 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.avro;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.DoubleNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.NullNode;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.avro.util.internal.Accessor;
import org.apache.avro.util.internal.Accessor.FieldAccessor;
import org.apache.avro.util.internal.JacksonUtils;

An abstract data type.

A schema may be one of:

  • A record, mapping field names to field value data;
  • An enum, containing one of a small set of symbols;
  • An array of values, all of the same schema;
  • A map, containing string/value pairs, of a declared schema;
  • A union of other schemas;
  • A fixed sized binary object;
  • A unicode string;
  • A sequence of bytes;
  • A 32-bit signed int;
  • A 64-bit signed long;
  • A 32-bit IEEE single-float; or
  • A 64-bit IEEE double-float; or
  • A boolean; or
  • null.
A schema can be constructed using one of its static createXXX methods, or more conveniently using SchemaBuilder. The schema objects are logically immutable. There are only two mutating methods - setFields(List<Field>) and addProp(String, String). The following restrictions apply on these two methods.
  • setFields(List<Field>), can be called at most once. This method exists in order to enable clients to build recursive schemas.
  • addProp(String, String) can be called with property names that are not present already. It is not possible to change or delete an existing property.
/** * An abstract data type. * <p> * A schema may be one of: * <ul> * <li>A <i>record</i>, mapping field names to field value data; * <li>An <i>enum</i>, containing one of a small set of symbols; * <li>An <i>array</i> of values, all of the same schema; * <li>A <i>map</i>, containing string/value pairs, of a declared schema; * <li>A <i>union</i> of other schemas; * <li>A <i>fixed</i> sized binary object; * <li>A unicode <i>string</i>; * <li>A sequence of <i>bytes</i>; * <li>A 32-bit signed <i>int</i>; * <li>A 64-bit signed <i>long</i>; * <li>A 32-bit IEEE single-<i>float</i>; or * <li>A 64-bit IEEE <i>double</i>-float; or * <li>A <i>boolean</i>; or * <li><i>null</i>. * </ul> * * A schema can be constructed using one of its static <tt>createXXX</tt> * methods, or more conveniently using {@link SchemaBuilder}. The schema objects * are <i>logically</i> immutable. There are only two mutating methods - * {@link #setFields(List)} and {@link #addProp(String, String)}. The following * restrictions apply on these two methods. * <ul> * <li>{@link #setFields(List)}, can be called at most once. This method exists * in order to enable clients to build recursive schemas. * <li>{@link #addProp(String, String)} can be called with property names that * are not present already. It is not possible to change or delete an existing * property. * </ul> */
public abstract class Schema extends JsonProperties implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected Object writeReplace() { SerializableSchema ss = new SerializableSchema(); ss.schemaString = toString(); return ss; } private static final class SerializableSchema implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String schemaString; private Object readResolve() { return new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaString); } } static final JsonFactory FACTORY = new JsonFactory(); static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(FACTORY); private static final int NO_HASHCODE = Integer.MIN_VALUE; static { FACTORY.enable(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS); FACTORY.setCodec(MAPPER); }
The type of a schema.
/** The type of a schema. */
public enum Type { RECORD, ENUM, ARRAY, MAP, UNION, FIXED, STRING, BYTES, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, NULL; private final String name; private Type() { this.name = this.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } public String getName() { return name; } }; private final Type type; private LogicalType logicalType = null; Schema(Type type) { super(type == Type.ENUM ? ENUM_RESERVED : SCHEMA_RESERVED); this.type = type; }
Create a schema for a primitive type.
/** Create a schema for a primitive type. */
public static Schema create(Type type) { switch (type) { case STRING: return new StringSchema(); case BYTES: return new BytesSchema(); case INT: return new IntSchema(); case LONG: return new LongSchema(); case FLOAT: return new FloatSchema(); case DOUBLE: return new DoubleSchema(); case BOOLEAN: return new BooleanSchema(); case NULL: return new NullSchema(); default: throw new AvroRuntimeException("Can't create a: " + type); } } private static final Set<String> SCHEMA_RESERVED = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList("doc", "fields", "items", "name", "namespace", "size", "symbols", "values", "type", "aliases")); private static final Set<String> ENUM_RESERVED = new HashSet<>(SCHEMA_RESERVED); static { ENUM_RESERVED.add("default"); } int hashCode = NO_HASHCODE; @Override public void addProp(String name, String value) { super.addProp(name, value); hashCode = NO_HASHCODE; } @Override public void addProp(String name, Object value) { super.addProp(name, value); hashCode = NO_HASHCODE; } public LogicalType getLogicalType() { return logicalType; } void setLogicalType(LogicalType logicalType) { this.logicalType = logicalType; }
Create an anonymous record schema.
Deprecated:This method allows to create Schema objects that cannot be parsed by Parser.parse(String). It will be removed in a future version of Avro. Better use icreateRecord(String, String, String, boolean, List<Field>) to produce a fully qualified Schema.
/** * Create an anonymous record schema. * * @deprecated This method allows to create Schema objects that cannot be parsed * by {@link Schema.Parser#parse(String)}. It will be removed in a * future version of Avro. Better use * i{@link #createRecord(String, String, String, boolean, List)} to * produce a fully qualified Schema. */
@Deprecated public static Schema createRecord(List<Field> fields) { Schema result = createRecord(null, null, null, false); result.setFields(fields); return result; }
Create a named record schema.
/** Create a named record schema. */
public static Schema createRecord(String name, String doc, String namespace, boolean isError) { return new RecordSchema(new Name(name, namespace), doc, isError); }
Create a named record schema with fields already set.
/** Create a named record schema with fields already set. */
public static Schema createRecord(String name, String doc, String namespace, boolean isError, List<Field> fields) { return new RecordSchema(new Name(name, namespace), doc, isError, fields); }
Create an enum schema.
/** Create an enum schema. */
public static Schema createEnum(String name, String doc, String namespace, List<String> values) { return new EnumSchema(new Name(name, namespace), doc, new LockableArrayList<>(values), null); }
Create an enum schema.
/** Create an enum schema. */
public static Schema createEnum(String name, String doc, String namespace, List<String> values, String enumDefault) { return new EnumSchema(new Name(name, namespace), doc, new LockableArrayList<>(values), enumDefault); }
Create an array schema.
/** Create an array schema. */
public static Schema createArray(Schema elementType) { return new ArraySchema(elementType); }
Create a map schema.
/** Create a map schema. */
public static Schema createMap(Schema valueType) { return new MapSchema(valueType); }
Create a union schema.
/** Create a union schema. */
public static Schema createUnion(List<Schema> types) { return new UnionSchema(new LockableArrayList<>(types)); }
Create a union schema.
/** Create a union schema. */
public static Schema createUnion(Schema... types) { return createUnion(new LockableArrayList<>(types)); }
Create a union schema.
/** Create a union schema. */
public static Schema createFixed(String name, String doc, String space, int size) { return new FixedSchema(new Name(name, space), doc, size); }
Return the type of this schema.
/** Return the type of this schema. */
public Type getType() { return type; }
If this is a record, returns the Field with the given name fieldName. If there is no field by that name, a null is returned.
/** * If this is a record, returns the Field with the given name * <tt>fieldName</tt>. If there is no field by that name, a <tt>null</tt> is * returned. */
public Field getField(String fieldname) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a record: " + this); }
If this is a record, returns the fields in it. The returned list is in the order of their positions.
/** * If this is a record, returns the fields in it. The returned list is in the * order of their positions. */
public List<Field> getFields() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a record: " + this); }
If this is a record, set its fields. The fields can be set only once in a schema.
/** * If this is a record, set its fields. The fields can be set only once in a * schema. */
public void setFields(List<Field> fields) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a record: " + this); }
If this is an enum, return its symbols.
/** If this is an enum, return its symbols. */
public List<String> getEnumSymbols() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an enum: " + this); }
If this is an enum, return its default value.
/** If this is an enum, return its default value. */
public String getEnumDefault() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an enum: " + this); }
If this is an enum, return a symbol's ordinal value.
/** If this is an enum, return a symbol's ordinal value. */
public int getEnumOrdinal(String symbol) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an enum: " + this); }
If this is an enum, returns true if it contains given symbol.
/** If this is an enum, returns true if it contains given symbol. */
public boolean hasEnumSymbol(String symbol) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an enum: " + this); }
If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its name, otherwise the name of the primitive type.
/** * If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its name, otherwise the name of * the primitive type. */
public String getName() { return type.name; }
If this is a record, enum, or fixed, returns its docstring, if available. Otherwise, returns null.
/** * If this is a record, enum, or fixed, returns its docstring, if available. * Otherwise, returns null. */
public String getDoc() { return null; }
If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its namespace, if any.
/** If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its namespace, if any. */
public String getNamespace() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a named type: " + this); }
If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its namespace-qualified name, otherwise returns the name of the primitive type.
/** * If this is a record, enum or fixed, returns its namespace-qualified name, * otherwise returns the name of the primitive type. */
public String getFullName() { return getName(); }
If this is a record, enum or fixed, add an alias.
/** If this is a record, enum or fixed, add an alias. */
public void addAlias(String alias) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a named type: " + this); }
If this is a record, enum or fixed, add an alias.
/** If this is a record, enum or fixed, add an alias. */
public void addAlias(String alias, String space) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a named type: " + this); }
If this is a record, enum or fixed, return its aliases, if any.
/** If this is a record, enum or fixed, return its aliases, if any. */
public Set<String> getAliases() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a named type: " + this); }
Returns true if this record is an error type.
/** Returns true if this record is an error type. */
public boolean isError() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a record: " + this); }
If this is an array, returns its element type.
/** If this is an array, returns its element type. */
public Schema getElementType() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an array: " + this); }
If this is a map, returns its value type.
/** If this is a map, returns its value type. */
public Schema getValueType() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a map: " + this); }
If this is a union, returns its types.
/** If this is a union, returns its types. */
public List<Schema> getTypes() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a union: " + this); }
If this is a union, return the branch with the provided full name.
/** If this is a union, return the branch with the provided full name. */
public Integer getIndexNamed(String name) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a union: " + this); }
If this is fixed, returns its size.
/** If this is fixed, returns its size. */
public int getFixedSize() { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not fixed: " + this); }
Render this as JSON.
/** Render this as <a href="https://json.org/">JSON</a>. */
@Override public String toString() { return toString(false); }
Render this as JSON.
  • pretty – if true, pretty-print JSON.
/** * Render this as <a href="https://json.org/">JSON</a>. * * @param pretty if true, pretty-print JSON. */
public String toString(boolean pretty) { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator gen = FACTORY.createGenerator(writer); if (pretty) gen.useDefaultPrettyPrinter(); toJson(new Names(), gen); gen.flush(); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AvroRuntimeException(e); } } void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (!hasProps()) { // no props defined gen.writeString(getName()); // just write name } else { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("type", getName()); writeProps(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } } void fieldsToJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a record: " + this); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Schema)) return false; Schema that = (Schema) o; if (!(this.type == that.type)) return false; return equalCachedHash(that) && propsEqual(that); } @Override public final int hashCode() { if (hashCode == NO_HASHCODE) hashCode = computeHash(); return hashCode; } int computeHash() { return getType().hashCode() + propsHashCode(); } final boolean equalCachedHash(Schema other) { return (hashCode == other.hashCode) || (hashCode == NO_HASHCODE) || (other.hashCode == NO_HASHCODE); } private static final Set<String> FIELD_RESERVED = new HashSet<>(); static { Collections.addAll(FIELD_RESERVED, "default", "doc", "name", "order", "type", "aliases"); }
Returns true if this record is an union type.
/** Returns true if this record is an union type. */
public boolean isUnion() { return this instanceof UnionSchema; }
Returns true if this record is an union type containing null.
/** Returns true if this record is an union type containing null. */
public boolean isNullable() { if (!isUnion()) { return getType().equals(Schema.Type.NULL); } for (Schema schema : getTypes()) { if (schema.isNullable()) { return true; } } return false; }
A field within a record.
/** A field within a record. */
public static class Field extends JsonProperties { static { Accessor.setAccessor(new FieldAccessor() { @Override protected JsonNode defaultValue(Field field) { return field.defaultValue(); } @Override protected Field createField(String name, Schema schema, String doc, JsonNode defaultValue) { return new Field(name, schema, doc, defaultValue, true, Order.ASCENDING); } @Override protected Field createField(String name, Schema schema, String doc, JsonNode defaultValue, boolean validate, Order order) { return new Field(name, schema, doc, defaultValue, validate, order); } }); }
How values of this field should be ordered when sorting records.
/** How values of this field should be ordered when sorting records. */
public enum Order { ASCENDING, DESCENDING, IGNORE; private final String name; private Order() { this.name = this.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } };
For Schema unions with a "null" type as the first entry, this can be used to specify that the default for the union is null.
/** * For Schema unions with a "null" type as the first entry, this can be used to * specify that the default for the union is null. */
public static final Object NULL_DEFAULT_VALUE = new Object(); private final String name; // name of the field. private int position = -1; private final Schema schema; private final String doc; private final JsonNode defaultValue; private final Order order; private Set<String> aliases; Field(String name, Schema schema, String doc, JsonNode defaultValue, boolean validateDefault, Order order) { super(FIELD_RESERVED); this.name = validateName(name); this.schema = schema; this.doc = doc; this.defaultValue = validateDefault ? validateDefault(name, schema, defaultValue) : defaultValue; this.order = Objects.requireNonNull(order, "Order cannot be null"); }
Constructs a new Field instance with the same name, doc, defaultValue, and order as field has with changing the schema to the specified one. It also copies all the props and aliases.
/** * Constructs a new Field instance with the same {@code name}, {@code doc}, * {@code defaultValue}, and {@code order} as {@code field} has with changing * the schema to the specified one. It also copies all the {@code props} and * {@code aliases}. */
public Field(Field field, Schema schema) { this(field.name, schema, field.doc, field.defaultValue, true, field.order); putAll(field); if (field.aliases != null) aliases = new LinkedHashSet<>(field.aliases); } /** * */ public Field(String name, Schema schema) { this(name, schema, (String) null, (JsonNode) null, true, Order.ASCENDING); } /** * */ public Field(String name, Schema schema, String doc) { this(name, schema, doc, (JsonNode) null, true, Order.ASCENDING); }
  • defaultValue – the default value for this field specified using the mapping in JsonProperties
/** * @param defaultValue the default value for this field specified using the * mapping in {@link JsonProperties} */
public Field(String name, Schema schema, String doc, Object defaultValue) { this(name, schema, doc, defaultValue == NULL_DEFAULT_VALUE ? NullNode.getInstance() : JacksonUtils.toJsonNode(defaultValue), true, Order.ASCENDING); }
  • defaultValue – the default value for this field specified using the mapping in JsonProperties
/** * @param defaultValue the default value for this field specified using the * mapping in {@link JsonProperties} */
public Field(String name, Schema schema, String doc, Object defaultValue, Order order) { this(name, schema, doc, defaultValue == NULL_DEFAULT_VALUE ? NullNode.getInstance() : JacksonUtils.toJsonNode(defaultValue), true, Objects.requireNonNull(order)); } public String name() { return name; };
The position of this field within the record.
/** The position of this field within the record. */
public int pos() { return position; }
This field's Schema.
/** This field's {@link Schema}. */
public Schema schema() { return schema; }
Field's documentation within the record, if set. May return null.
/** Field's documentation within the record, if set. May return null. */
public String doc() { return doc; }
Returns:true if this Field has a default value set. Can be used to determine if a "null" return from defaultVal() is due to that being the default value or just not set.
/** * @return true if this Field has a default value set. Can be used to determine * if a "null" return from defaultVal() is due to that being the default * value or just not set. */
public boolean hasDefaultValue() { return defaultValue != null; } JsonNode defaultValue() { return defaultValue; }
Returns:the default value for this field specified using the mapping in JsonProperties
/** * @return the default value for this field specified using the mapping in * {@link JsonProperties} */
public Object defaultVal() { return JacksonUtils.toObject(defaultValue, schema); } public Order order() { return order; } public void addAlias(String alias) { if (aliases == null) this.aliases = new LinkedHashSet<>(); aliases.add(alias); }
Return the defined aliases as an unmodifiable Set.
/** Return the defined aliases as an unmodifiable Set. */
public Set<String> aliases() { if (aliases == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(aliases); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) return true; if (!(other instanceof Field)) return false; Field that = (Field) other; return (name.equals(that.name)) && (schema.equals(that.schema)) && defaultValueEquals(that.defaultValue) && (order == that.order) && propsEqual(that); } @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() + schema.computeHash(); } private boolean defaultValueEquals(JsonNode thatDefaultValue) { if (defaultValue == null) return thatDefaultValue == null; if (thatDefaultValue == null) return false; if (Double.isNaN(defaultValue.doubleValue())) return Double.isNaN(thatDefaultValue.doubleValue()); return defaultValue.equals(thatDefaultValue); } @Override public String toString() { return name + " type:" + schema.type + " pos:" + position; } } static class Name { private final String name; private final String space; private final String full; public Name(String name, String space) { if (name == null) { // anonymous this.name = this.space = this.full = null; return; } int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot < 0) { // unqualified name this.name = validateName(name); } else { // qualified name space = name.substring(0, lastDot); // get space from name this.name = validateName(name.substring(lastDot + 1, name.length())); } if ("".equals(space)) space = null; this.space = space; this.full = (this.space == null) ? this.name : this.space + "." + this.name; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Name)) return false; Name that = (Name) o; return Objects.equals(full, that.full); } @Override public int hashCode() { return full == null ? 0 : full.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return full; } public void writeName(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (name != null) gen.writeStringField("name", name); if (space != null) { if (!space.equals(names.space())) gen.writeStringField("namespace", space); } else if (names.space() != null) { // null within non-null gen.writeStringField("namespace", ""); } } public String getQualified(String defaultSpace) { return (space == null || space.equals(defaultSpace)) ? name : full; } } private static abstract class NamedSchema extends Schema { final Name name; final String doc; Set<Name> aliases; public NamedSchema(Type type, Name name, String doc) { super(type); this.name = name; this.doc = doc; if (PRIMITIVES.containsKey(name.full)) { throw new AvroTypeException("Schemas may not be named after primitives: " + name.full); } } @Override public String getName() { return name.name; } @Override public String getDoc() { return doc; } @Override public String getNamespace() { return name.space; } @Override public String getFullName() { return name.full; } @Override public void addAlias(String alias) { addAlias(alias, null); } @Override public void addAlias(String name, String space) { if (aliases == null) this.aliases = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (space == null) space = this.name.space; aliases.add(new Name(name, space)); } @Override public Set<String> getAliases() { Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (aliases != null) for (Name alias : aliases) result.add(alias.full); return result; } public boolean writeNameRef(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (this.equals(names.get(name))) { gen.writeString(name.getQualified(names.space())); return true; } else if (name.name != null) { names.put(name, this); } return false; } public void writeName(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { name.writeName(names, gen); } public boolean equalNames(NamedSchema that) { return this.name.equals(that.name); } @Override int computeHash() { return super.computeHash() + name.hashCode(); } public void aliasesToJson(JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (aliases == null || aliases.size() == 0) return; gen.writeFieldName("aliases"); gen.writeStartArray(); for (Name alias : aliases) gen.writeString(alias.getQualified(name.space)); gen.writeEndArray(); } }
Useful as key of Maps when traversing two schemas at the same time and need to watch for recursion.
/** * Useful as key of {@link Map}s when traversing two schemas at the same time * and need to watch for recursion. */
public static class SeenPair { private Object s1; private Object s2; public SeenPair(Object s1, Object s2) { this.s1 = s1; this.s2 = s2; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof SeenPair)) return false; return this.s1 == ((SeenPair) o).s1 && this.s2 == ((SeenPair) o).s2; } @Override public int hashCode() { return System.identityHashCode(s1) + System.identityHashCode(s2); } } private static final ThreadLocal<Set> SEEN_EQUALS = ThreadLocal.withInitial(HashSet::new); private static final ThreadLocal<Map> SEEN_HASHCODE = ThreadLocal.withInitial(IdentityHashMap::new); @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") private static class RecordSchema extends NamedSchema { private List<Field> fields; private Map<String, Field> fieldMap; private final boolean isError; public RecordSchema(Name name, String doc, boolean isError) { super(Type.RECORD, name, doc); this.isError = isError; } public RecordSchema(Name name, String doc, boolean isError, List<Field> fields) { super(Type.RECORD, name, doc); this.isError = isError; setFields(fields); } @Override public boolean isError() { return isError; } @Override public Field getField(String fieldname) { if (fieldMap == null) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Schema fields not set yet"); return fieldMap.get(fieldname); } @Override public List<Field> getFields() { if (fields == null) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Schema fields not set yet"); return fields; } @Override public void setFields(List<Field> fields) { if (this.fields != null) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Fields are already set"); } int i = 0; fieldMap = new HashMap<>(); LockableArrayList ff = new LockableArrayList(); for (Field f : fields) { if (f.position != -1) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Field already used: " + f); f.position = i++; final Field existingField = fieldMap.put(f.name(), f); if (existingField != null) { throw new AvroRuntimeException( String.format("Duplicate field %s in record %s: %s and %s.", f.name(), name, f, existingField)); } ff.add(f); } this.fields = ff.lock(); this.hashCode = NO_HASHCODE; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof RecordSchema)) return false; RecordSchema that = (RecordSchema) o; if (!equalCachedHash(that)) return false; if (!equalNames(that)) return false; if (!propsEqual(that)) return false; Set seen = SEEN_EQUALS.get(); SeenPair here = new SeenPair(this, o); if (seen.contains(here)) return true; // prevent stack overflow boolean first = seen.isEmpty(); try { seen.add(here); return Objects.equals(fields, that.fields); } finally { if (first) seen.clear(); } } @Override int computeHash() { Map seen = SEEN_HASHCODE.get(); if (seen.containsKey(this)) return 0; // prevent stack overflow boolean first = seen.isEmpty(); try { seen.put(this, this); return super.computeHash() + fields.hashCode(); } finally { if (first) seen.clear(); } } @Override void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (writeNameRef(names, gen)) return; String savedSpace = names.space; // save namespace gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("type", isError ? "error" : "record"); writeName(names, gen); names.space = name.space; // set default namespace if (getDoc() != null) gen.writeStringField("doc", getDoc()); if (fields != null) { gen.writeFieldName("fields"); fieldsToJson(names, gen); } writeProps(gen); aliasesToJson(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); names.space = savedSpace; // restore namespace } @Override void fieldsToJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { gen.writeStartArray(); for (Field f : fields) { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("name", f.name()); gen.writeFieldName("type"); f.schema().toJson(names, gen); if (f.doc() != null) gen.writeStringField("doc", f.doc()); if (f.hasDefaultValue()) { gen.writeFieldName("default"); gen.writeTree(f.defaultValue()); } if (f.order() != Field.Order.ASCENDING) gen.writeStringField("order", f.order().name); if (f.aliases != null && f.aliases.size() != 0) { gen.writeFieldName("aliases"); gen.writeStartArray(); for (String alias : f.aliases) gen.writeString(alias); gen.writeEndArray(); } f.writeProps(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } gen.writeEndArray(); } } private static class EnumSchema extends NamedSchema { private final List<String> symbols; private final Map<String, Integer> ordinals; private final String enumDefault; public EnumSchema(Name name, String doc, LockableArrayList<String> symbols, String enumDefault) { super(Type.ENUM, name, doc); this.symbols = symbols.lock(); this.ordinals = new HashMap<>(); this.enumDefault = enumDefault; int i = 0; for (String symbol : symbols) if (ordinals.put(validateName(symbol), i++) != null) throw new SchemaParseException("Duplicate enum symbol: " + symbol); if (enumDefault != null && !symbols.contains(enumDefault)) throw new SchemaParseException( "The Enum Default: " + enumDefault + " is not in the enum symbol set: " + symbols); } @Override public List<String> getEnumSymbols() { return symbols; } @Override public boolean hasEnumSymbol(String symbol) { return ordinals.containsKey(symbol); } @Override public int getEnumOrdinal(String symbol) { return ordinals.get(symbol); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof EnumSchema)) return false; EnumSchema that = (EnumSchema) o; return equalCachedHash(that) && equalNames(that) && symbols.equals(that.symbols) && propsEqual(that); } @Override public String getEnumDefault() { return enumDefault; } @Override int computeHash() { return super.computeHash() + symbols.hashCode(); } @Override void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (writeNameRef(names, gen)) return; gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("type", "enum"); writeName(names, gen); if (getDoc() != null) gen.writeStringField("doc", getDoc()); gen.writeArrayFieldStart("symbols"); for (String symbol : symbols) gen.writeString(symbol); gen.writeEndArray(); if (getEnumDefault() != null) gen.writeStringField("default", getEnumDefault()); writeProps(gen); aliasesToJson(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } } private static class ArraySchema extends Schema { private final Schema elementType; public ArraySchema(Schema elementType) { super(Type.ARRAY); this.elementType = elementType; } @Override public Schema getElementType() { return elementType; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof ArraySchema)) return false; ArraySchema that = (ArraySchema) o; return equalCachedHash(that) && elementType.equals(that.elementType) && propsEqual(that); } @Override int computeHash() { return super.computeHash() + elementType.computeHash(); } @Override void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("type", "array"); gen.writeFieldName("items"); elementType.toJson(names, gen); writeProps(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } } private static class MapSchema extends Schema { private final Schema valueType; public MapSchema(Schema valueType) { super(Type.MAP); this.valueType = valueType; } @Override public Schema getValueType() { return valueType; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof MapSchema)) return false; MapSchema that = (MapSchema) o; return equalCachedHash(that) && valueType.equals(that.valueType) && propsEqual(that); } @Override int computeHash() { return super.computeHash() + valueType.computeHash(); } @Override void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("type", "map"); gen.writeFieldName("values"); valueType.toJson(names, gen); writeProps(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } } private static class UnionSchema extends Schema { private final List<Schema> types; private final Map<String, Integer> indexByName = new HashMap<>(); public UnionSchema(LockableArrayList<Schema> types) { super(Type.UNION); this.types = types.lock(); int index = 0; for (Schema type : types) { if (type.getType() == Type.UNION) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Nested union: " + this); String name = type.getFullName(); if (name == null) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Nameless in union:" + this); if (indexByName.put(name, index++) != null) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Duplicate in union:" + name); } } @Override public List<Schema> getTypes() { return types; } @Override public Integer getIndexNamed(String name) { return indexByName.get(name); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof UnionSchema)) return false; UnionSchema that = (UnionSchema) o; return equalCachedHash(that) && types.equals(that.types) && propsEqual(that); } @Override int computeHash() { int hash = super.computeHash(); for (Schema type : types) hash += type.computeHash(); return hash; } @Override public void addProp(String name, String value) { throw new AvroRuntimeException("Can't set properties on a union: " + this); } @Override void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { gen.writeStartArray(); for (Schema type : types) type.toJson(names, gen); gen.writeEndArray(); } } private static class FixedSchema extends NamedSchema { private final int size; public FixedSchema(Name name, String doc, int size) { super(Type.FIXED, name, doc); if (size < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid fixed size: " + size); this.size = size; } @Override public int getFixedSize() { return size; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof FixedSchema)) return false; FixedSchema that = (FixedSchema) o; return equalCachedHash(that) && equalNames(that) && size == that.size && propsEqual(that); } @Override int computeHash() { return super.computeHash() + size; } @Override void toJson(Names names, JsonGenerator gen) throws IOException { if (writeNameRef(names, gen)) return; gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField("type", "fixed"); writeName(names, gen); if (getDoc() != null) gen.writeStringField("doc", getDoc()); gen.writeNumberField("size", size); writeProps(gen); aliasesToJson(gen); gen.writeEndObject(); } } private static class StringSchema extends Schema { public StringSchema() { super(Type.STRING); } } private static class BytesSchema extends Schema { public BytesSchema() { super(Type.BYTES); } } private static class IntSchema extends Schema { public IntSchema() { super(Type.INT); } } private static class LongSchema extends Schema { public LongSchema() { super(Type.LONG); } } private static class FloatSchema extends Schema { public FloatSchema() { super(Type.FLOAT); } } private static class DoubleSchema extends Schema { public DoubleSchema() { super(Type.DOUBLE); } } private static class BooleanSchema extends Schema { public BooleanSchema() { super(Type.BOOLEAN); } } private static class NullSchema extends Schema { public NullSchema() { super(Type.NULL); } }
A parser for JSON-format schemas. Each named schema parsed with a parser is added to the names known to the parser so that subsequently parsed schemas may refer to it by name.
/** * A parser for JSON-format schemas. Each named schema parsed with a parser is * added to the names known to the parser so that subsequently parsed schemas * may refer to it by name. */
public static class Parser { private Names names = new Names(); private boolean validate = true; private boolean validateDefaults = true;
Adds the provided types to the set of defined, named types known to this parser.
/** * Adds the provided types to the set of defined, named types known to this * parser. */
public Parser addTypes(Map<String, Schema> types) { for (Schema s : types.values()) names.add(s); return this; }
Returns the set of defined, named types known to this parser.
/** Returns the set of defined, named types known to this parser. */
public Map<String, Schema> getTypes() { Map<String, Schema> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Schema s : names.values()) result.put(s.getFullName(), s); return result; }
Enable or disable name validation.
/** Enable or disable name validation. */
public Parser setValidate(boolean validate) { this.validate = validate; return this; }
True iff names are validated. True by default.
/** True iff names are validated. True by default. */
public boolean getValidate() { return this.validate; }
Enable or disable default value validation.
/** Enable or disable default value validation. */
public Parser setValidateDefaults(boolean validateDefaults) { this.validateDefaults = validateDefaults; return this; }
True iff default values are validated. False by default.
/** True iff default values are validated. False by default. */
public boolean getValidateDefaults() { return this.validateDefaults; }
Parse a schema from the provided file. If named, the schema is added to the names known to this parser.
/** * Parse a schema from the provided file. If named, the schema is added to the * names known to this parser. */
public Schema parse(File file) throws IOException { return parse(FACTORY.createParser(file)); }
Parse a schema from the provided stream. If named, the schema is added to the names known to this parser. The input stream stays open after the parsing.
/** * Parse a schema from the provided stream. If named, the schema is added to the * names known to this parser. The input stream stays open after the parsing. */
public Schema parse(InputStream in) throws IOException { return parse(FACTORY.createParser(in).disable(JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE)); }
Read a schema from one or more json strings
/** Read a schema from one or more json strings */
public Schema parse(String s, String... more) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(s); for (String part : more) b.append(part); return parse(b.toString()); }
Parse a schema from the provided string. If named, the schema is added to the names known to this parser.
/** * Parse a schema from the provided string. If named, the schema is added to the * names known to this parser. */
public Schema parse(String s) { try { return parse(FACTORY.createParser(s)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SchemaParseException(e); } } private Schema parse(JsonParser parser) throws IOException { boolean saved = validateNames.get(); boolean savedValidateDefaults = VALIDATE_DEFAULTS.get(); try { validateNames.set(validate); VALIDATE_DEFAULTS.set(validateDefaults); return Schema.parse(MAPPER.readTree(parser), names); } catch (JsonParseException e) { throw new SchemaParseException(e); } finally { parser.close(); validateNames.set(saved); VALIDATE_DEFAULTS.set(savedValidateDefaults); } } }
Constructs a Schema object from JSON schema file file. The contents of file is expected to be in UTF-8 format.
  • file – The file to read the schema from.
  • IOException – if there was trouble reading the contents or they are invalid
Returns:The freshly built Schema.
Deprecated:use Parser instead.
/** * Constructs a Schema object from JSON schema file <tt>file</tt>. The contents * of <tt>file</tt> is expected to be in UTF-8 format. * * @param file The file to read the schema from. * @return The freshly built Schema. * @throws IOException if there was trouble reading the contents or they are * invalid * @deprecated use {@link Schema.Parser} instead. */
@Deprecated public static Schema parse(File file) throws IOException { return new Parser().parse(file); }
Constructs a Schema object from JSON schema stream in. The contents of in is expected to be in UTF-8 format.
  • in – The input stream to read the schema from.
  • IOException – if there was trouble reading the contents or they are invalid
Returns:The freshly built Schema.
Deprecated:use Parser instead.
/** * Constructs a Schema object from JSON schema stream <tt>in</tt>. The contents * of <tt>in</tt> is expected to be in UTF-8 format. * * @param in The input stream to read the schema from. * @return The freshly built Schema. * @throws IOException if there was trouble reading the contents or they are * invalid * @deprecated use {@link Schema.Parser} instead. */
@Deprecated public static Schema parse(InputStream in) throws IOException { return new Parser().parse(in); }
Construct a schema from JSON text.
Deprecated:use Parser instead.
/** * Construct a schema from <a href="https://json.org/">JSON</a> text. * * @deprecated use {@link Schema.Parser} instead. */
@Deprecated public static Schema parse(String jsonSchema) { return new Parser().parse(jsonSchema); }
Construct a schema from JSON text.
  • validate – true if names should be validated, false if not.
Deprecated:use Parser instead.
/** * Construct a schema from <a href="https://json.org/">JSON</a> text. * * @param validate true if names should be validated, false if not. * @deprecated use {@link Schema.Parser} instead. */
@Deprecated public static Schema parse(String jsonSchema, boolean validate) { return new Parser().setValidate(validate).parse(jsonSchema); } static final Map<String, Type> PRIMITIVES = new HashMap<>(); static { PRIMITIVES.put("string", Type.STRING); PRIMITIVES.put("bytes", Type.BYTES); PRIMITIVES.put("int", Type.INT); PRIMITIVES.put("long", Type.LONG); PRIMITIVES.put("float", Type.FLOAT); PRIMITIVES.put("double", Type.DOUBLE); PRIMITIVES.put("boolean", Type.BOOLEAN); PRIMITIVES.put("null", Type.NULL); } static class Names extends LinkedHashMap<Name, Schema> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String space; // default namespace public Names() { } public Names(String space) { this.space = space; } public String space() { return space; } public void space(String space) { this.space = space; } public Schema get(String o) { Type primitive = PRIMITIVES.get(o); if (primitive != null) { return Schema.create(primitive); } Name name = new Name(o, space); if (!containsKey(name)) { // if not in default try anonymous name = new Name(o, ""); } return super.get(name); } public boolean contains(Schema schema) { return get(((NamedSchema) schema).name) != null; } public void add(Schema schema) { put(((NamedSchema) schema).name, schema); } @Override public Schema put(Name name, Schema schema) { if (containsKey(name)) throw new SchemaParseException("Can't redefine: " + name); return super.put(name, schema); } } private static ThreadLocal<Boolean> validateNames = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> true); private static String validateName(String name) { if (!validateNames.get()) return name; // not validating names int length = name.length(); if (length == 0) throw new SchemaParseException("Empty name"); char first = name.charAt(0); if (!(Character.isLetter(first) || first == '_')) throw new SchemaParseException("Illegal initial character: " + name); for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); if (!(Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_')) throw new SchemaParseException("Illegal character in: " + name); } return name; } private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> VALIDATE_DEFAULTS = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> true); private static JsonNode validateDefault(String fieldName, Schema schema, JsonNode defaultValue) { if (VALIDATE_DEFAULTS.get() && (defaultValue != null) && !isValidDefault(schema, defaultValue)) { // invalid default String message = "Invalid default for field " + fieldName + ": " + defaultValue + " not a " + schema; throw new AvroTypeException(message); // throw exception } return defaultValue; } private static boolean isValidDefault(Schema schema, JsonNode defaultValue) { if (defaultValue == null) return false; switch (schema.getType()) { case STRING: case BYTES: case ENUM: case FIXED: return defaultValue.isTextual(); case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: return defaultValue.isNumber(); case BOOLEAN: return defaultValue.isBoolean(); case NULL: return defaultValue.isNull(); case ARRAY: if (!defaultValue.isArray()) return false; for (JsonNode element : defaultValue) if (!isValidDefault(schema.getElementType(), element)) return false; return true; case MAP: if (!defaultValue.isObject()) return false; for (JsonNode value : defaultValue) if (!isValidDefault(schema.getValueType(), value)) return false; return true; case UNION: // union default: first branch return isValidDefault(schema.getTypes().get(0), defaultValue); case RECORD: if (!defaultValue.isObject()) return false; for (Field field : schema.getFields()) if (!isValidDefault(field.schema(), defaultValue.has(field.name()) ? defaultValue.get(field.name()) : field.defaultValue())) return false; return true; default: return false; } }
See Also:
/** @see #parse(String) */
static Schema parse(JsonNode schema, Names names) { if (schema == null) { throw new SchemaParseException("Cannot parse <null> schema"); } if (schema.isTextual()) { // name Schema result = names.get(schema.textValue()); if (result == null) throw new SchemaParseException("Undefined name: " + schema); return result; } else if (schema.isObject()) { Schema result; String type = getRequiredText(schema, "type", "No type"); Name name = null; String savedSpace = names.space(); String doc = null; if (type.equals("record") || type.equals("error") || type.equals("enum") || type.equals("fixed")) { String space = getOptionalText(schema, "namespace"); doc = getOptionalText(schema, "doc"); if (space == null) space = names.space(); name = new Name(getRequiredText(schema, "name", "No name in schema"), space); if (name.space != null) { // set default namespace names.space(name.space); } } if (PRIMITIVES.containsKey(type)) { // primitive result = create(PRIMITIVES.get(type)); } else if (type.equals("record") || type.equals("error")) { // record List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>(); result = new RecordSchema(name, doc, type.equals("error")); if (name != null) names.add(result); JsonNode fieldsNode = schema.get("fields"); if (fieldsNode == null || !fieldsNode.isArray()) throw new SchemaParseException("Record has no fields: " + schema); for (JsonNode field : fieldsNode) { String fieldName = getRequiredText(field, "name", "No field name"); String fieldDoc = getOptionalText(field, "doc"); JsonNode fieldTypeNode = field.get("type"); if (fieldTypeNode == null) throw new SchemaParseException("No field type: " + field); if (fieldTypeNode.isTextual() && names.get(fieldTypeNode.textValue()) == null) throw new SchemaParseException(fieldTypeNode + " is not a defined name." + " The type of the \"" + fieldName + "\" field must be" + " a defined name or a {\"type\": ...} expression."); Schema fieldSchema = parse(fieldTypeNode, names); Field.Order order = Field.Order.ASCENDING; JsonNode orderNode = field.get("order"); if (orderNode != null) order = Field.Order.valueOf(orderNode.textValue().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); JsonNode defaultValue = field.get("default"); if (defaultValue != null && (Type.FLOAT.equals(fieldSchema.getType()) || Type.DOUBLE.equals(fieldSchema.getType())) && defaultValue.isTextual()) defaultValue = new DoubleNode(Double.valueOf(defaultValue.textValue())); Field f = new Field(fieldName, fieldSchema, fieldDoc, defaultValue, true, order); Iterator<String> i = field.fieldNames(); while (i.hasNext()) { // add field props String prop = i.next(); if (!FIELD_RESERVED.contains(prop)) f.addProp(prop, field.get(prop)); } f.aliases = parseAliases(field); fields.add(f); } result.setFields(fields); } else if (type.equals("enum")) { // enum JsonNode symbolsNode = schema.get("symbols"); if (symbolsNode == null || !symbolsNode.isArray()) throw new SchemaParseException("Enum has no symbols: " + schema); LockableArrayList<String> symbols = new LockableArrayList<>(symbolsNode.size()); for (JsonNode n : symbolsNode) symbols.add(n.textValue()); JsonNode enumDefault = schema.get("default"); String defaultSymbol = null; if (enumDefault != null) defaultSymbol = enumDefault.textValue(); result = new EnumSchema(name, doc, symbols, defaultSymbol); if (name != null) names.add(result); } else if (type.equals("array")) { // array JsonNode itemsNode = schema.get("items"); if (itemsNode == null) throw new SchemaParseException("Array has no items type: " + schema); result = new ArraySchema(parse(itemsNode, names)); } else if (type.equals("map")) { // map JsonNode valuesNode = schema.get("values"); if (valuesNode == null) throw new SchemaParseException("Map has no values type: " + schema); result = new MapSchema(parse(valuesNode, names)); } else if (type.equals("fixed")) { // fixed JsonNode sizeNode = schema.get("size"); if (sizeNode == null || !sizeNode.isInt()) throw new SchemaParseException("Invalid or no size: " + schema); result = new FixedSchema(name, doc, sizeNode.intValue()); if (name != null) names.add(result); } else { // For unions with self reference Name nameFromType = new Name(type, names.space); if (names.containsKey(nameFromType)) { return names.get(nameFromType); } throw new SchemaParseException("Type not supported: " + type); } Iterator<String> i = schema.fieldNames(); Set reserved = SCHEMA_RESERVED; if (type.equals("enum")) { reserved = ENUM_RESERVED; } while (i.hasNext()) { // add properties String prop = i.next(); if (!reserved.contains(prop)) // ignore reserved result.addProp(prop, schema.get(prop)); } // parse logical type if present result.logicalType = LogicalTypes.fromSchemaIgnoreInvalid(result); names.space(savedSpace); // restore space if (result instanceof NamedSchema) { Set<String> aliases = parseAliases(schema); if (aliases != null) // add aliases for (String alias : aliases) result.addAlias(alias); } return result; } else if (schema.isArray()) { // union LockableArrayList<Schema> types = new LockableArrayList<>(schema.size()); for (JsonNode typeNode : schema) types.add(parse(typeNode, names)); return new UnionSchema(types); } else { throw new SchemaParseException("Schema not yet supported: " + schema); } } static Set<String> parseAliases(JsonNode node) { JsonNode aliasesNode = node.get("aliases"); if (aliasesNode == null) return null; if (!aliasesNode.isArray()) throw new SchemaParseException("aliases not an array: " + node); Set<String> aliases = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (JsonNode aliasNode : aliasesNode) { if (!aliasNode.isTextual()) throw new SchemaParseException("alias not a string: " + aliasNode); aliases.add(aliasNode.textValue()); } return aliases; }
Extracts text value associated to key from the container JsonNode, and throws SchemaParseException if it doesn't exist.
  • container – Container where to find key.
  • key – Key to look for in container.
  • error – String to prepend to the SchemaParseException.
/** * Extracts text value associated to key from the container JsonNode, and throws * {@link SchemaParseException} if it doesn't exist. * * @param container Container where to find key. * @param key Key to look for in container. * @param error String to prepend to the SchemaParseException. */
private static String getRequiredText(JsonNode container, String key, String error) { String out = getOptionalText(container, key); if (null == out) { throw new SchemaParseException(error + ": " + container); } return out; }
Extracts text value associated to key from the container JsonNode.
/** Extracts text value associated to key from the container JsonNode. */
private static String getOptionalText(JsonNode container, String key) { JsonNode jsonNode = container.get(key); return jsonNode != null ? jsonNode.textValue() : null; } static JsonNode parseJson(String s) { try { return MAPPER.readTree(FACTORY.createParser(s)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Parses the specified json string to an object.
/** * Parses the specified json string to an object. */
public static Object parseJsonToObject(String s) { return JacksonUtils.toObject(parseJson(s)); }
Rewrite a writer's schema using the aliases from a reader's schema. This permits reading records, enums and fixed schemas whose names have changed, and records whose field names have changed. The returned schema always contains the same data elements in the same order, but with possibly different names.
/** * Rewrite a writer's schema using the aliases from a reader's schema. This * permits reading records, enums and fixed schemas whose names have changed, * and records whose field names have changed. The returned schema always * contains the same data elements in the same order, but with possibly * different names. */
public static Schema applyAliases(Schema writer, Schema reader) { if (writer.equals(reader)) return writer; // same schema // create indexes of names Map<Schema, Schema> seen = new IdentityHashMap<>(1); Map<Name, Name> aliases = new HashMap<>(1); Map<Name, Map<String, String>> fieldAliases = new HashMap<>(1); getAliases(reader, seen, aliases, fieldAliases); if (aliases.size() == 0 && fieldAliases.size() == 0) return writer; // no aliases seen.clear(); return applyAliases(writer, seen, aliases, fieldAliases); } private static Schema applyAliases(Schema s, Map<Schema, Schema> seen, Map<Name, Name> aliases, Map<Name, Map<String, String>> fieldAliases) { Name name = s instanceof NamedSchema ? ((NamedSchema) s).name : null; Schema result = s; switch (s.getType()) { case RECORD: if (seen.containsKey(s)) return seen.get(s); // break loops if (aliases.containsKey(name)) name = aliases.get(name); result = Schema.createRecord(name.full, s.getDoc(), null, s.isError()); seen.put(s, result); List<Field> newFields = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field f : s.getFields()) { Schema fSchema = applyAliases(f.schema, seen, aliases, fieldAliases); String fName = getFieldAlias(name, f.name, fieldAliases); Field newF = new Field(fName, fSchema, f.doc, f.defaultValue, true, f.order); newF.putAll(f); // copy props newFields.add(newF); } result.setFields(newFields); break; case ENUM: if (aliases.containsKey(name)) result = Schema.createEnum(aliases.get(name).full, s.getDoc(), null, s.getEnumSymbols(), s.getEnumDefault()); break; case ARRAY: Schema e = applyAliases(s.getElementType(), seen, aliases, fieldAliases); if (!e.equals(s.getElementType())) result = Schema.createArray(e); break; case MAP: Schema v = applyAliases(s.getValueType(), seen, aliases, fieldAliases); if (!v.equals(s.getValueType())) result = Schema.createMap(v); break; case UNION: List<Schema> types = new ArrayList<>(); for (Schema branch : s.getTypes()) types.add(applyAliases(branch, seen, aliases, fieldAliases)); result = Schema.createUnion(types); break; case FIXED: if (aliases.containsKey(name)) result = Schema.createFixed(aliases.get(name).full, s.getDoc(), null, s.getFixedSize()); break; default: // NO-OP } if (!result.equals(s)) result.putAll(s); // copy props return result; } private static void getAliases(Schema schema, Map<Schema, Schema> seen, Map<Name, Name> aliases, Map<Name, Map<String, String>> fieldAliases) { if (schema instanceof NamedSchema) { NamedSchema namedSchema = (NamedSchema) schema; if (namedSchema.aliases != null) for (Name alias : namedSchema.aliases) aliases.put(alias, namedSchema.name); } switch (schema.getType()) { case RECORD: if (seen.containsKey(schema)) return; // break loops seen.put(schema, schema); RecordSchema record = (RecordSchema) schema; for (Field field : schema.getFields()) { if (field.aliases != null) for (String fieldAlias : field.aliases) { Map<String, String> recordAliases = fieldAliases.computeIfAbsent(record.name, k -> new HashMap<>()); recordAliases.put(fieldAlias, field.name); } getAliases(field.schema, seen, aliases, fieldAliases); } if (record.aliases != null && fieldAliases.containsKey(record.name)) for (Name recordAlias : record.aliases) fieldAliases.put(recordAlias, fieldAliases.get(record.name)); break; case ARRAY: getAliases(schema.getElementType(), seen, aliases, fieldAliases); break; case MAP: getAliases(schema.getValueType(), seen, aliases, fieldAliases); break; case UNION: for (Schema s : schema.getTypes()) getAliases(s, seen, aliases, fieldAliases); break; } } private static String getFieldAlias(Name record, String field, Map<Name, Map<String, String>> fieldAliases) { Map<String, String> recordAliases = fieldAliases.get(record); if (recordAliases == null) return field; String alias = recordAliases.get(field); if (alias == null) return field; return alias; }
No change is permitted on LockableArrayList once lock() has been called on it.
Type parameters:
  • <E> –
/** * No change is permitted on LockableArrayList once lock() has been called on * it. * * @param <E> */
/* * This class keeps a boolean variable <tt>locked</tt> which is set to * <tt>true</tt> in the lock() method. It's legal to call lock() any number of * times. Any lock() other than the first one is a no-op. * * This class throws <tt>IllegalStateException</tt> if a mutating operation is * performed after being locked. Since modifications through iterator also use * the list's mutating operations, this effectively blocks all modifications. */ static class LockableArrayList<E> extends ArrayList<E> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean locked = false; public LockableArrayList() { } public LockableArrayList(int size) { super(size); } public LockableArrayList(List<E> types) { super(types); } public LockableArrayList(E... types) { super(types.length); Collections.addAll(this, types); } public List<E> lock() { locked = true; return this; } private void ensureUnlocked() { if (locked) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public boolean add(E e) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.add(e); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.remove(o); } @Override public E remove(int index) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.remove(index); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.addAll(c); } @Override public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.addAll(index, c); } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.removeAll(c); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { ensureUnlocked(); return super.retainAll(c); } @Override public void clear() { ensureUnlocked(); super.clear(); } } }