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package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.ExecTask;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.LogOutputStream;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.MatchingTask;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.StreamPumper;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;

Create a CAB archive.
/** * Create a CAB archive. * */
public class Cab extends MatchingTask { private static final int DEFAULT_RESULT = -99; private File cabFile; private File baseDir; private boolean doCompress = true; private boolean doVerbose = false; private String cmdOptions; private boolean filesetAdded = false; // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc protected String archiveType = "cab"; // CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier ON private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils();
The name/location of where to create the .cab file.
  • cabFile – the location of the cab file.
/** * The name/location of where to create the .cab file. * @param cabFile the location of the cab file. */
public void setCabfile(File cabFile) { this.cabFile = cabFile; }
Base directory to look in for files to CAB.
  • baseDir – base directory for files to cab.
/** * Base directory to look in for files to CAB. * @param baseDir base directory for files to cab. */
public void setBasedir(File baseDir) { this.baseDir = baseDir; }
If true, compress the files otherwise only store them.
  • compress – a boolean value.
/** * If true, compress the files otherwise only store them. * @param compress a <code>boolean</code> value. */
public void setCompress(boolean compress) { doCompress = compress; }
If true, display cabarc output.
  • verbose – a boolean value.
/** * If true, display cabarc output. * @param verbose a <code>boolean</code> value. */
public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) { doVerbose = verbose; }
Sets additional cabarc options that are not supported directly.
  • options – cabarc command line options.
/** * Sets additional cabarc options that are not supported directly. * @param options cabarc command line options. */
public void setOptions(String options) { cmdOptions = options; }
Adds a set of files to archive.
  • fileset – a set of files to archive.
/** * Adds a set of files to archive. * @param fileset a set of files to archive. */
public void addFileset(FileSet fileset) { if (filesetAdded) { throw new BuildException("Only one nested fileset allowed"); } filesetAdded = true; this.fileset = fileset; } /* * I'm not fond of this pattern: "sub-method expected to throw * task-cancelling exceptions". It feels too much like programming * for side-effects to me... */
Check if the attributes and nested elements are correct.
  • BuildException – on error.
/** * Check if the attributes and nested elements are correct. * @throws BuildException on error. */
protected void checkConfiguration() throws BuildException { if (baseDir == null && !filesetAdded) { throw new BuildException( "basedir attribute or one nested fileset is required!", getLocation()); } if (baseDir != null && !baseDir.exists()) { throw new BuildException("basedir does not exist!", getLocation()); } if (baseDir != null && filesetAdded) { throw new BuildException( "Both basedir attribute and a nested fileset is not allowed"); } if (cabFile == null) { throw new BuildException("cabfile attribute must be set!", getLocation()); } }
Create a new exec delegate. The delegate task is populated so that it appears in the logs to be the same task as this one.
Returns:the delegate.
/** * Create a new exec delegate. The delegate task is populated so that * it appears in the logs to be the same task as this one. * @return the delegate. * @throws BuildException on error. */
protected ExecTask createExec() throws BuildException { return new ExecTask(this); }
Check to see if the target is up to date with respect to input files.
  • files – the list of files to check.
Returns:true if the cab file is newer than its dependents.
/** * Check to see if the target is up to date with respect to input files. * @param files the list of files to check. * @return true if the cab file is newer than its dependents. */
protected boolean isUpToDate(Vector<String> files) { final long cabModified = cabFile.lastModified(); return files.stream().map(f -> FILE_UTILS.resolveFile(baseDir, f)) .mapToLong(File::lastModified).allMatch(t -> t < cabModified); }
Creates a list file. This temporary file contains a list of all files to be included in the cab, one file per line.

This method expects to only be called on Windows and thus quotes the file names.

  • files – the list of files to use.
Returns:the list file created.
/** * Creates a list file. This temporary file contains a list of all files * to be included in the cab, one file per line. * * <p>This method expects to only be called on Windows and thus * quotes the file names.</p> * @param files the list of files to use. * @return the list file created. * @throws IOException if there is an error. */
protected File createListFile(Vector<String> files) throws IOException { File listFile = FILE_UTILS.createTempFile("ant", "", null, true, true); try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(listFile))) { for (String f : files) { String s = String.format("\"%s\"", f); writer.write(s); writer.newLine(); } } return listFile; }
Append all files found by a directory scanner to a vector.
  • files – the vector to append the files to.
  • ds – the scanner to get the files from.
/** * Append all files found by a directory scanner to a vector. * @param files the vector to append the files to. * @param ds the scanner to get the files from. */
protected void appendFiles(Vector<String> files, DirectoryScanner ds) { Collections.addAll(files, ds.getIncludedFiles()); }
Get the complete list of files to be included in the cab. Filenames are gathered from the fileset if it has been added, otherwise from the traditional include parameters.
Returns:the list of files.
/** * Get the complete list of files to be included in the cab. Filenames * are gathered from the fileset if it has been added, otherwise from the * traditional include parameters. * @return the list of files. * @throws BuildException if there is an error. */
protected Vector<String> getFileList() throws BuildException { Vector<String> files = new Vector<>(); if (baseDir != null) { // get files from old methods - includes and nested include appendFiles(files, super.getDirectoryScanner(baseDir)); } else { baseDir = fileset.getDir(); appendFiles(files, fileset.getDirectoryScanner(getProject())); } return files; }
execute this task.
  • BuildException – on error.
/** * execute this task. * @throws BuildException on error. */
@Override public void execute() throws BuildException { checkConfiguration(); Vector<String> files = getFileList(); // quick exit if the target is up to date if (isUpToDate(files)) { return; } log("Building " + archiveType + ": " + cabFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (!Os.isFamily("windows")) { log("Using listcab/libcabinet", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); files.forEach(f -> sb.append(f).append("\n")); sb.append("\n").append(cabFile.getAbsolutePath()).append("\n"); try { Process p = Execute.launch(getProject(), new String[] {"listcab"}, null, baseDir != null ? baseDir : getProject().getBaseDir(), true); OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream(); // Create the stream pumpers to forward listcab's stdout and stderr to the log // note: listcab is an interactive program, and issues prompts for every new line. // Therefore, make it show only with verbose logging turned on. LogOutputStream outLog = new LogOutputStream(this, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); LogOutputStream errLog = new LogOutputStream(this, Project.MSG_ERR); StreamPumper outPump = new StreamPumper(p.getInputStream(), outLog); StreamPumper errPump = new StreamPumper(p.getErrorStream(), errLog); // Pump streams asynchronously new Thread(outPump).start(); new Thread(errPump).start(); out.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); out.flush(); out.close(); // A wild default for when the thread is interrupted int result = DEFAULT_RESULT; try { // Wait for the process to finish result = p.waitFor(); // Wait for the end of output and error streams outPump.waitFor(); outLog.close(); errPump.waitFor(); errLog.close(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log("Thread interrupted: " + ie); } // Informative summary message in case of errors if (Execute.isFailure(result)) { log("Error executing listcab; error code: " + result); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BuildException( "Problem creating " + cabFile + " " + ex.getMessage(), getLocation()); } } else { try { File listFile = createListFile(files); ExecTask exec = createExec(); File outFile = null; // die if cabarc fails exec.setFailonerror(true); exec.setDir(baseDir); if (!doVerbose) { outFile = FILE_UTILS.createTempFile("ant", "", null, true, true); exec.setOutput(outFile); } exec.setExecutable("cabarc"); exec.createArg().setValue("-r"); exec.createArg().setValue("-p"); if (!doCompress) { exec.createArg().setValue("-m"); exec.createArg().setValue("none"); } if (cmdOptions != null) { exec.createArg().setLine(cmdOptions); } exec.createArg().setValue("n"); exec.createArg().setFile(cabFile); exec.createArg().setValue("@" + listFile.getAbsolutePath()); exec.execute(); if (outFile != null) { outFile.delete(); } listFile.delete(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException( "Problem creating " + cabFile + " " + ioe.getMessage(), getLocation()); } } } }