 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tools.ant.types;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.FileScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.AndSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.ContainsRegexpSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.ContainsSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.DateSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.DependSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.DepthSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.DifferentSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.ExecutableSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.ExtendSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.FileSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.FilenameSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.MajoritySelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.NoneSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.NotSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.OrSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.OwnedBySelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.PosixGroupSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.PosixPermissionsSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.PresentSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.ReadableSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.SelectSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.SelectorContainer;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.SelectorScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.SizeSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.SymlinkSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.TypeSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.WritableSelector;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.selectors.modifiedselector.ModifiedSelector;

Class that holds an implicit patternset and supports nested patternsets and creates a DirectoryScanner using these patterns.

Common base class for DirSet and FileSet.

/** * Class that holds an implicit patternset and supports nested * patternsets and creates a DirectoryScanner using these patterns. * * <p>Common base class for DirSet and FileSet.</p> * */
public abstract class AbstractFileSet extends DataType implements Cloneable, SelectorContainer { private PatternSet defaultPatterns = new PatternSet(); private List<PatternSet> additionalPatterns = new ArrayList<>(); private List<FileSelector> selectors = new ArrayList<>(); private File dir; private boolean fileAttributeUsed; private boolean useDefaultExcludes = true; private boolean caseSensitive = true; private boolean followSymlinks = true; private boolean errorOnMissingDir = true; private int maxLevelsOfSymlinks = DirectoryScanner.MAX_LEVELS_OF_SYMLINKS; /* cached DirectoryScanner instance for our own Project only */ private DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = null;
Construct a new AbstractFileSet.
/** * Construct a new <code>AbstractFileSet</code>. */
public AbstractFileSet() { super(); }
Construct a new AbstractFileSet, shallowly cloned from the specified AbstractFileSet.
  • fileset – the AbstractFileSet to use as a template.
/** * Construct a new <code>AbstractFileSet</code>, shallowly cloned * from the specified <code>AbstractFileSet</code>. * @param fileset the <code>AbstractFileSet</code> to use as a template. */
protected AbstractFileSet(AbstractFileSet fileset) { this.dir = fileset.dir; this.defaultPatterns = fileset.defaultPatterns; this.additionalPatterns = fileset.additionalPatterns; this.selectors = fileset.selectors; this.useDefaultExcludes = fileset.useDefaultExcludes; this.caseSensitive = fileset.caseSensitive; this.followSymlinks = fileset.followSymlinks; this.errorOnMissingDir = fileset.errorOnMissingDir; this.maxLevelsOfSymlinks = fileset.maxLevelsOfSymlinks; setProject(fileset.getProject()); }
Makes this instance in effect a reference to another instance.

You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside this element if you make it a reference.

  • r – the Reference to use.
/** * Makes this instance in effect a reference to another instance. * * <p>You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside * this element if you make it a reference.</p> * @param r the <code>Reference</code> to use. * @throws BuildException on error */
@Override public void setRefid(Reference r) throws BuildException { if (dir != null || defaultPatterns.hasPatterns(getProject())) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (!additionalPatterns.isEmpty()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } if (!selectors.isEmpty()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } super.setRefid(r); }
Sets the base-directory for this instance.
  • dir – the directory's File instance.
/** * Sets the base-directory for this instance. * @param dir the directory's <code>File</code> instance. * @throws BuildException on error */
public synchronized void setDir(File dir) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (fileAttributeUsed && !getDir().equals(dir)) { throw dirAndFileAreMutuallyExclusive(); } this.dir = dir; directoryScanner = null; }
Retrieves the base-directory for this instance.
/** * Retrieves the base-directory for this instance. * @return <code>File</code>. */
public File getDir() { return getDir(getProject()); }
Retrieves the base-directory for this instance.
  • p – the Project against which the reference is resolved, if set.
/** * Retrieves the base-directory for this instance. * @param p the <code>Project</code> against which the * reference is resolved, if set. * @return <code>File</code>. */
public synchronized File getDir(Project p) { if (isReference()) { return getRef(p).getDir(p); } dieOnCircularReference(); return dir; }
Creates a nested patternset.
/** * Creates a nested patternset. * @return <code>PatternSet</code>. */
public synchronized PatternSet createPatternSet() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } PatternSet patterns = new PatternSet(); additionalPatterns.add(patterns); directoryScanner = null; return patterns; }
Add a name entry to the include list.
/** * Add a name entry to the include list. * @return <code>PatternSet.NameEntry</code>. */
public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createInclude() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createInclude(); }
Add a name entry to the include files list.
/** * Add a name entry to the include files list. * @return <code>PatternSet.PatternFileNameEntry</code>. */
public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createIncludesFile() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createIncludesFile(); }
Add a name entry to the exclude list.
/** * Add a name entry to the exclude list. * @return <code>PatternSet.NameEntry</code>. */
public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createExclude() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createExclude(); }
Add a name entry to the excludes files list.
/** * Add a name entry to the excludes files list. * @return <code>PatternSet.PatternFileNameEntry</code>. */
public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createExcludesFile() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createExcludesFile(); }
Creates a single file fileset.
  • file – the single File included in this AbstractFileSet.
/** * Creates a single file fileset. * @param file the single <code>File</code> included in this * <code>AbstractFileSet</code>. */
public synchronized void setFile(File file) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (fileAttributeUsed) { if (getDir().equals(file.getParentFile())) { String[] includes = defaultPatterns.getIncludePatterns(getProject()); if (includes.length == 1 && includes[0].equals(file.getName())) { // NOOP, setFile has been invoked twice with the same parameter return; } } throw new BuildException("setFile cannot be called twice with different arguments"); } else if (getDir() != null) { throw dirAndFileAreMutuallyExclusive(); } setDir(file.getParentFile()); fileAttributeUsed = true; createInclude().setName(file.getName()); }
Appends includes to the current list of include patterns.

Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.

  • includes – the String containing the include patterns.
/** * Appends <code>includes</code> to the current list of include * patterns. * * <p>Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.</p> * * @param includes the <code>String</code> containing the include patterns. */
public synchronized void setIncludes(String includes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setIncludes(includes); directoryScanner = null; }
Appends includes to the current list of include patterns.
  • includes – array containing the include patterns.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Appends <code>includes</code> to the current list of include * patterns. * * @param includes array containing the include patterns. * @since Ant 1.7 */
public synchronized void appendIncludes(String[] includes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (includes != null) { for (String include : includes) { defaultPatterns.createInclude().setName(include); } directoryScanner = null; } }
Appends excludes to the current list of exclude patterns.

Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.

  • excludes – the String containing the exclude patterns.
/** * Appends <code>excludes</code> to the current list of exclude * patterns. * * <p>Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.</p> * * @param excludes the <code>String</code> containing the exclude patterns. */
public synchronized void setExcludes(String excludes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setExcludes(excludes); directoryScanner = null; }
Appends excludes to the current list of exclude patterns.
  • excludes – array containing the exclude patterns.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Appends <code>excludes</code> to the current list of exclude * patterns. * * @param excludes array containing the exclude patterns. * @since Ant 1.7 */
public synchronized void appendExcludes(String[] excludes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (excludes != null) { for (String exclude : excludes) { defaultPatterns.createExclude().setName(exclude); } directoryScanner = null; } }
Sets the File containing the includes patterns.
  • incl – File instance.
/** * Sets the <code>File</code> containing the includes patterns. * * @param incl <code>File</code> instance. * @throws BuildException on error */
public synchronized void setIncludesfile(File incl) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setIncludesfile(incl); directoryScanner = null; }
Sets the File containing the excludes patterns.
  • excl – File instance.
/** * Sets the <code>File</code> containing the excludes patterns. * * @param excl <code>File</code> instance. * @throws BuildException on error */
public synchronized void setExcludesfile(File excl) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setExcludesfile(excl); directoryScanner = null; }
Sets whether default exclusions should be used or not.
  • useDefaultExcludes – boolean.
/** * Sets whether default exclusions should be used or not. * * @param useDefaultExcludes <code>boolean</code>. */
public synchronized void setDefaultexcludes(boolean useDefaultExcludes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.useDefaultExcludes = useDefaultExcludes; directoryScanner = null; }
Whether default exclusions should be used or not.
Returns:the default exclusions value.
Since:Ant 1.6.3
/** * Whether default exclusions should be used or not. * @return the default exclusions value. * @since Ant 1.6.3 */
public synchronized boolean getDefaultexcludes() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).getDefaultexcludes(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return useDefaultExcludes; }
Sets case sensitivity of the file system.
  • caseSensitive – boolean.
/** * Sets case sensitivity of the file system. * * @param caseSensitive <code>boolean</code>. */
public synchronized void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive; directoryScanner = null; }
Find out if the fileset is case sensitive.
Returns:boolean indicating whether the fileset is case sensitive.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Find out if the fileset is case sensitive. * * @return <code>boolean</code> indicating whether the fileset is * case sensitive. * * @since Ant 1.7 */
public synchronized boolean isCaseSensitive() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).isCaseSensitive(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return caseSensitive; }
Sets whether or not symbolic links should be followed.
  • followSymlinks – whether or not symbolic links should be followed.
/** * Sets whether or not symbolic links should be followed. * * @param followSymlinks whether or not symbolic links should be followed. */
public synchronized void setFollowSymlinks(boolean followSymlinks) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.followSymlinks = followSymlinks; directoryScanner = null; }
Find out if the fileset wants to follow symbolic links.
Returns:boolean indicating whether symbolic links should be followed.
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Find out if the fileset wants to follow symbolic links. * * @return <code>boolean</code> indicating whether symbolic links * should be followed. * * @since Ant 1.6 */
public synchronized boolean isFollowSymlinks() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).isCaseSensitive(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return followSymlinks; }
The maximum number of times a symbolic link may be followed during a scan.
  • max – int
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * The maximum number of times a symbolic link may be followed * during a scan. * * @param max int * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public void setMaxLevelsOfSymlinks(int max) { maxLevelsOfSymlinks = max; }
The maximum number of times a symbolic link may be followed during a scan.
Since:Ant 1.8.0
/** * The maximum number of times a symbolic link may be followed * during a scan. * * @return int * @since Ant 1.8.0 */
public int getMaxLevelsOfSymlinks() { return maxLevelsOfSymlinks; }
Sets whether an error is thrown if a directory does not exist.
  • errorOnMissingDir – true if missing directories cause errors, false if not.
/** * Sets whether an error is thrown if a directory does not exist. * * @param errorOnMissingDir true if missing directories cause errors, * false if not. */
public void setErrorOnMissingDir(boolean errorOnMissingDir) { this.errorOnMissingDir = errorOnMissingDir; }
Gets whether an error is/should be thrown if the base directory does not exist.
Since:Ant 1.8.2
/** * Gets whether an error is/should be thrown if the base directory * does not exist. * * @return boolean * @since Ant 1.8.2 */
public boolean getErrorOnMissingDir() { return errorOnMissingDir; }
Returns the directory scanner needed to access the files to process.
Returns:a DirectoryScanner instance.
/** * Returns the directory scanner needed to access the files to process. * @return a <code>DirectoryScanner</code> instance. */
public DirectoryScanner getDirectoryScanner() { return getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); }
Returns the directory scanner needed to access the files to process.
  • p – the Project against which the DirectoryScanner should be configured.
Returns:a DirectoryScanner instance.
/** * Returns the directory scanner needed to access the files to process. * @param p the Project against which the DirectoryScanner should be configured. * @return a <code>DirectoryScanner</code> instance. */
public DirectoryScanner getDirectoryScanner(Project p) { if (isReference()) { return getRef(p).getDirectoryScanner(p); } dieOnCircularReference(); final DirectoryScanner ds; synchronized (this) { if (directoryScanner != null && p == getProject()) { ds = directoryScanner; } else { if (dir == null) { throw new BuildException("No directory specified for %s.", getDataTypeName()); } if (!dir.exists() && errorOnMissingDir) { throw new BuildException(dir.getAbsolutePath() + DirectoryScanner .DOES_NOT_EXIST_POSTFIX); } if (!dir.isDirectory() && dir.exists()) { throw new BuildException("%s is not a directory.", dir.getAbsolutePath()); } ds = new DirectoryScanner(); setupDirectoryScanner(ds, p); ds.setFollowSymlinks(followSymlinks); ds.setErrorOnMissingDir(errorOnMissingDir); ds.setMaxLevelsOfSymlinks(maxLevelsOfSymlinks); directoryScanner = (p == getProject()) ? ds : directoryScanner; } } ds.scan(); return ds; }
Set up the specified directory scanner against this AbstractFileSet's Project.
  • ds – a FileScanner instance.
/** * Set up the specified directory scanner against this * AbstractFileSet's Project. * @param ds a <code>FileScanner</code> instance. */
public void setupDirectoryScanner(FileScanner ds) { setupDirectoryScanner(ds, getProject()); }
Set up the specified directory scanner against the specified project.
  • ds – a FileScanner instance.
  • p – an Ant Project instance.
/** * Set up the specified directory scanner against the specified project. * @param ds a <code>FileScanner</code> instance. * @param p an Ant <code>Project</code> instance. */
public synchronized void setupDirectoryScanner(FileScanner ds, Project p) { if (isReference()) { getRef(p).setupDirectoryScanner(ds, p); return; } dieOnCircularReference(p); if (ds == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ds cannot be null"); } ds.setBasedir(dir); PatternSet ps = mergePatterns(p); p.log(getDataTypeName() + ": Setup scanner in dir " + dir + " with " + ps, Project.MSG_DEBUG); ds.setIncludes(ps.getIncludePatterns(p)); ds.setExcludes(ps.getExcludePatterns(p)); if (ds instanceof SelectorScanner) { SelectorScanner ss = (SelectorScanner) ds; ss.setSelectors(getSelectors(p)); } if (useDefaultExcludes) { ds.addDefaultExcludes(); } ds.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitive); }
Performs the check for circular references and returns the referenced FileSet. This method can be overridden together with getRef() providing implementations containing the special support for FileSet references, which can be handled by all ArchiveFileSets. NB! This method must be overridden in subclasses such as FileSet and DirSet to distinguish between the data types.
  • p – the current project
Returns:the dereferenced object.
/** * Performs the check for circular references and returns the * referenced FileSet. * This method can be overridden together with {@link ArchiveFileSet#getRef() getRef()} * providing implementations containing the special support * for FileSet references, which can be handled by all ArchiveFileSets. * NB! This method must be overridden in subclasses such as FileSet and DirSet * to distinguish between the data types. * @param p the current project * @return the dereferenced object. */
protected AbstractFileSet getRef(Project p) { return getCheckedRef(AbstractFileSet.class, getDataTypeName(), p); } // SelectorContainer methods
Indicates whether there are any selectors here.
Returns:whether any selectors are in this container.
/** * Indicates whether there are any selectors here. * * @return whether any selectors are in this container. */
@Override public synchronized boolean hasSelectors() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).hasSelectors(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return !selectors.isEmpty(); }
Indicates whether there are any patterns here.
Returns:whether any patterns are in this container.
/** * Indicates whether there are any patterns here. * * @return whether any patterns are in this container. */
public synchronized boolean hasPatterns() { if (isReference() && getProject() != null) { return getRef(getProject()).hasPatterns(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return defaultPatterns.hasPatterns(getProject()) || additionalPatterns.stream().anyMatch(ps -> ps.hasPatterns(getProject())); }
Gives the count of the number of selectors in this container.
Returns:the number of selectors in this container as an int.
/** * Gives the count of the number of selectors in this container. * * @return the number of selectors in this container as an <code>int</code>. */
@Override public synchronized int selectorCount() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).selectorCount(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return selectors.size(); }
Returns the set of selectors as an array.
  • p – the current project
Returns:a FileSelector[] of the selectors in this container.
/** * Returns the set of selectors as an array. * @param p the current project * @return a <code>FileSelector[]</code> of the selectors in this container. */
@Override public synchronized FileSelector[] getSelectors(Project p) { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).getSelectors(p); } dieOnCircularReference(p); return selectors.toArray(new FileSelector[selectors.size()]); }
Returns an enumerator for accessing the set of selectors.
Returns:an Enumeration of selectors.
/** * Returns an enumerator for accessing the set of selectors. * * @return an <code>Enumeration</code> of selectors. */
@Override public synchronized Enumeration<FileSelector> selectorElements() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).selectorElements(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return Collections.enumeration(selectors); }
Add a new selector into this container.
  • selector – the new FileSelector to add.
/** * Add a new selector into this container. * * @param selector the new <code>FileSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public synchronized void appendSelector(FileSelector selector) { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } selectors.add(selector); directoryScanner = null; setChecked(false); } /* Methods below all add specific selectors */
Add a "Select" selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the SelectSelector to add.
/** * Add a "Select" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>SelectSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addSelector(SelectSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add an "And" selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the AndSelector to add.
/** * Add an "And" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>AndSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addAnd(AndSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add an "Or" selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the OrSelector to add.
/** * Add an "Or" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>OrSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addOr(OrSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a "Not" selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the NotSelector to add.
/** * Add a "Not" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>NotSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addNot(NotSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a "None" selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the NoneSelector to add.
/** * Add a "None" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>NoneSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addNone(NoneSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a majority selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the MajoritySelector to add.
/** * Add a majority selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>MajoritySelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addMajority(MajoritySelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a selector date entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the DateSelector to add.
/** * Add a selector date entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DateSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addDate(DateSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a selector size entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the SizeSelector to add.
/** * Add a selector size entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>SizeSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addSize(SizeSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a DifferentSelector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the DifferentSelector to add.
/** * Add a DifferentSelector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DifferentSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addDifferent(DifferentSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a selector filename entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the FilenameSelector to add.
/** * Add a selector filename entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>FilenameSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addFilename(FilenameSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a selector type entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the TypeSelector to add.
/** * Add a selector type entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>TypeSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addType(TypeSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add an extended selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the ExtendSelector to add.
/** * Add an extended selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>ExtendSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addCustom(ExtendSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a contains selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the ContainsSelector to add.
/** * Add a contains selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>ContainsSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addContains(ContainsSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a present selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the PresentSelector to add.
/** * Add a present selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>PresentSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addPresent(PresentSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a depth selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the DepthSelector to add.
/** * Add a depth selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DepthSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addDepth(DepthSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a depends selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the DependSelector to add.
/** * Add a depends selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DependSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addDepend(DependSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add a regular expression selector entry on the selector list.
  • selector – the ContainsRegexpSelector to add.
/** * Add a regular expression selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>ContainsRegexpSelector</code> to add. */
@Override public void addContainsRegexp(ContainsRegexpSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Add the modified selector.
  • selector – the ModifiedSelector to add.
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Add the modified selector. * @param selector the <code>ModifiedSelector</code> to add. * @since Ant 1.6 */
@Override public void addModified(ModifiedSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } public void addReadable(ReadableSelector r) { appendSelector(r); } public void addWritable(WritableSelector w) { appendSelector(w); }
  • e – ExecutableSelector
/** * @param e ExecutableSelector * @since 1.10.0 */
public void addExecutable(ExecutableSelector e) { appendSelector(e); }
  • e – SymlinkSelector
/** * @param e SymlinkSelector * @since 1.10.0 */
public void addSymlink(SymlinkSelector e) { appendSelector(e); }
  • o – OwnedBySelector
/** * @param o OwnedBySelector * @since 1.10.0 */
public void addOwnedBy(OwnedBySelector o) { appendSelector(o); }
  • o – PosixGroupSelector
/** * @param o PosixGroupSelector * @since 1.10.4 */
public void addPosixGroup(PosixGroupSelector o) { appendSelector(o); }
  • o – PosixPermissionsSelector
/** * @param o PosixPermissionsSelector * @since 1.10.4 */
public void addPosixPermissions(PosixPermissionsSelector o) { appendSelector(o); }
Add an arbitrary selector.
  • selector – the FileSelector to add.
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Add an arbitrary selector. * @param selector the <code>FileSelector</code> to add. * @since Ant 1.6 */
@Override public void add(FileSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); }
Returns included files as a list of semicolon-separated filenames.
Returns:a String of included filenames.
/** * Returns included files as a list of semicolon-separated filenames. * * @return a <code>String</code> of included filenames. */
@Override public String toString() { if (isReference()) { return getRef(getProject()).toString(); } dieOnCircularReference(); return String.join(";", getDirectoryScanner().getIncludedFiles()); }
Creates a deep clone of this instance, except for the nested selectors (the list of selectors is a shallow clone of this instance's list).
Returns:the cloned object
Since:Ant 1.6
/** * Creates a deep clone of this instance, except for the nested * selectors (the list of selectors is a shallow clone of this * instance's list). * @return the cloned object * @since Ant 1.6 */
@Override public synchronized Object clone() { if (isReference()) { return (getRef(getProject())).clone(); } try { AbstractFileSet fs = (AbstractFileSet) super.clone(); fs.defaultPatterns = (PatternSet) defaultPatterns.clone(); fs.additionalPatterns = additionalPatterns.stream().map(PatternSet::clone) .map(PatternSet.class::cast).collect(Collectors.toList()); fs.selectors = new ArrayList<>(selectors); return fs; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new BuildException(e); } }
Get the merged include patterns for this AbstractFileSet.
  • p – the project to use.
Returns:the include patterns of the default pattern set and all nested patternsets.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Get the merged include patterns for this AbstractFileSet. * @param p the project to use. * @return the include patterns of the default pattern set and all * nested patternsets. * * @since Ant 1.7 */
public String[] mergeIncludes(Project p) { return mergePatterns(p).getIncludePatterns(p); }
Get the merged exclude patterns for this AbstractFileSet.
  • p – the project to use.
Returns:the exclude patterns of the default pattern set and all nested patternsets.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Get the merged exclude patterns for this AbstractFileSet. * @param p the project to use. * @return the exclude patterns of the default pattern set and all * nested patternsets. * * @since Ant 1.7 */
public String[] mergeExcludes(Project p) { return mergePatterns(p).getExcludePatterns(p); }
Get the merged patterns for this AbstractFileSet.
  • p – the project to use.
Returns:the default patternset merged with the additional sets in a new PatternSet instance.
Since:Ant 1.7
/** * Get the merged patterns for this AbstractFileSet. * @param p the project to use. * @return the default patternset merged with the additional sets * in a new PatternSet instance. * * @since Ant 1.7 */
public synchronized PatternSet mergePatterns(Project p) { if (isReference()) { return getRef(p).mergePatterns(p); } dieOnCircularReference(); PatternSet ps = (PatternSet) defaultPatterns.clone(); additionalPatterns.forEach(pat -> ps.append(pat, p)); return ps; } @Override protected synchronized void dieOnCircularReference(Stack<Object> stk, Project p) throws BuildException { if (isChecked()) { return; } if (isReference()) { super.dieOnCircularReference(stk, p); } else { selectors.stream().filter(DataType.class::isInstance).map(DataType.class::cast) .forEach(type -> pushAndInvokeCircularReferenceCheck(type, stk, p)); additionalPatterns.forEach(ps -> pushAndInvokeCircularReferenceCheck(ps, stk, p)); setChecked(true); } } private BuildException dirAndFileAreMutuallyExclusive() { return new BuildException("you can only specify one of the dir and file attributes"); } }