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 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.pvcs;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.ExecuteStreamHandler;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.LogOutputStream;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.LogStreamHandler;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.PumpStreamHandler;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Commandline;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;

Extracts the latest edition of the source code from a PVCS repository. PVCS is a version control system developed by Merant.

Before using this tag, the user running ant must have access to the commands of PVCS (get and pcli) and must have access to the repository. Note that the way to specify the repository is platform dependent so use property to specify location of repository.

This version has been tested against PVCS version 6.5 and 6.6 under Windows and Solaris. 19-04-2001

The task now has a more robust parser. It allows for platform independent file paths and supports file names with (). Thanks to Erik Husby for bringing the bug to my attention. 27-04-2001

UNC paths are now handled properly. Fix provided by Don Jeffery. He also added an UpdateOnly flag that, when true, conditions the PVCS get using the -U option to only update those files that have a modification time (in PVCS) that is newer than the existing workfile. 25-10-2002

Added a revision attribute that currently is a synonym for label, but in a future release the behavior of the label attribute will change to use the -v option of GET. See bug #13847 for discussion.

/** * * Extracts the latest edition of the source code from a PVCS repository. * PVCS is a version control system * developed by Merant. * <p> * Before using this tag, the user running ant must have access to the commands * of PVCS (get and pcli) and must have access to the repository. Note that the way to specify * the repository is platform dependent so use property to specify location of repository. * </p> * This version has been tested against PVCS version 6.5 and 6.6 under Windows and Solaris. * * <b>19-04-2001</b> <p>The task now has a more robust * parser. It allows for platform independent file paths * and supports file names with <i>()</i>. Thanks to Erik Husby for * bringing the bug to my attention. * * <b>27-04-2001</b> <p>UNC paths are now handled properly. * Fix provided by Don Jeffery. He also added an <i>UpdateOnly</i> flag * that, when true, conditions the PVCS get using the -U option to only * update those files that have a modification time (in PVCS) that is newer * than the existing workfile. * * <b>25-10-2002</b> <p>Added a revision attribute that currently is a * synonym for label, but in a future release the behavior of the label * attribute will change to use the -v option of GET. See bug #13847 for * discussion. * */
public class Pvcs extends Task { // CheckStyle - magic numbers // checking for "X:\ 0=dquote,1=letter,2=:,3=\ private static final int POS_1 = 1; private static final int POS_2 = 2; private static final int POS_3 = 3;
Constant for the thing to execute
/** * Constant for the thing to execute */
private static final String PCLI_EXE = "pcli";
Constant for the thing to execute
/** * Constant for the thing to execute */
private static final String GET_EXE = "get"; private String pvcsbin; private String repository; private String pvcsProject; private Vector<PvcsProject> pvcsProjects; private String workspace; private String force; private String promotiongroup; private String label; private String revision; private boolean ignorerc; private boolean updateOnly; private String filenameFormat; private String lineStart; private String userId; private String config;
Creates a Pvcs object
/** * Creates a Pvcs object */
public Pvcs() { super(); pvcsProject = null; pvcsProjects = new Vector<>(); workspace = null; repository = null; pvcsbin = null; force = null; promotiongroup = null; label = null; ignorerc = false; updateOnly = false; lineStart = "\"P:"; filenameFormat = "{0}-arc({1})"; }
Run the command.
  • cmd – the command line to use.
  • out – the output stream handler to use.
Returns:the exit code of the command.
/** * Run the command. * @param cmd the command line to use. * @param out the output stream handler to use. * @return the exit code of the command. */
protected int runCmd(Commandline cmd, ExecuteStreamHandler out) { try { Project aProj = getProject(); Execute exe = new Execute(out); exe.setAntRun(aProj); exe.setWorkingDirectory(aProj.getBaseDir()); exe.setCommandline(cmd.getCommandline()); return exe.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Failed executing: " + cmd.toString() + ". Exception: " + e.getMessage(); throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } } private String getExecutable(String exe) { StringBuilder correctedExe = new StringBuilder(); if (getPvcsbin() != null) { if (pvcsbin.endsWith(File.separator)) { correctedExe.append(pvcsbin); } else { correctedExe.append(pvcsbin).append(File.separator); } } return correctedExe.append(exe).toString(); }
  • BuildException – Something is stopping the build...
/** * @throws BuildException Something is stopping the build... */
@Override public void execute() throws BuildException { int result = 0; if (repository == null || repository.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("Required argument repository not specified"); } // Check workspace exists // Launch PCLI listversionedfiles -z -aw // Capture output // build the command line from what we got the format is Commandline commandLine = new Commandline(); commandLine.setExecutable(getExecutable(PCLI_EXE)); commandLine.createArgument().setValue("lvf"); commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-z"); commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-aw"); if (getWorkspace() != null) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-sp" + getWorkspace()); } commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-pr" + getRepository()); String uid = getUserId(); if (uid != null) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-id" + uid); } // default pvcs project is "/" if (getPvcsproject() == null && getPvcsprojects().isEmpty()) { pvcsProject = "/"; } if (getPvcsproject() != null) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue(getPvcsproject()); } if (!getPvcsprojects().isEmpty()) { for (PvcsProject pvcsProject : getPvcsprojects()) { String projectName = pvcsProject.getName(); if (projectName == null || projectName.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("name is a required attribute of pvcsproject"); } commandLine.createArgument().setValue(projectName); } } File tmp = null; File tmp2 = null; try { Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); tmp = new File("pvcs_ant_" + rand.nextLong() + ".log"); OutputStream fos = Files.newOutputStream(tmp.toPath()); tmp2 = new File("pvcs_ant_" + rand.nextLong() + ".log"); log(commandLine.describeCommand(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); try { result = runCmd(commandLine, new PumpStreamHandler(fos, new LogOutputStream(this, Project.MSG_WARN))); } finally { FileUtils.close(fos); } if (Execute.isFailure(result) && !ignorerc) { String msg = "Failed executing: " + commandLine.toString(); throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } if (!tmp.exists()) { throw new BuildException("Communication between ant and pvcs " + "failed. No output generated from executing PVCS " + "commandline interface \"pcli\" and \"get\""); } // Create folders in workspace log("Creating folders", Project.MSG_INFO); createFolders(tmp); // Massage PCLI lvf output transforming '\' to '/' so get command works appropriately massagePCLI(tmp, tmp2); // Launch get on output captured from PCLI lvf commandLine.clearArgs(); commandLine.setExecutable(getExecutable(GET_EXE)); if (getConfig() != null && !getConfig().isEmpty()) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-c" + getConfig()); } if (getForce() != null && getForce().equals("yes")) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-Y"); } else { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-N"); } if (getPromotiongroup() != null) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-G" + getPromotiongroup()); } else { if (getLabel() != null) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-v" + getLabel()); } else { if (getRevision() != null) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-r" + getRevision()); } } } if (updateOnly) { commandLine.createArgument().setValue("-U"); } commandLine.createArgument().setValue("@" + tmp2.getAbsolutePath()); log("Getting files", Project.MSG_INFO); log("Executing " + commandLine.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); result = runCmd(commandLine, new LogStreamHandler(this, Project.MSG_INFO, Project.MSG_WARN)); if (result != 0 && !ignorerc) { String msg = "Failed executing: " + commandLine.toString() + ". Return code was " + result; throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } } catch (ParseException | IOException e) { String msg = "Failed executing: " + commandLine.toString() + ". Exception: " + e.getMessage(); throw new BuildException(msg, getLocation()); } finally { if (tmp != null) { tmp.delete(); } if (tmp2 != null) { tmp2.delete(); } } }
Parses the file and creates the folders specified in the output section
/** * Parses the file and creates the folders specified in the output section */
private void createFolders(File file) throws IOException, ParseException { try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat(getFilenameFormat()); String line = in.readLine(); while (line != null) { log("Considering \"" + line + "\"", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); if (line.startsWith("\"\\") // Checking for "\ || line.startsWith("\"/") // or "/ // or "X:\... || (line.length() > POS_3 && line.startsWith("\"") && Character.isLetter(line.charAt(POS_1)) && String.valueOf(line.charAt(POS_2)).equals(":") && String.valueOf(line.charAt(POS_3)).equals("\\"))) { Object[] objs = mf.parse(line); String f = (String) objs[1]; // Extract the name of the directory from the filename int index = f.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (index > -1) { File dir = new File(f.substring(0, index)); if (dir.exists()) { log(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " exists. Skipping", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } else { log("Creating " + dir.getAbsolutePath(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); if (dir.mkdirs() || dir.isDirectory()) { log("Created " + dir.getAbsolutePath(), Project.MSG_INFO); } else { log("Failed to create " + dir.getAbsolutePath(), Project.MSG_INFO); } } } else { log("File separator problem with " + line, Project.MSG_WARN); } } else { log("Skipped \"" + line + "\"", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } line = in.readLine(); } } }
Simple hack to handle the PVCS command-line tools botch when handling UNC notation.
  • IOException – if there is an error.
/** * Simple hack to handle the PVCS command-line tools botch when * handling UNC notation. * @throws IOException if there is an error. */
private void massagePCLI(File in, File out) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader inReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(in)); BufferedWriter outWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(out))) { for (String line : (Iterable<String>) () -> inReader.lines() .map(s -> s.replace('\\', '/')).iterator()) { outWriter.write(line); outWriter.newLine(); } } }
Get network name of the PVCS repository
/** * Get network name of the PVCS repository * @return String */
public String getRepository() { return repository; }
The filenameFormat attribute defines a MessageFormat string used to parse the output of the pcli command. It defaults to {0}-arc({1}). Repositories where the archive extension is not -arc should set this.
Returns:the filename format attribute.
/** * The filenameFormat attribute defines a MessageFormat string used * to parse the output of the pcli command. It defaults to * <code>{0}-arc({1})</code>. Repositories where the archive * extension is not -arc should set this. * @return the filename format attribute. */
public String getFilenameFormat() { return filenameFormat; }
The format of the folder names; optional. This must be in a format suitable for java.text.MessageFormat. Index 1 of the format will be used as the file name. Defaults to {0}-arc({1})
  • f – the format to use.
/** * The format of the folder names; optional. * This must be in a format suitable for * <code>java.text.MessageFormat</code>. * Index 1 of the format will be used as the file name. * Defaults to <code>{0}-arc({1})</code> * @param f the format to use. */
public void setFilenameFormat(String f) { filenameFormat = f; }
The lineStart attribute is used to parse the output of the pcli command. It defaults to "P:. The parser already knows about / and \\, this property is useful in cases where the repository is accessed on a Windows platform via a drive letter mapping.
Returns:the lineStart attribute.
/** * The lineStart attribute is used to parse the output of the pcli * command. It defaults to <code>&quot;P:</code>. The parser already * knows about / and \\, this property is useful in cases where the * repository is accessed on a Windows platform via a drive letter * mapping. * @return the lineStart attribute. */
public String getLineStart() { return lineStart; }
What a valid return value from PVCS looks like when it describes a file. Defaults to "P:. If you are not using an UNC name for your repository and the drive letter P is incorrect for your setup, you may need to change this value, UNC names will always be accepted.
  • l – the value to use.
/** * What a valid return value from PVCS looks like * when it describes a file. Defaults to <code>&quot;P:</code>. * If you are not using an UNC name for your repository and the * drive letter <code>P</code> is incorrect for your setup, you may * need to change this value, UNC names will always be * accepted. * @param l the value to use. */
public void setLineStart(String l) { lineStart = l; }
The network name of the PVCS repository; required.
  • repo – String
/** * The network name of the PVCS repository; required. * @param repo String */
public void setRepository(String repo) { repository = repo; }
Get name of the project in the PVCS repository
/** * Get name of the project in the PVCS repository * @return String */
public String getPvcsproject() { return pvcsProject; }
The project within the PVCS repository to extract files from; optional, default "/"
  • prj – String
/** * The project within the PVCS repository to extract files from; * optional, default &quot;/&quot; * @param prj String */
public void setPvcsproject(String prj) { pvcsProject = prj; }
Get name of the project in the PVCS repository
/** * Get name of the project in the PVCS repository * @return Vector */
public Vector<PvcsProject> getPvcsprojects() { return pvcsProjects; }
Get name of the workspace to store the retrieved files
/** * Get name of the workspace to store the retrieved files * @return String */
public String getWorkspace() { return workspace; }
Workspace to use; optional. By specifying a workspace, the files are extracted to that location. A PVCS workspace is a name for a location of the workfiles and isn't as such the location itself. You define the location for a workspace using the PVCS GUI clients. If this isn't specified the default workspace for the current user is used.
  • ws – String
/** * Workspace to use; optional. * By specifying a workspace, the files are extracted to that location. * A PVCS workspace is a name for a location of the workfiles and * isn't as such the location itself. * You define the location for a workspace using the PVCS GUI clients. * If this isn't specified the default workspace for the current user is used. * @param ws String */
public void setWorkspace(String ws) { workspace = ws; }
Get name of the PVCS bin directory
/** * Get name of the PVCS bin directory * @return String */
public String getPvcsbin() { return pvcsbin; }
Specifies the location of the PVCS bin directory; optional if on the PATH. On some systems the PVCS executables pcli and get are not found in the PATH. In such cases this attribute should be set to the bin directory of the PVCS installation containing the executables mentioned before. If this attribute isn't specified the tag expects the executables to be found using the PATH environment variable.
  • bin – PVCS bin directory
@todouse a File setter and resolve paths.
/** * Specifies the location of the PVCS bin directory; optional if on the PATH. * On some systems the PVCS executables <i>pcli</i> * and <i>get</i> are not found in the PATH. In such cases this attribute * should be set to the bin directory of the PVCS installation containing * the executables mentioned before. If this attribute isn't specified the * tag expects the executables to be found using the PATH environment variable. * @param bin PVCS bin directory * @todo use a File setter and resolve paths. */
public void setPvcsbin(String bin) { pvcsbin = bin; }
Get value of force
/** * Get value of force * @return String */
public String getForce() { return force; }
Specifies the value of the force argument; optional. If set to yes all files that exists and are writable are overwritten. Default no causes the files that are writable to be ignored. This stops the PVCS command get to stop asking questions!
  • f – String (yes/no)
@todomake a boolean setter
/** * Specifies the value of the force argument; optional. * If set to <i>yes</i> all files that exists and are * writable are overwritten. Default <i>no</i> causes the files * that are writable to be ignored. This stops the PVCS command * <i>get</i> to stop asking questions! * @todo make a boolean setter * @param f String (yes/no) */
public void setForce(String f) { force = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(f) ? "yes" : "no"; }
Get value of promotiongroup
/** * Get value of promotiongroup * @return String */
public String getPromotiongroup() { return promotiongroup; }
Specifies the name of the promotiongroup argument
  • w – String
/** * Specifies the name of the promotiongroup argument * @param w String */
public void setPromotiongroup(String w) { promotiongroup = w; }
Get value of label
/** * Get value of label * @return String */
public String getLabel() { return label; }
Only files marked with this label are extracted; optional.
  • l – String
/** * Only files marked with this label are extracted; optional. * @param l String */
public void setLabel(String l) { label = l; }
Get value of revision
/** * Get value of revision * @return String */
public String getRevision() { return revision; }
Only files with this revision are extract; optional.
  • r – String
/** * Only files with this revision are extract; optional. * @param r String */
public void setRevision(String r) { revision = r; }
Get value of ignorereturncode
/** * Get value of ignorereturncode * @return String */
public boolean getIgnoreReturnCode() { return ignorerc; }
If set to true the return value from executing the pvcs commands are ignored; optional, default false.
  • b – a boolean value.
/** * If set to true the return value from executing the pvcs * commands are ignored; optional, default false. * @param b a <code>boolean</code> value. */
public void setIgnoreReturnCode(boolean b) { ignorerc = b; }
Specify a project within the PVCS repository to extract files from.
  • p – the pvcs project to use.
/** * Specify a project within the PVCS repository to extract files from. * @param p the pvcs project to use. */
public void addPvcsproject(PvcsProject p) { pvcsProjects.addElement(p); }
get the updateOnly attribute.
Returns:the updateOnly attribute.
/** * get the updateOnly attribute. * @return the updateOnly attribute. */
public boolean getUpdateOnly() { return updateOnly; }
If set to true files are fetched only if newer than existing local files; optional, default false.
  • l – a boolean value.
/** * If set to <i>true</i> files are fetched only if * newer than existing local files; optional, default false. * @param l a <code>boolean</code> value. */
public void setUpdateOnly(boolean l) { updateOnly = l; }
returns the path of the configuration file to be used
Returns:the path of the config file
/** * returns the path of the configuration file to be used * @return the path of the config file */
public String getConfig() { return config; }
Sets a configuration file other than the default to be used. These files have a .cfg extension and are often found in archive or pvcsprop folders.
  • f – config file - can be given absolute or relative to ant basedir
/** * Sets a configuration file other than the default to be used. * These files have a .cfg extension and are often found in archive or pvcsprop folders. * @param f config file - can be given absolute or relative to ant basedir */
public void setConfig(File f) { config = f.toString(); }
Get the userid.
Returns:the userid.
/** * Get the userid. * @return the userid. */
public String getUserId() { return userId; }
User ID
  • u – the value to use.
/** * User ID * @param u the value to use. */
public void setUserId(String u) { userId = u; } }