 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.tools.ant.util;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;

Writes a DOM tree to a given Writer. warning: this utility currently does not declare XML Namespaces.

Utility class used by XmlLogger and org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.XMLJUnitResultFormatter XMLJUnitResultFormatter}.

/** * Writes a DOM tree to a given Writer. * warning: this utility currently does not declare XML Namespaces. * <p>Utility class used by {@link org.apache.tools.ant.XmlLogger * XmlLogger} and * org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.XMLJUnitResultFormatter * XMLJUnitResultFormatter}.</p> * */
public class DOMElementWriter { private static final int HEX = 16; private static final String[] WS_ENTITIES = new String['\r' - '\t' + 1]; static { for (int i = '\t'; i < '\r' + 1; i++) { WS_ENTITIES[i - '\t'] = "&#x" + Integer.toHexString(i) + ";"; } }
prefix for generated prefixes
/** prefix for generated prefixes */
private static final String NS = "ns";
xml declaration is on by default
/** xml declaration is on by default */
private boolean xmlDeclaration = true;
XML Namespaces are ignored by default.
/** * XML Namespaces are ignored by default. */
private XmlNamespacePolicy namespacePolicy = XmlNamespacePolicy.IGNORE;
Map (URI to prefix) of known namespaces.
/** * Map (URI to prefix) of known namespaces. */
private Map<String, String> nsPrefixMap = new HashMap<>();
Number of generated prefix to use next.
/** * Number of generated prefix to use next. */
private int nextPrefix = 0;
Map (Element to URI) of namespaces defined on a given element.
/** * Map (Element to URI) of namespaces defined on a given element. */
private Map<Element, List<String>> nsURIByElement = new HashMap<>();
Whether namespaces should be ignored for elements and attributes.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Whether namespaces should be ignored for elements and attributes. * * @since Ant 1.7 */
public static class XmlNamespacePolicy { private boolean qualifyElements; private boolean qualifyAttributes;
Ignores namespaces for elements and attributes, the default.
/** * Ignores namespaces for elements and attributes, the default. */
public static final XmlNamespacePolicy IGNORE = new XmlNamespacePolicy(false, false);
Ignores namespaces for attributes.
/** * Ignores namespaces for attributes. */
public static final XmlNamespacePolicy ONLY_QUALIFY_ELEMENTS = new XmlNamespacePolicy(true, false);
Qualifies namespaces for elements and attributes.
/** * Qualifies namespaces for elements and attributes. */
public static final XmlNamespacePolicy QUALIFY_ALL = new XmlNamespacePolicy(true, true);
  • qualifyElements – whether to qualify elements
  • qualifyAttributes – whether to qualify elements
/** * @param qualifyElements whether to qualify elements * @param qualifyAttributes whether to qualify elements */
public XmlNamespacePolicy(boolean qualifyElements, boolean qualifyAttributes) { this.qualifyElements = qualifyElements; this.qualifyAttributes = qualifyAttributes; } }
Create an element writer. The ?xml? declaration will be included, namespaces ignored.
/** * Create an element writer. * The ?xml? declaration will be included, namespaces ignored. */
public DOMElementWriter() { }
Create an element writer XML namespaces will be ignored.
  • xmlDeclaration – flag to indicate whether the ?xml? declaration should be included.
/** * Create an element writer * XML namespaces will be ignored. * @param xmlDeclaration flag to indicate whether the ?xml? declaration * should be included. * @since Ant1.7 */
public DOMElementWriter(boolean xmlDeclaration) { this(xmlDeclaration, XmlNamespacePolicy.IGNORE); }
Create an element writer XML namespaces will be ignored.
  • xmlDeclaration – flag to indicate whether the ?xml? declaration should be included.
  • namespacePolicy – the policy to use.
/** * Create an element writer * XML namespaces will be ignored. * @param xmlDeclaration flag to indicate whether the ?xml? declaration * should be included. * @param namespacePolicy the policy to use. * @since Ant1.7 */
public DOMElementWriter(boolean xmlDeclaration, XmlNamespacePolicy namespacePolicy) { this.xmlDeclaration = xmlDeclaration; this.namespacePolicy = namespacePolicy; } // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc
Don't try to be too smart but at least recognize the predefined entities.
/** * Don't try to be too smart but at least recognize the predefined * entities. */
protected String[] knownEntities = {"gt", "amp", "lt", "apos", "quot"}; // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier ON
Writes a DOM tree to a stream in UTF8 encoding. Note that it prepends the <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> if the xmlDeclaration field is true. The indent number is set to 0 and a 2-space indent.
  • root – the root element of the DOM tree.
  • out – the outputstream to write to.
  • IOException – if an error happens while writing to the stream.
/** * Writes a DOM tree to a stream in UTF8 encoding. Note that * it prepends the &lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?&gt; if * the xmlDeclaration field is true. * The indent number is set to 0 and a 2-space indent. * @param root the root element of the DOM tree. * @param out the outputstream to write to. * @throws IOException if an error happens while writing to the stream. */
public void write(Element root, OutputStream out) throws IOException { Writer wri = new OutputStreamWriter(out, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); writeXMLDeclaration(wri); write(root, wri, 0, " "); wri.flush(); }
Writes the XML declaration if xmlDeclaration is true.
  • wri – the writer to write to.
Since:Ant 1.7.0
/** * Writes the XML declaration if xmlDeclaration is true. * @param wri the writer to write to. * @throws IOException if there is an error. * @since Ant 1.7.0 */
public void writeXMLDeclaration(Writer wri) throws IOException { if (xmlDeclaration) { wri.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); } }
Writes a DOM tree to a stream.
  • element – the Root DOM element of the tree
  • out – where to send the output
  • indent – number of
  • indentWith – string that should be used to indent the corresponding tag.
  • IOException – if an error happens while writing to the stream.
/** * Writes a DOM tree to a stream. * * @param element the Root DOM element of the tree * @param out where to send the output * @param indent number of * @param indentWith string that should be used to indent the * corresponding tag. * @throws IOException if an error happens while writing to the stream. */
public void write(Element element, Writer out, int indent, String indentWith) throws IOException { // Write child elements and text NodeList children = element.getChildNodes(); boolean hasChildren = (children.getLength() > 0); boolean hasChildElements = false; openElement(element, out, indent, indentWith, hasChildren); if (hasChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); switch (child.getNodeType()) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: hasChildElements = true; if (i == 0) { out.write(System.lineSeparator()); } write((Element) child, out, indent + 1, indentWith); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: out.write(encode(child.getNodeValue())); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: out.write("<!--"); out.write(encode(child.getNodeValue())); out.write("-->"); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: out.write("<![CDATA["); encodedata(out, ((Text) child).getData()); out.write("]]>"); break; case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: out.write('&'); out.write(child.getNodeName()); out.write(';'); break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: out.write("<?"); out.write(child.getNodeName()); String data = child.getNodeValue(); if (data != null && !data.isEmpty()) { out.write(' '); out.write(data); } out.write("?>"); break; default: // Do nothing } } closeElement(element, out, indent, indentWith, hasChildElements); } }
Writes the opening tag - including all attributes - corresponding to a DOM element.
  • element – the DOM element to write
  • out – where to send the output
  • indent – number of
  • indentWith – string that should be used to indent the corresponding tag.
  • IOException – if an error happens while writing to the stream.
/** * Writes the opening tag - including all attributes - * corresponding to a DOM element. * * @param element the DOM element to write * @param out where to send the output * @param indent number of * @param indentWith string that should be used to indent the * corresponding tag. * @throws IOException if an error happens while writing to the stream. */
public void openElement(Element element, Writer out, int indent, String indentWith) throws IOException { openElement(element, out, indent, indentWith, true); }
Writes the opening tag - including all attributes - corresponding to a DOM element.
  • element – the DOM element to write
  • out – where to send the output
  • indent – number of
  • indentWith – string that should be used to indent the corresponding tag.
  • hasChildren – whether this element has children.
  • IOException – if an error happens while writing to the stream.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Writes the opening tag - including all attributes - * corresponding to a DOM element. * * @param element the DOM element to write * @param out where to send the output * @param indent number of * @param indentWith string that should be used to indent the * corresponding tag. * @param hasChildren whether this element has children. * @throws IOException if an error happens while writing to the stream. * @since Ant 1.7 */
public void openElement(Element element, Writer out, int indent, String indentWith, boolean hasChildren) throws IOException { // Write indent characters for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { out.write(indentWith); } // Write element out.write("<"); if (namespacePolicy.qualifyElements) { String uri = getNamespaceURI(element); String prefix = nsPrefixMap.get(uri); if (prefix == null) { if (nsPrefixMap.isEmpty()) { // steal default namespace prefix = ""; } else { prefix = NS + (nextPrefix++); } nsPrefixMap.put(uri, prefix); addNSDefinition(element, uri); } if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { out.write(prefix); out.write(":"); } } out.write(element.getTagName()); // Write attributes NamedNodeMap attrs = element.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i); out.write(" "); if (namespacePolicy.qualifyAttributes) { String uri = getNamespaceURI(attr); String prefix = nsPrefixMap.get(uri); if (prefix == null) { prefix = NS + (nextPrefix++); nsPrefixMap.put(uri, prefix); addNSDefinition(element, uri); } out.write(prefix); out.write(":"); } out.write(attr.getName()); out.write("=\""); out.write(encodeAttributeValue(attr.getValue())); out.write("\""); } // write namespace declarations List<String> uris = nsURIByElement.get(element); if (uris != null) { for (String uri : uris) { String prefix = nsPrefixMap.get(uri); out.write(" xmlns"); if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { out.write(":"); out.write(prefix); } out.write("=\""); out.write(uri); out.write("\""); } } if (hasChildren) { out.write(">"); } else { removeNSDefinitions(element); out.write(String.format(" />%n")); out.flush(); } }
Writes a DOM tree to a stream.
  • element – the Root DOM element of the tree
  • out – where to send the output
  • indent – number of
  • indentWith – string that should be used to indent the corresponding tag.
  • hasChildren – if true indent.
  • IOException – if an error happens while writing to the stream.
/** * Writes a DOM tree to a stream. * * @param element the Root DOM element of the tree * @param out where to send the output * @param indent number of * @param indentWith string that should be used to indent the * corresponding tag. * @param hasChildren if true indent. * @throws IOException if an error happens while writing to the stream. */
public void closeElement(Element element, Writer out, int indent, String indentWith, boolean hasChildren) throws IOException { // If we had child elements, we need to indent before we close // the element, otherwise we're on the same line and don't need // to indent if (hasChildren) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { out.write(indentWith); } } // Write element close out.write("</"); if (namespacePolicy.qualifyElements) { String uri = getNamespaceURI(element); String prefix = nsPrefixMap.get(uri); if (prefix != null && !prefix.isEmpty()) { out.write(prefix); out.write(":"); } removeNSDefinitions(element); } out.write(element.getTagName()); out.write(String.format(">%n")); out.flush(); }
Escape <, >, &, ', " as their entities and drop characters that are illegal in XML documents.
  • value – the string to encode.
Returns:the encoded string.
/** * Escape &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, ', &quot; as their entities and * drop characters that are illegal in XML documents. * @param value the string to encode. * @return the encoded string. */
public String encode(String value) { return encode(value, false); }
Escape <, >, &, ', " as their entities, \n, \r and \t as numeric entities and drop characters that are illegal in XML documents.
  • value – the string to encode.
Returns:the encoded string.
/** * Escape &lt;, &gt;, &amp;, ', &quot; as their entities, \n, * \r and \t as numeric entities and drop characters that are * illegal in XML documents. * @param value the string to encode. * @return the encoded string. */
public String encodeAttributeValue(String value) { return encode(value, true); } private String encode(final String value, final boolean encodeWhitespace) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value.length()); for (final char c : value.toCharArray()) { switch (c) { case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break; case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break; case '\'': sb.append("&apos;"); break; case '\"': sb.append("&quot;"); break; case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break; case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': if (encodeWhitespace) { sb.append(WS_ENTITIES[c - '\t']); } else { sb.append(c); } break; default: if (isLegalCharacter(c)) { sb.append(c); } break; } } return sb.substring(0); }
Drop characters that are illegal in XML documents.

Also ensure that we are not including an ]]> marker by replacing that sequence with &#x5d;&#x5d;&gt;.

See XML 1.0 2.2 https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets and 2.7 https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-cdata-sect.

  • value – the value to be encoded.
Returns:the encoded value.
/** * Drop characters that are illegal in XML documents. * * <p>Also ensure that we are not including an <code>]]&gt;</code> * marker by replacing that sequence with * <code>&amp;#x5d;&amp;#x5d;&amp;gt;</code>.</p> * * <p>See XML 1.0 2.2 <a * href="https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets"> * https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets</a> and * 2.7 <a * href="https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-cdata-sect">https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-cdata-sect</a>.</p> * @param value the value to be encoded. * @return the encoded value. */
public String encodedata(final String value) { final StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { encodedata(out, value); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); //NOSONAR } return out.toString(); }
Drop characters that are illegal in XML documents and write the rest to the given writer.

Also ensure that we are not including an ]]> marker by replacing that sequence with &#x5d;&#x5d;&gt;.

See XML 1.0 2.2 https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets and 2.7 https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-cdata-sect.

  • value – the value to be encoded.
  • out – where to write the encoded data to.
/** * Drop characters that are illegal in XML documents and write the * rest to the given writer. * * <p>Also ensure that we are not including an <code>]]&gt;</code> * marker by replacing that sequence with * <code>&amp;#x5d;&amp;#x5d;&amp;gt;</code>.</p> * * <p>See XML 1.0 2.2 <a * href="https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets"> * https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets</a> and * 2.7 <a * href="https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-cdata-sect">https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-cdata-sect</a>.</p> * @param value the value to be encoded. * @param out where to write the encoded data to. * @throws IOException if data cannot be written */
public void encodedata(final Writer out, final String value) throws IOException { final int len = value.length(); int prevEnd = 0; int cdataEndPos = value.indexOf("]]>"); while (prevEnd < len) { final int end = (cdataEndPos < 0 ? len : cdataEndPos); // Write out stretches of legal characters in the range [prevEnd, end). int prevLegalCharPos = prevEnd; while (prevLegalCharPos < end) { int illegalCharPos = prevLegalCharPos; while (illegalCharPos < end && isLegalCharacter(value.charAt(illegalCharPos))) { ++illegalCharPos; } out.write(value, prevLegalCharPos, illegalCharPos - prevLegalCharPos); prevLegalCharPos = illegalCharPos + 1; } if (cdataEndPos >= 0) { out.write("]]]]><![CDATA[>"); prevEnd = cdataEndPos + 3; cdataEndPos = value.indexOf("]]>", prevEnd); } else { prevEnd = end; } } }
Is the given argument a character or entity reference?
  • ent – the value to be checked.
Returns:true if it is an entity.
/** * Is the given argument a character or entity reference? * @param ent the value to be checked. * @return true if it is an entity. */
public boolean isReference(String ent) { if (ent.charAt(0) != '&' || !ent.endsWith(";")) { return false; } if (ent.charAt(1) == '#') { if (ent.charAt(2) == 'x') { try { // CheckStyle:MagicNumber OFF Integer.parseInt(ent.substring(3, ent.length() - 1), HEX); // CheckStyle:MagicNumber ON return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return false; } } else { try { Integer.parseInt(ent.substring(2, ent.length() - 1)); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return false; } } } String name = ent.substring(1, ent.length() - 1); for (String knownEntity : knownEntities) { if (name.equals(knownEntity)) { return true; } } return false; }
Is the given character allowed inside an XML document?

See XML 1.0 2.2 https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets.

  • c – the character to test.
Returns:true if the character is allowed.
Since:1.10, Ant 1.5
/** * Is the given character allowed inside an XML document? * * <p>See XML 1.0 2.2 <a * href="https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets"> * https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#charsets</a>.</p> * @param c the character to test. * @return true if the character is allowed. * @since 1.10, Ant 1.5 */
public boolean isLegalCharacter(final char c) { // CheckStyle:MagicNumber OFF if (c == 0x9 || c == 0xA || c == 0xD) { return true; } if (c < 0x20) { return false; } if (c <= 0xD7FF) { return true; } if (c < 0xE000) { return false; } return c <= 0xFFFD; // CheckStyle:MagicNumber ON } private void removeNSDefinitions(Element element) { List<String> uris = nsURIByElement.get(element); if (uris != null) { uris.forEach(nsPrefixMap::remove); nsURIByElement.remove(element); } } private void addNSDefinition(Element element, String uri) { nsURIByElement.computeIfAbsent(element, e -> new ArrayList<>()) .add(uri); } private static String getNamespaceURI(Node n) { String uri = n.getNamespaceURI(); return uri == null ? "" : uri; } }