 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.avro.specific;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.avro.Conversion;
import org.apache.avro.LogicalType;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumWriter;
import org.apache.avro.io.Encoder;

DatumWriter for generated Java classes.
/** * {@link org.apache.avro.io.DatumWriter DatumWriter} for generated Java * classes. */
public class SpecificDatumWriter<T> extends GenericDatumWriter<T> { public SpecificDatumWriter() { super(SpecificData.get()); } public SpecificDatumWriter(Class<T> c) { super(SpecificData.get().getSchema(c), SpecificData.getForClass(c)); } public SpecificDatumWriter(Schema schema) { super(schema, SpecificData.getForSchema(schema)); } public SpecificDatumWriter(Schema root, SpecificData specificData) { super(root, specificData); } protected SpecificDatumWriter(SpecificData specificData) { super(specificData); }
Returns the SpecificData implementation used by this writer.
/** Returns the {@link SpecificData} implementation used by this writer. */
public SpecificData getSpecificData() { return (SpecificData) getData(); } @Override protected void writeEnum(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out) throws IOException { if (!(datum instanceof Enum)) super.writeEnum(schema, datum, out); // punt to generic else out.writeEnum(((Enum) datum).ordinal()); } @Override protected void writeString(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out) throws IOException { if (!(datum instanceof CharSequence) && getSpecificData().isStringable(datum.getClass())) { datum = datum.toString(); // convert to string } writeString(datum, out); } @Override protected void writeRecord(Schema schema, Object datum, Encoder out) throws IOException { if (datum instanceof SpecificRecordBase && this.getSpecificData().useCustomCoders()) { SpecificRecordBase d = (SpecificRecordBase) datum; if (d.hasCustomCoders()) { d.customEncode(out); return; } } super.writeRecord(schema, datum, out); } @Override protected void writeField(Object datum, Schema.Field f, Encoder out, Object state) throws IOException { if (datum instanceof SpecificRecordBase) { Conversion<?> conversion = ((SpecificRecordBase) datum).getConversion(f.pos()); Schema fieldSchema = f.schema(); LogicalType logicalType = fieldSchema.getLogicalType(); Object value = getData().getField(datum, f.name(), f.pos()); if (conversion != null && logicalType != null) { value = convert(fieldSchema, logicalType, conversion, value); } writeWithoutConversion(fieldSchema, value, out); } else { super.writeField(datum, f, out, state); } } }