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package org.apache.avro;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.SeenPair;
import org.apache.avro.Resolver.ErrorAction.ErrorType;

Encapsulate schema-resolution logic in an easy-to-consume representation. See resolve and also the separate document entitled refactoring-resolution for more information. It might also be helpful to study ResolvingGrammarGenerator as an example of how to use this class.
/** * Encapsulate schema-resolution logic in an easy-to-consume representation. See * {@link #resolve} and also the separate document entitled * <tt>refactoring-resolution</tt> for more information. It might also be * helpful to study {@link org.apache.avro.io.parsing.ResolvingGrammarGenerator} * as an example of how to use this class. */
public class Resolver {
Returns a Action tree for resolving the writer schema writer and the reader schema reader. This method walks the reader's and writer's schemas together, generating an appropriate subclass of Action to encapsulate the information needed to resolve the corresponding parts of each schema tree. For convience, every Action object has a pointer to the corresponding parts of the reader's and writer's trees being resolved by the action. Each subclass of Action has additional information needed for different types of schema, e.g., the EnumAdjust subclass has information about re-ordering and deletion of enumeration symbols, while RecordAdjust has information about re-ordering and deletion of record fields. Note that aliases are applied to the writer's schema before resolution actually takes place. This means that the writer field of the resulting Action objects will not be the same schema as provided to this method. However, the reader field will be.
  • writer – The schema used by the writer
  • reader – The schema used by the reader
  • data – Used for getDefaultValue and getting conversions
Returns:Nested actions for resolving the two
/** * Returns a {@link Resolver.Action} tree for resolving the writer schema * <tt>writer</tt> and the reader schema <tt>reader</tt>. * * This method walks the reader's and writer's schemas together, generating an * appropriate subclass of {@link Action} to encapsulate the information needed * to resolve the corresponding parts of each schema tree. For convience, every * {@link Action} object has a pointer to the corresponding parts of the * reader's and writer's trees being resolved by the action. Each subclass of * {@link Action} has additional information needed for different types of * schema, e.g., the {@link EnumAdjust} subclass has information about * re-ordering and deletion of enumeration symbols, while {@link RecordAdjust} * has information about re-ordering and deletion of record fields. * * Note that aliases are applied to the writer's schema before resolution * actually takes place. This means that the <tt>writer</tt> field of the * resulting {@link Action} objects will not be the same schema as provided to * this method. However, the <tt>reader</tt> field will be. * * @param writer The schema used by the writer * @param reader The schema used by the reader * @param data Used for <tt>getDefaultValue</tt> and getting conversions * @return Nested actions for resolving the two */
public static Action resolve(Schema writer, Schema reader, GenericData data) { return resolve(Schema.applyAliases(writer, reader), reader, data, new HashMap<>()); }
Uses GenericData.get() for the data param.
/** * Uses <tt>GenericData.get()</tt> for the <tt>data</tt> param. */
public static Action resolve(Schema writer, Schema reader) { return resolve(writer, reader, GenericData.get()); } private static Action resolve(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Map<SeenPair, Action> seen) { final Schema.Type wType = w.getType(); final Schema.Type rType = r.getType(); if (wType == Schema.Type.UNION) return WriterUnion.resolve(w, r, d, seen); if (wType == rType) { switch (wType) { case NULL: case BOOLEAN: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case STRING: case BYTES: return new DoNothing(w, r, d); case FIXED: if (w.getFullName() != null && !w.getFullName().equals(r.getFullName())) return new ErrorAction(w, r, d, ErrorType.NAMES_DONT_MATCH); else if (w.getFixedSize() != r.getFixedSize()) return new ErrorAction(w, r, d, ErrorType.SIZES_DONT_MATCH); else return new DoNothing(w, r, d); case ARRAY: Action et = resolve(w.getElementType(), r.getElementType(), d, seen); return new Container(w, r, d, et); case MAP: Action vt = resolve(w.getValueType(), r.getValueType(), d, seen); return new Container(w, r, d, vt); case ENUM: return EnumAdjust.resolve(w, r, d); case RECORD: return RecordAdjust.resolve(w, r, d, seen); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type for schema: " + wType); } } else if (rType == Schema.Type.UNION) return ReaderUnion.resolve(w, r, d, seen); else return Promote.resolve(w, r, d); }
An abstract class for an action to be taken to resolve a writer's schema (found in public instance variable writer) against a reader's schema (in reader). Ordinarily, neither field can be null, except that the reader field can be null in a Skip, which is used to skip a field in a writer's record that doesn't exist in the reader's (and thus there is no reader schema to resolve to).
/** * An abstract class for an action to be taken to resolve a writer's schema * (found in public instance variable <tt>writer</tt>) against a reader's schema * (in <tt>reader</tt>). Ordinarily, neither field can be <tt>null</tt>, except * that the <tt>reader</tt> field can be <tt>null</tt> in a {@link Skip}, which * is used to skip a field in a writer's record that doesn't exist in the * reader's (and thus there is no reader schema to resolve to). */
public static abstract class Action {
Helps us traverse faster.
/** Helps us traverse faster. */
public enum Type { DO_NOTHING, ERROR, PROMOTE, CONTAINER, ENUM, SKIP, RECORD, WRITER_UNION, READER_UNION } public final Schema writer, reader; public final Type type;
If the reader has a logical type, it's stored here for fast access, otherwise this will be null.
/** * If the reader has a logical type, it's stored here for fast access, otherwise * this will be null. */
public final LogicalType logicalType;
If the reader has a conversion that needs to be applied, it's stored here for fast access, otherwise this will be null.
/** * If the reader has a conversion that needs to be applied, it's stored here for * fast access, otherwise this will be null. */
public final Conversion<?> conversion; protected Action(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData data, Type t) { this.writer = w; this.reader = r; this.type = t; if (r == null) { this.logicalType = null; this.conversion = null; } else { this.logicalType = r.getLogicalType(); this.conversion = data.getConversionFor(logicalType); } } }
In this case, there's nothing to be done for resolution: the two schemas are effectively the same. This action will be generated only for primitive types and fixed types, and not for any other kind of schema.
/** * In this case, there's nothing to be done for resolution: the two schemas are * effectively the same. This action will be generated <em>only</em> for * primitive types and fixed types, and not for any other kind of schema. */
public static class DoNothing extends Action { public DoNothing(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.DO_NOTHING); } }
In this case there is an error. We put error Actions into trees because Avro reports these errors in a lazy fashion: if a particular input doesn't "tickle" the error (typically because it's in a branch of a union that isn't found in the data being read), then it's safe to ignore it.
/** * In this case there is an error. We put error Actions into trees because Avro * reports these errors in a lazy fashion: if a particular input doesn't * "tickle" the error (typically because it's in a branch of a union that isn't * found in the data being read), then it's safe to ignore it. */
public static class ErrorAction extends Action { public static enum ErrorType {
Use when Schema types don't match and can't be converted. For example, resolving "int" and "enum".
/** * Use when Schema types don't match and can't be converted. For example, * resolving "int" and "enum". */
Use when Schema types match but, in the case of record, enum, or fixed, the names don't match.
/** * Use when Schema types match but, in the case of record, enum, or fixed, the * names don't match. */
Use when two fixed types match and their names match by their sizes don't.
/** * Use when two fixed types match and their names match by their sizes don't. */
Use when matching two records and the reader has a field with no default value and that field is missing in the writer..
/** * Use when matching two records and the reader has a field with no default * value and that field is missing in the writer.. */
Use when matching a reader's union against a non-union and can't find a branch that matches.
/** * Use when matching a reader's union against a non-union and can't find a * branch that matches. */
NO_MATCHING_BRANCH } public final ErrorType error; public ErrorAction(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, ErrorType e) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.ERROR); this.error = e; } public String toString() { switch (this.error) { case INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA_TYPES: case NAMES_DONT_MATCH: case SIZES_DONT_MATCH: case NO_MATCHING_BRANCH: return "Found " + writer.getFullName() + ", expecting " + reader.getFullName(); case MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD: { List<Field> wfields = writer.getFields(); List<Field> rfields = reader.getFields(); String fname = "<oops>"; for (Field rf : rfields) if (writer.getField(rf.name()) == null && rf.defaultValue() == null) fname = rf.name(); return ("Found " + writer.getFullName() + ", expecting " + reader.getFullName() + ", missing required field " + fname); } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown error."); } } }
In this case, the writer's type needs to be promoted to the reader's. These are constructed by resolve, which will only construct one when the writer's and reader's schemas are different (ie, no "self promotion"), and whent the promotion is one allowed by the Avro spec.
/** * In this case, the writer's type needs to be promoted to the reader's. These * are constructed by {@link Promote#resolve}, which will only construct one * when the writer's and reader's schemas are different (ie, no "self * promotion"), and whent the promotion is one allowed by the Avro spec. */
public static class Promote extends Action { private Promote(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.PROMOTE); }
Return a promotion.
  • w – Writer's schema
  • r – Rearder's schema
Returns:a Promote schema if the two schemas are compatible, or ErrorType.INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA_TYPES if they are not.
/** * Return a promotion. * * @param w Writer's schema * @param r Rearder's schema * @return a {@link Promote} schema if the two schemas are compatible, or * {@link ErrorType#INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA_TYPES} if they are not. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <em>getType()</em> of the two schemas are * not different. */
public static Action resolve(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d) { if (isValid(w, r)) return new Promote(w, r, d); else return new ErrorAction(w, r, d, ErrorType.INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA_TYPES); }
Returns true iff w and r are both primitive types and either they are the same type or w is promotable to r. Should
/** * Returns true iff <tt>w</tt> and <tt>r</tt> are both primitive types and * either they are the same type or <tt>w</tt> is promotable to <tt>r</tt>. * Should */
public static boolean isValid(Schema w, Schema r) { if (w.getType() == r.getType()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only use when reader and writer are different."); Schema.Type wt = w.getType(); switch (r.getType()) { case INT: switch (wt) { case INT: return true; } break; case LONG: switch (wt) { case INT: case LONG: return true; } break; case FLOAT: switch (wt) { case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: return true; } break; case DOUBLE: switch (wt) { case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: return true; } break; case BYTES: case STRING: switch (wt) { case STRING: case BYTES: return true; } break; } return false; } }
Used for array and map schemas: the public instance variable elementAction contains the resolving action needed for the element type of an array or value top of a map.
/** * Used for array and map schemas: the public instance variable * <tt>elementAction</tt> contains the resolving action needed for the element * type of an array or value top of a map. */
public static class Container extends Action { public final Action elementAction; public Container(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Action e) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.CONTAINER); this.elementAction = e; } }
Contains information needed to resolve enumerations. When resolving enums, adjustments need to be made in two scenarios: the index for an enum symbol might be different in the reader or writer, or the reader might not have a symbol that was written out for the writer (which is an error, but one we can only detect when decoding data). These adjustments are reflected in the instance variable adjustments. For the symbol with index i in the writer's enum definition, adjustments[i] -- and integer -- contains the adjustment for that symbol. If the integer is positive, then reader also has the symbol and the integer is its index in the reader's schema. If adjustment[i] is negative, then the reader does not have the corresponding symbol (which is the error case). Sometimes there's no adjustments needed: all symbols in the reader have the same index in the reader's and writer's schema. This is a common case, and it allows for some optimization. To signal that this is the case, noAdjustmentsNeeded is set to true.
/** * Contains information needed to resolve enumerations. When resolving enums, * adjustments need to be made in two scenarios: the index for an enum symbol * might be different in the reader or writer, or the reader might not have a * symbol that was written out for the writer (which is an error, but one we can * only detect when decoding data). * * These adjustments are reflected in the instance variable * <tt>adjustments</tt>. For the symbol with index <tt>i</tt> in the writer's * enum definition, <tt>adjustments[i]</tt> -- and integer -- contains the * adjustment for that symbol. If the integer is positive, then reader also has * the symbol and the integer is its index in the reader's schema. If * <tt>adjustment[i]</tt> is negative, then the reader does <em>not</em> have * the corresponding symbol (which is the error case). * * Sometimes there's no adjustments needed: all symbols in the reader have the * same index in the reader's and writer's schema. This is a common case, and it * allows for some optimization. To signal that this is the case, * <tt>noAdjustmentsNeeded</tt> is set to true. */
public static class EnumAdjust extends Action { public final int[] adjustments; public final boolean noAdjustmentsNeeded; private EnumAdjust(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, int[] adj) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.ENUM); this.adjustments = adj; boolean noAdj; int rsymCount = r.getEnumSymbols().size(); int count = Math.min(rsymCount, adj.length); noAdj = (adj.length <= rsymCount); for (int i = 0; noAdj && i < count; i++) noAdj &= (i == adj[i]); this.noAdjustmentsNeeded = noAdj; }
If writer and reader don't have same name, a ErrorType.NAMES_DONT_MATCH is returned, otherwise an appropriate EnumAdjust is.
/** * If writer and reader don't have same name, a * {@link ErrorAction.ErrorType#NAMES_DONT_MATCH} is returned, otherwise an * appropriate {@link EnumAdjust} is. */
public static Action resolve(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d) { if (w.getFullName() != null && !w.getFullName().equals(r.getFullName())) return new ErrorAction(w, r, d, ErrorType.NAMES_DONT_MATCH); final List<String> wsymbols = w.getEnumSymbols(); final List<String> rsymbols = r.getEnumSymbols(); final int defaultIndex = (r.getEnumDefault() == null ? -1 : rsymbols.indexOf(r.getEnumDefault())); int[] adjustments = new int[wsymbols.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < adjustments.length; i++) { int j = rsymbols.indexOf(wsymbols.get(i)); adjustments[i] = (0 <= j ? j : defaultIndex); } return new EnumAdjust(w, r, d, adjustments); } }
This only appears inside RecordAdjust.fieldActions, i.e., the actions for adjusting the fields of a record. This action indicates that the writer's schema has a field that the reader's does not have, and thus the field should be skipped. Since there is no corresponding reader's schema for the writer's in this case, the Action.reader field is null for this subclass.
/** * This only appears inside {@link RecordAdjust#fieldActions}, i.e., the actions * for adjusting the fields of a record. This action indicates that the writer's * schema has a field that the reader's does <em>not</em> have, and thus the * field should be skipped. Since there is no corresponding reader's schema for * the writer's in this case, the {@link Action#reader} field is <tt>null</tt> * for this subclass. */
public static class Skip extends Action { public Skip(Schema w, GenericData d) { super(w, null, d, Action.Type.SKIP); } }
Instructions for resolving two record schemas. Includes instructions on how to recursively resolve each field, an indication of when to skip (writer fields), plus information about which reader fields should be populated by defaults (because the writer doesn't have corresponding fields).
/** * Instructions for resolving two record schemas. Includes instructions on how * to recursively resolve each field, an indication of when to skip (writer * fields), plus information about which reader fields should be populated by * defaults (because the writer doesn't have corresponding fields). */
public static class RecordAdjust extends Action {
An action for each field of the writer. If the corresponding field is to be skipped during reading, then this will contain a Skip. For fields to be read into the reading datum, will contain a regular action for resolving the writer/reader schemas of the matching fields.
/** * An action for each field of the writer. If the corresponding field is to be * skipped during reading, then this will contain a {@link Skip}. For fields to * be read into the reading datum, will contain a regular action for resolving * the writer/reader schemas of the matching fields. */
public final Action[] fieldActions;
Contains (all of) the reader's fields. The first n of these are the fields that will be read from the writer: these n are in the order dictated by writer's schema. The remaining m fields will be read from default values (actions for these default values are found in defaults.
/** * Contains (all of) the reader's fields. The first <i>n</i> of these are the * fields that will be read from the writer: these <i>n</i> are in the order * dictated by writer's schema. The remaining <i>m</i> fields will be read from * default values (actions for these default values are found in * {@link RecordAdjust#defaults}. */
public final Field[] readerOrder;
Pointer into readerOrder of the first reader field whose value comes from a default value. Set to length of readerOrder if there are none.
/** * Pointer into {@link RecordAdjust#readerOrder} of the first reader field whose * value comes from a default value. Set to length of * {@link RecordAdjust#readerOrder} if there are none. */
public final int firstDefault;
Contains the default values to be used for the last readerOrder.length-firstDefault fields in rearderOrder. The ith element of defaults is the default value for the i+firstDefault member of readerOrder.
/** * Contains the default values to be used for the last * <tt>readerOrder.length-firstDefault</tt> fields in rearderOrder. The * <tt>i</tt>th element of <tt>defaults</tt> is the default value for the * <tt>i+firstDefault</tt> member of <tt>readerOrder</tt>. */
public final Object[] defaults;
Returns true iff i == readerOrder[i].pos() for all indices i. Which is to say: the order of the reader's fields is the same in both the reader's and writer's schema.
/** * Returns true iff <code>i&nbsp;==&nbsp;readerOrder[i].pos()</code> for all * indices <code>i</code>. Which is to say: the order of the reader's fields is * the same in both the reader's and writer's schema. */
public boolean noReorder() { boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; result && i < readerOrder.length; i++) result &= (i == readerOrder[i].pos()); return result; } private RecordAdjust(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Action[] fa, Field[] ro, int firstD, Object[] defaults) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.RECORD); this.fieldActions = fa; this.readerOrder = ro; this.firstDefault = firstD; this.defaults = defaults; }
Returns a RecordAdjust for the two schemas, or an ErrorAction if there was a problem resolving. An ErrorAction is returned when either the two record-schemas don't have the same name, or if the writer is missing a field for which the reader does not have a default value.
/** * Returns a {@link RecordAdjust} for the two schemas, or an {@link ErrorAction} * if there was a problem resolving. An {@link ErrorAction} is returned when * either the two record-schemas don't have the same name, or if the writer is * missing a field for which the reader does not have a default value. * * @throws RuntimeException if writer and reader schemas are not both records */
static Action resolve(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Map<SeenPair, Action> seen) { SeenPair wr = new SeenPair(w, r); Action result = seen.get(wr); if (result != null) return result; /* * Current implementation doesn't do this check. To pass regressions tests, we * can't either. if (w.getFullName() != null && ! * w.getFullName().equals(r.getFullName())) { result = new ErrorAction(w, r, d, * ErrorType.NAMES_DONT_MATCH); seen.put(wr, result); return result; } */ List<Field> wfields = w.getFields(); List<Field> rfields = r.getFields(); int firstDefault = 0; for (Schema.Field wf : wfields) if (r.getField(wf.name()) != null) firstDefault++; Action[] actions = new Action[wfields.size()]; Field[] reordered = new Field[rfields.size()]; Object[] defaults = new Object[reordered.length - firstDefault]; result = new RecordAdjust(w, r, d, actions, reordered, firstDefault, defaults); seen.put(wr, result); // Insert early to handle recursion int i = 0; int ridx = 0; for (Field wField : wfields) { Field rField = r.getField(wField.name()); if (rField != null) { reordered[ridx++] = rField; actions[i++] = Resolver.resolve(wField.schema(), rField.schema(), d, seen); } else actions[i++] = new Skip(wField.schema(), d); } for (Field rf : rfields) if (w.getField(rf.name()) == null) if (rf.defaultValue() == null) { result = new ErrorAction(w, r, d, ErrorType.MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELD); seen.put(wr, result); return result; } else { defaults[ridx - firstDefault] = d.getDefaultValue(rf); reordered[ridx++] = rf; } return result; } }
In this case, the writer was a union. There are two subcases here: If the reader and writer are the same union, then the unionEquiv variable is set to true and the actions list holds the resolutions of each branch of the writer against the corresponding branch of the reader (which will result in no material resolution work, because the branches will be equivalent). If they reader is not a union or is a different union, then unionEquiv is false and the actions list holds the resolution of each of the writer's branches against the entire schema of the reader (if the reader is a union, that will result in ReaderUnion actions).
/** * In this case, the writer was a union. There are two subcases here: * * If the reader and writer are the same union, then the <tt>unionEquiv</tt> * variable is set to true and the <tt>actions</tt> list holds the resolutions * of each branch of the writer against the corresponding branch of the reader * (which will result in no material resolution work, because the branches will * be equivalent). If they reader is not a union or is a different union, then * <tt>unionEquiv</tt> is false and the <tt>actions</tt> list holds the * resolution of each of the writer's branches against the entire schema of the * reader (if the reader is a union, that will result in ReaderUnion actions). */
public static class WriterUnion extends Action { public final Action[] actions; public final boolean unionEquiv; private WriterUnion(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, boolean ue, Action[] a) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.WRITER_UNION); unionEquiv = ue; actions = a; } public static Action resolve(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Map<SeenPair, Action> seen) { boolean ueqv = unionEquiv(w, r, new HashMap<>()); List<Schema> wb = w.getTypes(); List<Schema> rb = (ueqv ? r.getTypes() : null); int sz = wb.size(); Action[] actions = new Action[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) actions[i] = Resolver.resolve(wb.get(i), (ueqv ? rb.get(i) : r), d, seen); return new WriterUnion(w, r, d, ueqv, actions); } }
In this case, the reader is a union and the writer is not. For this case, we need to pick the first branch of the reader that matches the writer and pretend to the reader that the index of this branch was found in the writer's data stream. To support this case, the ReaderUnion object has two (public) fields: firstMatch gives the index of the first matching branch in the reader's schema, and actualResolution is the Action that resolves the writer's schema with the schema found in the firstMatch branch of the reader's schema.
/** * In this case, the reader is a union and the writer is not. For this case, we * need to pick the first branch of the reader that matches the writer and * pretend to the reader that the index of this branch was found in the writer's * data stream. * * To support this case, the {@link ReaderUnion} object has two (public) fields: * <tt>firstMatch</tt> gives the index of the first matching branch in the * reader's schema, and <tt>actualResolution</tt> is the {@link Action} that * resolves the writer's schema with the schema found in the <tt>firstMatch</tt> * branch of the reader's schema. */
public static class ReaderUnion extends Action { public final int firstMatch; public final Action actualAction; public ReaderUnion(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, int firstMatch, Action actual) { super(w, r, d, Action.Type.READER_UNION); this.firstMatch = firstMatch; this.actualAction = actual; }
Returns a ReaderUnion action for resolving w and r, or an ErrorAction if there is no branch in the reader that matches the writer.
/** * Returns a {@link ReaderUnion} action for resolving <tt>w</tt> and <tt>r</tt>, * or an {@link ErrorAction} if there is no branch in the reader that matches * the writer. * * @throws RuntimeException if <tt>r</tt> is not a union schema or <tt>w</tt> * <em>is</em> a union schema */
public static Action resolve(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Map<SeenPair, Action> seen) { if (w.getType() == Schema.Type.UNION) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Writer schema is union."); int i = firstMatchingBranch(w, r, d, seen); if (0 <= i) return new ReaderUnion(w, r, d, i, Resolver.resolve(w, r.getTypes().get(i), d, seen)); return new ErrorAction(w, r, d, ErrorType.NO_MATCHING_BRANCH); } // Note: This code was taken verbatim from the 1.8.x branch of Avro. It // implements // a "soft match" algorithm that seems to disagree with the spec. However, in // the // interest of "bug-for-bug" compatibility, we imported the old algorithm. private static int firstMatchingBranch(Schema w, Schema r, GenericData d, Map<SeenPair, Action> seen) { Schema.Type vt = w.getType(); // first scan for exact match int j = 0; int structureMatch = -1; for (Schema b : r.getTypes()) { if (vt == b.getType()) if (vt == Schema.Type.RECORD || vt == Schema.Type.ENUM || vt == Schema.Type.FIXED) { String vname = w.getFullName(); String bname = b.getFullName(); // return immediately if the name matches exactly according to spec if (vname != null && vname.equals(bname)) return j; if (vt == Schema.Type.RECORD && !hasMatchError(RecordAdjust.resolve(w, b, d, seen))) { String vShortName = w.getName(); String bShortName = b.getName(); // use the first structure match or one where the name matches if ((structureMatch < 0) || (vShortName != null && vShortName.equals(bShortName))) { structureMatch = j; } } } else return j; j++; } // if there is a record structure match, return it if (structureMatch >= 0) return structureMatch; // then scan match via numeric promotion j = 0; for (Schema b : r.getTypes()) { switch (vt) { case INT: switch (b.getType()) { case LONG: case DOUBLE: case FLOAT: return j; } break; case LONG: switch (b.getType()) { case DOUBLE: case FLOAT: return j; } break; case FLOAT: switch (b.getType()) { case DOUBLE: return j; } break; case STRING: switch (b.getType()) { case BYTES: return j; } break; case BYTES: switch (b.getType()) { case STRING: return j; } break; } j++; } return -1; } private static boolean hasMatchError(Action action) { if (action instanceof ErrorAction) return true; else for (Action a : ((RecordAdjust) action).fieldActions) if (a instanceof ErrorAction) return true; return false; } } private static boolean unionEquiv(Schema w, Schema r, Map<SeenPair, Boolean> seen) { Schema.Type wt = w.getType(); if (wt != r.getType()) return false; // Previously, the spec was somewhat ambiguous as to whether getFullName or // getName should be used here. Using name rather than fully qualified name // maintains backwards compatibility. if ((wt == Schema.Type.RECORD || wt == Schema.Type.FIXED || wt == Schema.Type.ENUM) && !(w.getName() == null || w.getName().equals(r.getName()))) return false; switch (w.getType()) { case NULL: case BOOLEAN: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case STRING: case BYTES: return true; case ARRAY: return unionEquiv(w.getElementType(), r.getElementType(), seen); case MAP: return unionEquiv(w.getValueType(), r.getValueType(), seen); case FIXED: return w.getFixedSize() == r.getFixedSize(); case ENUM: { List<String> ws = w.getEnumSymbols(); List<String> rs = r.getEnumSymbols(); if (ws.size() != rs.size()) return false; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < ws.size(); i++) if (!ws.get(i).equals(rs.get(i))) break; return i == ws.size(); } case UNION: { List<Schema> wb = w.getTypes(); List<Schema> rb = r.getTypes(); if (wb.size() != rb.size()) return false; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < wb.size(); i++) if (!unionEquiv(wb.get(i), rb.get(i), seen)) break; return i == wb.size(); } case RECORD: { SeenPair wsc = new SeenPair(w, r); if (!seen.containsKey(wsc)) { seen.put(wsc, true); // Be optimistic, but we may change our minds List<Field> wb = w.getFields(); List<Field> rb = r.getFields(); if (wb.size() != rb.size()) seen.put(wsc, false); else { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < wb.size(); i++) if (!unionEquiv(wb.get(i).schema(), rb.get(i).schema(), seen)) break; seen.put(wsc, (i == wb.size())); } } return seen.get(wsc); } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown schema type: " + w.getType()); } } }