColumnData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.RowIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolVersion;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkFalse;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkNotNull;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.checkTrue;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.RequestValidations.invalidRequest;
import static org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.SelectStatement.getComponents;

Class incapsulating the helper logic to handle SELECT / UPDATE / INSERT special-cases related to SuperColumn tables in applicable scenarios. SuperColumn families have a special layout and are represented as a Map internally. These tables have two special columns (called `column2` and `value` by default): * `column2`, CFMetaData.superCfValueColumn, a key of the SuperColumn map, exposed as a REGULAR column, but stored in schema tables as a CLUSTERING column to make a distinction from the SC value column in case of renames. * `value`, CFMetaData.compactValueColumn(), a value of the SuperColumn map, exposed and stored as a REGULAR column These columns have to be translated to this internal representation as key and value, correspondingly. In CQL terms, the SuperColumn families is encoded with: CREATE TABLE super ( key [key_validation_class], super_column_name [comparator], [column_metadata_1] [type1], ..., [column_metadata_n] [type1], "" map<[sub_comparator], [default_validation_class]> PRIMARY KEY (key, super_column_name) ) In other words, every super column is encoded by a row. That row has one column for each defined "column_metadata", but it also has a special map column (whose name is the empty string as this is guaranteed to never conflict with a user-defined "column_metadata") which stores the super column "dynamic" sub-columns. On write path, `column2` and `value` columns are translated to the key and value of the underlying map. During the read, the inverse conversion is done. Deletes are converted into discards by the key in the underlying map. Counters are handled by translating an update to a counter update with a cell path. See SuperColumnRestrictions for the details. Since non-dense SuperColumn families do not modify the contents of the internal map through in CQL and do not expose this via CQL either, reads, writes and deletes are handled normally. Sidenote: a _dense_ SuperColumn Familiy is the one that has no added REGULAR columns.
/** * Class incapsulating the helper logic to handle SELECT / UPDATE / INSERT special-cases related * to SuperColumn tables in applicable scenarios. * * SuperColumn families have a special layout and are represented as a Map internally. These tables * have two special columns (called `column2` and `value` by default): * * * `column2`, {@link CFMetaData#superCfValueColumn}, a key of the SuperColumn map, exposed as a * REGULAR column, but stored in schema tables as a CLUSTERING column to make a distinction from * the SC value column in case of renames. * * `value`, {@link CFMetaData#compactValueColumn()}, a value of the SuperColumn map, exposed and * stored as a REGULAR column * * These columns have to be translated to this internal representation as key and value, correspondingly. * * In CQL terms, the SuperColumn families is encoded with: * * CREATE TABLE super ( * key [key_validation_class], * super_column_name [comparator], * [column_metadata_1] [type1], * ..., * [column_metadata_n] [type1], * "" map<[sub_comparator], [default_validation_class]> * PRIMARY KEY (key, super_column_name) * ) * * In other words, every super column is encoded by a row. That row has one column for each defined * "column_metadata", but it also has a special map column (whose name is the empty string as this is * guaranteed to never conflict with a user-defined "column_metadata") which stores the super column * "dynamic" sub-columns. * * On write path, `column2` and `value` columns are translated to the key and value of the * underlying map. During the read, the inverse conversion is done. Deletes are converted into * discards by the key in the underlying map. Counters are handled by translating an update to a * counter update with a cell path. See {@link SuperColumnRestrictions} for the details. * * Since non-dense SuperColumn families do not modify the contents of the internal map through in CQL * and do not expose this via CQL either, reads, writes and deletes are handled normally. * * Sidenote: a _dense_ SuperColumn Familiy is the one that has no added REGULAR columns. */
public class SuperColumnCompatibility { // We use an empty value for the 1) this can't conflict with a user-defined column and 2) this actually // validate with any comparator which makes it convenient for columnDefinitionComparator(). public static final ByteBuffer SUPER_COLUMN_MAP_COLUMN = ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER; public static final String SUPER_COLUMN_MAP_COLUMN_STR = UTF8Type.instance.compose(SUPER_COLUMN_MAP_COLUMN);
Dense flag might have been incorrectly set if the node was upgraded from 2.x before CASSANDRA-12373. For 3.x created tables, the flag is set correctly in ThriftConversion code.
/** * Dense flag might have been incorrectly set if the node was upgraded from 2.x before CASSANDRA-12373. * * For 3.x created tables, the flag is set correctly in ThriftConversion code. */
public static boolean recalculateIsDense(Columns columns) { return columns.size() == 1 && columns.getComplex(0).name.toString().isEmpty(); }
For _dense_ SuperColumn Families, the supercolumn key column has to be translated to the collection subselection query in order to avoid reading an entire collection and then filtering out the results.
/** * For _dense_ SuperColumn Families, the supercolumn key column has to be translated to the collection subselection * query in order to avoid reading an entire collection and then filtering out the results. */
public static ColumnFilter getColumnFilter(CFMetaData cfm, QueryOptions queryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions restrictions) { assert cfm.isSuper() && cfm.isDense(); ColumnFilter.Builder builder = ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder(); builder.add(cfm.compactValueColumn()); if (restrictions.keySliceRestriction != null) { SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction restriction = restrictions.keySliceRestriction; TermSlice slice = restriction.slice; ByteBuffer start = slice.hasBound(Bound.START) ? slice.bound(Bound.START).bindAndGet(queryOptions) : null; ByteBuffer end = slice.hasBound(Bound.END) ? slice.bound(Bound.END).bindAndGet(queryOptions) : null; builder.slice(cfm.compactValueColumn(), start == null ? CellPath.BOTTOM : CellPath.create(start), end == null ? CellPath.TOP : CellPath.create(end)); } else if (restrictions.keyEQRestriction != null) { SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction restriction = restrictions.keyEQRestriction; ByteBuffer value = restriction.bindValue(queryOptions); builder.select(cfm.compactValueColumn(), CellPath.create(value)); } else if (restrictions.keyINRestriction != null) { SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyINRestriction cast = restrictions.keyINRestriction; Set<ByteBuffer> keyINRestrictionValues = new TreeSet<ByteBuffer>(((MapType) cfm.compactValueColumn().type).getKeysType()); keyINRestrictionValues.addAll(cast.getValues(queryOptions)); for (ByteBuffer value : keyINRestrictionValues) builder.select(cfm.compactValueColumn(), CellPath.create(value)); } else if (restrictions.multiEQRestriction != null) { SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction restriction = restrictions.multiEQRestriction; ByteBuffer value = restriction.secondValue; builder.select(cfm.compactValueColumn(), CellPath.create(value)); } return builder.build(); }
For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. On read path, instead of writing row per map, we have to write a row per key/value pair in map. For example: | partition-key | clustering-key | { key1: value1, key2: value2 } | Will be translated to: | partition-key | clustering-key | key1 | value1 | | partition-key | clustering-key | key2 | value2 |
/** * For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. * * On read path, instead of writing row per map, we have to write a row per key/value pair in map. * * For example: * * | partition-key | clustering-key | { key1: value1, key2: value2 } | * * Will be translated to: * * | partition-key | clustering-key | key1 | value1 | * | partition-key | clustering-key | key2 | value2 | * */
public static void processPartition(CFMetaData cfm, Selection selection, RowIterator partition, Selection.ResultSetBuilder result, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion, SuperColumnRestrictions restrictions, QueryOptions queryOptions) { assert cfm.isDense(); ByteBuffer[] keyComponents = getComponents(cfm, partition.partitionKey()); int nowInSeconds = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); while (partition.hasNext()) { Row row = partition.next(); ComplexColumnData ccd = row.getComplexColumnData(cfm.compactValueColumn()); if (ccd == null) continue; Iterator<Cell> cellIter = ccd.iterator(); outer: while (cellIter.hasNext()) { Cell cell = cellIter.next(); ByteBuffer superColumnKey = cell.path().get(0); if (restrictions != null) { // Slice on SuperColumn key if (restrictions.keySliceRestriction != null) { for (Bound bound : Bound.values()) { if (restrictions.keySliceRestriction.hasBound(bound) && !restrictions.keySliceRestriction.isInclusive(bound)) { ByteBuffer excludedValue = restrictions.keySliceRestriction.bindValue(queryOptions); if (excludedValue.equals(superColumnKey)) continue outer; } } } // Multi-column restriction on clustering+SuperColumn key if (restrictions.multiSliceRestriction != null && cfm.comparator.compare(row.clustering(), Clustering.make(restrictions.multiSliceRestriction.firstValue)) == 0) { AbstractType t = ((MapType) cfm.compactValueColumn().type).getKeysType(); int cmp = t.compare(superColumnKey, restrictions.multiSliceRestriction.secondValue); if ((cmp == 0 && !restrictions.multiSliceRestriction.trueInclusive) || // EQ (restrictions.multiSliceRestriction.hasBound(Bound.END) && cmp > 0) || // LT (restrictions.multiSliceRestriction.hasBound(Bound.START) && cmp < 0)) // GT continue outer; } } Row staticRow = partition.staticRow(); result.newRow(partition.partitionKey(), staticRow.clustering()); for (ColumnDefinition def : selection.getColumns()) { if (cfm.isSuperColumnKeyColumn(def)) { result.add(superColumnKey); } else if (cfm.isSuperColumnValueColumn(def)) { result.add(cell, nowInSeconds); } else { switch (def.kind) { case PARTITION_KEY: result.add(keyComponents[def.position()]); break; case CLUSTERING: result.add(row.clustering().get(def.position())); break; case REGULAR: case STATIC: throw new AssertionError(String.format("Invalid column '%s' found in SuperColumn table", def.name.toString())); } } } } } }
For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. On the write path, we have to do combine the columns into a key/value pair: So inserting a row: | partition-key | clustering-key | key1 | value1 | Would result into: | partition-key | clustering-key | {key1: value1} | or adding / overwriting the value for `key1`.
/** * For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. * * On the write path, we have to do combine the columns into a key/value pair: * * So inserting a row: * * | partition-key | clustering-key | key1 | value1 | * * Would result into: * * | partition-key | clustering-key | {key1: value1} | * * or adding / overwriting the value for `key1`. */
public static void prepareInsertOperations(CFMetaData cfm, List<ColumnDefinition.Raw> columnNames, WhereClause.Builder whereClause, List<Term.Raw> columnValues, VariableSpecifications boundNames, Operations operations) { List<ColumnDefinition> defs = new ArrayList<>(columnNames.size()); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size(); i++) { ColumnDefinition id = columnNames.get(i).prepare(cfm); defs.add(id); } prepareInsertOperations(cfm, defs, boundNames, columnValues, whereClause, operations); } /** * For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. * * {@link #prepareInsertOperations(CFMetaData, List, VariableSpecifications, List, WhereClause.Builder, Operations)}, * but for INSERT JSON queries */ public static void prepareInsertJSONOperations(CFMetaData cfm, List<ColumnDefinition> defs, VariableSpecifications boundNames, Json.Prepared prepared, WhereClause.Builder whereClause, Operations operations) { List<Term.Raw> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(defs.size()); for (ColumnDefinition def : defs) columnValues.add(prepared.getRawTermForColumn(def, true)); prepareInsertOperations(cfm, defs, boundNames, columnValues, whereClause, operations); } private static void prepareInsertOperations(CFMetaData cfm, List<ColumnDefinition> defs, VariableSpecifications boundNames, List<Term.Raw> columnValues, WhereClause.Builder whereClause, Operations operations) { assert cfm.isDense(); assert defs.size() == columnValues.size(); Term.Raw superColumnKey = null; Term.Raw superColumnValue = null; for (int i = 0, size = defs.size(); i < size; i++) { ColumnDefinition def = defs.get(i); Term.Raw raw = columnValues.get(i); if (cfm.isSuperColumnKeyColumn(def)) { superColumnKey = raw; collectMarkerSpecifications(raw, boundNames, def); } else if (cfm.isSuperColumnValueColumn(def)) { superColumnValue = raw; collectMarkerSpecifications(raw, boundNames, def); } else if (def.isPrimaryKeyColumn()) { whereClause.add(new SingleColumnRelation(ColumnDefinition.Raw.forColumn(def), Operator.EQ, raw)); } else { throw invalidRequest("Invalid column {} in where clause"); } } checkTrue(superColumnValue != null, "Column value is mandatory for SuperColumn tables"); checkTrue(superColumnKey != null, "Column key is mandatory for SuperColumn tables"); Operation operation = new Operation.SetElement(superColumnKey, superColumnValue).prepare(cfm, cfm.compactValueColumn()); operations.add(operation); }
Collect the marker specifications for the bound columns manually, since the operations on a column are converted to the operations on the collection element.
/** * Collect the marker specifications for the bound columns manually, since the operations on a column are * converted to the operations on the collection element. */
private static void collectMarkerSpecifications(Term.Raw raw, VariableSpecifications boundNames, ColumnDefinition def) { if (raw instanceof AbstractMarker.Raw) boundNames.add(((AbstractMarker.Raw) raw).bindIndex(), def); }
For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. During UPDATE operation, the update by clustering (with correponding relation in WHERE clause) has to be substituted with an update to the map that backs the given SuperColumn. For example, an update such as: UPDATE ... SET value = 'value1' WHERE key = 'pk' AND column1 = 'ck' AND column2 = 'mk' Will update the value under key 'mk' in the map, backing the SuperColumn, located in the row with clustering 'ck' in the partition with key 'pk'.
/** * For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. * * During UPDATE operation, the update by clustering (with correponding relation in WHERE clause) * has to be substituted with an update to the map that backs the given SuperColumn. * * For example, an update such as: * * UPDATE ... SET value = 'value1' WHERE key = 'pk' AND column1 = 'ck' AND column2 = 'mk' * * Will update the value under key 'mk' in the map, backing the SuperColumn, located in the row * with clustering 'ck' in the partition with key 'pk'. */
public static WhereClause prepareUpdateOperations(CFMetaData cfm, WhereClause whereClause, List<Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate>> updates, VariableSpecifications boundNames, Operations operations) { assert cfm.isDense(); Term.Raw superColumnKey = null; Term.Raw superColumnValue = null; List<Relation> newRelations = new ArrayList<>(whereClause.relations.size()); for (int i = 0; i < whereClause.relations.size(); i++) { SingleColumnRelation relation = (SingleColumnRelation) whereClause.relations.get(i); ColumnDefinition def = relation.getEntity().prepare(cfm); if (cfm.isSuperColumnKeyColumn(def)) { superColumnKey = relation.getValue(); collectMarkerSpecifications(superColumnKey, boundNames, def); } else { newRelations.add(relation); } } checkTrue(superColumnKey != null, "Column key is mandatory for SuperColumn tables"); for (Pair<ColumnDefinition.Raw, Operation.RawUpdate> entry : updates) { ColumnDefinition def = entry.left.prepare(cfm); if (!cfm.isSuperColumnValueColumn(def)) throw invalidRequest("Column `%s` of type `%s` found in SET part", def.name, def.type.asCQL3Type()); Operation operation; if (entry.right instanceof Operation.Addition) { Operation.Addition op = (Operation.Addition) entry.right; superColumnValue = op.value(); operation = new Operation.ElementAddition(superColumnKey, superColumnValue).prepare(cfm, cfm.compactValueColumn()); } else if (entry.right instanceof Operation.Substraction) { Operation.Substraction op = (Operation.Substraction) entry.right; superColumnValue = op.value(); operation = new Operation.ElementSubtraction(superColumnKey, superColumnValue).prepare(cfm, cfm.compactValueColumn()); } else if (entry.right instanceof Operation.SetValue) { Operation.SetValue op = (Operation.SetValue) entry.right; superColumnValue = op.value(); operation = new Operation.SetElement(superColumnKey, superColumnValue).prepare(cfm, cfm.compactValueColumn()); } else { throw invalidRequest("Invalid operation `%s` on column `%s` of type `%s` found in SET part", entry.right, def.name, def.type.asCQL3Type()); } collectMarkerSpecifications(superColumnValue, boundNames, def); operations.add(operation); } checkTrue(superColumnValue != null, "Column value is mandatory for SuperColumn tables"); return newRelations.size() != whereClause.relations.size() ? whereClause.copy(newRelations) : whereClause; }
Rebuilds LWT conditions on SuperColumn _value_ column. Conditions have to be changed to correspond the internal representation of SuperColumn value, since it's not a separate column, but a value in a hidden compact value column.
/** * Rebuilds LWT conditions on SuperColumn _value_ column. * * Conditions have to be changed to correspond the internal representation of SuperColumn value, since it's not * a separate column, but a value in a hidden compact value column. */
public static Conditions rebuildLWTColumnConditions(Conditions conditions, CFMetaData cfm, WhereClause whereClause) { if (conditions.isEmpty() || conditions.isIfExists() || conditions.isIfNotExists()) return conditions; ColumnConditions.Builder builder = ColumnConditions.newBuilder(); Collection<ColumnCondition> columnConditions = ((ColumnConditions) conditions).columnConditions(); Pair<ColumnDefinition, Relation> superColumnKeyRelation = SuperColumnCompatibility.getSuperColumnKeyRelation(whereClause.relations, cfm); checkNotNull(superColumnKeyRelation, "Lightweight transactions on SuperColumn tables are only supported with supplied SuperColumn key"); for (ColumnCondition columnCondition : columnConditions) { checkTrue(cfm.isSuperColumnValueColumn(columnCondition.column), "Lightweight transactions are only supported on the value column of SuperColumn tables"); Term.Raw value = superColumnKeyRelation.right.getValue(); Term collectionElemnt = value instanceof AbstractMarker.Raw ? new Constants.Marker(((AbstractMarker.Raw) value).bindIndex(), superColumnKeyRelation.left) : value.prepare(cfm.ksName, superColumnKeyRelation.left); builder.add(ColumnCondition.condition(cfm.compactValueColumn(), collectionElemnt, columnCondition.value(), columnCondition.operator)); } return builder.build(); }
Returns a relation on the SuperColumn key
/** * Returns a relation on the SuperColumn key */
private static Pair<ColumnDefinition, Relation> getSuperColumnKeyRelation(List<Relation> relations, CFMetaData cfm) { for (int i = 0; i < relations.size(); i++) { SingleColumnRelation relation = (SingleColumnRelation) relations.get(i); ColumnDefinition def = relation.getEntity().prepare(cfm); if (cfm.isSuperColumnKeyColumn(def)) return Pair.create(def, relation); } return null; }
For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. Delete, when the "regular" columns are present, have to be translated into deletion of value in the internal map by key. For example, delete such as: DELETE FROM ... WHERE key = 'pk' AND column1 = 'ck' AND column2 = 'mk' Will delete a value under 'mk' from the map, located in the row with clustering key 'ck' in the partition with key 'pk'.
/** * For _dense_ SuperColumn Families. * * Delete, when the "regular" columns are present, have to be translated into * deletion of value in the internal map by key. * * For example, delete such as: * * DELETE FROM ... WHERE key = 'pk' AND column1 = 'ck' AND column2 = 'mk' * * Will delete a value under 'mk' from the map, located in the row with clustering key 'ck' in the partition * with key 'pk'. */
public static WhereClause prepareDeleteOperations(CFMetaData cfm, WhereClause whereClause, VariableSpecifications boundNames, Operations operations) { assert cfm.isDense(); List<Relation> newRelations = new ArrayList<>(whereClause.relations.size()); for (int i = 0; i < whereClause.relations.size(); i++) { Relation orig = whereClause.relations.get(i); checkFalse(orig.isMultiColumn(), "Multi-column relations cannot be used in WHERE clauses for UPDATE and DELETE statements: %s", orig); checkFalse(orig.onToken(), "Token relations cannot be used in WHERE clauses for UPDATE and DELETE statements: %s", orig); SingleColumnRelation relation = (SingleColumnRelation) orig; ColumnDefinition def = relation.getEntity().prepare(cfm); if (cfm.isSuperColumnKeyColumn(def)) { Term.Raw value = relation.getValue(); if (value instanceof AbstractMarker.Raw) boundNames.add(((AbstractMarker.Raw) value).bindIndex(), def); Operation operation = new Maps.DiscarderByKey(cfm.compactValueColumn(), value.prepare(cfm.ksName, def)); operations.add(operation); } else { newRelations.add(relation); } } return newRelations.size() != whereClause.relations.size() ? whereClause.copy(newRelations) : whereClause; }
Create a column name generator for SuperColumns
/** * Create a column name generator for SuperColumns */
public static CompactTables.DefaultNames columnNameGenerator(List<ColumnDefinition> partitionKeyColumns, List<ColumnDefinition> clusteringColumns, PartitionColumns partitionColumns) { Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); // If the clustering column was renamed, the supercolumn key's default nname still can't be `column1` (SuperColumn // key renames are handled separately by looking up an existing column). names.add("column1"); for (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition: partitionKeyColumns) names.add(columnDefinition.name.toString()); for (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition: clusteringColumns) names.add(columnDefinition.name.toString()); for (ColumnDefinition columnDefinition: partitionColumns) names.add(columnDefinition.name.toString()); return CompactTables.defaultNameGenerator(names); }
Find a SuperColumn key column if it's available (for example, when it was renamed) or create one with a default name.
/** * Find a SuperColumn key column if it's available (for example, when it was renamed) or create one with a default name. */
public static ColumnDefinition getSuperCfKeyColumn(CFMetaData cfm, List<ColumnDefinition> clusteringColumns, CompactTables.DefaultNames defaultNames) { assert cfm.isDense(); MapType mapType = (MapType) cfm.compactValueColumn().type; // Pre CASSANDRA-12373 3.x-created supercolumn family if (clusteringColumns.size() == 1) { // create a new one with a default name ColumnIdentifier identifier = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(defaultNames.defaultClusteringName(), true); return new ColumnDefinition(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName, identifier, mapType.getKeysType(), ColumnDefinition.NO_POSITION, ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR); } // Upgrade path: table created in 2.x, handle pre-created columns and/or renames. assert clusteringColumns.size() == 2 : clusteringColumns; ColumnDefinition cd = clusteringColumns.get(1); assert cd.type.equals(mapType.getKeysType()) : cd.type + " != " + mapType.getKeysType(); return new ColumnDefinition(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName, cd.name, mapType.getKeysType(), ColumnDefinition.NO_POSITION, ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR); }
Find a SuperColumn value column if it's available (for example, when it was renamed) or create one with a default name.
/** * Find a SuperColumn value column if it's available (for example, when it was renamed) or create one with a default name. */
public static ColumnDefinition getSuperCfValueColumn(CFMetaData cfm, PartitionColumns partitionColumns, ColumnDefinition superCfKeyColumn, CompactTables.DefaultNames defaultNames) { assert cfm.isDense(); MapType mapType = (MapType) cfm.compactValueColumn().type; for (ColumnDefinition def: partitionColumns.regulars) { if (!def.name.bytes.equals(SUPER_COLUMN_MAP_COLUMN) && def.type.equals(mapType.getValuesType()) && !def.equals(superCfKeyColumn)) return def; } ColumnIdentifier identifier = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(defaultNames.defaultCompactValueName(), true); return new ColumnDefinition(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName, identifier, mapType.getValuesType(), ColumnDefinition.NO_POSITION, ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR); }
SuperColumn key is stored in CFMetaData.columnMetadata as a clustering column (to make sure we can make a distinction between the SuperColumn key and SuperColumn value columns, especially when they have the same type and were renamed), but exposed as CFMetaData.superCfKeyColumn as a regular column to be compatible with the storage engine. This remapping is necessary to facilitate the column metadata part.
/** * SuperColumn key is stored in {@link CFMetaData#columnMetadata} as a clustering column (to make sure we can make * a distinction between the SuperColumn key and SuperColumn value columns, especially when they have the same type * and were renamed), but exposed as {@link CFMetaData#superCfKeyColumn} as a regular column to be compatible with * the storage engine. * * This remapping is necessary to facilitate the column metadata part. */
public static ColumnDefinition getSuperCfSschemaRepresentation(ColumnDefinition superCfKeyColumn) { return new ColumnDefinition(superCfKeyColumn.ksName, superCfKeyColumn.cfName, superCfKeyColumn.name, superCfKeyColumn.type, 1, ColumnDefinition.Kind.CLUSTERING); } public static boolean isSuperColumnMapColumn(ColumnDefinition column) { return column.isRegular() && column.name.bytes.equals(SuperColumnCompatibility.SUPER_COLUMN_MAP_COLUMN); } public static ColumnDefinition getCompactValueColumn(PartitionColumns columns) { for (ColumnDefinition column : columns.regulars) { if (isSuperColumnMapColumn(column)) return column; } throw new AssertionError("Invalid super column table definition, no 'dynamic' map column"); }
Restrictions are the trickiest part of the SuperColumn integration. See specific docs on each field. For the purpose of this doc, the "default" column names are used, `column2` and `value`. Detailed description and semantics of these fields can be found in this class' header comment.
/** * Restrictions are the trickiest part of the SuperColumn integration. * See specific docs on each field. For the purpose of this doc, the "default" column names are used, * `column2` and `value`. Detailed description and semantics of these fields can be found in this class' * header comment. */
public static class SuperColumnRestrictions {
Restrictions in the form of: ... AND (column1, column2) > ('value1', 1) Multi-column restrictions. `column1` will be handled normally by the clustering bounds, and `column2` value has to be "saved" and filtered out in `processPartition`, as there's no direct mapping of multi-column restrictions to clustering + cell path. The first row is special-cased to make sure the semantics of multi-column restrictions are preserved.
/** * Restrictions in the form of: * ... AND (column1, column2) > ('value1', 1) * Multi-column restrictions. `column1` will be handled normally by the clustering bounds, * and `column2` value has to be "saved" and filtered out in `processPartition`, as there's no * direct mapping of multi-column restrictions to clustering + cell path. The first row * is special-cased to make sure the semantics of multi-column restrictions are preserved. */
private final SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiSliceRestriction multiSliceRestriction;
Restrictions in the form of: ... AND (column1, column2) = ('value1', 1) Multi-column restriction with EQ does have a direct mapping: `column1` will be handled normally by the clustering bounds, and the `column2` will be special-cased by the SuperColumnCompatibility.getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions) as a collection path lookup.
/** * Restrictions in the form of: * ... AND (column1, column2) = ('value1', 1) * Multi-column restriction with EQ does have a direct mapping: `column1` will be handled * normally by the clustering bounds, and the `column2` will be special-cased by the * {@link #getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions)} as a collection path lookup. */
private final SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction multiEQRestriction;
Restrictions in the form of: ... AND column2 >= 5 For non-filtering cases (when the preceding clustering column and a partition key are restricted), will be handled in SuperColumnCompatibility.getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions) like an inclusive bounds lookup. For the restrictions taking a form of ... AND column2 > 5 (non-inclusive ones), the items that match `=` will be filtered out by SuperColumnCompatibility.processPartition(CFMetaData, Selection, RowIterator, ResultSetBuilder, ProtocolVersion, SuperColumnRestrictions, QueryOptions) Unfortunately, there are no good ways to do it other than here: RowFilter can't be used in this case, since the complex collection cells are not yet rows by that point. ColumnFilter (which is used for inclusive slices) can't be changed to support exclusive slices as it would require a protocol change in order to add a Kind. So exclusive slices are a combination of inclusive plus an ad-hoc filter.
/** * Restrictions in the form of: * ... AND column2 >= 5 * For non-filtering cases (when the preceding clustering column and a partition key are * restricted), will be handled in {@link #getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions)} * like an inclusive bounds lookup. * * For the restrictions taking a form of * ... AND column2 > 5 * (non-inclusive ones), the items that match `=` will be filtered out * by {@link #processPartition(CFMetaData, Selection, RowIterator, Selection.ResultSetBuilder, ProtocolVersion, SuperColumnRestrictions, QueryOptions)} * * Unfortunately, there are no good ways to do it other than here: * {@link RowFilter} can't be used in this case, since the complex collection cells are not yet rows by that * point. * {@link ColumnFilter} (which is used for inclusive slices) can't be changed to support exclusive slices as it would * require a protocol change in order to add a Kind. So exclusive slices are a combination of inclusive plus * an ad-hoc filter. */
private final SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction keySliceRestriction;
Restrictions in the form of: ... AND column2 IN (1, 2, 3) For non-filtering cases (when the preceeding clustering column and a partition key are restricted), are handled in SuperColumnCompatibility.getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions) by adding multiple collection paths to the ColumnFilter
/** * Restrictions in the form of: * ... AND column2 IN (1, 2, 3) * For non-filtering cases (when the preceeding clustering column and a partition key are * restricted), are handled in {@link #getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions)} by * adding multiple collection paths to the {@link ColumnFilter} */
private final SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyINRestriction keyINRestriction;
Restrictions in the form of: ... AND column2 = 1 For non-filtering cases (when the preceeding clustering column and a partition key are restricted), will be handled by converting the restriction to the column filter on the collection key in SuperColumnCompatibility.getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions)
/** * Restrictions in the form of: * ... AND column2 = 1 * For non-filtering cases (when the preceeding clustering column and a partition key are * restricted), will be handled by converting the restriction to the column filter on * the collection key in {@link #getColumnFilter(CFMetaData, QueryOptions, SuperColumnRestrictions)} */
private final SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction keyEQRestriction; public SuperColumnRestrictions(Iterator<SingleRestriction> restrictions) { // In order to keep the fields final, assignments have to be done outside the loop SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiSliceRestriction multiSliceRestriction = null; SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction keySliceRestriction = null; SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyINRestriction keyINRestriction = null; SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction multiEQRestriction = null; SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction keyEQRestriction = null; while (restrictions.hasNext()) { SingleRestriction restriction = restrictions.next(); if (restriction instanceof SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiSliceRestriction) multiSliceRestriction = (SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiSliceRestriction) restriction; else if (restriction instanceof SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction) keySliceRestriction = (SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeySliceRestriction) restriction; else if (restriction instanceof SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyINRestriction) keyINRestriction = (SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyINRestriction) restriction; else if (restriction instanceof SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction) multiEQRestriction = (SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnMultiEQRestriction) restriction; else if (restriction instanceof SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction) keyEQRestriction = (SingleColumnRestriction.SuperColumnKeyEQRestriction) restriction; } this.multiSliceRestriction = multiSliceRestriction; this.keySliceRestriction = keySliceRestriction; this.keyINRestriction = keyINRestriction; this.multiEQRestriction = multiEQRestriction; this.keyEQRestriction = keyEQRestriction; } } }