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 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.vss;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.LogStreamHandler;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.EnumeratedAttribute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;

A base class for creating tasks for executing commands on Visual SourceSafe.

The class extends the 'exec' task as it operates by executing the ss.exe program supplied with SourceSafe. By default the task expects ss.exe to be in the path, you can override this be specifying the ssdir attribute.

This class provides set and get methods for 'login' and 'vsspath' attributes. It also contains constants for the flags that can be passed to SS.

/** * A base class for creating tasks for executing commands on Visual SourceSafe. * <p> * The class extends the 'exec' task as it operates by executing the ss.exe program * supplied with SourceSafe. By default the task expects ss.exe to be in the path, * you can override this be specifying the ssdir attribute. * </p> * <p> * This class provides set and get methods for 'login' and 'vsspath' attributes. It * also contains constants for the flags that can be passed to SS. * </p> * */
public abstract class MSVSS extends Task implements MSVSSConstants { private String ssDir = null; private String vssLogin = null; private String vssPath = null; private String serverPath = null;
/** Version */
private String version = null;
/** Date */
private String date = null;
/** Label */
private String label = null;
Auto response
/** Auto response */
private String autoResponse = null;
Local path
/** Local path */
private String localPath = null;
/** Comment */
private String comment = null;
From label
/** From label */
private String fromLabel = null;
To label
/** To label */
private String toLabel = null;
Output file name
/** Output file name */
private String outputFileName = null;
/** User */
private String user = null;
From date
/** From date */
private String fromDate = null;
To date
/** To date */
private String toDate = null;
History style
/** History style */
private String style = null;
Quiet defaults to false
/** Quiet defaults to false */
private boolean quiet = false;
Recursive defaults to false
/** Recursive defaults to false */
private boolean recursive = false;
Writable defaults to false
/** Writable defaults to false */
private boolean writable = false;
Fail on error defaults to true
/** Fail on error defaults to true */
private boolean failOnError = true;
Get local copy for checkout defaults to true
/** Get local copy for checkout defaults to true */
private boolean getLocalCopy = true;
Number of days offset for History
/** Number of days offset for History */
private int numDays = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Date format for History
/** Date format for History */
private DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
Timestamp for retrieved files
/** Timestamp for retrieved files */
private CurrentModUpdated timestamp = null;
Behaviour for writable files
/** Behaviour for writable files */
private WritableFiles writableFiles = null;
Each sub-class must implement this method and return the constructed command line to be executed. It is up to the sub-task to determine the required attributes and their order.
Returns: The Constructed command line.
/** * Each sub-class must implement this method and return the constructed * command line to be executed. It is up to the sub-task to determine the * required attributes and their order. * @return The Constructed command line. */
abstract Commandline buildCmdLine();
Directory where ss.exe resides. By default the task expects it to be in the PATH.
  • dir – The directory containing ss.exe.
/** * Directory where <code>ss.exe</code> resides. * By default the task expects it to be in the PATH. * @param dir The directory containing ss.exe. */
public final void setSsdir(String dir) { this.ssDir = FileUtils.translatePath(dir); }
Login to use when accessing VSS, formatted as "username,password".

You can omit the password if your database is not password protected. If you have a password and omit it, Ant will hang.

  • vssLogin – The login string to use.
/** * Login to use when accessing VSS, formatted as "username,password". * <p> * You can omit the password if your database is not password protected. * If you have a password and omit it, Ant will hang. * @param vssLogin The login string to use. */
public final void setLogin(final String vssLogin) { this.vssLogin = vssLogin; }
SourceSafe path which specifies the project/file(s) you wish to perform the action on.

A prefix of 'vss://' will be removed if specified.

  • vssPath – The VSS project path.
/** * SourceSafe path which specifies the project/file(s) you wish to perform * the action on. * <p> * A prefix of 'vss://' will be removed if specified. * @param vssPath The VSS project path. * @ant.attribute group="required" */
public final void setVsspath(final String vssPath) { String projectPath; // CheckStyle:MagicNumber OFF if (vssPath.startsWith("vss://")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ projectPath = vssPath.substring(5); } else { projectPath = vssPath; } // CheckStyle:MagicNumber ON if (projectPath.startsWith(PROJECT_PREFIX)) { this.vssPath = projectPath; } else { this.vssPath = PROJECT_PREFIX + projectPath; } }
Directory where srssafe.ini resides.
  • serverPath – The path to the VSS server.
/** * Directory where <code>srssafe.ini</code> resides. * @param serverPath The path to the VSS server. */
public final void setServerpath(final String serverPath) { this.serverPath = serverPath; }
Indicates if the build should fail if the Sourcesafe command does. Defaults to true.
  • failOnError – True if task should fail on any error.
/** * Indicates if the build should fail if the Sourcesafe command does. Defaults to true. * @param failOnError True if task should fail on any error. */
public final void setFailOnError(final boolean failOnError) { this.failOnError = failOnError; }
Executes the task.

Builds a command line to execute ss.exe and then calls Exec's run method to execute the command line.

  • BuildException – if the command cannot execute.
/** * Executes the task. * <p> * Builds a command line to execute ss.exe and then calls Exec's run method * to execute the command line. * </p> * * @throws BuildException if the command cannot execute. */
public void execute() throws BuildException { Commandline commandLine = buildCmdLine(); int result = run(commandLine); if (Execute.isFailure(result) && getFailOnError()) { String msg = "Failed executing: " + formatCommandLine(commandLine) + " With a return code of " + result; throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } } // Special setters for the sub-classes
Set the internal comment attribute.
  • comment – the value to use.
/** * Set the internal comment attribute. * @param comment the value to use. */
protected void setInternalComment(final String comment) { this.comment = comment; }
Set the auto response attribute.
  • autoResponse – the value to use.
/** * Set the auto response attribute. * @param autoResponse the value to use. */
protected void setInternalAutoResponse(final String autoResponse) { this.autoResponse = autoResponse; }
Set the date attribute.
  • date – the value to use.
/** * Set the date attribute. * @param date the value to use. */
protected void setInternalDate(final String date) { this.date = date; }
Set the date format attribute.
  • dateFormat – the value to use.
/** * Set the date format attribute. * @param dateFormat the value to use. */
protected void setInternalDateFormat(final DateFormat dateFormat) { this.dateFormat = dateFormat; }
Set the failOnError attribute.
  • failOnError – the value to use.
/** * Set the failOnError attribute. * @param failOnError the value to use. */
protected void setInternalFailOnError(final boolean failOnError) { this.failOnError = failOnError; }
Set the from date attribute.
  • fromDate – the value to use.
/** * Set the from date attribute. * @param fromDate the value to use. */
protected void setInternalFromDate(final String fromDate) { this.fromDate = fromDate; }
Set the from label attribute.
  • fromLabel – the value to use.
/** * Set the from label attribute. * @param fromLabel the value to use. */
protected void setInternalFromLabel(final String fromLabel) { this.fromLabel = fromLabel; }
Set the label attribute.
  • label – the value to use.
/** * Set the label attribute. * @param label the value to use. */
protected void setInternalLabel(final String label) { this.label = label; }
Set the local path comment attribute.
  • localPath – the value to use.
/** * Set the local path comment attribute. * @param localPath the value to use. */
protected void setInternalLocalPath(final String localPath) { this.localPath = localPath; }
Set the num days attribute.
  • numDays – the value to use.
/** * Set the num days attribute. * @param numDays the value to use. */
protected void setInternalNumDays(final int numDays) { this.numDays = numDays; }
Set the outputFileName comment attribute.
  • outputFileName – the value to use.
/** * Set the outputFileName comment attribute. * @param outputFileName the value to use. */
protected void setInternalOutputFilename(final String outputFileName) { this.outputFileName = outputFileName; }
Set the quiet attribute.
  • quiet – the value to use.
/** * Set the quiet attribute. * @param quiet the value to use. */
protected void setInternalQuiet(final boolean quiet) { this.quiet = quiet; }
Set the recursive attribute.
  • recursive – the value to use.
/** * Set the recursive attribute. * @param recursive the value to use. */
protected void setInternalRecursive(final boolean recursive) { this.recursive = recursive; }
Set the style attribute.
  • style – the value to use.
/** * Set the style attribute. * @param style the value to use. */
protected void setInternalStyle(final String style) { this.style = style; }
Set the to date attribute.
  • toDate – the value to use.
/** * Set the to date attribute. * @param toDate the value to use. */
protected void setInternalToDate(final String toDate) { this.toDate = toDate; }
Set the to label attribute.
  • toLabel – the value to use.
/** * Set the to label attribute. * @param toLabel the value to use. */
protected void setInternalToLabel(final String toLabel) { this.toLabel = toLabel; }
Set the user attribute.
  • user – the value to use.
/** * Set the user attribute. * @param user the value to use. */
protected void setInternalUser(final String user) { this.user = user; }
Set the version attribute.
  • version – the value to use.
/** * Set the version attribute. * @param version the value to use. */
protected void setInternalVersion(final String version) { this.version = version; }
Set the writable attribute.
  • writable – the value to use.
/** * Set the writable attribute. * @param writable the value to use. */
protected void setInternalWritable(final boolean writable) { this.writable = writable; }
Set the timestamp attribute.
  • timestamp – the value to use.
/** * Set the timestamp attribute. * @param timestamp the value to use. */
protected void setInternalFileTimeStamp(final CurrentModUpdated timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; }
Set the writableFiles attribute.
  • writableFiles – the value to use.
/** * Set the writableFiles attribute. * @param writableFiles the value to use. */
protected void setInternalWritableFiles(final WritableFiles writableFiles) { this.writableFiles = writableFiles; }
Set the getLocalCopy attribute.
  • getLocalCopy – the value to use.
/** * Set the getLocalCopy attribute. * @param getLocalCopy the value to use. */
protected void setInternalGetLocalCopy(final boolean getLocalCopy) { this.getLocalCopy = getLocalCopy; }
Gets the sscommand string. "ss" or "c:\path\to\ss"
Returns: The path to ss.exe or just ss if sscommand is not set.
/** * Gets the sscommand string. "ss" or "c:\path\to\ss" * @return The path to ss.exe or just ss if sscommand is not set. */
protected String getSSCommand() { if (ssDir == null) { return SS_EXE; } return ssDir.endsWith(File.separator) ? ssDir + SS_EXE : ssDir + File.separator + SS_EXE; }
Gets the vssserverpath string.
Returns: null if vssserverpath is not set.
/** * Gets the vssserverpath string. * @return null if vssserverpath is not set. */
protected String getVsspath() { return vssPath; }
Gets the quiet string. -O-
Returns:An empty string if quiet is not set or is false.
/** * Gets the quiet string. -O- * @return An empty string if quiet is not set or is false. */
protected String getQuiet() { return quiet ? FLAG_QUIET : ""; }
Gets the recursive string. "-R"
Returns:An empty string if recursive is not set or is false.
/** * Gets the recursive string. "-R" * @return An empty string if recursive is not set or is false. */
protected String getRecursive() { return recursive ? FLAG_RECURSION : ""; }
Gets the writable string. "-W"
Returns:An empty string if writable is not set or is false.
/** * Gets the writable string. "-W" * @return An empty string if writable is not set or is false. */
protected String getWritable() { return writable ? FLAG_WRITABLE : ""; }
Gets the label string. "-Lbuild1" Max label length is 32 chars
Returns:An empty string if label is not set.
/** * Gets the label string. "-Lbuild1" * Max label length is 32 chars * @return An empty string if label is not set. */
protected String getLabel() { String shortLabel = ""; if (label != null && !label.isEmpty()) { shortLabel = FLAG_LABEL + getShortLabel(); } return shortLabel; }
Return at most the 30 first chars of the label, logging a warning message about the truncation
Returns:at most the 30 first chars of the label
/** * Return at most the 30 first chars of the label, * logging a warning message about the truncation * @return at most the 30 first chars of the label */
private String getShortLabel() { String shortLabel; // CheckStyle:MagicNumber OFF if (label != null && label.length() > 31) { shortLabel = this.label.substring(0, 30); log("Label is longer than 31 characters, truncated to: " + shortLabel, Project.MSG_WARN); } else { shortLabel = label; } // CheckStyle:MagicNumber ON return shortLabel; }
Gets the style string. "-Lbuild1"
Returns:An empty string if label is not set.
/** * Gets the style string. "-Lbuild1" * @return An empty string if label is not set. */
protected String getStyle() { return style != null ? style : ""; }
Gets the version string. Returns the first specified of version "-V1.0", date "-Vd01.01.01", label "-Vlbuild1".
Returns:An empty string if a version, date and label are not set.
/** * Gets the version string. Returns the first specified of version "-V1.0", * date "-Vd01.01.01", label "-Vlbuild1". * @return An empty string if a version, date and label are not set. */
protected String getVersionDateLabel() { String versionDateLabel = ""; if (version != null) { versionDateLabel = FLAG_VERSION + version; } else if (date != null) { versionDateLabel = FLAG_VERSION_DATE + date; } else { // Use getShortLabel() so labels longer then 30 char are truncated // and the user is warned String shortLabel = getShortLabel(); if (shortLabel != null && !shortLabel.isEmpty()) { versionDateLabel = FLAG_VERSION_LABEL + shortLabel; } } return versionDateLabel; }
Gets the version string.
Returns:An empty string if a version is not set.
/** * Gets the version string. * @return An empty string if a version is not set. */
protected String getVersion() { return version != null ? FLAG_VERSION + version : ""; }
Gets the localpath string. "-GLc:\source"

The localpath is created if it didn't exist.

Returns:An empty string if localpath is not set.
/** * Gets the localpath string. "-GLc:\source" <p> * The localpath is created if it didn't exist. * @return An empty string if localpath is not set. */
protected String getLocalpath() { String lclPath = ""; //set to empty str if no local path return if (localPath != null) { //make sure m_LocalDir exists, create it if it doesn't File dir = getProject().resolveFile(localPath); if (!dir.exists()) { boolean done = dir.mkdirs() || dir.exists(); if (!done) { String msg = "Directory " + localPath + " creation was not " + "successful for an unknown reason"; throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } getProject().log("Created dir: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } lclPath = FLAG_OVERRIDE_WORKING_DIR + localPath; } return lclPath; }
Gets the comment string. "-Ccomment text"
Returns:A comment of "-" if comment is not set.
/** * Gets the comment string. "-Ccomment text" * @return A comment of "-" if comment is not set. */
protected String getComment() { return comment != null ? FLAG_COMMENT + comment : FLAG_COMMENT + "-"; }
Gets the auto response string. This can be Y "-I-Y" or N "-I-N".
Returns:The default value "-I-" if autoresponse is not set.
/** * Gets the auto response string. This can be Y "-I-Y" or N "-I-N". * @return The default value "-I-" if autoresponse is not set. */
protected String getAutoresponse() { if (autoResponse == null) { return FLAG_AUTORESPONSE_DEF; } if (autoResponse.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { return FLAG_AUTORESPONSE_YES; } else if (autoResponse.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) { return FLAG_AUTORESPONSE_NO; } else { return FLAG_AUTORESPONSE_DEF; } }
Gets the login string. This can be user and password, "-Yuser,password" or just user "-Yuser".
Returns:An empty string if login is not set.
/** * Gets the login string. This can be user and password, "-Yuser,password" * or just user "-Yuser". * @return An empty string if login is not set. */
protected String getLogin() { return vssLogin != null ? FLAG_LOGIN + vssLogin : ""; }
Gets the output file string. "-Ooutput.file"
Returns:An empty string if user is not set.
/** * Gets the output file string. "-Ooutput.file" * @return An empty string if user is not set. */
protected String getOutput() { return outputFileName != null ? FLAG_OUTPUT + outputFileName : ""; }
Gets the user string. "-Uusername"
Returns:An empty string if user is not set.
/** * Gets the user string. "-Uusername" * @return An empty string if user is not set. */
protected String getUser() { return user != null ? FLAG_USER + user : ""; }
Gets the version string. This can be to-from "-VLbuild2~Lbuild1", from "~Lbuild1" or to "-VLbuild2".
Returns:An empty string if neither tolabel or fromlabel are set.
/** * Gets the version string. This can be to-from "-VLbuild2~Lbuild1", from * "~Lbuild1" or to "-VLbuild2". * @return An empty string if neither tolabel or fromlabel are set. */
protected String getVersionLabel() { if (fromLabel == null && toLabel == null) { return ""; } // CheckStyle:MagicNumber OFF if (fromLabel != null && toLabel != null) { if (fromLabel.length() > 31) { fromLabel = fromLabel.substring(0, 30); log("FromLabel is longer than 31 characters, truncated to: " + fromLabel, Project.MSG_WARN); } if (toLabel.length() > 31) { toLabel = toLabel.substring(0, 30); log("ToLabel is longer than 31 characters, truncated to: " + toLabel, Project.MSG_WARN); } return FLAG_VERSION_LABEL + toLabel + VALUE_FROMLABEL + fromLabel; } else if (fromLabel != null) { if (fromLabel.length() > 31) { fromLabel = fromLabel.substring(0, 30); log("FromLabel is longer than 31 characters, truncated to: " + fromLabel, Project.MSG_WARN); } return FLAG_VERSION + VALUE_FROMLABEL + fromLabel; } else { if (toLabel.length() > 31) { toLabel = toLabel.substring(0, 30); log("ToLabel is longer than 31 characters, truncated to: " + toLabel, Project.MSG_WARN); } return FLAG_VERSION_LABEL + toLabel; } // CheckStyle:MagicNumber ON }
Gets the Version date string.
Returns:An empty string if neither Todate or from date are set.
/** * Gets the Version date string. * @return An empty string if neither Todate or from date are set. * @throws BuildException if there is an error. */
protected String getVersionDate() throws BuildException { if (fromDate == null && toDate == null && numDays == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return ""; } if (fromDate != null && toDate != null) { return FLAG_VERSION_DATE + toDate + VALUE_FROMDATE + fromDate; } else if (toDate != null && numDays != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { try { return FLAG_VERSION_DATE + toDate + VALUE_FROMDATE + calcDate(toDate, numDays); } catch (ParseException ex) { String msg = "Error parsing date: " + toDate; throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } } else if (fromDate != null && numDays != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { try { return FLAG_VERSION_DATE + calcDate(fromDate, numDays) + VALUE_FROMDATE + fromDate; } catch (ParseException ex) { String msg = "Error parsing date: " + fromDate; throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } } else { return fromDate != null ? FLAG_VERSION + VALUE_FROMDATE + fromDate : FLAG_VERSION_DATE + toDate; } }
Builds and returns the -G- flag if required.
Returns:An empty string if get local copy is true.
/** * Builds and returns the -G- flag if required. * @return An empty string if get local copy is true. */
protected String getGetLocalCopy() { return (!getLocalCopy) ? FLAG_NO_GET : ""; }
Gets the value of the fail on error flag.
Returns: True if the FailOnError flag has been set or if 'writablefiles=skip'.
/** * Gets the value of the fail on error flag. * @return True if the FailOnError flag has been set or if 'writablefiles=skip'. */
private boolean getFailOnError() { return !getWritableFiles().equals(WRITABLE_SKIP) && failOnError; }
Gets the value set for the FileTimeStamp. if it equals "current" then we return -GTC if it equals "modified" then we return -GTM if it equals "updated" then we return -GTU otherwise we return -GTC
Returns:The default file time flag, if not set.
/** * Gets the value set for the FileTimeStamp. * if it equals "current" then we return -GTC * if it equals "modified" then we return -GTM * if it equals "updated" then we return -GTU * otherwise we return -GTC * * @return The default file time flag, if not set. */
public String getFileTimeStamp() { if (timestamp == null) { return ""; } else if (timestamp.getValue().equals(TIME_MODIFIED)) { return FLAG_FILETIME_MODIFIED; } else if (timestamp.getValue().equals(TIME_UPDATED)) { return FLAG_FILETIME_UPDATED; } else { return FLAG_FILETIME_DEF; } }
Gets the value to determine the behaviour when encountering writable files.
Returns:An empty String, if not set.
/** * Gets the value to determine the behaviour when encountering writable files. * @return An empty String, if not set. */
public String getWritableFiles() { if (writableFiles == null) { return ""; } else if (writableFiles.getValue().equals(WRITABLE_REPLACE)) { return FLAG_REPLACE_WRITABLE; } else if (writableFiles.getValue().equals(WRITABLE_SKIP)) { // ss.exe exits with '100', when files have been skipped // so we have to ignore the failure failOnError = false; return FLAG_SKIP_WRITABLE; } else { return ""; } }
Sets up the required environment and executes the command line.
  • cmd – The command line to execute.
Returns: The return code from the exec'd process.
/** * Sets up the required environment and executes the command line. * * @param cmd The command line to execute. * @return The return code from the exec'd process. */
private int run(Commandline cmd) { try { Execute exe = new Execute(new LogStreamHandler(this, Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN)); // If location of ss.ini is specified we need to set the // environment-variable SSDIR to this value if (serverPath != null) { String[] env = exe.getEnvironment(); if (env == null) { env = new String[0]; } String[] newEnv = new String[env.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(env, 0, newEnv, 0, env.length); newEnv[env.length] = "SSDIR=" + serverPath; exe.setEnvironment(newEnv); } exe.setAntRun(getProject()); exe.setWorkingDirectory(getProject().getBaseDir()); exe.setCommandline(cmd.getCommandline()); // Use the OS launcher so we get environment variables exe.setVMLauncher(false); return exe.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException(e, getLocation()); } }
Calculates the start date for version comparison.

Calculates the date numDay days earlier than startdate.

  • startDate – The start date.
  • daysToAdd – The number of days to add.
Returns:The calculated date.
/** * Calculates the start date for version comparison. * <p> * Calculates the date numDay days earlier than startdate. * @param startDate The start date. * @param daysToAdd The number of days to add. * @return The calculated date. * @throws ParseException */
private String calcDate(String startDate, int daysToAdd) throws ParseException { Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date currentDate = dateFormat.parse(startDate); calendar.setTime(currentDate); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, daysToAdd); return dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()); }
Changes the password to '***' so it isn't displayed on screen if the build fails
  • cmd – The command line to clean
Returns:The command line as a string with out the password
/** * Changes the password to '***' so it isn't displayed on screen if the build fails * * @param cmd The command line to clean * @return The command line as a string with out the password */
private String formatCommandLine(Commandline cmd) { StringBuffer sBuff = new StringBuffer(cmd.toString()); int indexUser = sBuff.substring(0).indexOf(FLAG_LOGIN); if (indexUser > 0) { int indexPass = sBuff.substring(0).indexOf(",", indexUser); int indexAfterPass = sBuff.substring(0).indexOf(" ", indexPass); for (int i = indexPass + 1; i < indexAfterPass; i++) { sBuff.setCharAt(i, '*'); } } return sBuff.toString(); }
Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for file time stamp.
/** * Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for file time stamp. */
public static class CurrentModUpdated extends EnumeratedAttribute {
Gets the list of allowable values.
Returns:The values.
/** * Gets the list of allowable values. * @return The values. */
public String[] getValues() { return new String[] {TIME_CURRENT, TIME_MODIFIED, TIME_UPDATED}; } }
Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for writable filess.
/** * Extension of EnumeratedAttribute to hold the values for writable filess. */
public static class WritableFiles extends EnumeratedAttribute {
Gets the list of allowable values.
Returns:The values.
/** * Gets the list of allowable values. * @return The values. */
public String[] getValues() { return new String[] {WRITABLE_REPLACE, WRITABLE_SKIP, WRITABLE_FAIL}; } } }